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Fandom Fire Emblem: Three of a Kind


"Oh no, I can tell you're a hunter. The bow and arrow kind of give it away." She said, trying to not have a sharp tone in her voice. At least try to be friendly, she thought as she looked up at the other woman. She couldn't help it though, archers were always particularly deadly to the average flying mount- one well placed arrow could easily kill her precious partner.
"Listen, as kind as that sounds," she said, leaning her weight into one foot and resting the toe of her boot on the ground, "I've learned that it's best to just take what I get and not complain about it. It's just better off to not draw attention to myself and my wyvern." She sighed and kicked at the dirt a little, then after a pause, she said, "Anyway, I promised Tybalt here that I would get him his favorite roots, so I'm off to find some parsnips. So, good day." She turned, walked away a few paces, then looked back at the woman, "I mean... Unless you know where I can get parsnips?"

theunderwolf theunderwolf
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"That's fair," Peta said gently, she could understand wanting to be self-sufficient but also thought that a big part of self-sufficiency was accepting help when offered. But more importantly she realized the point of being subtle with tybalt and how a relocation to the aerie would not be subtle.
"Parsnips?" She asked, thinking for a moment, "Oh of course! Maggie's stall has all the best root vegetables! I'll take you there, me and Mags go back a ways so a friend of mine.. anyway can I ask you some more questions about Tybs? Have you had him all your life? Is this as big as wyverns get or, how much does he grow? I'm sorry, I'm not uh normally this chatty but cool creatures kinda bring it out of me." She paused for a moment and motioned Sama to follow her into the busy market.
Claude groaned loudly at Goulde's response. He was really worrying about this much more than the silver-haired prince personally found to be necessary. "Listen up, Goulde, 'cause I'm not saying it again. We're coming with you, and that's not negotiable. Again, Juno over there is right. The more dangerous you make it sound, the more we want to come, and there's pretty much no way you'll be able to get us to back down now. Give it up," Claude told his friend. Next, after inhaling sharply, he forced himself out of his position slumped in the chair and returned to his feet. He stood somewhat unsteadily for a moment before picking up Xarx from where he had discarded it on the floor and leaning on it like a cane. Honestly, the prospect of this adventure was rather exciting to him, and he thought it best to start as soon as possible. "Come on, why don't we get going now? The more we stand around here, the more you'll just try and fail to dissuade us. We're accomplishing nothing here, right?" Claude suggested somewhat impatiently. This might make for an interesting adventure.

Midnight Paragon Midnight Paragon Dante Verren Dante Verren

She blinked as this woman went off a rant. She started going off on a rant about some woman named Maggie who has the best roots in the grounds apparently. It seemed this woman wanted to tag along after all. Hooray, I guess? Sama looked back at Tybs in his stall and shouted, "So you know what to do if somebody tries to steal you, right?"
The wyvern immediately cawed and began to jab the air with his sharp beak.
"Good. I'll be back!" She shouted, which earned another croon before she turned and started walking after the woman. As they walked, Peta continued to pelt her with an innumeral amount of questions. She stared at this taller woman and listened to her with a blank stare. But somehow, this curiosity and excitement gave her the will to keep going.
"Okay, first of all, calm down. Second, no, I have not had him my entire life, I met him when I was thirteen." She held up three fingers, "Third, yes, he should get bigger with time. His wingspan is 15 feet now, and I've met wyverns that had a 50 foot wingspan. The older they are, the bigger they get." She looked around at all the stalls, lifted one more finger to make four, "Fourth, why are you helping me exactly? I mean, aside from the whole 'my lord has required I help the random travelers'?"

theunderwolf theunderwolf
"Hey, Tia wait!'"

But just like that, she had ran off, leaving Skip alone with a bloody book and his boredom. He looked down at the book, made an attempt to understand the title, and then quickly gave up. If it was too hard for Tia to understand, he'd have no chance. He tucked the book into his pouch before he stood up and took a look around.

Retainers of the other royals that had arrived where strewn about doing various things whilst their masters talked inside. There seemed to be an ornery wyvern with her rider trying to calm her down, a huntress wearing a...less than pleasant hat, and not much else. Skip figured he had nothing else to and got up to walk around.

There seemed be a plethora of shops and stalls selling various different products and produces, one certain stall catching the cat's eye. "Ooh, fresh strawberries!" the red fruits were sort of rare back in the Republic, so any chance to eat some was greatly appreciated, "Excuse me? Is anyone there? I'd like-" But before he could ask again for whoever ran the stall, Skip felt something behind. He turned around to find that same large wyvern continuously sniffing him, it's mouth looking a little to drooly at the moment.

"Heh, ha ha, g-good dragon. Um, please don't eat-"
And with that, the cat fell to the ground, almost certain that he was gonna be a partial snack for hungry wyvern.

explosiveKitten explosiveKitten Creek Creek
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Goulde gave Claude an annoyed look then rolled his eyes. He reached underneath the table and pulled up three knapsacks filled with basic supplies and put them on the table.
"To be perfectly frank, I wasn't expecting you guys to back down. I've made a pack for each of us. The supplies should last us long enough that we won't need to resupply for about a month, give or take a few days. You two should probably make your way out through the gates. I'll be along with you shortly; if we're going on a trip we could most likely not return, I....have a few goodbyes to make."
He slipped one of the packs over his shoulder and grabbed his Staff of Courage and pushed the large doors to the meeting room open, looking behind him to his two companions and giving them a nod before heading off.
Dante Verren Dante Verren Creek Creek

He traveled through the castle until he reached his parents chambers. Entering quickly, he quickly spied his mother sitting by her bed, where his father sat, breathing hard, his eyes shut tightly. He approached her quietly, laying his hand gently on her shoulder. She looked up in surprise, then relaxed.
"He's gotten worse. He hasn't even been able to get out of bed today."
Goulde sighed and shook his head, looking upon his father's pale face. Indeed, his father had seen better days, and to see him bedridden like this was a whole new experience for Goulde. He looked to his mother, who was dancing the King's forehead with a wet cloth.
"Mother, I've....had another vision. I think if I find out where it's shown me, then....whatever has come over father will most likely pass. I know you won't approve, but it's something I must do, Mother."
The Queen looked up at her son with a sorrow filled look, then stood and gave him a long hug.
"Please, come home alive. I don't know what I'll do if I lose you both."
She pulled out of the hug and Goulde took one of her slender hands in both of his.
"You will not lose either of us, Mother. I'll make Father better and we can go back to being a normal family again."
He gave her a kiss on the cheek, and with one last look to his father, left the room and the castle.

He searched the first ring of the city hurriedly. He had told Peta to wait around here so that she wouldn't eavesdrop, but he hoped she didn't get into any trouble. Eventually, he spied her talking to an oddly dressed woman who he had never seen before. He approached the both of them with a stern look on his face.
"Good day to you, stranger. I apologize for intruding, but I require Peta's attention for the moment."
He turned to Peta and motioned a few feet away to speak a little more privately.
"Come Peta. I would speak with you privately."

theunderwolf theunderwolf explosiveKitten explosiveKitten
Tia saw the person they were talking to suddenly dematerialize into thin air. That was strange, it was as if some outside force caused the event to happen. They definitely weren't hearing from that person ever again.

"I guess I'll have to do that then."

Tia walked back to Skip and noticed that the book was gone, either he ripped it up, or kept it. Whatever he did, Tia didn't care. As long as it was gone forever, they were happy. They approached Skip with their bloodied hands and began to strip off their cloak, handing it to Skip when they were done.

"Hold this."

Tia then wiped their hands on their white dress and measured the size of the fabric with their mind. They ripped a good portion of the bottom, enough to tie around their face. Tia shoved the fabric in their nose and looked back at Skip. He should be able to see the blood all over Tia's face, red in color, crimson in shine.


Tia forcefully grabbed the cloak from Skip's arms and put it back on.

StuckUpSnivy StuckUpSnivy
Juno watched Goulde leave in silence. Most likely this journey would be hard for him, it would be hard for everyone but mostly him. If his father was in such a bad state then leaving him to go off on a quest must be painful. Her hand tightened around the shaft of Liliaine, if only there was something she could do to help him. Realizing that she probaly shouldnt leave Skip or Tia alone any longer then needed she turned to Claude for a quick goodbye. "I must go gather my retainers before I can leave the city. Farewell for now Prince Claude." with that being said she grabbed one of the packs and left the meeting room.
Creek Creek

Unsurprisingly neither Skip or Tia were waiting where Juno told them to wait. Sighing heavily she set off to look for them. It took her a while to find them but when she finally did the feeling panic welled up inside her. Skip was laying on the ground with a Wyren starting over him while Tia was standing there. She towards the wyren stepping in front of Skip snd waved her arms. "No bad wyren, this cat is for eating!" confused by the girl yelling and sem waveing the wyren sniffed once before walking off. Letting out s sigh of reielf she turned around to look at her two retainers. "Skip are you okay?" she looked over at Tia and a small gasp escapes her lips. Juno hopped over Skip landing right behind him snd in front of Tia. "Tia why is your head wrapped um blood fabric?! Why does that fabric look like the same fabric as your dress!? Why are your hands bloody!!!?"
StuckUpSnivy StuckUpSnivy Satire Satire
As Peta's lordling appeared, Sama gave a simple nod of understanding before wandering off to find her parsnips. With time she manage to find said parsnips, and began to make her way back to the stalls when she heard the squwaking of a wyvern. Immediately she took off in that direction, almost dropping her bags of supplies as she ran over. There she found her wyvern standing over a stray cat, staring hungrily at it till another woman appeared and shooed him off. He gave a shree before wandering off dejectedly.
"TYBS!" She shouted, catching the wyvern's attention. He gave off a surprised squwak as she charged up to him, suddenly pulling his head back as the small woman ran up to him, jumped, and wrapped her hands around his beak, pulling his head down with her. "How many times do I have to tell you?" She looked him in the eyes, "DO NOT EAT OTHER PEOPLE'S PETS!"
"RAAAAH!" He screeched indignantly.
"I know you're hungry, that doesn't mean you can eat other people's cats!"
"Oh hush! Eat your parsnips, you hatchling!"
She dropped the bag of parsnips in front of him, then suddenly seemed to have a thought as he happily plunged her beak into the bag of roots. "Do I even want to know the state of the stall I left you in?" The wyvern kind of froze in his feasting, and his yellow eyes slid slowly up to look at her, before he hastily returned to his eating. A sigh escaped the young woman as her right palm slapped into her forehead.
"...Spirits of the land have mercy on me..." She mumbled to herself, thinking about all the coin she didn't have and all the coin she would need to repay the inn who had given her the probably wrecked stall. She had completely forgotten the people whose cat her wyvern had just assaulted. Once done, Tybs looked up at her, and licked her face with a long, forked tongue, in a weird sort of "I'm sorry, mom". She didn't even notice, really. She was just busily lamenting her soon void pouch of gold.

Dante Verren Dante Verren StuckUpSnivy StuckUpSnivy Satire Satire
Peta could've strangled Goulde right then and there if she was a complete idiot. Luckily her self preservation instincts kicked in at just the right time and she turned back to Sama with an apoligetic, strained smile as she slouched over to Goulde. "What's the matter Lord Gouldylocks?" She said, using one of her many derogatory nicknames for him, gouldylocks being reserved for when she was the most annoyed at him. "You look dourer then usual, "Were your friends annoyed with you? Or are they just as skeptical about this as I am. Please. Tell me, I'm dying to know." Her voice dripped with sarcasm as she stared daggers at the prince. She was actually curious, despite her separation with the wyvern rider she was desperately curious about.
The wave of questions that Tia's lord asked them was something they expected. Next time, they wouldn't use their own dress, they'd steal one from a local store and use the fabric of the stolen dress instead. For a moment, Tia tried to find a way to explain to her, if they said it was a simple nose bleed, their lord would be baffled. They might as well tell the truth.

"I had a nose bleed, and there was a lot, and nobody wanted to give directions to a person in a hood and has a sword, so I stripped out of my cloak and ripped my dress off to stop the bleeding. In the process, I got my hands bloodied. I'm glad you weren't a royal guard, otherwise you'd throw me in the dungeon as I explain that I didn't kill anybody."

Tia kept their dull expression and tone of voice, then asked a question.

"What was the meeting about? Are we going to kill some people soon, will I get payed?"

Dante Verren Dante Verren StuckUpSnivy StuckUpSnivy
Fortunately for Skip, two people had arrived to help save him from the hungry wyvern. Unfortunately, one of those people was his liege, whose orders he had disobeyed, "Thank you, Miss, and sorry Juno" he said to both of the girls as he stood back up, "We uh, got a little bored and decided to do some walking around and I guess this little guy thought I smelled like a good snack, heh." Luckily Juno didn't tend to get too mad at Skip, so he'd more than likely be given a pass, plus there was the whole matter of Tia now bleeding, so the attention was off of him for now.

Seizing the opportunity, the cat turned to talk to the woman who apparently owned the ornery dragon, "Is he gonna be okay? I hope I didn't rile him up too much..."

explosiveKitten explosiveKitten Dante Verren Dante Verren Satire Satire
Juno sighed heavily. The fact that there was this much blood made it hard to belive that Tia had a simple of nosebleed. Of course nothing normal ever happened when Tia was around. Tia's questions were expected, of course they would want to know what was going on.

"Were going to be paying a visit to some ruins in in Sanguard. Hopefully we won't have to kill anyone but I highly doubt it. As for your payment well you will be paid on our return to the Republic. Oh and Skip..." Juno glared over her shoulder at her friend, "When I tell you to wait somewhere I expect my commands to be followed."
StuckUpSnivy StuckUpSnivy Satire Satire
Claude smirked as he watched the other prince pull three bags from their hiding places beneath the table where he had sat moments before. Of course Goulde would have expected their reaction; they had known each other for the majority of their lives, after all. Still, Claude was surprised to find just how prepared his friend was. A month's worth of supplies was a lot to pack.

As the other two nobles left the room to round up their motley groups of retainers and servants and say their goodbyes, Claude stood and watched silently, icy blue eyes following them. He didn't have anyone to gather, coming alone as he did, which was rather fortunate; it wold take him long enough to reach the gates without having to gather other people. So, after a moment or two, he began to make his way slowly towards the gates, using his axe as a sort of walking stick to aid his progress. He would meet the others over there.

@(anyone who is around)
Suddenly Juno remembered something, She didn't have time to keep messing around here. "Tia we have to go me the others. Make sure to stay by my side and not wander off." Turning around she grabbed Skip by the shoulder. "That means the same for you, no wandering." Practically dragging skip behind her, Juno set off towards the gates where her small escort of Guards would still be waiting with Skip's, Tia's and Juno's horses. On the way too the gate she caught site of Claude, however something was off. He was using his ax as a walking stick. "I knew something was wrong" she mumbled to herself. "Hey Claude is Goulde here yet!?"
Creek Creek StuckUpSnivy StuckUpSnivy Satire Satire
Goulde gave his retainer an annoyed look and rolled his eyes.
"One of these days remarks like that are going to be your undoing. Have all my lessons with you been for naught? Honestly, it's like trying to teach a wyvern how to create a bouquet of flowers...."
He put a hand to his forehead and sighed, speaking to her in a lower tone of voice.
"Claude and Juno are on board and will be traveling with us. I expect you to be on your best behavior when we are with them, understand? They are of noble blood as well, and the wielder's of the two other Destined Treasures. Treat them with the respect and dignity of someone who serves House Drivecha, alright?"
He crossed his arms over his chest and gave her a stern look with a raised eyebrow.

theunderwolf theunderwolf
"Yes well today is not that day," Peta replied but her ears perked up at the mention of a wyvern, "Though you'll be happy to know I have been trying to be courteous to all the castle's visitors and making sure they're comfortable. I would hope you would be proud of me for going to the effort. But oh no, since I was keeping you ever so slightly humble in your holiness i'm the bad guy." She rolled her eyes at him with a small smile, "But I'm glad your royal friends decided to come. You may not have noticed but you were quite worried about it. I'll be at my best to make sure I don't ruin that for you. Good?" Leto flapped his wings in some sign of agreement.
Before the owner of the Wyvern could respond, Skip felt himself get physically dragged along by Juno, "Sorry sorry, just waiting to see if she heard me say I was uh...sorry." Despite that fact, he still had a job to do, and began walking alongside his liege to their horses. "So, what'd you guys talk about in there? We going anywhere special?"

Dante Verren Dante Verren Satire Satire Creek Creek
Claude jolted in surprise at the sound of Juno's voice, immediately pausing and turning to look in her direction. Notably, the poised woman was accompanied by two people he thought it safe to assume were her servants or retainers, and her brow was slightly furrowed. Probably because of my limp, he thought to himself, sighing. He really should have just told the other two nobles about it earlier; after all, they had a long journey ahead of them. How in the world had he even considered it a possibility to hide it for much longer? Still, she didn't ask, so he didn't tell. Instead, she was inquiring about Goulde. "No, I've not seen him. He's probably still saying his goodbyes and rounding up whatever servants he's bringing with him. Hopefully he'll be at the gates when we get there." Claude replied before continuing on his way towards the gate. He assumed Juno and her companions would follow.

Dante Verren Dante Verren StuckUpSnivy StuckUpSnivy Satire Satire
Juno looked at Skip as she followed after Claude. "Were going to Sanguard. Prince Goulde thinks that there is some sort of ruin that he needs to go check out. Considering that it's in the middle of hostile territory me and Prince Cluade volunteered ourselves and our retainers to go with him." Maybe it wasn't such a good idea to volunteer her retainers to go with her. She trusted both of them but what if something happened to them? "If either of you wanted to go back to the republic I won't hold it against you." murmured Juno.

StuckUpSnivy StuckUpSnivy Satire Satire Creek Creek
"Juno, you already know that I've got a bounty in the republic. It's stupid to tell me to go back, but, even if I didn't have a bounty, I'd rather be with you." Tia put on the hood of their cloak and sat on the ground in the criss cross sitting position. They unsheathed their sword, Senbonzakura, and ran their finger down the blade. "Juno, know of any blacksmiths around here? I might need to get this sharpened after the next few battles."
(Shitposting because I won't have time tomorrow)
Dante Verren Dante Verren StuckUpSnivy StuckUpSnivy Creek Creek
Goulde sighed and put a hand into the side of his head, rubbing his temple.
"Just try not to get anyone killed this time. And yes, that means leaving ALL the dangerous wildlife alone. I don't want to hear another excuse like 'But it looked sooooo pretty!'. A panther is a panther, no matter the color."
He shook his head and marched by her, signaling with his hand for her to follow. They passed through the commotion in the streets and to his friends by the front gate. Juno had a couple of odd looking people with her; probably retainers of some kind, but Claude was oddly enough alone, still leaning awkwardly on Xarx. Goulde was tempted to say something, but figured that if Claude hadn't mentioned it yet, then it must not be that important. He draped his traveling cloak over him and slung his back over his shoulder before clearing his throat and calling for their attention.
"We'll need to walk for the first couple of days. I have a man in a nearby village ready to deliver us stallions, so we'll have to make a stop there. It's about a two day walk from here. I hope you all don't blister easily."
He gave a small smirk and gestured for them to follow, heading down the beaten dirt road, eyes straight ahead.

Satire Satire Creek Creek Dante Verren Dante Verren StuckUpSnivy StuckUpSnivy theunderwolf theunderwolf explosiveKitten explosiveKitten
Claude turned slightly at the sound of multiple pairs of footsteps approaching, gazing back over his shoulder to watch Goulde and his retainers approach the gate. Blue eyes looking him over, he nodded a greeting to the other prince. Once registering his words, though, he sighed. The next two days might be a bit problematic for Claude, and more than a little uncomfortable, but he'd just have to make do. He had volunteered for this, after all, and no way was he going to give Goulde a reason to continue attempting to convince him not to come. Claude would just have to do his best not to lag behind too much as the group walked. As long as he didn't show any discomfort, it would probably be fine, right? It looked like Xarx would get more use as a walking stick, though. Was it bad to use a legendary weapon in such a way? Hopefully not. Nodding resolutely to himself, he set off down the dusty road after Goulde.

Midnight Paragon Midnight Paragon Dante Verren Dante Verren StuckUpSnivy StuckUpSnivy Satire Satire theunderwolf theunderwolf explosiveKitten explosiveKitten
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Juno watched for a moment as the two princess and their companions set off down the rode. Quickly she turned to skip and Tia. "Alright you two, Lets get going!" Giving her two retainers a smile she turned around and jogged to catch up to Goulde and Cluade. She was marching off into enemy territory where she had no idea what would happen. She could be killed or even worse used as a political bargaining chip, yet she didn't care. She was to excited to care. Time for a new adventure.
Midnight Paragon Midnight Paragon Creek Creek StuckUpSnivy StuckUpSnivy Satire Satire theunderwolf theunderwolf explosiveKitten explosiveKitten
Tia nodded and then looked over to Skip. "Be ready for the unthinkable." Then after telling them to prepare themself, Tia picked up a few stones on the road, and looked to each spot warily. "Juno, if I throw a stone at something, then you know what it means." Tia lowered the hood of their cloak and began to walk, using only their ears and feet to navigate across the earth. They were ready for a battle if that's what the enemy wanted.
Midnight Paragon Midnight Paragon Creek Creek StuckUpSnivy StuckUpSnivy Satire Satire theunderwolf theunderwolf explosiveKitten explosiveKitten

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