Fernor, Lord of the Oaths


Follower of Sigmar's Holy Path
Full name: Fernor Oathmaker of Lond Daer

Nickname (Optional): The Blade of Lond Daer, Foe of the King, Oathforger on the Stone

Age: 43

Height/Weight (Optional): 6'4, 86 kg


Side: Neutral, though leaning towards Rebels and pretty hostile towards Royals.

Occupation: Upper Class citizen turned revolutionary

Family: 4 sons, 4 daughters, one wife (Deceased)

Background: Hailing from the once prosperous town of Lond Daer in the far eastern lands of the King, Fernor was once a rich merchant, happy in his home, with his children and wife. His sons regularly hunted with the local governor's sons, while his daughters helped around the house and practiced with the blade with the more prominent guards. For a time, all was good. Then came the rebels. Swiftly, Lond Daer became a rebel stronghold, with few families not openly supporting them. Fernor's one of the supporters, yet this would prove to be his greatest mistake. Soon, the King's Men marched on the town, and destroyed it after a bloody battle. In the midst of the battle, he took his family, and fled to the wooded land nearby, but he had to leave his wife behind after she was killed by a bowman. Before he left, he took an ancient sword, and so began the legend.

In the wilderness, Fernor and his family came across a great slab of stone in a clearing. There began the Hunt, for Fernor leapt upon the stone, and swore an oath to make war against the King till the end of days, with every word rousing a fiery vengeance in the hearts of his sons and daughters. They swore the same oath as their father, and then for 10 years, they fought, hunting patrols and caravans like wolves hunting sheep. The sons changed from cheerful boys into grim and fierce warriors, the daughters into deadly marksmen. To the King's Men, they became known as the 9 Hunters, fearsome wraiths bringing death to the enemy. With bows and with blades, bloody vengeance visited the soldiers of the King, and it would continue till the end of the days.
Sorry for the misunderstanding, it was simply a town in one of the lands. Woodhaerst seems like a nice place.
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