• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Realistic or Modern Fleeting Mind


The Travelling Storyteller
Social Contact Aids Keeping Your Mind In Line

So, feel free to communicate with each other here, in the OOC tab, whether it be about the roleplay or just random topics. If it helps getting everyone to know each other, then great! Additionally, it can help pass the time while I finish up everything that has to be written down in regards to the roleplay, which might take some time, yet I hope to be done by tomorrow evening.

@Raerae, @StoneWolf18, @Macbeth, @Mine and @Destry - I will need your guys's confirmation of intending to join the roleplay so that I may reserve your spots. Plus, @amdreams, I am tagging you as well if you do somehow end up wanting and having the time to participate (I didn't mention this before, yet there is no such thing as "a character suitable for this type of rp". The importance lies within what happens around them so don't you worry and believe in your abilities. I am not pressuring you into joining this roleplay in particular, but I hope that you can in the future overcome the pesky insecurities that are holding you back from this genre in general)~

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I'm assuming I confirm my interest here as I was tagged in this section. And I'm indeed still interested in joining ^^
Glad to hear you peeps are still up for this~ I just finished up with the Overview tab so check that out, and should be completing the Sign-ups as well later on today~
That's so odd, I'd never gotten this tag. Reserve my soot, please?<3 I'll have a sheet up as soon as possible!
Guys, all of your spots have been reserved~ Also, the Sign-ups are officially up so go over there and begin work on your CS~ I will try to have my own one submitted as soon as possible (read: as soon as life grants me some well-deserved free time)
HornedGhost said:
Guys, all of your spots have been reserved~ Also, the Sign-ups are officially up so go over there and begin work on your CS~ I will try to have my own one submitted as soon as possible (read: as soon as life grants me some well-deserved free time)
Awesome! Thank you! Hope you get that sorely needed break(:
@Destry Ethan is precious and thus totally accepted~ Just one thing, and I would like to ask this of everyone. Guys, it's my fault but I forgot to originally include a "Fears" point in the Personal Information section so, if you would please do that, it would be great. BTW, the minimum of fears is three and can be related to anything, really.
Yay~ For some reason Joshua was striking me as a nickname-giving sort of guy, haha. Dunno if that's accurate. And I'll go add that either in a few minutes if I have time or late today before/after work. Adding a fears section makes a lot of sense for a roleplay like this.
@Destry yeah, Josh is definitely the nickname-giving type of guy~ Also, just checked out the fears you listed and all seems dandy.
@HornedGhost, sorry for bothering you with this but I didn't want to assume things and end up screwing my CS right of the bat...what kind of personality Joshua had exactly? Perhaps I skipped a section where that was explained, I'm sorry!
@Mine, I think his personality is kind of scattered throughout the roleplay descriptions...? In one place he was described as
"the life of the party, the glue that kept you together"
and that
"laughs being replaced by silence, his smile overtaken by an empty expression, devoid of the cheerfulness that radiated from it just a week ago."
And then there's a bit in Elijah's character sheet such as describing Josh as "bubbly" and that there was
"the suffocating energy that Josh constantly radiated."
In the OOC as you probably saw I made an assumption about Josh and posed it as a question to see if I was correct, and it was confirmed that Josh was
"the nickname-giving type of guy."
HornedGhost can correct me on any of this and obviously add to it with more information as Josh is definitely not my character and I don't know all the details about him, but with those little clues it gave me enough to assume that Josh is a very cheerful, energetic sort of guy that tends to just attract a lot of people with a vibrant personality. Or something along those lines. I hope this was helpful and made sense, haha.
@Mine I apologize for not replying to the query myself (you know, time zones and all that) but @Destry was spot on about everything. However, if you guys need me to, I can whip up a short bio for Joshua. So, do you want me to do so???
@HornedGhost, no need to apologize! But regarding that, you already have your character to work on, in my opinion there's no need to do so since the descriptions give the basic gist of it already! But thank you! Maybe that's just me but-
It might be helpful to have at least a basic description of Josh's daily life and events he went through, plus sexuality and gender identity if it's not simply male. Maybe a couple big hobbies. Basically things he would have told friends since currently, only Elijah / you will be able to represent parts of Josh in posts. I, for one, would feel hesitant to assume too much because all of a sudden that wasn't in your vision for him, if that makes sense.
Welp, I just finished up with Elijah so I will have time (tomorrow, since it's currently quite late where I am) to write a basic bio for Josh. I see what both of you are saying. Yet, even if solely one participant feels that it's better to mention in the very least the most basic things about this important character, then I am down for it. It's going to be fun actually~ (thinking up a character is always the best part of a roleplay in my opinion)
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Is there any way I can request an extension? I have every intention of finishing my character, it's just difficult to navigate on my kindle. I'm so in love with this idea though ;-;
@Raerae sure~ You can request an extension (as the rules state), which lasts a total of two days. I suppose the same will have to be done with @ellei (assuming you still want to participate) and @Mine (though your character looks almost complete~). After everyone is done with their CS-s, an impostor will be picked at random and we will be ready to roll.

Also, I just finished up a short bio for Josh. It is in the first post of the Sign-ups under the character sheet spoiler.
@HornedGhost, I'm really sorry, I don't think I'll be able to finish my form today like I planned. I promise I'll get it done this week, I hope that's acceptable. I just hate to make half-assed CS, especially since all the ones everyone made look so damn good.

I'll have the rest of her personality up today at the very least! I'm curious to know what the others would think of her, I'll be honest... Oh and some extras too!
If I'm allowed to still participate, Rae will be done today, no exceptions. I'm sorry, I've been juggling quite a bit and nearly forgot about this stellar plot. Don't hate me ;-;
I'm so sorry, but I won't be around much and hate to leave people hanging. Please open my spot up for someone else, and thank you your patience. (:

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