Fire Emblem: Shattered Calm

Young Man(O1) moves from 13,13 to 11,15

Young Man(O1) slashes Bandit (E2) for 9 damage, leaving him with 4 Health

Bandit(E2) slashes at Young Man for 5 damage, leaving him with 15 Health

Young Man(O1) swiftly does a 2nd attack, killing Bandit(E2)

Young Man(O1) gets his Vulinary (1/3)

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Allied Forces

Ronan(A1) moves from 12,12 to 12,15 and attacks Malru.

Ronan(A1) runs up to Malru and stabs him dealing 7 damage leaving him with 10 hp.

Malru slashes his hand axe dealing 6 damage and slashes again, dealing another 6 damage leaving Ronan(A1) with 14 HP.


Malru attacks Ronan(A1)

Malru runs up to the Ronan and slashes with his hand axe dealing 6 damage.

The Ronan stabs back with his javelin but misses.

Malru slashes again and hits dealing 6 damage leaving the Ronan with 2 hp.


Young Man

HP: 20

Level 4

Exp: 64/1oo

Movement: 5

Str: 6

Mag: 2

Skill: 12

Spd: 11

Lck: 8

Def: 4

Res: 1


Iron Sword 37/40 (E.)

Skills: Locktouch

Sword Level: 2/30

Sword Level: D

Young Man(O1) moves from 11,15 to 11,16


So your betraying me, you honestly think your do it all on your own?

I'm not alone, I have the prince to back me up!

Young Man(O1) slashed at Malru, and killing him

Level Up
Young Man

HP: 20 (+1)

Level 4 (+1)

Exp: 1/1oo

Movement: 5

Str: 6

Mag: 2

Skill: 12 (+1)

Spd: 11 (+1)

Lck: 8 (+1)

Def: 4

Res: 1


Iron Sword 33/40 (E.)

Skills: Locktouch

Sword Level: 6/30

Sword Level: D

Map Clear


*Huff Huff* "He's done now..."
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"RRAAARRGGH!!!!" Roark slashes at a bandit and blocks one's axe pushing him back and causing him to fall.

"Man down! Man down!"


"The commander's dead!"

"Take what you can and run!!!"

The brigands run away yelling and killing, and pillaging whatever they see.

Roark stands up tall and sheathes his blade, as the sun begins to show its face as it hid during the battle. Roark looks over to the guards cheering over their victory and slowly walks towards them, but turns looking at the young man and Mark, and begins heading back, calling to them.
Mark puts away his flux tome, hiding it in his robes. "Well, that went better then expected..." He then walks over to Roark.
"Great work you two. That was very exceptional fighting...Close to some of the warriors in our army...Would you two like to hone those skills?" Roark asks with a large grin.
"I am a scholar first and foremost. I shall join you as a chance to continue my studies of dark magic" Mark says.
"That's great! We shall head off towards Yllistol once I tell the guard of our departure." Roark heads over to the guards to speak with them.

"Things are about to be much different from my usual traveling alone. I fail to see how one can be so lively at the idea of having new allies." Mark says sighing.
"I have been around most of the land. I spent most of the time in Plegia." Mark says

"To further my studies, travel was needed."
Roark heads back from the guard. "We've been permitted a ride there by Wagon. You'd best gather your things before leaving."
Mark nods in understanding. "Travel by wagon is often faster and more ideal." He says,

"I have to head to the inn I currently reside at to gather my belongings." He says before turning and walking away.

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