Fey joins the fray!


New Member

Hello everyone, the name's Fey and I've been role-playing for about a year or two now. I love just about anything fantasy-based under the sun, and also have a taste for some well though-out mystery with maybe a tinge of horror(lucky for me Halloween's just around the corner!) Character building is probably my favorite part of any RP, so I tend to stick to originals more than fandom. I actually joined RPnation in the hopes of trying out my hand at group RPs again, as it's been ages since I've last done anything that wasn't a onexone and I've been thinking it's time mix things up a bit... So, here I am.

See ya around!

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..... Join the Darkside...


*coughs* Anyways. Welcome to RpN! :D Glad to have you aboard the...loco train of a site.
Rantos speed in; to say hello!

Yo, yo, yo! Its good to have ya join our little corner of the internet! Stay a while and try not to get eaten~
Welcome to the endless hell.

Welcome to the beginning of the end.

Welcome to the end of your life.

Welcome to RpNation, hope you like it here. I sure do.

I might not look the part, profile and all, but my buddy taught me quite about the site so if you need any help you can hit me up.
Hai. *-* I don't know what to say... 'Boo'. Very scary.

Welcome! ^^


I'm pretty new too. But, Halloween really is great fun for roleplayers, isn't it? C:< Anyways, I wish you luck in finding the roleplays you want.
Welcome ~

If you want to give group games a go, then Interest Checks is where you need to be; it's where all the actively recruiting group free-form games seek players. Everything is tagged by genre so you should be able to find something to your taste.

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