Fidel & Lys Vendrick


Ten Thousand Club


Name: Fidel Vendrick

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Body Type: 5'7''

Fidel is extremely athletic, with a rather teasing, and inviting form. She's not overly voluptuous, or too stunning, or too gorgeous, but she is curvy, with a very delightful frame.

Appearance: A fine young woman, Fidel has grown up to be quite pretty. Her heart-shaped face, is simply elegant, framed with some extremely silky, translucent, glossy steely-black hair. Everything about her is graceful, and radiant. From her nearly perfect face, to her deep, striking, cool steely eyes. A color that is not often seen in eyes, and one that can be so enchanting. Even her outfits are on point. Chic, and extremely fashion-forward, Fidel is never seen not radiating a sense of purpose. Style, and sweet, together in this charming flower. She often sports adorable pleated skirts, with thigh-high socks, tights, or even stockings, if the time calls for it. Her tops are always enticing, and toned to match the rest of her outfit. Fidel does not thrust her perfection in other's faces, it simply exists. Which, is why her sister tries so hard to emulate her. (Or would, if she was not too busy off fighting).

Sexuality: Pansexual


Fidel's outward self, reflects her inner self. As pristine, pure, and pretty she is on the outside, she's merely revealing her inner beauty, in physical form. She is extremely positive, always one to count on, or approach if the need should arise. Fidel is kind, caring, compassionate, sympathetic, empathetic, and smart. She understands the way of the world, and seeks to right its wrongs with her loving, congenial personality. The girl is extremely hospitable, offering any aid she can, whenever she can, even when it wasn't necessary, or when the need for such graciousness wasn't known to be useful at the time. Her mother in particular, always considered Fidel an angel, for how helpful her daughter was to her, in both sustaining a home, and raising Lys.

In that regard, Fidel's honesty was tested. She was always known to be completely sincere with her words, never one to lie, or tell falsehoods. So, when the day came that she had to do just that, in order to protect her younger sister from whatever grim fate should befall her, for her latest heinous deed, Fidel spoke a... well, she didn't 'lie' per say (she did). She instead, stuck up for Lys, and Lys lied. Fidel merely helped her sister smooth out a sticky situation. This is one thing about Fidel. She will absolutely, always, 100% watch out for her sister, vigilantly: without fault.

A dark truth, though, about Fidel, is for whatever reason, she finds Lys's severe attitude, wild antics, aggressive tendencies, and violent outbursts to be somewhat thrilling. Her deepest inner being stirring each time she is witness to something awful Lys does. Though, she would never admit this, to anyone, not even herself. If this is indeed the case (it is), then it does make sense, why Fidel goes out of her way to safeguard Lys, while still allowing her to be wild, and untethered. Forgoing stopping Lys's intense ways, and instead, enabling them to last; sustaining an ever belligerent lifestyle for Lys.


Fidel was a perfect child from day one. She came out of her mother easily, with no complications, shining like a beacon of hope, to the single mother. She was beautiful, and took instantly to loving the one who birthed her; giggling, and snuggled her mother. Even, after her sister was born, Fidel remained the same agreeable, sensible, strong girl she was. Lys took a different route than she did, but that was hardly her issue, and there was very little she could do about it. Instead, the eldest daughter, took up a myriad of things, excelling in all of them. She took up first and foremost: Kendo. Training in the way of the sword. A spontaneous choice, but one she ended up loving to death! She also picked up tennis, and was remarkable in that. She picked up soccer, and again, did wonderfully. Fidel even excelled at poetry, and music. Turns out she was excellent at the clarinet and violin. School work came easy to her. So easy, in fact, that she was able to breeze through it all, going so far as to finish Lys's work, for her, as well. She was a capable athlete, running well, exercising easily, but frequently, keeping up her form, and never wavering from the course she had set for her. She was a ridiculous academic, with grades that never dropped from the best of the best, in some of the toughest classes to boot. There was truly nothing wrong with Fidel. Not even her unpleasant home life, with a flaky mother, seemed to bother her.

Fidel, did take to being dishonest with her mother, when it came to circumventing Lys's transgressions. Which, was the only time she would ever do anything wrong. For she reasoned that it was really Lys that was lying, and she was just protecting / watching over her sister. Well, all but one other thing, that Fidel did wrong. One day, in school, while she was in a rather unusual scenario: being between classes, in the empty halls. A thing,that rarely ever occurred, because of how studious she was, Fidel found herself going down some stairs, while another student was heading up. Seeing, and vouching for Lys countless times, must have gotten to her. Out of the blue, she pushed the student, shoving him hard back down the steps, where he fell, and collapsed at the end. He had been unsuspecting, for he should've recognized Fidel, as she was extremely popular about school, and was famous for being a perfect student -no perfect person. It was an act of cruelty, that was spontaneously violent, for Fidel. A thing she had never done before, or done since.

However, watching him tumble, gave her a feeling of satisfaction, that she could not rightly place, or understand. Also, scared from such a feeling, Fidel resolved to never do anything like that again. The boy had been injured, and he should have recognized her, but she was never reported, or called in. A curious fact that Fidel, to this day, doesn't know the meaning behind.

Aside, from that one minor hiccup, and the 'lies' she tells her mother on behalf of Lys, Fidel is an otherwise upstanding person. Remaining 'perfect' and blemishless to this day, continuing to protect her younger, more erratic sister.

Magic Systems Learned:

Job Title Acquired:

System Affinity: White & Blue

Casting Method: 

Other: Birthday - July 4th.




Name: Lys Vendrick

Age: 16

Gender: Female (hermaphrodite)

Body Type: 4'7''

Not a very tall person, by any means, the girl is sylphlike. Extremely petite, Lys is small, yet tries to maintain an athletic build. She's so tiny, and underdeveloped, she looks much younger than she really is.

Appearance: As mentioned, Lys is elfin. Don't mistake her small stature for delicacy. She'll knock you down, with no regrets. She tends to wear punky outfits, with darker colors, mixed with light colors - her favorite being black and whites together. A favorite of hers, is a small 'jailed' top and skirt combo, with ribbons in her dark, velvety hair, that she often wears in pigtails. Again, don't mistake cuteness for something inviting. Lys is not an open-armed girl, and often meets such with a fist, and a sour mood. Despite, her youngish appearance, Lys has no qualms with showing skin. In fact, she prefers it. Most of her outfits are tiny, like she is, and would reveal a lot more sensuality, if she had any sort of form to fill them out. Oh, and her eyes are a deep, burning mahogany brown, akin to almost red.

Sexuality: Unknown


Lys is the epitome of "tough girl". She has gained such an abrasive attitude in her short life, with an aggressive outlook, and potty mouth to boot; she will absolutely disrespect you, to follow through with her trashy behavior. This young girl is extremely prickly, often lashing out at any little provocation. Getting on her good side is nigh impossible. If she even has one. Lys is right at home with holding grudges, and feeling jealous, or envious; anything to justify her nasty exterior, really. She's extremely hard to really like, with her attitude just being too negative to find attractive. Yet, there are times, when she'll be flustered, or confused, and in those rare instances, she can be a tad cute... Huh, go figure. Perhaps, just perhaps... there may be something hidden just below that thorny surface?

Oh, one more thing. Lys is a compulsive liar. She struggles with the truth, and finds it far easier to just lie her way out of things. Which, always seems to come back and bite her in her ass. Though, never learning, she continues the vicious cycle.


Born extremely prematurely, Lys was at incredible risk. Not to mention, she was a pretty unique person, in the fact, that she had the aspects of both genders. Lys was an underdeveloped true hermaphrodite, exhibiting both aspects of both sexes. Their mother was single, and struggled with any sort of welcoming home life, but she provided the best she could. It took a lot for the premature baby Lys to survive, and flourish. Though... 'flourish' isn't exactly the correct word to use, in regards to Lys...

Growing up, it became quite apparent that Lys was going to be a very small person, with quite the underdeveloped, runty form; a body that reflected her very early peril in life: childlike in appearance. Her growth as both a person, and as a girl was arrested, leaving her stunted and pint-sized, with a body resembling a child. To make matters worse Ms. Vendrick raised Lys like a daughter, finding it just easier to keep the household feminine; the mother not considering any unforeseen consequences. Of which their were a few.

Primarily, Lys struggled to keep up with her older sister, by one year, Fidel, in nearly everything; a striking young woman, with an attractive form, that was beginning to grow into its own. Her sister had beautiful steely eyes, long, lustrous, silken, glossy blackish hair. With a very attractive, cute, pert, heart-shaped face, and charmingly delightful good looks. Not to mention, her myriad of accomplishments, good scores in school, and pleasant, outgoing demeanor, that everyone around loved. Frankly, her sister was perfect, and Lys, could not match her at all. Not from her aggressive, warning 'red' eyes, 'ugly' face, to her puny, unattractive, un-womanly body, to her poor, envious attitude, that was only growing worse day by day. Yes, it seemed for as perfect as Fidel was, Lys was just the opposite, doomed to fall into the darkness; unable to match the greatness of her sister. Even, her age was in question, with many people assuming she was just some lost child. Some lost impetuous child, with a wardrobe unfitting such a young girl, but a silly, lost child, nonetheless. If she had been raised a boy.. perhaps she wouldn't have aspired to be the woman that her sister was; something that seemed basically impossible. Hard to say, but what could be said, was Lys was extremely, viciously, radically jealous of Fidel, turning to darker things to 'amuse' her (to preoccupy her).

Those 'darker things' came in the form of bullying, and becoming a brute; a general, unwelcome, trashy pest. Lys began to skip school, she began to act out. She would even hit other students, twice her size. It wasn't long until she was getting into fights, yelling at teachers (with choice words that got her sent to the principal's office). She would get in trouble all over the place, all the time, until, eventually, Lys just stopped going to school altogether. She never got into drugs, though, there was ample times for her to do so, and she was definitely tempted, but something.. something just made her stay away from them. Whatever the case may be, her mother was never involved. Though, the school wanted her to be, she just simply was not around enough. Instead, her older sister Fidel was the one to come in, take up the slack as a guardian, and deal with all of the terrible situations that came from Lys's terrible attitude. It was completely common, for her to beat up on other students, and hurt them physically. Lys never claimed to like doing it, she just did it.

When, it came time to talk with her mother about it, Lys simply lied, telling her anything to make her believe that school life was fine, that she enjoyed it, that she even excelled, like Fidel. It couldn't be farther from the truth, Seriously, how dense could one be? Whatever, her mother wasn't someone she particularly cared for, anyway. Her mother was simply there to help provide a home, food, and useful things. Of which, she provided the bare minimum, because their lives sucked. Lys wasn't even sure what her mother did to earn money. (She was probably some filthy whore, or at least that's what Lys bitterly thought.)

Lys became a delinquent, and has not been back to school for a few months. Her time is spent wandering the city she lives in, picking fights, and getting into trouble. Breaking into places, stealing, loitering in rundown areas. A highlight, that she considers in her life, is when Lys joined an underground boxing ring. 'Boxing' is used loosely. It's mostly just a place for other delinquent types to vent frustration in the form of beating up on each other. Lys took to this right away, enjoying pummeling her tiny fists into 'victims'. Victims is another term used loosely. She largely sucked, and being such a little runt, got her ass handed to her, remorsefully, all the time.

That didn't stop her, however. The little girl continued to show up; continuing her 'training'. Eventually, she began to hold her own, showing a certain level of strange, unfiltered tenacity, that surprised, and impressed her fellow societal roaches. So, Lys was officially christened the 'Little Badass Chick', that came to their 'boxing ring', to fight and train. She even won a few betting rounds, earning some cash. Cash she'd spend selfishly on herself.

One day, in a particularly nasty round, with a hefty bet on the line, Lys pushed herself extremely hard, but her opponent was merciless. He beat the little girl up to a bloody pulp, uncaring completely. Some of the others -regulars- were quite stunned, but he had ultimately followed their rules, and she had suffered the consequences for not conceding earlier in the fight.

When she returned home, much much later, after waking up from unconsciousness, her mother confronted her and Fidel. Her sister knew all about her unsavory habits, and the fight club she was apart of. Turns out, that it's basically impossible for a parent to be so clueless after all. Their mother had, definitely, found out about Lys's absences, and previous behavior; her affinity for violence and outbursts. Fidel was even caught lying to her mother for Lys's sake. A person who was known for her honesty. Lys's appearance was also impossible to ignore. Her face was puffy, reddened, bleeding, and her eye was darkened. She had bruises quite visible on her pale skin that she left uncovered with another raunchy outfit.

Needless, to say, that confrontation did not go well. Their mother did not appreciate being toyed with, and lied to. She also hated what had happened to Lys, and this self-destructive, caustic attitude of her youngest daughter. During the fight, Lys's fury grew to a boiling point. She despised the way her mother talked to her, and hated all these words being thrown her way. Unable to control herself any longer, she threw a punch towards her mom. Fidel had seen it coming, and had, in turn, thrown herself in the way, taking the hit across her face, busting her lip open, and giving her a nasty bruise.

Instantly, Lys realized what she had done, striking out at her own mother, and hitting her own sister, who had only ever stuck up for her. With that, Lys fled the house, and has scarcely been back since, hiding out in more crappy, forsaken places.

Magic Systems Learned:

Job Title Acquired:

System Affinity: Red

Casting Method:

Other: Lys actually, has one thing she ups her sister on: she's ambidextrous. Lys was born exactly one year after her sister, and she never knew her father: a good-for-nothing, who got her mother pregnant, but never provided any aid or anything. If there is one nice thing that Lys likes, it is animals. Oh, she's a hypocrite, and has been seen abusing them, but secretly, she loves the cute little critters. If anything, Lys has a feminine side, that she wants to explore, but thinks she simply cannot. (This secret about her, is only hinted at).


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