Literature Favorite Game of Throne Characters? (Top Three) (Careful for Spoilers!)


Mandalorian Warrior and Skald.

<em>Hoo boy... Alrighty, this is going to be hard...</em> <strong>1.</strong> Tyrion Lannister, that cool drinking bud. <img src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/imageproxy/imageproxy.php?img=" class="ipsImage" alt="i1Ygnmz.gif" /><em>Yes, dance, you sexy man...</em> <strong>2.</strong> Daenerys Stormborn, Targaryen, Queen of the Andals and First Men, Khaleesi of the Great Grass Sea, Mother of Dragons, Breaker of Chains, and Lady Fire Tits. <img src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/imageproxy/imageproxy.php?img=" class="ipsImage" alt="large.gif" /><em>Yass, Queen.</em> Don't look at that explosion, you're too cool for that. <strong>3.</strong> Tie between Jon Snow and the wonderful Ser Jorah Mormont, Paramount of the Friend Zone and Lord Protector of the First Base. <img src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/imageproxy/imageproxy.php?img=" class="ipsImage" alt="tumblr_n3n2ad8s701s72ffzo1_500.gif" /> Jon Snow, looking so bad ass for no reason. You know <em>nothing.</em> <img src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/imageproxy/imageproxy.php?img=" class="ipsImage" alt="jorah-mormont-21-1435078366.gif" /> Jorah Mormont, you'll get rid of your metaphorical STDs one day and get you some of that <em><span style="text-decoration:underline;">half-your-age</span></em> pussy. I believe in you. On a note, I really do love Oberyn Martell and Arya Stark. Arthur Dayne is pretty bad-ass, and I have mixed feelings regarding Stannis. Samwell Tarly is also very close to being one of my top three. There are just so many neat characters. Varys, included. Khal Drogo... Ngh, too many. Anyway, gimme your top three.

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The problem with this thread it you're asking me to pick, haha.

Hm.... Well, in no particular order....

  • Sansa Stark: Favored for the character development she has shown. At the show's outset she was possibly my least favorite.
  • Daenerys Targaryen: Do I really need to explain this one?
  • Ned Stark: Er, yes, I know he died forever ago... BUT I JUST LIKED HIM SO MUCH. And with recent episodes, we're learning so much that's really having an impact on how we perceive his character, so...

Anyway, if you asked me tomorrow I would probably pick three entirely different people. :P
OH. Haha, also, you may appreciate this.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/13256302_1063935603684496_2502525895874833114_n.png.523eca0b3896e24e8ba3fe35a0cf801b.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="131127" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/13256302_1063935603684496_2502525895874833114_n.png.523eca0b3896e24e8ba3fe35a0cf801b.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Ser Jorah of the House Mormont, First of his name. King of the Nice Guys, the Like A Brothers and the Just Friends. Lord Paramount of the Unrequited and the First Base and Protector of the Friend Zone.
Kit is pretty sexy, I agree with you on that. I really like Ned Stark, just that I never bother to mention him since he died so early on. He really was a bad-ass and great character though. Honorable man.
I. Brienne of Tarth.

Brienne, Gwendolyn Christie, everything about her is perfect, I remain convinced that she will live to see the end of the series. She has had contact with most of the big name Westeros houses and has pledged her services and loyalty to them. I also remain convinced that Daenarys would like Brienne if/when she comes to Westeros—so I can't see her dying any time soon.

II. Margaery Tyrell.

Natalie Dormer. Need I say more?

III. Sansa Stark.

Like Brienne, I'm pretty sure that Sansa won't be dying soon; she has power now, and surrendering that seems out of character for her.

I'm excited what the future holds for Sansa!

Runner Ups: Missandei, Arya Stark, Tyrion Lannister.
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I. Tyrion Lannister

How can you NOT like Tyrion? He is such a good character. He has been shit upon almost all his life, yet he still manages to be a cheerful guy. However, I much prefer Tyrion in the show. His book counterpart is a lil' bit more slimy, but, still such a beautifully flawed character. His speech at the trial and his final words to his father were just...
perfect. Plus: Peter Dinklage is phenomenal. If/When Tyrion dies- I will be truly sad.

II. Catelyn Tully

This is quite a controversial choice as the fan-base is very divided on Catelyn Tully, but, I adore her. She takes the classic "motherly" character trope and turns it on its head quite a bit. She is one tough lady. ( Maybe more-so in the books. ) And she loves her children so much that she is willing to take drastic action in order to protect them. A lot of people argue with me,
"How can you like Catelyn? She was dumb and she let Jaime Lannister go!". Well, yes, she did. But her actions are why I love her. She is a flawed character. She is a human being. She made countless mistakes, and she paid the price for said mistakes. I honestly think Catelyn is one of the most human characters in the entire series.

Also, Michelle Fairly's final scream still haunts me to this very day!

III. Jaime Lannister

I despised Jaime in Season 1/Book 1 and Season 2/Book 2. I think a lot of people did. However, I learned to love him in Season 3/A Storm Of Swords. Whenever anyone asks me what is the single best example of character development, I bring up Jaime Lannister. He goes from this douche bag who cripples children, to this perfectly flawed character who saved a whole city from a deranged mass murderer. Plus, I love his inner thoughts in the books. He is just so witty, and you cannot help
but love him.

Honourable Mentions :

- Arya Stark

- Asha Greyjoy ( Book Only )

- Davos Seaworth

- Jon
Targ-- Snow

- Jorah Mormont ( Show Only )

- Sansa Stark

- Varys

I love A LOT more people, but I'll stop now.

Such a variety of choices and reasons! Man...



Simply breathtaking.
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SirFlabberghaspy said:
Such a variety of choices and reasons! Man...

Simply breathtaking.
Too soon, man. I know it has been a good few years- BUT STILL. ;-; ;P
1. Oberyn Martell - Because he's awesome.

2. Margaery Tyrell - Probably one of the most intelligent characters on the show and I have a small crush on Natalie Dormer.

3. Bronn - I was going to place Tyrion as my third but Bronn is simply too charming and funny not to be on this list. He might not be most interesting around but I can't find any flaws in him either.
1. Tyrion Lannister: Comical, Intelligent, and Reasonable. Every high, overpowered house needs a Tyrion, no questions asked.

Jorah Mormont: Poor lad. So loyal to his dragon queen.

Yara Greyjoy: Honestly, it's mostly because she's a lesbian. But she is just GOOD I love her, not even sure how else to explain it.

or Jaime Lannister: He's got a heart and morals. He's aware of the wrong stuff his family does. He's a good guy, I KNOW IT.

Honestly, a big portion of my cast is a favorite of mine. It's so hard to choose!

  1. Arya Stark: The little tomboy has grown so much. I like that her progression, even though questionable in choice, is not aimed towards sitting on the damn Throne. It's aimed at revenge and death, and I find all that quiet lovely and exciting.
  2. Ghost: He's a big white fluffy wolf. How can you not love the big white fluffy wolf?
  3. Tyrion: I don't know anyone who doesn't like the dude. I seriously love him. He brings comedy and charisma that just simply cannot be matched elsewhere.
1-Tyrion lannister because come on. The guy is a genius and who wouldn't want to share a drink with him ?!

2-Davos. He's a bit of a badass and isn't afraid to say what he thinks.

3- The giant Wun Wun. It actually killed me inside when he died, like why Ramsay ?!

I hated hated hated Cersei all this time but this season she turned into a total G and played all the best moves. She burnt margaery and that was awful but it was so gratifying to see the high septon blown even higher. When she sat on the iron throne that coronation was just so perfectly dark and spooky. Septon Unella didn't deserve the mountain but I kept laughing when Cersei went "shame, shame, shame" it was so perfect.

2. My avatar

No explanation needed Jon Snow's totally great in every way

3. Mace the Ace

He just wanted a good time! Everyone had to be mean to him but he was a good father and a good man. Mace needed his time off and one long, big vacation, but instead that meanie the high septon had to carve an ugly potato into his son's head and Cersei had turn him to firewood. King's landing will miss his beautiful singing voice.
I see patterns of heroes everywhere, really though they always seem to pale in comparison to the cunning motherfuckers.

1) Littlefinger ~


First of all we all owe gratitude to this guy since he plotted Joffrey Baratheons assassination with Granny Tyrell. Some people may overlook this guy but he quite literally is one of the best players of the Iron Throne. This guy is so calculating and cunning, he always has a backup plan for his original plan, he practically has utter control of the Vale and close ties with the Lannisters. Littlefinger also has a vast spy network that ranges throughout Kings Landings brothels, only second to Varys's.

"The Spider" Varys ~


A spider has six legs, Varys has hundreds. His endgame is a mystery but we do know he serves "the realm". In all corners of the world Varys's little birds tell him practically everything, information is worth more than gold and gems. He's such a cool bald dude.

Ramsay Bolton ~


What a badass.

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