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Fantasy Fated Lore

The Story Thus Far...

In the whole of history, there have been many exodus's but only two to involved the hidden world. The first was when the Gods took their leave of this world. Legend has it that the different pantheons pooled their respective power and tore their divine realms from the earth. Choosing to act only through their faithful and no longer directly. To most scholars of myth this event was known as The Severing.

The second exodus on the other hand, took place at the end of the Dark Ages. In the centuries leading up to it, man and myth had walked the earth side by side but something changed... historians theorize that the rise of The One Faith was the catalyst of the ensuing slaughter but regardless of the reason mortals struck; driving the elder races from their ancient refuges and sanctuaries, and hunting them down like beasts. The one thing that saved them from extinction was the old gods having left enough of their power behind to aid them in an exodus of their own. Drawing on their innate powers and amplifying it through the scattered echos of deific power they were able to craft a realm apart from the mortal plane, a new sanctuary.

In the centuries that followed, the eldest and most powerful of their formed a council to govern the factions that remained formed a ruling and decision making body and created a code known now as The Ordinances to both guide and protect their peoples in the ages to follow. One such decision was the creation of the corp known as The Wardens to ensure that the Ordinances and above all the rule of secrecy is enforced.

Common Locations

Club Crimson: A nightclub run by and catering to vampires, no "dogs" allowed.

Widdershins: An occult novelty and bookstore run by a local witch Winifred Murray.

Seattle Underground: By day an attraction for mundanes, by night a market place and meeting ground for supernaturals.

Aconite Lounge: A lounge and bar frequented by and catering to supernaturals.

Additional locations can and will be added in as time goes on just email me your suggestions and we can talk them over.


The Council: The law making and judicial body of the supernatural races.

The Wardens: The law enforcement arm of the council

The Hunters: Organization of mundane hunters of supernatural beings.

The Crescent Lake Coven: The most influential coven of witches in the Northwest United States.

The Old Growth Forest Pack: Oldest and largest werewolf pack in Washington.

The New World Covenant: North American branch of vampiric aristocracy.

Additional organizations can and will be added in as time goes on just email me your suggestions and we can talk them over.


Fae: Longevity, Glamours, Weakness to Cold Iron, Incapable of Knowingly Telling a Lie, Bestowing Blessings and Curses, Physical tells that those able to pierce their glamours can use to recognize them.

  • Sidhe (Wood): Sidhe are the fair and graceful protectors of the woodlands. Bestowing Blessings of beauty, grace, and fertility as well as curses that remove them. Oneness with wild places.
Sidhe Tells: Pointed Ears, No Navel, No Canine teeth

  • Dwarves (Stone): Dwarves are avid seekers of riches and appraisers of monetary value. Master Masons, Innately knowing the value of gems and precious metals, Blessing with a keen eye for wealth or curses which cause financial hardship and misfortune.
Dwarven Tells: Skin the color and texture of stone with veins of precious metal ore visible throughout, Short and broad compared to humans.

  • Vila (Air): Vila are a race of dancing temptresses able to assume the form of swans, conjure storms, and entrance members of the opposite sex with their beguiling movements. Bestowing blessings of allure and grace as well as curses that remove them.
Vila Tells: All White Down Feathers in the place of body hair, and Tail Feathers in the place of head hair.

  • Fossegrim (Water): Fossegrim are aquatic seducers drawing in females with their bewitching songs and musical talents. Amphibious, Bestowing blessings of Song and Musical talent and inspiration as well as opposing curses.
Fossegrim Tells: Perpetually wet hair and damp skin, webbed fingers and toes, shark-like teeth and eyes.

  • Kitsune (Fire): Kitsune are the truest tricksters of the fae race blessed with the ability to alter their glamour to fit their desires as well as summoning small amounts of flame. Bestowing blessings and curses of good and ill fortune.
Kitsune Tells: Full body fur, Fox-like teeth, ears, and claws, and up to nine tails.

Afflicted: Each of whom originated from a powerful curse placed on mortal-kind. All possess a degree of longevity and supernatural vigor the extents of which vary from curse to curse.

  • Vampires: Blessed or some would say cursed with immortality at the cost drinking the blood of the living, all vampires posses physical and sensory abilities greatly beyond mortals as well as the gifts of mesmerism through eye contact, an aura of suggestion and supernatural appeal to mortals. The flip to this is their vulnerabilities to sunlight and inability to enter homes unbidden as well as aversions to consecrated places and symbols wielded by those with faith.

  • Therianthropes: In addition to their permanently enhanced sensory and physical abilities therianthropes also possess their age old vulnerabilities to silver and aconite. Due to their curse their change is intimately linked to the lunar cycle. While not immortal do have greater longevity and stay in their physical primes longer than regular humans. Because of their curse they contain two often warring spirits that of the man and of the beast and there in lies the danger the more at war the spirits are the less stable and more bloodthirsty the beast. Therianthropes come in three varieties Canines, Felines, and Ursines.

  • Osedax: Recipients of an ancient curse place by witchkind Bone Eaters, or osteomancers as they prefer to be called, are able to gain a power or ability, from the bones of the magical beasts that they must consume to remain alive as well as to maintain their longevity and vigor. All those afflicted with this curse are directly descended from one bloodline and must consume bone in order to prevent their own bones from becoming weak and brittle.

  • Soul Eater: Soul eaters are soulless men and women cursed to devour the souls of sentient beings to retain their vitality, vigor, and very existence. As the soul eater devours a soul the victim suffers through a wasting disease before eventually being reduced to a skeletal husk. As a result of their curse they are able to perceive and sense the presence of a soul as well as divine it's status. Once a person's soul has been consumed the soul eater is capable of recalling the form as well as some of the skills that the victim possessed in life. Though it does not impact their abilities soul eaters have a violent aversion to mirrors as their reflection reveals them for what they are.

Spirits: Immortal, Incorporeal, Manifestation, Invisibility, Teleportation, Inhabiting, Spiritual Combat, Vulnerable to Barriers, and Expulsion. When inhabiting a host angels and demons increase their host's vigor to inhuman levels.

  • Angels: Angels are paragons of good and order able to heal and purify with as little as their presence. Angels are also capable of inspiring virtues in mortals and smiting the wicked with their own searing divine grace. Thought loath to do so angels are still capable of inhabiting beings and places for extended periods of time which is how most nephilim are born. Barriers of brimstone can keep an angel sequestered to one place

  • Demons: Scourges against all things pure and good demons, with their very presence are able to inflict blights as well as inspire wickedness and sin within mortal hearts and souls. Because of their infernal nature demons are capable of wielding hellfire, a substance that leaves the flesh with no burns but consumes the soul of a being leaving only an empty and easily possessed shell. Barriers of anointed oil and faith empowered holy symbols can keep a demon at bay.

  • Ghosts: Ghosts are the spiritual remains of a dead mortal, blessed or some would say cursed with the memories and knowledge of a life cut short. As with all spirits ghost are incorporeal and typically unable to bodily interact with anything of the physical world save their anchor. However, ghosts who are able to find it within themselves are able to manifest controlled or, more commonly, violent poltergeist activity. More restless ghosts pass the time haunting and terrorizing the living. Ghosts are unable to cross barriers of salt.

Mortals: Mortal Vulnerability, Lifespan, and Needs

  • 7th of 7th: The mortals known as the 7th of a 7th are born blessed with a remarkable resistance to the paranormal abilities of the supernatural races, able to see through fae glamour as well as fend off the allure, enchantments, and illusions of Vampires, Vila, Sidhe, Fossegrim, and even Witches.

  • Seers: Seers are born able to pierce the veils of time and space to perceive past, present, and future events, most commonly through direct physical contact or tools such as tarot cards, crystal balls, scrying mirrors, etc... Seers are also susceptible to being overtaken by their sight while in a trance or asleep. Rarely one can be struck by a vision during their waking hours.

  • Mediums: Born with a natural sensitivity to spirits and the spiritual plane mediums are able to sense the presence of and perceive spirits both visually and audibly. Mediums are also able to perceive when a spirit's aura is superimposed over another being or object indicating either possession or habitation. Though the drawback to their gift is that they are highly susceptible to spiritual attack and possession.

  • Mages: Mages are mortals blessed with the power to wield magical forces to great effect most effectively through performed rituals; incantations spoken in ancient tongues; or chants spoken in rhyme. All magi are born into one of the following legacies. Intellect, Instinct, and Emotion.

  1. Instinct: Mages born under the legacy of instinct possess the greatest strength and skill with their innate elemental and telekinetic powers.

  2. Intellect: Mages born with an affinity for intellect have the greatest skill in crafting their own unique chants, rituals, and incantations.

  3. Emotion: Mages born under the auspice of emotion excel at green magic as well as crafting incredibly potent potions, hex, and charm bags

Half-Breeds: Longevity, Supernatural Vigor, Inherited Vulnerability, Mortal Needs,

  • Dhampir: The unfortunate offspring of a mortal or once mortal mother and a vampiric father possessing a portion of their father's unnatural powers and just the barest vulnerability to sunlight and consecration.

Dhampir Tells: Always Slightly Cool to the touch, Very Pale, Sunburns very easily.

  • Nephilim: Known as the blessed in supernatural society, Nephilim, are the half mortal offspring of angels possessing a portion of their divine parent's grace exuding an aura of good and an affinity for healing.

Nephilim Tells: Radiant Health, Flawless Complexion, Inner Light

  • Cambion: The reviled and feared offspring of a mortal and a demon Cambion derive power from the suffering of others able to subtly amplify the negativity in their immediate area to great effect.

Cambion Tells: Sinister Aura, Smells faintly of Brimstone, Aversion to Consecrated places and things.

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