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eyebrow queen


"And then you realize all the little things, all the flaws and imperfections, and you

suddenly understand the true meaning of perfection."

West Highmont's Trouble Teens Club

These teens have bigger problems then who is going to ask me to prom or acne. They

spend nights awake worrying about when their next outburst is going to be, or if they are

even capable of having a real relationship.

[ 1x1 between Oasis and Aidan- ]

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Chase Pelosi










Chase wants to be known as a calm and collected person, but the monster inside of him prevents him from doing so. Being a person with anger issues has made him someone who is always nervous and on edge, afraid to allow himself to relax for even a second. His unstable personality makes him almost unapproachable, causing him to be very introverted. His anger is almost like another person, someone who would go out of his way to hurt another. But what people don't understand is, the real Chase would never intentionally hurt anyone. All he wants is a nice ear to listen to him, and not look down on him sadly as if he were a nutcase, like all of his previous counselors.


+ Honest, Compassionate, Forgives easily

- Easily angered, Bad sense of humor, Pessimistic

Face claim: Aaron Johnson

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Kendall Lockhart





Face Claim:

Lauren Jauregui


+Caring, Honest, Independent

-Insecure, Self-Deprecating, Feisty


Kendall likes to cover things up and likes to never let people in. Every morning she puts a big smile on

her face and acts as if her life is perfect. She hides all her insecurities and worries underneath piles of

crap. She has a laid back, easy going attitude about her, nothing seems to ever bother her.

Seems to that is. Deep down incidents and comments eat away at her until she can't hold it anymore.

Causing her to have an explosive and quite volatile outburst, which normally ends with a few broken

items. She's brutally honest and doesn't hold back her opinions about someone. She also tends to care

to much for others and never lets them care for her.


Kendall was raised by a single mother along side her older brother and sister. When times got rough they

moved in with her grandparents. Unfortunately moving in with them didn't make things any easier. Her

mother continued to work overtime at her waitress job, but her grandmother fell sick causing they to have

extra expenses. In any other family you would be able to count on the eldest children in the family to pull

some of the weight, but not in this one. Kendall's siblings were to busy going out, parting and drinking.

When Kendall was 15, her brother and sister were involved in a car accident, purely their fault as well. Her

sister died on impact, leaving her sister shaken to the bone. 6 months later her brother passed away of a

drug over dose. Since then Kendall's never been the same, she locked herself away in her room and started

to self harm. She felt helpless because she couldn't save her brother.


Scars on her wrists and thighs.


Kendall sighed as her mother pulled up to Westmont Church. She hated being forced to come here every week, but she complied with her mother's request for the

sake of her mother's sanity. For as long as she could remember her mother never had an easy life, and the last 3 years surely didn't help. Going to these meetings

was the least she could do for her, even if it gave her mother a false sense of security. Glancing over at her mother, she saw her idly sitting in the drivers seat, eyes

looking down at her fiddling hands. Kendall gently reached over and placed her hand on her mother's.

"Everything is going to be okay."

Kendall never dared to

promise that, but she knew the reassurance helped her mother.

Retracting her hand from her mothers, she opened up the car door and slipped out. Giving one last smile to her mother, she turned on her heels and marched in the

front door. The church had that distinct musty smell to it and every floor board creaked when any weight was on it. The place had to be at least 100 years old if not

more. Perhaps that was why she disliked this place so much; it reminded her of death. She stood in large entrance way of the church casually looking around. She

thought about turning around and walking out, but knowing her luck, her mother would still be sitting outside the door. Instead she forced herself to stay.

Chase gnawed nervously on his bottom lip, dreading the meeting that his parents were forcing him to go to. He absolutely hated them, and never quite understood why they made him go in the first place. It wasn't like sitting in the damp smelling basement of the old church and discussing his anger issues with equally screwed up people ever helped him get better. In fact, the other teens generally reacted like his peers at school and like his family. They tiptoed around him as if he were a ticking time bomb just waiting to explore. Though, he supposed it was only fair, since he was.

Chase's father slowed to a stop before unlocking the car doors, the universal sign for him to get out. "Hey, uh, have fun," his dad mumbled quietly as Chase got out. He scoffed at this. Right, fun at a freak convention. Right. Slamming the car door, he made his way up the stairs and into the church he'd be trapped in for the next hour and a half. When he finally got around to forcing himself into the basement, he found himself a seat and looked around. He sighed heavily when he realized he recognized absolutely no one.

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A few kids came rushing from behind Kendall as she stood idly. The next hour was going to be a living hell that only a freak accident or a fire alarm could save her from.

After standing there for a minute she forced her feet to move in the direction of the basement. Each of the steps echoed out eerie creeks, rendering a quiet entrance

useless. As soon as she hit the last step people started turning and looking up to see who it was. Their blank faces and beady eyes sent chills down her spine. A scowl

quickly formed on her face as she tromped across the room. She plopped herself down in a seat that was surrounded by empty chairs.

Her mother always wanted her to make friends, but Kendall had trouble connecting with other kids her age. Most of them didn't understand the heartache she had gone

through, and they sure as hell didn't understand her depression. They would always make comments saying that she should try harder to be happy, or that it was just for

attention. All to which she said bullshit. She wanted to be happy, but it wasn't as easy as clicking her heels. If it was, she wouldn't be sitting in the old, creepy, basement

of a church.

Kendall scanned the room, recognizing a majority of the faces in the room. Letting out a long sigh, she rolled head back and stared up the ceiling. Her thoughts wandered

about, thinking about how her life might have been if her father hasn't left her mom, or if her siblings hadn't been in that accident. Unfortunately, they were all nothing but a

bunch of "what ifs." The sound of Chris' voice snapped her back to reality. Chris was the pastor or priest, something like that. Kendall didn't spend her free time figuring

out what denomination he was, not that she even cared enough to find out. But she had to admit, he was pretty cool for being a whatever he was. He didn't spend his

precious hour cramming the bible down everyone's throat.

Promptly Chris started to rein everyone in so the "fun" could begin. As usual he started the meeting off with everyone introducing themselves and talking about their

problem. Kendall dreaded this the most, she didn't want to open up to strangers, she just wanted to leave.
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Chase lifted his eyes from the ground momentarily to see who was making their way down the stairs now. Of course, it was just another face that he didn't recognize, so he averted his gaze just as quickly as he had fixated it on the girl. Her scowl had made it quite clear that she didn't want to be there, so he figured she didn't want to be bothered as well. Leaning back in his chair, he sighed heavily as he waited for the meeting to be over with, despite the fact it hadn't even started.

The chairs next to him began to fill, and soon, every chair in the dingy basement was filled. Chase combed his fingers through his hair and fidgeted in his seat, desperate for the crummy meeting to start. As if reading his mind, the man in the center of all the chairs, Chris, called everyone to attention. Like most of the other support groups he had been to, they opened up by systematically standing and introducing themselves and their problems. Chase absolutely hated this, like most people, but he couldn't avoid it without leaving. So when it was his turn, he stood and cleared his throat.

"I'm Chase Pelosi, I have severe anger management issues, and this is a huge waste of time," he grumbled before taking his seat once more. The boy next to him was giving him a funny look so Chase glared at him, making the boy quickly look away and lean slightly away from him. This usually happened when he looked at someone the wrong way and they knew he had anger problems. It was as if people were scared to upset or challenge him, but Chase knew that it was fair. But still, sometimes Chase wanted people to challenge him, because at least then he would know people thought of him as equal to themselves, rather than isolating him out of fear.
Kendall's eyes flickered from to face to face as everyone stood up and introduced themselves. They all sounded like broken records, saying the same things, but there was one kid who made a smile tug at the corners of her lips. From the tone of his voice he was just as bored as she was, and from what he said he hated it just as much. Snickering a bit to herself, she quickly composed herself and went back to her blank expression.

The circle worked like a well oiled machine, as one kid sat down the next would be up. So it didn't take long for the circle to work it's way over to her. Standing up she let out a long sigh,
"I'm Kendall Lockhart, and I cut myself to feel something." The words fell out of her mouth like heavy bricks. She didn't regret putting her disorder in such morbid and insensitive terms. Then again, she didn't care that much about anything.

She could feel everyone shifting in their seats uncomfortably and Chris staring at her like she had just shot someone. Quickly she returned to her seat and stared down at her hands. The whole room had fallen silent. Awkwardly she glanced up at the kid sitting next to her, he looked like a deer in head lights. Immediately she snarled lightly at him. He averted his gaze and went on to introduce himself.
Chase watched, his utter boredom increasing by the second as the teens around him continued to stand and sit in the methodical way they had been doing. When it reached the girl, Kendall he believed, that had been scowling earlier, she stood and calmly introduced her self. The way she had brutally described her condition intrigued the usually apathetic boy. He wondered what had lead her to describe it in such a manner.

He stared across the room at the obviously annoyed girl, trying to catch her attention, but before he could judge if he was successful or not he found his gaze ripped from her. Chris had clapped his hands in a semi-excited manner and began to ramble about ways they can deal with their issues without self harm, with a glace at Kendall that Chase was sure was unintentional. Chase looked back at the girl to see if she had caught his gaze earlier.
Shifting in her seat, Kendall glanced up from her fiddling hands. Most of the people in the room where dodging glances and averting their eye's but there was one boy who's eyes seemed to stay fixated on her. They locked eyes for a moment before she ripped her's away from his. The last thing she wanted to do was draw attention to herself, but she blew that idea out of the water when she made her blunt introduction. Her eyes stayed locked on her fiddling hands as Chris spoke loudly to the gaggle of kids.

The next 40 minutes was just as painful, if not more, than the introductions. It may have been her paranoia kicking in, but she felt like Chris spent the majority of the time focusing in on what she had said. The whole time Kendall kept her eyes on her wrist as she gently traced over the scars on her skin. She wanted to stop, but every time she tried she always slipped back into her old habits. Sure she had long streaks where she stayed clean, but something would always set her off and she would be back to square one again. As the meeting came to an end Chris sent them all off with standard, "Stay safe and stay strong" speech. Each one of his words hung in the air and seemed to last forever. She was dying to get out of there.
Chase grinned when the girl had met his gaze, then stared until she tore her gaze from his. He wanted too say something to her, but she was all the way on the other side of the circle and calling out to her would be highly inappropriate. So instead, he leaned back in his chair and waited patiently for the meeting to be over. Each minute that passed seemed to take an hour and Chase found himself drifting off to sleep before he could realize it.

Several minutes later, Chase was awakened by the scraping of chairs across the concrete floor. Apparently, the meeting had ended and he was now free to go. He lingered in his seat for a while, waiting for the initial wave of kids to leave so that he wouldn't have to worry about accidental shoving, before slowly standing from his seat and looking around. He wasn't quite sure what he was looking for but when his eyes landed on the peculiar girl, he smiled and made his way over too her.
"Um... Hey," he mumbled, his nervousness hitting him like a bag of bricks.
Still fidgeting with her hands the soft voice of a guy ripped her attention away. At first she wasn't so keen on talking to anyone, especially after that horrid meeting. She could only imagine where that simple "Hey" was headed, but she knew one thing, it wasn't headed in the direction of sympathetic stay strong. Everyone here understood that words weren't going to make them better. Then again, this kids wasn't like the rest of the kids here.

Looking up at him she gave him a small smile,
"Hi." She was sure her words sounded harsh and blunt, but she didn't care. Either it wound send the message that she didn't want to talk, or if he persisted it would show that he had the guts to talk to someone who was one wrong word away from biting their head off.

Chase frowned, a bit offended by the girl's guarded tone. Though he couldn't really blame her since usually when someone approached him after one of these meetings, the outcome generally wasn't great. He didn't have any ill intentions though, he just wanted to understand her. A small laugh escaped him and he tried but failed to disguise it as a cough. "The name's Chase, and yea I know, you're Kendall.. We should hang out sometime. Like, now maybe?" Secretly, he was cringing on the inside due to how arrogant he sounded, but a feeling shy wasn't going to get him anywhere.

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