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Fantasy Fated Characters

Character Template

(Some will be a bit more unique than others for various reasons but I advise caution, one of the main goals is staying under the radar.)

(Realistic photos only so find a face claim. I suggest downloading the chosen pic and then uploading it to your CS to ensure that everyone can see it. Morphs of multiple people also accepted.)
(As few teens as possible the lowest allowed age will be seventeen.)
Relationship Status:

(Either a brief write up or a list of at least six traits will suffice)
Nature & Demeanor:
(How they truly are vs. how they present themselves)
Style of Dress (SoD):
(A description of how they typically dress)
(At least three)
(At least three)
(At least three)
(At least three)
(At least two of the character's goals or desires)
(This is one of the ones that'll remain blank until things are a bit more fleshed out)
(Mundane Skills at least three)


IC | OOC | Lore
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Gregory Lécuyer
Species: Seer
Gender: Male
Age: 26
Height: 6’1”
Weight: 167
Build: Mesomorph
S/O: Heterosexual
Relationship Status: Single (As far as he knows)
Personality: Gregory is a man of his word. He will try his best to keep his promises, with few exceptions. He shows great loyalty to his friends, unless they do something he disagrees with. At the present time, it is unknown if anything at all could make him stray from his morals. He’ll usually try to be friendly with people. Normally he’s honest, with the exception of a white lie here or there.
Nature & Demeanor: Everybody knows just as much about Gregory as he does, save for his unusual abilities.
Style of Dress (SoD): What he usually wears casually would be considered semi-formal to formal by today’s standards. Vests, suspenders, ties, bow ties, button-up shirts, slacks, etc. Some might call his fashion sense a little outdated.
-Much more brave than the average person
-Thinks quickly
-Is very patient
-His scrying powers can sometimes warn him if others are in danger, even if he isn’t using his mirror
-He can be hard on himself, and does not lose regrets easily
-Not easily deterred by threats directed at him, even if they come from someone/something clearly more powerful than him
-Willing to put himself in danger in order to discover more about his past
-Odd visions of the past, the future, or possibly his past can force themselves into his head, even if he isn’t using his mirror
-Classic rock, swing, jazz, and classical music, among others
-European history
-Formal wear
-Noir films
-Destruction of information
-Modern art
-The idea of fate
Motives: To find out who he is and protect those he cares about.
Affiliation: None
-Good knowledge of HEMA (Historic European Martial Arts)
-Fairly good knowledge of Latin, German, and French (Not completely fluent in any of them)
-Competent at chess
-Knows cursive and calligraphy
Hobby/Hobbies: Likes to read old literature, collect antiques, play chess, and spar.
Just two weeks ago in a local park, Gregory Lécuyer had woken up with no memories of his past or who he was. The only things he had were his clothes, wallet, some money, driver’s license (which at least revealed his name to him), and a strange antique pocket watch, seemingly made of bronze. Upon opening the watch, he saw a smooth black mirror on the other side of the front cover, the sight of which revealed to him his supernatural powers.A confusing torrent of memories from men of all sorts of time periods swirled through his head briefly, and he later discovered that he could view the past of a particular area he stood in on the surface of the black mirror, in addition to viewing local events and predicting various things that would occur, like, for instance, when a vase would fall off a table. At first, his visions of the past seemed so realistic that he almost thought that they were his own memories, but he quickly figured out that was not the case. With nothing else to occupy his mind, save for different activities he used to enjoy that have slowly come back to him, he set off to learn as much about his past and what happened to him as possible.
Currently, he rents space in an apartment and works here and there in order to get by. Few people know anything about him, and if they do, the extent of their knowledge is that he has amnesia. Despite this, he still seeks answers, and fantasizes about who he could have been before he lost his memory. So far, his abilities haven’t been of much use other than be really cool, but Gregory hopes he can do good with them some day. Even though they aren’t his memories, he still finds himself fascinated by the memories he can access with his mirror. He thinks the people they focus around might be his ancestors, especially since their memories passed through his head after looking at the mirror, but he’ll have to find more information before coming to a concrete conclusion. Though he at the very least knows that scrying must be real (much to his delight), he has no other knowledge of the supernatural, and is surely in for a surprise soon...​

Name: Reid Moore
Species: Vampire
Gender: Male
Born: March 28, 1849
Died: December 23, 1880 Looks: 31
Height: 6’0”
Weight: 172
Build: Athletic
S/O: Straight
Nature & Demeanor:
Reid doesn’t disguise himself. He’s for himself but there are a few who have wormed their way into his non-beating heart. Those few people he gives his loyalty to undoubtedly.
Style of Dress (SoD):
Reid’s wardrobe has a plethora of jeans, plaid t-shirts, t-shirts with sayings, designed socks, boots, sneakers, and athletic shoes.
Designed socks.
Women in skimpy underwear.
The TV show American Horror Story.
People in general.
Rap music.
Desires to find a few more people he can bother to be around and live a long life.
Efficient piano player
Has a photographic memory.
Multiple Languages
Collecting hearts
Reid Moore was born in 1849 in Maryland. His mother and father ran a bed and breakfast and were abolitionist. 1849 was a great year. It was the year the first woman to receive a medical degree happened. Harriet Tubman escaped slavery - looking back now, Reid isn’t sure if his parents had played a part in that. Being an abolitionist is what killed his father. 1856, it was best to move west.In 1866, an eighteen year old Reid was in Missouri with his mother. They witnessed one of Jesse James bank robberies. Later that year, Reids mother died of consumption. 1880 at the age of 31, late one night Reid was at a party for a friends house unveiling. He’d gotten extremely intoxicated and unknown to him there were a few vampires in residence. One male, James Larue, took an interest in him and turned him against his will. Reid has never forgiven the guy but is thankful for the chance to see how the world develops. He’s happy to see the work his parents fought for finally resulted in something. Glad to see consumption, or Tuberculosis, finally had a cure.
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Name: Winifred Edwina Murray
Species: Mage "Emotion"
Gender: Female
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 124 lbs.
Build: Ectomorph
S/O: Heterosexual
Relationship Status: Single
Personality: Fred hides a wounded and weary heart beneath mountains of sass, sarcasm, dry wit and biting comments, preferring to keep potential connections at bay rather than again face the possibility of loss. In spite of that it's hard for most to deny that the alluring spitfire has something about her that draws people in, even if it is just to be sent away frustrated and with a slightly bruised ego.
Nature & Demeanor: In an attempt to protect her heart from additional loss and hurt, Fred does her best to keep people at a distance most commonly with her dry wit and biting humor. All of this, is just a way of keeping her broken heart and fears of abandonment from being exposed and realized.
Style of Dress (SoD): Self described as "Witchy Bohemian Eurotrash Chic" she is often seen in darker reds, blues, purples, blacks, and earth tones. All paired with just the right amount of jewelry and every style of boot, tight, and stocking imaginable.
- Botany/Herblore
- Independence
- Potion Making
- Intelligence
- Frailty
- Impatient
- Her Familiar Bartholomew
- Fears of Abandonment and Loss
- Coffee
- Teas
- Magic
- Books
- Fashion
- Gum
- Losing
- Cheapskates
- Wasting Money
- Overly Forward Werewolves

Motives: In spite of her hard exterior, at her core Fred is looking for a place and people of her own.
Affiliation: N/A
- Flirting
- Linguistics
- Managing Money
- Dance
- Crafting
- Reading
- Gardening
Bio: Fred is no stranger to loss. She lost her parents and childhood home in a sickly green blaze that she can scarcely remember before being sent off to live with her maternal aunt Savannah. It was under her wing that Fred first began developing her magic and taking steps down the path toward becoming a witch. For a time she was happy, some of her fondest memories were of her summers spent tending her aunt's magic shop and the myriad of people that came though looking for little trinkets and charms, the vast majority of them possessing not one inkling that there was actual magic in the world let alone in the cozy lavender scented shop that they had wandered into. Sadly as with most all good things in her life they never last. Maybe it was Savannah's magic that kept Fred blind to the obvious changes, like the gradual weight loss, the longer periods of rest, and the stronger concoctions that she brewed and imbibed with increasing frequency. But before the end of her summer spent overseas Savannah was gone, having succumbed to a decade long battle with cancer. Once again alone she has packed up her life and even the store and relocated to Seattle in the hopes of building a new life away from the pain's of her past.
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Name: Olivia Lynne Verducci
Species: Mage (Instinct)
Gender: Female
Age: 23
Height: 5’7”
Weight: 130 lbs
Build: Mesomorph
S/O: Heterosexual
Relationship Status: Single
Personality: There is very little that can get under Olivia’s skin, she is very relaxed and would rather joke around than discuss anything serious. She doesn’t have an interest in things like politics and isn’t afraid to say so if someone starts to talk about it. However, she is respectful and while she will let someone know that she doesn’t like the topic, she won’t go out of her way to insult the subject either because she would rather avoid conflict.
Nature & Demeanor: Olivia values honesty and because of that, what you see is what you get. She doesn’t like to pretend she is something that she isn’t because she thinks that takes too much work and she’d rather just be honest with herself as well as others and not put on a show.
When it comes to the supernatural though, it’s a different story. She tends to avoid any talk of supernatural things, even in casual conversation with mundanes because it’s not really something that she can talk about with just anyone so she can seem a bit distant or awkward even when the topic is just being spoken of whimsically.
Style of Dress (SoD): Olivia’s style is casual. She hates dressing up and would rather just be wearing pants or shorts with a loose fitting top. She always wears sneakers or other athletic footwear and generally likes the comfort of a hoodie or other sweatshirt.
  • Loyalty
  • Reliability
  • Patience
  • Selflessness
  • Honesty
  • Avoidance
  • Envy
  • Sometimes speaking without thinking
  • Reluctance
  • Pacifism
  • Microwavable burritos
  • Fashion
  • ‘80s music
  • Hard candy
  • Staying out late
  • Dancing
  • People calling her any shortened version of her first name
  • Sun shining on her face when she’s still sleeping
  • Dogs
  • Styrofoam (specifically, Expanded Polystyrene)
  • High heels
  • Somehow comfortably blending her innate abilities with her mundane life
  • Her clothing designs becoming a brand name
  • Find others that can understand her that she doesn’t have to hide from
Affiliation: None
  • Fluent in Italian
  • Expert Seamstress
  • Sometime connoisseur in Italian cuisine
  • Collects eighties’ band memorabilia
  • Buying old thrift store clothes and reinventing them
  • Riding her bike on one of the various Seattle bike paths on her days off
Olivia was born and raised in Perugia Italy. Her mother is American and met her father in Italy when she was on her Senior trip in high school. She later chose to attend college in Italy and married Olivia’s father (Donus), an Italian native with a deeply rooted history of European witch lineage. Of course his family was against the union, seeing as how Olivia’s mother (Janine) was a mundane, but it happened anyway and despite Janine not being aware of the supernatural, Donus’ family taught Olivia the history of their line and how to use her gift. Janine didn’t take anything they taught her daughter seriously, determining that it was just some old world hullaballoo that didn’t actually have any bearing in the real world so she let it be.

Eventually Olivia came to the point where she wasn’t very much interested in learning the tools of the trade and had gained a greater interest in the world of fashion design. Her father’s family frowned heavily on that, blaming Janine for Olivia’s lack of interest because she was not supernaturally inclined. By this time, Olivia’s little brother (Theodore) had already been born and while Donus’ family was still disappointed in Olivia, they set their sights to teaching Theodore, only it wasn’t possible as he had not inherited the Verducci family’s talent for the arcane.

Learning that Theodore was also a mundane only made the Verducci’s harder on Olivia and caused them to scorn Janine more. Janine had originally thought they were all just eccentric but the ire they treated her with after that caused her to think they were just crazy and when Olivia was in her senior year of high school, she filed for divorce and planned to move back to the United States.

Olivia was left with the choice of staying in Italy so that she could move to Milan and attend Istituto Marangoni or moved to the US with her mother and attend Academy of Art University in San Francisco.

While attending school in Milan had been her dream ever since she had gotten interested in fashion, she felt like she couldn’t let her mother move back to the US and care for her little brother by herself. Theodore was only seven at the time and Olivia didn’t like the idea of Janine having to work and look after him on her own and so decided to travel back to the US with both of them despite the Verducci’s displeasure at the whole situation.

After completing college, spending several months with her mother and brother, Olivia eventually made the decision to move to Seattle. She mainly just wanted to focus on designing with little hassle from the responsibility that would be dropped on her if she went to work with a fashion company and so working at a thrift store during the day, she found she had the resources for inspiration that she wanted as well as the time to pursue what she enjoyed.

While she had left behind the roots of her father’s family, she hadn’t forgotten about them and when it came to her attention that there was a rich supernatural culture in Seattle, she decided she may as well make the best of it considering it was sometimes difficult for her to act totally normal when in reality she actually wasn’t.
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Noah "Inked" Strickling
I'll play along for now, mate.
Neir Strickling.jpg

  • Species: Osedax
    Gender: Male
    Affiliation: TBA
    31 (Is actually 31)
    Height: 6'0"
    Weight: 114.65lbs
    Build: Lanky
    S/O: Asexual
    Relationship Status: Single (No rush)
    A "Go-with-the-flow" type of guy; it may seem that he enjoys being swept along with whatever another entity's plans, ideas or usually anything are, but in reality his meekness is really due to his problematic habit on gazing at a particular spot and getting lost in his own head -- and hunger. An interactor doesn't have to try hard to catch his attention though, ironically enough. He despises intellectuals, or more specifically, those who speak in a "fancy formal tongue", voices like such crawl under his skin and make his teeth grind while he grumbles to himself.
    Nature & Demeanor:
    Actually quite power-hungry despite acting submissive, this nature acts up when he craves for something to gnaw on; displays of tantrums and active lashing out is what's resorted to in this hidden nature. (TBA)
    Style of Dress (SoD):
    Often wears some sort of hat, to cover the fact that he's bald. He opts for a beanie since it's comfy and soft than most of the other hats he owns -- in summer he doesn't mind donning those comical, floppy summer hats either. His skin is a canvas that's been marked artfully with ink, not make-up; the artwork of the human skeletal system is visible to one's eyes, lest their blind or if he's wearing thick, long-sleeved clothing to cover-up his body. Thrift-shop attire, really.
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Quiznack Quiznack part of your description of him sounded pretty inhuman, it might very well have been my understanding that was off so can you tell me about his physiology? Also with the species it's a dominant trait so anyone that has a child with one of them the kid inherits the curse. If the incest was just part of his story cool but if it was just a way to ensure the trait was passed to him I wanted you to know that you had another option.
Quiznack Quiznack part of your description of him sounded pretty inhuman, it might very well have been my understanding that was off so can you tell me about his physiology? Also with the species it's a dominant trait so anyone that has a child with one of them the kid inherits the curse. If the incest was just part of his story cool but if it was just a way to ensure the trait was passed to him I wanted you to know that you had another option.
Right-o! Incest is part of his background, unfortunately -- but it's good to know that the curse is a dominant trait! Hopefully others who choose the species would know this tidbit now uvu.

As for physiology, which part is inhuman? If its the way I describe the tattoos, well, they're just the design of the human skeletal system on skin basically. He's humanoid, that's for sure, but unheathily thin -- more bone than meat.
Quiznack Quiznack it was description of the skeletal system. I thought that you were describing his actual skin and not the tattoos. I thought that I was misreading it. As far as the incest it's literary and adds depth, especially if you go into how that relationship affected him
Name: Zachariah
Species: Angel
Gender: Male (technically gender less.)

(I couldn't find a realistic picture to represent his true form. I'll find a human form soon)
5ft 6in (human)11ft 9in (angelic form)
Weight: 145lbs (human) 0lbs (angelic form)
Build: Slim athletic (human) Super Skinny (angel form)
S/O: Asexual
Relationship Status: Single
Personality: Zachariah is a merciful and benign being. Often lending aid to those who are suffering. rarely resorting to violence, he instead chooses to bless those who would fight evil.
Nature & Demeanor: deep down Zachariah is truly loving,kind, and understanding. On the outside however he seems detached and kinda spacey.
Style of Dress (SoD): Zachariah is not one for material goods, in his human form he rarely changes out of a pair of faded blue jeans and a solid white t-shirt. In his angelic form he is draped in loosely fitting robes with ornate designs, an uncountable number of Pinkish purple tendrils seem to spread out from his body.
Immunity To Mental suggestion: Being a very ancient force most angels are resistant to mental effects of all kinds, Zachariah is completely unaffected by them.
Command of Lesser Angels: zachariah is served by beings known as lantern archons.. Lantern archons are small six inch orbs of sentient light with the voice of a child and the ability to fire beams of searing light.
Immortality: Upon his death Zachariahs essence is transported to heaven, within 24 hours he will resurrect.
NoN-Physical: Zachariah has no physical form as such he is incapable of understanding a lot of things that physical beings would. simple things like the fact that humans cannot fly, or that mortals must eat to survive.
Energy attacks:Being comprised of pure energy zachariah can still be hit by energy based attacks such a lazer beams, fire, and lightning.
Bindings: since killing angels doesnt seem to work many foes who tangle with them are capable of sealing them away. zachariah cannot unseal himself, if he is trapped in a magic seal someone else must free him or he will be stuck indefinitely
music: the vibrations from sound are not lost to the angels zachariah believes that humans greatest trait is the music they make.
Love: Zachariah is very fond of humans ability to love one another. he is often busy trying to "set up" romances between humans, usually with a low rate of success.
Innocence: children and innocent beings are sacred to zachariah. he never tires of their company and will fiercely protect them.
Narrow Mindedness
Zacharaih is driven by the urge to defend the mortals who cannot defend themselves. in addition he aims to cast all evil from the material world.
(This is one of the ones that'll remain blank until things are a bit more fleshed out)
Seeing the big picture
inspiring others
being stealthy
Making music
Watching mankind's progression as a species.
Zachariah is very old even among angel terms, he is one of the Four arch​
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Name: Winter
Species: Vila
Gender: Female
Height: 5'3"
Weight:120 lbs
Build: Slim
S/O: Straight
Relationship Status: Has a boyfriend who wants to make her his completely for all eternity but is willing to wait
Personality: quite, kind, escapist, deceptive, helpful, playful
Nature & Demeanor: Winter is kind and caring to what few friends has has and will protect them with her life.
Style of Dress (SoD):
purple hoodie, white shirt, blue jeans, rarely wears shoes
Strengths: gymnastics, hiding, nature
Weaknesses: shiny items, fire, bright light
Likes: drawing, singing, dancing
Dislikes: staying still, being close to electronics, fire
Motives: finding her parents, know who and what she really is
(This is one of the ones that'll remain blank until things are a bit more fleshed out)
Skills: drawing things she has seen even after two weeks in vivid detail, climbing flat surfaces even metal with nothing but her hands, making items out of her feathers she finds across town
Hobby/Hobbies: drawing, dancing, writing
Bio: Winter knows nothing of her past nore her parents or who they are or if they are even alive. All that sees knows is that she can conjure storms and turn into a swan.

Winter wants to find her parents who she has been looking for ever since she was 12 she worries they are captured or worse dead.

Winter doesn't like to be around men much as she was taken advantage of several times by them and has gone so far as to kill them, and only one has survived so far as he had given her a gift that she has wanted and he has explained that it was a misunderstanding and that he hadn't wanted to hurt and when a girl he hated ran up and kissed him.

He is glad he is one of the few men she actually likes and they are together him being a demon doesn't bother Winter at all as he does everything in his power to make sure she is happy and will protect from other demons who see there bond as unnatural and fake, as well as other men who seek to use her for thire own gain.
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raven flame raven flame species are either or. Aside from the half-breeds they breed true or not at all. Vila are feathered but not winged and my angels look like the angel/aliens from "Knowing" in their angelic forms. Realistic pictures are requested for the appearance bit. There is potential, but build the character a bit more. Once it's finished tag me and we'll see.

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