Fixing PNGs


Literate Ghost
First of all, let me say that I'm not good at making Tutorials or presenting things in a comedic way, so... Instead, I'll just be getting straight to the reason for the fix, then the fix itself.

For those who don't know what PNGs are, they're essentially Images that can have no background -- there's probably a bunch more they can do, but that's the main reason I use PNGs over JPGs (which usually have a blinding white square/rectangle for a background), and this post isn't for discussing what PNGs are anyways. So anyways, PNGs aren't working. I'm not sure when they stopped working -- or even if they ever did when the huge overhaul happened -- but I found a solution to properly post PNGs without an error-image box showing up in their place.

All that you have to do is change the PNG into a GIF. Yep. It's just that simple.

The way of doing this is:

  1. Download the PNG (just right-click the image and 'Save Image as...' in most cases)
  2. Go to some GIF maker site, such as this one -- some GIF Makers only require a link to the image, so you could potentially skip out on step 1 if you find one such maker
  3. Insert the PNG image as the sole 'Frame' for the GIF; any options for the GIF creation (such as frame duration) can be ignored 
  4. Complete the GIF and download it, as most GIF maker sites don't make a specific page to hold your newly-made 'GIF' (in quotation marks because it's really just a overly gratified PNG)
  5. Have something like Imgur host your image

If you did the above, then you can just paste the GIF's direct link here on RPNation for it to appear properly.

Here's an example of a PNG I turned into a GIF for a CS.

PNG Version (Not working, obviously)



GIF Version


This is a link to the PNG, and this is a link to the GIF, in case you wanted to compare them... Not that you'd need to, as they're completely identical.

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