First Post Instructions & Notes


The Kitty Soldier
Alright, here we are now with instructions about the very first posts – please bear with me, it’s a lot! I am very thankful you are all so patient with me. Please read the following carefully before making your first post. Do not post until I have; and do not post unless you have been accepted.


- I am the Peaceful Chief – as noted in the Character’s thread.

@Victoria Bradley is the Evil Chief. If you are an Evil character, please be aware she will reach out to you periodically about plans.

- All baddies are with Victoria. All goodies are with me.


- Our first post will include the following:

   *An introduction paragraph of morning routine, what character is doing, where they are going, etc. (This could take a couple paragraphs)

   *If you are a goody, you will be meeting with Ephraim in the [Summus] Capital’s city hall/council building. Keep in mind the Capital is very high tech but still with vegetation everywhere.  So think skyscrapers and fancy buildings but there are also village type areas nearby. He has contacted you through carrier Falcon Praeses (I will mention this in my post).

   *Please add a paragraph about interacting with the falcon and coming to meet in the Capital building. Add an additional paragraph of dialogue to any people, your Praeses, and/or Ephraim as you head to the area/arrive. (We are at three to four paragraphs, at most.)

   *The next post I make, after everyone (goodies) arrives will include the plans of what they will do - the debrief.


- Details of the Village under attack: The enemies have burnt it down and taken prisoners/slaves from it. This village is one of the Hamlets; it’s plain and without Praeses or Guardians to protect them. It is also closer to the border which is nearest the large field of grass, trees, and openness…past that is the enemy territory but it still is a big travel time.

- The Evil army is at the scene but just leaving (goodies will arrive late to fight them as we are in a short meeting). Victoria Bradley and I spoke about the main plans and she will briefly say where the enemy is going but not exactly why (not full details).

- Evil army rpers have the same instructions for their initial posts but towards Victoria. Let her post first (baddies).

- Soon enough we will engage in combat.


Extra Notes:

- Don’t forget to tag when interacting with any of our characters (I will tag everyone at first).

- Feel free to NPC different people but not fellow characters or main Praeses.

- There are guards throughout the town and other soldiers of the army, but we are the main force. Feel free to interact with them; there are a few standing guard all around the Capital building and inside.

- This is a HUGE building and can fit some of the largest of Praeses – thus, the entrance is giant as is everything inside. But size limit is 10 feet high – so Freya, my white wolf, can fit inside comfortably. It was built to house Praeses with their partners for meetings and relaxation.

- You can even choose to be in the library which is meant for the Army Soldiers, a few floors of the building (second floor to fourth floor). Stairs and elevators available for travel to any floors - except the top one. Council room is on the first floor.

- So, it appears we can have a range of post size BUT I am more interested in quality. If you want to keep count, your post can be at most seven paragraphs but the above states at least four-five first post. This is the initial one but we can make the rp go faster if we do an average of a quality three or four paragraphs each after the first. However, mine will be long to include my own intro and to equip your post for interaction.



WOW! That’s a lot…please ask questions anytime but best to put publicly in the Questions thread so they are available for everyone to read. Thanks!

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