• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

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Realistic or Modern Fleeting Mind


The Travelling Storyteller


My Friend... Sometimes I Wish We Had Never Met

7 6 - @HornedGhost @Destry @Mine @ellei @Raerae @Macbeth 1 Ethan Dimitri Price; Elijah Theodore Hepburn


  • Mere Mortals - all active characters, meaning the group of friends, are human and are thus limited in their abilities. As a result, despite some possibly being more strong-willed and mentally able than others, they are all susceptible to the influence of the Monster of Coille (refer to the Overview). I consequently expect from everyone to keep things realistic and not overpower their personage

  • Wolf Among Sheep - as mentioned above, all characters are human... apart from one in particular. There is an impostor among the group, a literal reanimated body (refer to the Overview). However, as much as this mysterious entity is a walking corpse, equally so they are limited to mere human capabilities so keep that in mind if you get chosen at random to play the role of the rotten element. This in no way means that you are taken away the opportunity to act malevolent and manipulate the others if you are tasked as the impostor - it just means that there are set limits

  • Diversity Is The Drive Behind Life - characters of all races, nationalities, beliefs, gender identities, sexualities and so forth are allowed. The roleplay not only accepts but also encourages diversity, and it is your choice whether you decide to employ it or not

  • From Laughs To Screams - the game is aimed at delving into the psyche of people undergoing great pressure due to tragedy, stalking and supernatural overwhelming powers, meaning that it's focus will fall on the horror elements, which in result give birth to psychological ones. However, the interactions between personages are as important as their personal developments and reactions, meaning that different relationships are allowed as well as encouraged - love, hatred, sympathy, apathy, and everything else on the specter

  • Tick Tock, Time Slips Away - everyone who has reserved a spot is to submit a finished character sheet within 3 days of them claiming a role. If this is not done, then their place shall be freed and possibly claimed by someone else. However, if you are unable to keep to the deadline, then do inform me, in which case it shall be extended by two additional days

  • Beauty In The Details - try to go in dept with your character sheet and truly explain your characters. I don't expect you to write a novel out of it, but at least attempt to focus on the details

  • Creative Freedom - I am mentioning this simply as a mandatory thing, but you can style your character sheet in whatever way you wish, even change up the titles of each section

[insert character quote here (that, or their favorite saying)]

~General Information~

Full Name: [give, middle and surname]

Nicknames and Aliases: [what other people refer to them as; you can additionally include what the story/meaning behind the particular nickname is]

Age: [from 15 to 18]

Nationality: [keep in mind that he story takes place in Scotland, yet this doesn't mean that your character can't be of mixed descend or born in another country altogether]

Gender: [no limitations]

Sexuality: [no limitations]

~Outlook Information~

Appearance: [include picture (realistic) and short description]

Attire: [what they usually wear, accessories, as well as any equipment they carry on themselves (for example - messengers bag, camera, lighter, etc.)]

~Personal Information~

Personality: [include both flaws and virtues while keeping them balanced out; also, do not just list traits but instead briefly describe how your character behaves]

Personal Philosophies: [what they believe in, plus their morals]

Likes: [at least 3]

Dislikes: [at least 3]

Fears: [at least 3]

~Background Information~

History: [try to focus on how they are handling the recent tragedy as well as whether they have experienced anything supernatural; mention their past as well, obviously]


~Additional Information~

[any quirks, mannerisms, peculiarities, illnesses, etc. go here, together with a theme song; this is all merely

~General Information~

Full Name

Joshua Alexander Bateson

Nicknames and Aliases


Joshy (used as a mockery by close friends)

"Mum" (he had always been the one to look after his friends, becoming overprotective at times - hence the mother figure of the group (or rather, the "cool mother" figure))




Scottish of German descent





~Outlook Information~



Your recollections of his appearance kind of... mysteriously faded after his disappearance. By now he is more like a blur in your mind, a bad memory of something long lost.

~Personal Information~


cheerful, confident, motivating, caring, honest, protective, extroverted, adventurous - loud, troublesome, annoying, hyper, daredevil, air-headed, naive, childish

Or at least that was what the old Joshua Bateson acted like. Three weeks prior to his disappearance an uncanny metamorphosis occurred, which turned your beloved friend into a fleeting shadow of his former self. Josh became
closed-in, unresponsive, refusing to be touched by the light of day or to even gaze upon his close friends. He was psychotic, yet not in a violent way but rather passively disintegrating, accepting his fate. The previously radiating man had turned into a complete stranger, who did nothing but sulk, weep and mumble unintelligible chatter as he threw all of his possessions out and suffocated on the smoke emitting from his cigarettes.

Personal Philosophies

"Whatever you decide to do, make sure it makes you happy"



Road Trips

Walks Out at Night



Anything Vintage







Complex Concepts


Being Stuck with an Ordinary Lifestyle

Losing his Friends

Dying in General

~Background Information~


Joshua was born to a couple, who, despite being the nicest and most generous people ever, never had any financial stability. This, naturally, resulted in a rather shaky childhood, though the thing that saved young Josh from becoming a trouble kid and acting up due to his dysfunctional household were his friends.

Joshua had always been the popular type... at least initially due to the boy's rather good looks, yet many soon came to realize what kind of a person he actually was - an overly energetic air-head that adored doing awfully dangerous stunts just for the sake of it. Thus, many of his "admirers" would soon come to avoid the bubbly Josh who annoyed everyone with his cheerfulness and apparent naivety. The few who stuck around, though, he came to care exceptionally for, which in the end gave birth to his closest circle of friends - the people that helped him get through everyday struggles and issues.

He has always been greatly thankful to them as they supported him in all ways possible even when he was forced to begin working odd jobs to aid support his family. The tedious work that they involved always appeared lighter after some time spent in the Joint.

Basically, his buddies never failed in making the tediousness of life go away... Unfortunately, they were unable to protect him from the rather "extraordinary" side of existence...

~Additional Information~

- Total nickname-giver

- Had a very gross yet oddly hilarious laugh

- Had a thick Scottish accent

- Was the one to discover the Joint after a test of courage out in Coille Woods

- Worked as a pizza delivery boy, furniture mover, janitor, library assistant, coffee shop barista,shelf stoker at a local super market, and, lastly, an animal shelter worker
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  • I'm a bad person... and I am okay with that


    Full Name

    "- Imagine three needlessly pretentious names in a row... yeah, that's me"

    Elijah Theodore Hepburn

    Nicknames and Aliases

    "- I am literally Gorgias the Nihilist"

    He is usually referred to by his first name solely, though some individuals have come to adopting the more mocking title of Teddy (occasionally Teddy-Bear), derived from the man's middle name. Surprisingly, Elijah doesn't much care for it and wonders why they would attach such a nickname to him as it doesn't really describe any trait of his. One he does pay actual attention to, however, is that of Nihil - a rarely mentioned alias invented by Joshua and then taken in by his whole group of friends. This nickname Elijah secretly likes, as the word "nihil" in Latin means "nothing"


    "- They say that the number 18 symbolizes compassion and humanitarianism. Thus, it's pretty much my polar opposite in essence"



    "- Boring British prick with no redeeming or unique qualities"

    British of primarily Scottish and English descent. Additionally, Elijah has Jewish lineage on the side of his mother


    "- Person... Nothing more and nothing less. Well, maybe less..."

    Currently identities is male, though he doesn't particularly care what pronouns are used to address him


    "- Sapiosexual. I find what's inside someone's head much better than the actual person"

    Openly asexual (homoromantic), disregarding that the bigger part of the population of tiny isolated Arbington freaks out in the face of someone not heteronormative. Elijah just genuinely doesn't care

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  • StYJNsJ.jpg

    Full Name: Ethan Dimitri Price

    Nicknames and Aliases: Arik. It came about as one of Joshua's jokes, where Joshua figured out the Hindi word for "reserved" and dubbed Ethan as Ariksata. The length quickly seemed too clunky and it was shortened to Arik. It's mostly used in situations where friends want to poke fun at him or if they're trying to get him to talk more, and he's not bothered by it.

    Age: 17

    Nationality: Half Scottish, half Indian

    Gender: Male

    Sexuality: Biromantic demisexual

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[ // q u o t e // ]

~General Information~

Full Name: Ophelia Young-Scott

Nicknames and Aliases: "Phi"

Age: Seventeen

Nationality: Dutch / English

Gender: Gender Neutral -- Female identifying

Sexuality: Biromantic Homosexual

~Outlook Information~

Appearance: [include picture (realistic) and short description]

Attire: [what they usually wear, accessories, as well as any equipment they carry on themselves (for example - messengers bag, camera, lighter, etc.)]

~Personal Information~

Personality: [include both flaws and virtues while keeping them balanced out; also, do not just list traits but instead briefly describe how your character behaves]

Personal Philosophies: [what they believe in, plus their morals]

Likes: [at least 3]

Dislikes: [at least 3]

Fears: [at least 3]

~Background Information~

History: [try to focus on how they are handling the recent tragedy as well as whether they have experienced anything supernatural; mention their past as well, obviously]


~Additional Information~

[any quirks, mannerisms, peculiarities, illnesses, etc. go here, together with a theme song; this is all merely optional]


Life is a funny thing...it tends to surprise you in more ways than you imagine. Sometimes a bitch, sometimes a cool gal.
Qiuyue Xie

  • 01.jpg

    Full Name : Qiuyue Zhan Xie

    Nicknames and Aliases : Qiuiyue possesses two nicknames: Qiu, duo to how "overly complicated" her name was to pronounce back in middle school, she started asking everyone to call her this instead, eventually growing used to it and Nine, which one of her friends, a Japanese boy, back in her first years as freshman, said her nickname reminded her of the kanji for "nine".She didn't seem to mind it and it actually stuck with her.

    Age : Seventeen

    Nationality : Chinese

    Gender : Female

    Sexuality : Demisexual Homoromantic

  • ? Hell yes.
    Qiuyue has the misfortune of being target of animal enmity even as a child. She is actually fond of animals, especially dogs, but for some reason no animal seems to like her despite her efforts. It's another of the many things Joshua used to tease her about.

    She seems to never take off a ring Joshua gave her on her first birthday with him and the rest of the group, which is one of the subtle signs that she is still trying to cling to him despite what she says to theirs regarding his death.

    Qiuyue has shown to only curse in Chinese, as she feels ashamed of doing so in English duo to how "vulgar" she sounds.

    She has shown sign of possessing at least slight OCD, from an overwhelming need to align objects "just so" to excessive list making.

    Joshua started giving her swimming lessons on the beach, making quite the progress. After he was gone, she would got to the same spot on the sand they would stay after the lessons. The only difference is that she could not hear his laugh anymore...She still keeps this habit, although keeping it a secret from the group and with less frequency than the first days after his disappearance.

    Having taken her motorcycle license by the time she turned 17, Qiuyue from time to time gives her friends' a ride to school or other places whenever the opportunity comes up, in a Harley Davidson no less. She treasures it greatly, especially since it symbolizes for her the love she shares with her father for motorcycles and the good times they spent repairing many of them.

    Joshua was most likely the sole reason why she eventually took a liking to the nickname Nine, as he was the one who got it stuck to her after Yumi left the school.

    Having discovered her attraction to girls at the age of 13, Qiuyue was, needless to say, put into a stressful state regarding her preference, keeping it a secret from anyone, even to her family and friends. There is the possibility that Joshua or anyone else in the group was aware of it, unbeknownst to her...


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