Advice/Help Finding the heart to kill off a character

Man, the closest my parents have been like that is back when I was a kiddo and they disallowed my siblings and I from watching Spongebob because they kept talking about kicking butt and then they just kind of forgot about it.

Anyways, the usual tactics have been spoken of up there. Put her on a fine limousine and get her to skedaddle to the Himalayas or Greece or something, get trained by Scathach, Chiron, Kratos, whoever. Just put her far away and have her return in like 5 years.

The other tactic I usually see is that she's actually another character all this time! Maybe someone with shapeshifting abilities like Loki, Super Skrull, the great Greek Gods, pick someone, anyone.

Or, oh, this one's a good one!

Find another roleplayer who's willing to roleplay Giffany! That's what usually happens when you can't RP a fandom character anymore but need them to stay in a plot. That way, you can still interact with them! I'm certain you'll find a Gravity Falls enthusiast out there willing to aid.

Huh, I'm surprised no one suggested this.
I don’t understand why your father has any say in what happens in your writing, seems like it’ll just stifle your creativity. But either way, killing a character you hate is easy, killing off a character you like is the hard part. It’s like killing a friend, literally, and it’s definitely emotional if you’ve invested time in bringing them to life. The only thing I can say is if you pour out all your emotion into it, the reader is gonna feel it and that’s what you want. You know you did your job right if they feel what you feel for your characters.

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