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Fix a Heart

Nessa chuckled, as she moved around, making the pancakes, "Good. But you have to be careful, eggs are quick to cook and they taste really weird of you don't cook them right." She smiled, as she set up the pancakes, and moved next to him, with a frying pan, bumping shoulders with him a few times, before she had the pancakes cook, "Sorry." she said, as she bumped him again.
"Your fine, besides this will be the first person I have ate breakfast with in a while and this will be the first breakfast I have made in a forever." He said and laughed as he finished the eggs and put them in a large bowl and then covered it to keep it hot.
The pancakes took a little long, so Nessa told Dustin, "Well, you can start on the toast. Just pop it in the toaster and don't forget to put butter when they pop out." she said, as she started to turn the pancake, and focused on making sure they all came out brown. When they were done cooking, she spread some butter on both sides.
Dustin did the toast exactly like she had told him. Although it was pretty hard to mess up toast unless to you burnt it and some people liked it that way. "You don't like your toast burnt do you?" He asked her curiously as he continued to make a few more pieces of toast and butter them before stacking them on top of eachother.
Dustin shrugged. "I don't know some people like it that way. I'm not sure why because in my opinion it smells and taste awful." Dustin said as he finished up the toast then set it on the table near the bowl of eggs.
Nessa shuttered at the thought and smiled at the notion, that she and Dustin liked their toast just right. As she put the last of the pancakes on the pile she had of pancakes, she turned the stove off and placing the pan in the sink, "Ok, done." she smiled, as she picked up the plate to take to the table.
Dustin set the table for both of them and poured them both a big glass of orange juice. "Mmmhh looks and smells good." He said as he pulled the covering off of the bowl that contained the eggs. Then sat down at the table and started to grab some food to eat. "Dig in." He said to her
Nessa smiled, doing as he had said, she didn't feel like protesting as she usually had when he said anything at work. In fact, she didn't feel like arguing with him at all. As she started to eat and smiled, "Very good, with the eggs." she complimented. Of course she didn't know how you could mess up eggs, if you were watching closely, which you should always do, she thought. But she wouldn't mention it, not now, she liked how this was. When she was done, she would help clean up and start home.
Dustin sat there and atell until he was full. This was the first time he had actually at something he had made himself besides a sandwich or something he could throw into the microwave. "Well that was good." He said as he finished and picked up his plate and other dirty dishes and started to load then into the dishwasher.
Nessa smiled, taking her dish to the sink and rinsing them, before handing them to him, to be loaded into the dishwasher, "Well, I guess I should start home. Thanks for last night and breakfast."
"Your welcome." Dustin said as they cleaned everything up. Although truthful he didn't want her to leave he was for once in his life enjoying her company because she wasn't being mean to him.
Nessa smiled, unsure whether she should go now, or wait a moment, "Well, I guess, I'll see you around." she smiled, as she started to leave.
"Yeah." He said although he wasn't going to ask her to stay. He wanted to but he felt that if he did she would yell at him like she did at work and he didn't want that to happen seeing he w as enjoying his time with her.
She smiled at him, before walking out of the door. She paused for a moment, as soon as she closed his door behind her, she smiled. She liked being with him, it was nice. It was small and simple, but she liked that more then she thought she would. She started down the hall to the stairs to leave the building and started down the street to her own apartment.
Dustin woke up early and showered before heading to work. He was working a long extra shift today at work. After he was done he headed out of the house and walked to work. Once there he went to his office and started filing papers and getting ready for his first appointment.
Nessa walked through through the door, and spotted Dustin. She smiled to him quickly before she went to her station and started her own work.
Dustin didn't even notice seeing he was concentrating on his work. When he was at work he was very serious and detected till his job was done then he would relax and become more social.
Nessa worked until the end of the day and kept her head down as she started to work. But as soon as she was done, she laid her head down on eth desk and sighed with relief that everything had been completed and she was ready to go home.
Dustin hadn't finished all of his stuff a lot of things had filed in on his end. He sighed softly as he looked at the clock he was suppose to be on his way home but it didn't look like that was happening any time soon.
Nessa sighed, as she was about to head out, before noticing that Dustin was still working. Walking over to him, she asked, "Are you going to stay at work all night?" She wasn't sure if it came out as a joke or concerned, but she was curious about it.

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