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Fandom Fleurette (Fleur) {Attack On Titan/ SNK Character}


Junior Member


Name: Fleurette (Fleur) Moreau

Age: 27
Fleurette was born in Krolva District, to Alice and Pierre Moreau. While she and her father were never close, Fleur and her mother were practically inseperable. That was until Fleur came home one day at the age of 11 to see her house in ruins. There was a gag order on anyone who had witnessed the distruction of her home and all she could get out of the Military Police was that there had been an isolated incident with an abnormal Titan. With her mother eaten, Fleur had nothing really left, her father was presumed to have been eaten as well, and anyway they had never seen eye to eye. With no other way to turn, she joined the Cadets so she could find the titan that ate her mom and saughter it. Until she found said Titan, she would settle with honing her Titan killing skills by killing any she came across. Though she was still a year too young, she some how managed to sneak her way into the Cadets with little question. She was top of her class, much to the suprise of all her comrads. She was on the shorter side and looked weak, but even as a child she would wipe the floor with kids in fights. She had the skills of an assassin and she was widely underestimated, which only worked to her advantage. After she her time as a cadet she joined the Survey Corps. She had never seen a Titan before, and she was well aware that she had no clue what she was about to go up against, but she was prepared, because if others could make it then so could she. And the Survery Corps was her best bet at avenging her mother. During this time higherups started to take notice to her skill in slaying Titans. Erwen in particular took quite and interest in Fleur. She was quick to move up the ranks and Fluette was a team leader by the time the Colossal and Armored Titans breached wall Maria. and not a single person in her team died, though they were the only people from their squad to come back alive that da

After Walll Maria fell Fleur took the place as her squad's leader. Fleur is a sweet girl, kind, care free, and happy, she had strong morals and is a friend to all. However, dont't get on her bad side; if you didin't know her better you would think she was naiive, but an in inner rage is deep within her, and when it comes out stand clear. When she's mad it's almost as if she's an entirely differnt person, she's cold and damn near eerie. Under the surface of her happy facade she knows how the world works more than most and she's actually startlingy dark.

Personality: Fleurette is brave, honorable, and a little but psychotic, but she is a member of the Survey Corps, so it's no suprise. As perviously

mentioned, Fleur is sweet and kind on the surface, as long as you don't give a reason for her not to be, she is almost like a mother, or older sister
.to new recruits and she loves passionately. She strives to do the right thing and hates to see anyone sad or in pain. She's an exelent leader and

Soldier. Loyal to those she loves, and to her own morals, fleur is heard headed and her heart is full of gold. However, under her smiles and cute giggles her humanity can almost swtich off like a light. She can go from smiles to glares and cold, hard expressions the next. It's best not to get on Fleur's bad side, because she shows no mercy. She is smart and agile and with her ability to both smile and the world and look a Titan dead in the eye with a merderous glare, she is a Titan assassin.

Likes: Fleur likes the simple things in life, living in a district she never really had much growing up, so after all her hardships she can be content with just a meal every day and a place to lay her head at night. Some of her favorite things however are making people around her happy. If someone needs a shoulder to cry on, some advice or even a wound stitched up, Fleur
would take great joy in being there to help. She also loves late walks at night, the stars, and rain.
She loves sweets,too, though getting her hands on them is rare, and good conversation.

Dislikes: Fleur isn't a big fan of Titans, not that really anyone but other Titans are...and maybe Hange. She also doesn't like being talked back to expessially from inferiors. The thing she probably hates most though, is the part of her job that deals with sending people to their deaths every day. Sure she tries her hardest to keep casualties low, but she can only do so much.
Other: Fleur is friends with everyone, until they give her a reason not to be and she will fight bad, whether it be Titans or whatever else the cold world sends her way.

-If you would like to Role Play Attack on Titan with me or anything else, just send me a message-


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