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Fandom FMA: The Sage's Design IC

Zephyr held back a chuckle as Vincent dropped his glasses, he always loved to give people a surprise slightly frowned at the idea of an undercover mission "you know if we get into a bar brawl I won't be able to use anything fancy right? But I guess by that point there won't be a need to be stealthy will we?" Despite being a little upset Zephyr pulled a second pair of gloves over his first so as to cover the tiny alchemist symbols on the first pair's fingertips and changed his walk so the symbols on the soles of his shoes became less noticeable. As soon as they entered the bar Zephyr quickly scanned the interior and the patrons of the Bar and made a mental thumbtack on the ones that seemed off. Before the group sat down Zephyr made sure to give Vince a quick pat on the ass and quietly whispered "Gotta stay in character right" Before sitting next to the Frigid Alchemist and putting an arm around his shoulder.

This didn't last for long as the Lt. Colonel stood and went to order Zephyr followed closely behind and quickly shouted from over Shail's shoulder towards the barkeep "I'll have whatever she is having, plus an extra bit of pizzazz." Not breaking his stride he went and sat between Marie and the front door. Putting on his best cocky smile, something that came naturally to him, and cheesiest voice he spoke to the female "What's cooking good looking? Care to let someone as humble as myself buy you something a bit more pleasing then whatever that is?"
noalaniwolf noalaniwolf rooke rooke Aurum Aurum
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It took Marie several seconds to realize that the white haired man was talking to her. She raised her eyebrows, she WAS dressed up as a man after all, and no one had questioned her about it so far, which made her understand she did look like a young man. So, either this dude was way too observant and had figured her out, or he was really hitting on... him.
Marie glanced at the young man, and pretended to be too shy to turn to face him completely. She brought her hat down a little bit in order to cover her face better, acting like that was a response out of embarrassment, when she really just didn't want the man to recognize her later. Still, her completely bandaged left arm and hand, and her left cheek covered as well, were probably big tells.
"Well, if you insist...", she replied in a low, cautious voice, thanking her luck for this opportunity, as she handed the bartender her already empty glass of beer. A second look told her that the stranger was probably a well trained man. He had a lean build and evident muscles, trained for quick combat instead of sheer strenght. His confidence, however, made her think more of a special command group. The worst case scenario would be if he was a state alchemist he hadn't heard about before. If that was the case, then he probably had a file with her name on it and the word "WANTED" stamped on the front. "What's your name, sir?".

Deadly Malice Deadly Malice
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As Liang sat down in the back, she ended up looking around and noticing another big mistake she made. She could tell, just from looks alone, that she was in the midst of State Alchemists. ‘Shoot...’ She thought to herself. Welp, now she didn’t really have many options if they found her out. Unless they were too drunk to notice her. Something to hope for, at least. Until then, though, she kept herself in her seat, waiting for the right time to make her move out of the bar. To make herself look less recognizable, she started to look through a paper on the table and keep it in front of her face.

However, she did end up looking up for a second to see what the people inside were like. A few State Alchemists, a few others, and one in particular who looked like they were trying to make their identity hidden, just like herself. “Hmm...” Maybe he was like her. Or maybe he was a hardened criminal other than having used illegal alchemy. But, if Liang wanted to learn, she had to learn from someone who wasn’t a part of the military, since they would undoubtedly bring her into the slammer. She kept her eye on the man.

Aurum Aurum Deadly Malice Deadly Malice
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Vincent Miles
Zephyr’s in character charade didn’t catch Vincent as off guard this time, although the pat on his backside was unexpected. “Someone is awefully handsy with a colleague.” He murmured while keeping himself from leaping a bit forward and walked towards the table. With little hesitation, both Shail and Zephyr had decided to move to the bar and order there, leaving the Frigid Alchemist on his own in the corner.

“Bastards. Grab me a pint of amber while you order!” He shouted to his CO and relaxed in his seat. He did not have the most experience in low profile situations like the one the trio was currently in, but Vincent did his best to look inconspicuous as he scanned the room. Nothing seemed to be too out of the ordinary as far as he could tell, but Vincent wasn’t familiar with the typical crowd of the bar. There were a couple individuals that peaked the alchemists interest, the person Zephyr was clearly hitting on and a Xingese girl. Both seemed like they were doing the same as him in one way or another, trying to not be directly noticed. “I know we don’t have bad relations with Xing, but it’s still incredibly rare for individuals to be out this far west.” He said barely out loud.

Vincent nearly slapped himself once he realized his comment wasn’t just in his head. Very covert Miles, he thought, mentally berating himself. Snapping himself back to reality and the present, the Alchemist did his best to try and flag down a server and get himself some food since it wasn’t often he bought food on the military’s dime before it was paid to him. Once successful, he ordered an appetizer plate for the trio to share and himself a hot pastrami. A little much, but better than sitting and doing nothing for blending in.

noalaniwolf noalaniwolf Deadly Malice Deadly Malice Aurum Aurum Greekgeek1213 Greekgeek1213

(I’m so sorry. I thought I posted this)
Liang watched as people started to order food and drinks. She slipped her small backpack off and rummaged through it, and once she realized she didn't have any money, she gave a small sigh. After surviving a desert, a few run-ins with some seemingly dangerous people, and being on the run for so long, this was her reward: staring at food and not being able to eat it. Looking back up as her nose caught a whiff of what a server had on their tray, her stomach rumbled, and much louder than she ever wanted it to be.

As the sandwich and appetizers were placed on the table of the military group, she couldn't help but stare at the sandwich as her mouth watered a bit. Man, was it calling her name. Alas, it wasn't something she could have. Not like she could get food here for free, nor did she even think that, if she had the money, they would serve someone of her age. After a few minutes, she realized she had been looking at the group and their food for much too long to be under-the-radar, so she quickly pulled her sight away from their table once she had made the realization.

rooke rooke Deadly Malice Deadly Malice

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