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Dice Fire Emblem Divide: Feedback


Seven Thousand Club
Hey whaddup guys, welcome to the Feedback thread. After every Chapter I'll ask you guys to share your thoughts on the RP. Stuff you like, stuff you hate, stuff that you think could be done better, or suggestions for how you think stuff could be done better. Any and all feedback is welcome. I myself won't respond to anything here, I'll simply read it and throw a like on it when I have. But you guys should feel free to discuss your thoughts with one another. Whenever it comes time for me to update the thread, I'll provide a changelog and explain my reasoning for why I changed certain things. If I feel like there's something you guys bring up that I'm most likely not gonna change, then I'll respond and tell you why it ain't happening. For those of you that may feel like you'd be more honest if you could give anonymous feedback, I made an ask.fm for you guys so you can respond anonymously. I don't believe you have to make an account to use it, but if you do it only took me like 10 seconds to make mine. No judgment.

Click here to go to Blaze's ask.fm.
Click here to return to the Table of Contents.
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S SirBlazeALot Since I love to take Thread Virginity can I just say I would kill a man for a link to the Current Battle page at the top of the IC thread cause nothing is hotter than saving myself a click--

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