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One x One The Edge of Love. The Start of the War. {Closed}



John Robert Marshall




From the first meeting, John melts hearts. It is that charm that he owns and that British accent or it just pearl smile he shows off? Or it just way of giving warmth around himself. John is the perfect balance between a 'jerk' and a 'sweetheart'. He is pushy, he has to say it but he doesn't throw himself on women. Just slightly cocky, he seems to get easily on people's bad side and that isn't helpful at all during war. Though, he gets liked by the right people and has a fun aura around himself. Intelligent and full of courage, John never been the type to run from the fight, after all, he joined the war didn't he? Either if it was out of rebellion or just because his blood boiling for something else, John didn't seem to care about his life. A honorable death won't affect him. And oh, when it came to feelings that was something else. John loved women, he wouldn't deny it. Either if they were blonde, brunette or redheads, he adored them. But that was only an exterior thing, he didn't seem to interested in 'more', even if he wanted a family. Being a pilot during war didn't let you to dream about much.


John was born in a small family in England. Nothing interesting until now, her mother was the simple housewife made to cook, take care of the children and listen to her husband. And perhaps this would've been easier if his father wasn't a drunk man that owned a popular wine shop, thinking he was in the middle of everything. John was their only child, the sun in his mother's eyes and quite a disappointment in his father's. John wasn't as impulsive as him, wasn't arrogant as him, he was the opposite. Calm as his mother and just as loving.

He would read perhaps too much, go to parties too much, had the full England life style. He would get his father's shop, he would make enough money, he would marry a pretty girl.

Though, that didn't happen. The war was coming and everybody started talking about it like they were talking about the newest coffee in town. And with or without wanting, John was enrolled in the army without question, even if his father tried to pay to get him back. John didn't mind and the taste of adrenaline became his addiction every time he was on a plane. From the guy that stood in comfort, now he was training in the rain, risked his life, future uncertain. And he didn't mind at all. Cigarettes became a big part in his life. He still had parties at his disposal though, girls to mingle.

But his future was under a question mark, his family was under a question mark, there were no plans he had for the future. He had a war coming, his future depended on it. Though, never knew that someone could change the way he was seeing the future and the need of living.

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Dianne Rosie Lenori




Have you ever heard about those ladies with pretty dresses, pretty smiles, ready to become trophy wives for old men just because they didn't know better and because they were placed in that place? This wasn't the case for Dianne. Yes, pretty girl with pretty clothes, seemingly steady, though there was this fire burning deep inside her that always got to the surface. Just like a volcano. Dianne was intelligent, well-raised, she couldn't bring any danger. Though, she was impulsive and sometimes got herself and her sister in such situation that would make your head hurt. But every time she gets out of them like an innocent young one that never done anything wrong. Even with her impulsive way of being, Dianne is an intelligent young girl and of course, a hard working one. Even creativity adds to the list of traits, and no, it is not just about the ways she gets out of trouble. She plays too much, flirts too much perhaps but she never gets over the barriers. Never been to the point where she would bring shame on the family. Easily getting confused, Dianne could take choices she won't assume later. Shows a protective side for the people she cares and even if she gets her sister in trouble, she is the first one that would get her out of it.


Dianne grew up in a quite happily household. The marriage of a beautiful young French woman and an English man brought her and her younger sister to life. And as her mother says, Dianne got a lot from her forward and cocky father while her sister was like a gentle flower, just like their mother. Only life never meant to be right and even if their father survived the war, he didn't survive what came next. He was a pilot, the best one it was said and he always had to leave his family. The opponents' forces started to come back to life and the only way to prevent another war was to destroy every weapon they had. And that's how their father found his end, exploding in the air.

Their mother was destroyed. The young french woman started to grow older day by day after that and she would stay on her chair, expecting him. He never came. Because she almost started to neglect her children, she had to move in with her older sister, the girls' aunt. The woman felt so bad about everything that happened that she raised the girls like they were her own. Their mother gained power a little bit, seeing her children growing. The only thing she wanted to keep them away from was the war and the war's men. Only with Dianne getting them into parties, it was almost impossible.

Even with such things in her life, Dianne didn't seem to be affected. Yes, she was missing her father, yes, it pained her to see her mother like that but what she could do after all? Only live and live. She would get lost in her own troubling world, books, her journal full of her weird drawings made with the pencil and work.

To help her aunt, mother and sister, Dianne got a job at a local women shop, selling dresses, talking all day. In that way she got the dresses for the parties for free, made friends and was thrown into the world.

But the usual life is changed in an unexpected manner, for her, for her sister and they don't even know how it came.

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Leon Vincent Maverick




Leon is outgoing, straight-shooting type of man. Enthusiastic and excitable, Leon is a "doer" who lives in the world of action. Blunt, straight-forward risk-taker, he has no issue plunging right into things and get their hands dirty. Lives in the here-and-now, and places little importance on conspiracy and theory. Leon will look at the facts of a situation, quickly decide what should be done, execute the action, and move on to the next thing. He has this uncanny ability to perceive people's attitudes and motivations. In which he'll pick up on little cues which go completely unnoticed by most other types, such as facial expressions and stance (That usually gets him women hanging off his arms fairly easily). Leon's typically a couple of steps ahead of the person he is interacting with. He takes the law as a guideline of behavior...which means he sorts of bends it to his benefit. Leon has always had a strong flair for drama and style. The man is usually very good at story telling and improvising, typically makes things up as he goes along, which is a reason he's good with kids. He likes to have fun, and is a fun person to be around. One downfall is that Leon can sometimes be hurtful to others without being aware of it, as he sort of does not know and may not care about the effect his words have on others. It's not that he's an major jerk, he just forgets most people don't take words like a grain of salt like he does.


The kid grew up in the streets of London with a little quaint home with a mother and father. Mom owned a local flower shop while his father had started his own construction company that had proved to be a smart investment. By the time he was ten the company had doubled in size and there he was, little as ever working along side the men his father hired. Mom was the usual housewife and tried her best to baby Leon. But even at a young age he was the one who could walk before he could crawl. Leon stayed in trouble as a child, his silver tongue usually getting him fights with boys bigger than him yet the kid was always a few steps ahead and planned the escape or fight accordingly. In the streets other kids throughout the years called him Leon the Lion, which did not help his ever growing ego.

When the war had started he was just now beginning to learn the paperwork of his father's company. Knowing one day it'd be his, talk of him being drafted was brief seeing as he didn't mind. He just knew he'd be fine, mom worried of course but Dad boasted how proud he'd be to have his son serve their country...that's exactly what happened.

Because of his intelligence and "Doer" attitude the boy flew threw the ranks and is now one of the youngest (if not the youngest) general in the war.

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Audrey Grace Lenori




Man oh Man, Audrey was definitely her mothers child. Unlike Dianne, Audrey's fire inside her had only burned on two occasions which was whenever she trusted the individual enough to show her wild side and whenever she had finally lost her temper. One being way more fun and tolerable than the other. Otherwise Audrey was the gentle girl who loved dance, music, and helping around the house as much as possible. Like Dianne, Audrey can always remember how much their parents were in love and how both little girls looked up to them. Though as they had grown Audrey began looking up to her sister more and more.

The woman is always seen around the house humming a soft melody and dancing around if there isn't a care in the world. Though when the time comes she can roll her sleeves up and get to work without issue. Daddy had taught them both the value of hard work...while Dianne taught her how to be adventurous and have a good time. It is hard not to see her with a smile on her face around town. Audrey is very smart and cunning, when Dianna can't make an escape route on the spot (which is rare) she comes to the rescue. Family life is instilled into her which means Audrey will definitely put up a physical fight for her sister or anyone she loves.

Lately for the past two years Audrey has been a home body, clubs and parties were not really her forte, constantly putting up a fight with Dianne about whether or not she was going to go. End the end she always went...to watch and save her sister if need be.


Audrey's history is basically the same as Dianne's, except that after their father died Audrey poured every ounce of love and care into their mother. Their aunt being around made it all the more worthwhile and made sure the two girls were loved and taken care of. But Audrey would never forget how dead their mothers eyes looked ever since they had a funeral for daddy. Audrey had sworn to stay away from men to avoid such a feeling, yet Dianne insisted on dragging her everywhere.

Finally of age, Audrey managed to get a job as a waitress in a fancy restaurant complete with a stage and VIP. The teen has only been working a few months though with a face as gorgeous as hers the tips are always more than generous, which makes the owner (who is a family friend) so paranoid he opts to drive Audrey home whenever she gets off work.


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