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First Step


Dariyn glanced in front of him at the dining hall and then turned to face Feral. "Very well." He gave a respectful and small bow of his head and then walked into the room, strolling through the swarm of cadets who were bustling around, chatting, and eating. Being a newbie, he received many curious looks as the soldiers wondered about him, but they quickly forgot and returned to their conversations and their meals. He adapted the room's layout to his memory and tried to connect as many names to faces as he could for future reference. Once he was content, he drifted back over to Feral. He wasn't unlike a shadow, slipping quietly back through the crowd towards his superior. He was inconspicuous, if nothing else. Nothing was very memorable about his face or his movements, though despite that, his interactions with Feral would likely gain him some popularity before long, from what he could gather about her standing and his position. He wasn't sure if he enjoyed the thought of being known as her loyal subordinate, but he wouldn't be caught complaining. "I have familiarized myself. Anything else?"

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