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Fight or Flight- A maiden's quandary. (Closed)


Junior Member
Elinia spurred her horse forward, occasionally reaching up to push her wild, fiery curls back behind her ears, as she silently cursed herself for leaving behind her favorite hair tie. Scoffing softly at her own vanity and foolishness, she focused her emerald green eyes on the worn, dirt road ahead of her. She knew this was the right way, she had traveled it many times before when making trips to meet her brother at the small hamlet known simply as Crossroads. It had been their favorite gathering place ever since she could remember. As children they had come to buy and sell goods to the local shop for their merchant father, as teens they had come to sneak away with secret crushes, and now, as adults they came simply to spend time with each other.

It had never failed, every twenty days they would meet at the tavern and share a glass of ale as they caught up with each others' lives, only he had not made his last visit and now she knew why. A pigeon had arrived to the kings own aviary in Hallendor, carrying a message made out to her, oddly enough. The small, tight scrawl had been quite difficult to read but the message it relayed was all too clear. Her twin brother, older by no more than two minutes, had been found murdered in his bed three nights past. Galan, the twins' closest companion, had found his body along with a cryptic letter demanding the end of the "mirrored flames". His concern for her well being overwhelming him, he urged her in his letter to flee Hallendor at once and seek refuge in the far off city of Illithae.

Never one to question her beloved friend, she hastily packed what belongings she could easily reach and set off only to find herself here, riding on the back of a stolen horse into the last place she had seen her brother alive. Sighing softly she pulls back on the reigns, slowing the horses speed as she spots the familiar marker she had been looking for. Ahead and to the right stood an ancient oak, its branches twisting their gnarled limbs high above the surrounding trees. This was the sacred oak, the tree that crossroads had grown its own roots around. Rumor had it that if one prayed beneath it on a full moon, your wish would be granted before the next full moon came to rise. These rumors had drawn people from all over the kingdoms and slowly but surely, the hamlet had sprung up around it, as people created businesses to cater to the flow of traffic. It was here that she was destined to stop for the evening. Crossroads was not big by any means, consisting mainly of a blacksmith, general store, a tavern that functioned as a stables and inn as well, and a few ramshackle farms clustered around the tall and ancient oak tree.

The brown mare commonly known as "Apple" due to her love of the round, red fruit, continued forward drawing ever closer to the small hamlet. Elinia could feel herself beginning to relax as the oh so familiar tavern that she had spent so much time with her brother in came into view. The building was not particularly big nor was it overly small, just right for a cozy night with a small group of good friends. It's once brown, weathered sides had never seen a bit of paint and now stood a dulled out grey against the sky. She chuckled to herself as she recalled the pet name her brother had given the place, "The Moody Minstrel". He had made the name out of jest at the blustery barkeep Ivan, who had a tendency to burst out in song when he had a bit too much of his own wares and oddly enough Ivan had taken a liking to it.

Pulling the horse to a stop, she carefully dismounts and stretches her sore muscles, shaking her head at the memory. There would be no smiling face waiting to greet her this time. He was gone for good and if she was not careful she could very well be next. Elinia walks the horse to the stable and hands the reigns over to the little brown haired boy, David, who had been working there for the last three years. Not bothering to stop for a chat she tosses him a small, golden coin and walks away, heading straight for the door. She could already taste the warm earthy ale, the place was known for sliding down her throat.

The door creaks loudly as she opens and then shuts it behind her, blinking a few times to adjust to the bright and cheerful room. One thing that could certainly be said about Ivan, was that he kept a clean and well maintained place. It might not look like much from the outside but once through the door, any weary traveler was met with spotless floors and heavy hardwood furniture polished to a bright shine. Directly in front of the door was a large stone fireplace that always sporting a bright and cheerful fire, several soft leather chairs circling it for those who care to sit and gossip a bit. On the right, was a narrow but sturdy staircase that lead upstairs to the ten rooms the inn boasted and on the left was a well polished mahogany bar, stocked with almost any liquor one could imagine. Tall sturdy stools, made of local oak lined the front of the bar and a tall, round, yet muscular man stood behind it. Tables lay scattered across the rest of the room in what could only be called organized chaos.

It never ceased to amaze her how out of place "The Moody Minstrel" seemed in the small hamlet, even though she had come here almost every month for most of her life. Removing her brown riding cloak she tosses it over her arm and dusts off her loose fitting, green blouse and brown, leather riding breeches. Standing at 5'6" she wasn't exactly tall but she wasn't short either. Her lithe frame, well toned from years of tracking down and carrying home her prey. Shooting Ivan a brilliant smile she moves over to the bar and orders her normal tankard of ale in a soft yet refined tone.
Sitting in a corner of the bar is Micheal Denver and he shoots a glance over to Elinia. Watching her carefully for a few moments before returning to his drink and looks to the person he's doing business with. "So, we'll organise the practice for the mornin' aye?" He whispers as he stands up, passing the folk at the table some gold coins - Namely 3 gold pieces.

[i've been unable to move for awhile...Sorry that I've been unable to get to you! But I'm here at last! ^^ I'll be responding when I can ^^]
"Ellie dear, what has kept you away for so long hmm?", the burly bartender calls out to her in a deep sonorous tone. He grins and grabs a mug from beneath the counter, polishing it to a shine before pulling the tap and filling her mug with ale. "Come to think of it, I haven't seen that imp of a brother you have either!", he looks at her with a brow raised high in question and slides the mug to her before filling one for himself.

Elinia frowns and shakes her head hastily grabbing for the full mug and wrapping her small hands around it, gripping the mug so tightly her knuckles turned white with the strain. She stares down into the foamy head, her emerald eyes bright with unshed tears and takes a deep breathe. Slowly exhaling she looks up at the burly inn keep, replying in a clear but shaken voice, "I'm afraid Elias will not be returning, he was murdered in his sleep. Ivan, is that old Ellsworth still living up on the hill?"

The grin falls from Ivan's face and he reaches out a comforting hand, patting her shoulder in a gentle fatherly manner. Shaking his head he sighs and takes a long hard draught of his mug of ale. "I'm so sorry little bird, I know how dear he was to you. If your looking for revenge, you should put it out of your mind right now. It will not bring back your brother and it won't take away the pain.", he says in a soft and comforting tone, his gravelly voice cracking with his own grief.

"I-it isn't that, I know Eli would not want it. It's just, Galan thinks the same men who killed him may be coming for me. I-I'm scared, Ivan! I can hunt well enough but you can't fight off a man with a bow! Isn't there anyone who could teach me?", Elinia pleads, her eyes wide with fright. Tears threaten to pour down her rosy cheeks as she sets down the mug and wraps her arms tightly around her slender waist, shifting from one foot to the other.
A man taps Micheal Denver on the shoulder. "See 'er?" He points in Elinia's direction and he nods. "Yeah...What of her?" The man coughs. "She needs help, I suggest you do so....Might give you some money" Micheal sighs. "What? I 'spose I should be grateful you've not changed states you rat" The man goes red and goes to attack him with his glass in his right hand.

Micheal Denver sighs again - This time very angrily. "You..." He grabs the man by his wrist and throws him over the top of himself, onto a table. "ENOUGH!!" He shouts and the man tries to pull out his dagger even though he is lying on the table.

Micheal growls under his breathe as he starts to chant a curse under his breathe, sending the man into the depths of Death itself, with his sword on his back he readjusts it and glances at Elinia. He walks over solemnly, attempting to forget some of his angry business 'Associates' who glare at him as he walks over to her.

Micheal looks down and lowers himself to his knees so he is level with her. Hoping to catch her eye vision he whispers to her, "I know how you feel. No-one is going to want to train you, or attempt to, if you cannot look after yourself. Tell me what you can do" He stands up slowly.
Elinia heard the loud ruckus behind her but ignored it, figuring some patron or other had once again drank too much. She knew if it got too out of hand Ivan would quickly take the matter in hand and some poor fool would find himself lying face first in a pile of manure. What she did not miss was the sound of footsteps approaching from behind her. Stiffening she turns her head to see a pair of blazing blue eyes looking at her. Listening intently to what he has to say, she turns and leans her back against the bar, sizing him up. "Hmm, I can look after myself well enough, I'm the second best tracker in the kingdom and the third best shot. I suppose that doesn't make me the best hunter but I like to believe what I lack in skill, I more than make up for in resilience. You will not find one more patient than I am nor one more determined. You say none will teach me? Just wait, I will prove you wrong. Who are you anyways?", she hastily replies, a single brow arching high and her emerald eyes narrowing. There is no anger to the girls tone, simply a mixture of curiosity and determination.
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"Micheal. I know how to use a sword and can use magic to an advanced pace. Third best shot you say? I hear of the second best shot almost, being, shot himself a few days ago" He smiles as he stands up straight, looking to the door and then to the stairs. "If you want to hear more of what I would potentially offer you, head to the Knutswreckle Castle before nightfall" He walks out of the Tavern, tossing a pouch with around 9 gold coins inside it to Ivan for the trouble and as a tip as well as for being a good friend to him. He sighs as he walks out, kicking some would-be thieves over. "Stupid people..." He mutters under his breath.
Ivan chuckles and swipes the pouch up in one bear like fist, testing the weight before he drops it into his over sized pocket. "Ahha! You're too generous lad, try to leave some for later!" he shouts after Micheal in a loud friendly tone, his burly chest shaking with laughter. Turning his attention back to Elinia he drops to a low fatherly tone and smiles warmly, "I can't say I support this idea of yours but if ever there was a man to help ya, he would be it. Michael's about as good as they come around here, besides I know where he lives." He winks down at her and moves his hand in a soft shooing motion. "Go on then girl, don't you worry none about that ale, I'll drink it for ya. Just don't forget about poor old Ivan hmm? I'd hate to have to close up just come looking for my favorite lass."

Ellie stands quietly for a few minutes, her brow knit and her teeth sink deep into her lower lip as she mentally debates the strange turn of events. The man seemed quite rough around the edges but he also seemed to know what he was doing. Making up her mind she dips her head into a brisk nod and smiles, tucking a stray fiery lock behind her ear. "Well if he is good enough for you then he is certainly good enough for me. Thank you Ivan, you're always so good to me!", she chirps stretching across the bar to peck his cheek and setting the huge man to blushing.

Her confidence restored. she practically bounces out the door to retrieve her horse and find the stranger who had approached her.

The road was unusually quiet as she rode along, usually she would have at least run into some drunk fool looking for trouble but not a single unfriendly face crossed her view as she made her way to Knutswreckle as Micheal had suggested. Making good time she passes through the iron gate and into the courtyard, dropping from her horse with exhaustion. She hands off Apple to a groom and strolls up to the nearest guard, clearing her throat to get his attention.

The tall, thin man turns to her and speaks in a nasally voice, "Yes, what is it girl, can't you see I am busy?" He impatiently waves a hand in the air almost as if he hoped the motion would make this unwanted nuisance disappear. "Well speak up, I haven't got all day!"

Elinia once again clears her throat, struggling to contain the many smart mouthed replies that ran through her mind. Smiling patiently, she draws herself up to her full height and straightens her cloak before replying in a courtly manner, "I do beg your pardon sir but I was informed by His Majesty Eric Sterling of Hallendor that I was to report to Micheal. Would you be so kind as to point me in the right direction? I would hate to keep him waiting."

With a sniffle of his hawkish beak of a nose the guard drops an arm to his waist and inclines his head ever so slightly before replying. "Ah yes of course! They never do tell me these things. It is amazing this place still stands with such poor management. Well come along then, I'll show you the way!" Muttering under his breath he takes off, not bothering to wait for a reply, leaving Ellie to chase after him across the wide courtyard and through the weathered stone castle. Stopping at a large wooden door he taps three times with a thin knuckle and walks away, leaving Elinia to stand shifting from her left foot to her right foot waiting for an answer.
After around 80 seconds, the doors open. The doors themselves having not been open for awhile (or seeming so) as Micheal looks around and spots her. "On time, This is good" He guesters for her to come in. "Which guard was..." He looks over to the guard who is walking off and smirks. "He'll find a surprise payment for being this nice to a potential friend. Must remain professional though. Anyway-" He nods as he walks back into the castle. "I understand you wanted to learn a lot of things - Like the rest of us - What would your primary focus be?"
Elinia blinks several times, her brow furrowed with confusion before her emerald eyes go wide and she replies in a thoughtful tone, "I-What? Oh of course! Hmm well, I suppose offensive and defensive measures with a blade. I don't know really, this is all quite new to me. Honestly I never thought I would have a need for such things. You don't hunt a bear with a blade after all." Chuckling nervously, she folds her hands neatly behind her back and walks through the door, her movements graceful and poised. She stops just inside the entryway and pivots on her heel, turning to once again face Micheal. "Payment will not be a problem, I have savings and I can gladly hunt game both large and small so long as I am here. I am not a needy person, I spent more time in the forest than I ever did in the castle. You will also find me to be a diligent student. I don't expect things to be easy so have no fears on that front. Simply tell me what you need from me and I shall deliver.", she says, her demeanor all business.
Micheal chuckles for a minute, thinking all about what she's been talking about. "Okay, so you want to be effective with a blade. How is your speed? Its good to be careful and sometimes a little slow, but if you're in the middle of combat for example...Then what would you do?"

He takes out a 38 inch bladed sword and passes it to her while he grabs one himself. "I assume you'll want to begin as soon as possible. That can either be in the next 10 seconds or later on this afternoon"

He thinks for another minutes and then shakes his head. "Payment is not necessary here. As a student you will be provided for. Food, Drink and a roof over your head. And a powerful roof at that"

He walks over to what appears to be a practice scarecrow and slices it in two, motioning to another one to his left. "Show me what you can do with that blade before anything else. And to answer your statement earlier...I've hunted a bear with a blade...Not easy I can tell you"

He half-limps/half tries to hide the limping as he walks backwards - Giving her some room - With the additional room incase the sword he gave her flew out of her hands.
Ellie awkwardly holds the blade in front of her with both hands, the tip pointed toward the floor, as she stares at Micheal as if he has just grown a third head. Surely the man was joking, she wouldn't need lessons if she knew how to use the thing. Seeing him moving back out of harm's reach, she sighs and turns to look at the dummy with weary eyes, realizing he did in fact expect her to use the blade. She takes three steps forward, closing the gap between her and her target then raises the blade overhead and clumsily brings it down in a straight line as hard as she can. The blade sinks into the practice dummy's head, the force sending shocks through the hilt, then the blade and straight up her arms, driving her teeth to chatter for a brief moment. She gasps and releases the sword, allowing it to clatter across the floor as she stares with wide eyes, shaking her hands before her. "O-oh! I'm s-sorry, I didn't mean to drop it. I've never used a sword before. It's not as easy as it looks it seems.", she murmurs as she bends to retrieve the blade from the floor. "You must think me a fool. I..I'd understand if you turned me away." Turning her emerald eyes to the floor, she holds the sword out in offering, holding by the hilt with the tip facing downward in her right hand.
Micheal bellows out in laughter. "You, honestly think, I'd turn you away and treat you like a child? BAH! No chance! You're the second best in the Kingdom right? Now, I want to see you with that sword again, this time-" He walks in front of her, being careful of his cloak and when he stopped his eyes flashed a weary colour of amber before going back to normal colour again. "I'll be your opponent. Get yourself ready - I want to see you fight better with that weapon. If you can at least land one strike on me..." He raises his sword in a pointing motion at her. "We can have a break, not until then...Or perhaps your movement would be better attuned first?" He questions as he stands in front of her, pulling sword back to himself in a defensive stance.
She stares back him, her mouth agape and her cheeks flushed with embarrassment as he laughs at her. "H-have you gone completely mad sir?! You honestly expect me to swing this thing in your direction? What if you get hurt, I'm not a doctor, after all, I hunt game.", she sputters, her eyes wide and curious. Twisting her mouth into a slight frown she looks the blade over and then looks to him again and sighs. "I suppose you know better than I but if something goes wrong I'll not take the blame for it. Whatever do you mean by attuned? Such a funny one, you are!", Elinia chirps, holding the sword up in front of her with a determined gleam to her eyes.
Micheal smirks and steps to his right and then left in the fluid motion one would expect from a predator on its prey. "Watch my movements, carefully that is, I want you to hit my sword. Concentrate and you will be able to get it...Come at me when you are ready" He lowers his head slightly and raised his sword ready to bring it down at a moments notice.

The sword itself comes down within moments, glittering a few different colours as it does so - almost like a gem/type sword similar to those found in storybooks and fairy tales.

"With concentration comes the ability to focus....The more that you focus the more you can understand about what is going on around you....Respond!" Micheal shouts as the sword is mere inches away from Elinia's.

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