Ferret's Characters


drop your socks and grab your crocs
Name: Rufus Marlott
Age: 24
Gender: Male
Species: Rhyhorn

Guild;  Explorer/Rescuer

Team; the team with TaraSobiki and KikiKitsune's characters and Caden and [unnamed], respectively

Rank; Bronze

Occupation;  n/a

Appearance; I will try and draw something soon!!

Personality: Rufus has a long fuse. It's very hard to get him angry, but if you do he'll explode. He can usually take a lot of crap (probably too much) without standing up for himself, but it does have a certain point that he'll be done with it. That being said, before he gets angry he can usually be pretty passive aggressive. He'd rather just avoid someone or pretend something didn't happen than actually talk (or argue) about it. He's not always sure how to act around others - it's hard for him to make friends, so when he does, he sticks with them. He is very protective and can be quite annoyingly so, as in sometimes others don't want his help or his protection, but he can't help but give it.

History; He never really got along too well with his parents, but he is on good terms with them. He adored his little brother, who was killed in an accident (tbd). Her death inspired him to get strong and to join the guild, because he never wants anything like what happened to his brother happen to anyone. Caden reminds him of his brother, and so he is even more protective of him (is thats okay with you, @TaraSobiki)

Crush; open

Boyfriend/Girlfriend; open

Husband /Wife; open
Other: he's gay
Name: Alto Riggins
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Species: Meowth

Guild; researcher

Team; the team with SpookySableye's character [unnamed]

Rank; Rookie

Occupation;  n/a

Appearance; will draw something asap!!

Personality: At first, Alto may seem prissy, uptight and greedy and (while he may be a little bit of all of those things), he is down to earth and actually pretty sensitive. Most of that is an air he puts on to make it seem like he doesn't care, but he does care. A lot. He can be a little selfish and self-centered, but most of the time he is fun to be around. Unless he doesn't like you. Then he will make that very obvious. He can dish it out but he really can't take it. If he does like you, however, he is charming and likes to joke around. He acts prissy and pretends he doesn't like to get his hands dirty and the likes, but he gets really into his research and would totally dive face first into a mudpit just to extract some artifact.

History; Originally, he was on a rescue/explorer team, but he soon learned that he was far more interested in studying the items he found out there than actually exploring or rescuing others. So he joined the research guild.

Crush; open, but he's not very interested in romance or anything more

Boyfriend/Girlfriend; open

Husband /Wife; open
Other: n/a

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