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Fandom Fate/Freefall (2.0)

The One Eyed Bandit][URL="https://www.random.org/coins/ said:
RANDOM.ORG - Coin Flipper[/URL]
lol. I've got a month to decide. Think I'll take my time meditating over the pros and cons of each (torturing myself) before resorting to the coin.
Hmm. Or you're trying to throw us off by cleverly suggesting you can't pick simply because it's an incredibly important decision.

I know your game QuirkyAngel.

But mind games this early? Dastardly.
[QUOTE="Cross_Rhodes]Hmm. Or you're trying to throw us off by cleverly suggesting you can't pick simply because it's an incredibly important decision.
I know your game QuirkyAngel.

But mind games this early? Dastardly.

How much interest is around this RP? Is there enough for enough players to join to make this reasonably sustainable?
White Masquerade]I'm pausing here to finish up my other role-play. Not much left to do when I come back to this besides adding in some Noble Phantasm buffs/debuffs to further complicate things =P *muah-muah* after tha[B]t I'll throw up a check[/B] and get this thing rolling. [/QUOTE] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/11165-archer/ said:
@Archer[/URL] I ain't White, but besides those who have already showed interest here, from that tidbit it can be assumed White will set up an interest check to attract more players in order to get the interest required. From what I've read this RP is still a bit of time away, so worrying about interest is something that's a little too early to be done.


Oh yeah, I've also been watching this for a while. May as well say that.
cojemo said:
@Archer I ain't White, but besides those who have already showed interest here, from that tidbit it can be assumed White will set up an interest check to attract more players in order to get the interest required. From what I've read this RP is still a bit of time away, so worrying about interest is something that's a little too early to be done.

Oh yeah, I've also been watching this for a while. May as well say that.
Are you saying I'll get to crush both White AND you at the same time?
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I'm here more for the gaming aspect than being a Fate fan, though I won't deny, I've got several Servant/Master characters that I never got a chance to test out^^

If my 14 ppl post-order Fate/Cross rp(=P) was able to fill up the slots, I don't believe this rp will have any problems...

Extra drain. Got it. This RP is to mainly see what numbers I need to adjust, so good on you! As for interest, that is the main problem I see. It's why I can't make this completely like Fate. I have to make it so new people can get into it easy. Once I'm ready to start this, I'll try to convince some people it's not hard at all/don't need Fate knowledge to enjoy it. I know a few more people who'd be willing to try and I think once they get into it, they'll like the set-up.


Yeh. I want to make master AND servant, but I'll probably have to just play the supervisor seeing as I'll know which player is what class.


Glad to have you. What you say is all correct. I'm actually hoping we don't get 14 people...but if we do. I am willing to go with it.

@The One Eyed Bandit

I keep telling you. No one is winning. I'm calling it here first. The 50 post limit will be reached. Pansies
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QuirkyAngel said:
lol. Death threats and disturbing promises already. This rp will be fun (> :) )
I know! (:'() I love competition RP. It's going to be a blast, from the servant draft to the final three going at it. I look forward to seeing the strategies people use. Whether masters go attack or support. How servants use their luck. Who will use the 1st phantasm. (<3) I cannot wait. :5/5:
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You're fangirling about serial murder and bloodshed. You know that right? So much murder and bloodshed.
[QUOTE="Cross_Rhodes]You're fangirling about serial murder and bloodshed. You know that right? So much murder and bloodshed.

You don't know how many player characters I've wanted to kill during my time here on RPN. No way I'm passing up this chance.
Um, Bandit. I didn't know your cause to take her down was a just one. White Masquerade has been corrupted by the grail and must be destroyed.

I am saddened.

So saddened.

But this is how it must be.

I'm getting villiain-esk vibes from Quirky too. And Cojemo. And Archer. Vibes of villainy are everywhere.
I mean. I'll gladly go for the win, but with 50 posts I doubt we'll make it that far.

So I'll just have to prioritize and focus on taking out White.


Yeah, right? Let's rain justice on their vile selves.
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I want to ask. Do you prefer to do this or a Universe Crown 2 RP?


This question goes to you as well, since you're interested in Fate. The Universe Crown, has similar mechanics to this, but includes characters from every fandom. There is also no master HP or secret identities, but there is an extensive item/weapon lottery and equipment selection before the start of the match. The classes are also a bit different. I can link you to it if you need.

Both Rps are still strategy based and diceless, it's just that they offer two very different strategy experiences. I would enjoy playing both so I'm asking which youd prefer.


If you have comments, tell me. My other is slowly getting close to the end, so I'm looking to decide what I'm going to do next soon.

If I had to give a description.

Universe Crown RP: Teamwork with other people, waiting for the right moment, relying on items.

This Fate RP: Relying on partner, playing with trickery, depending on your own skill to win.
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Okay, well.

I think the correct question to ask is 'Do I want to lose to Cross at Fate or at Universe Crown 2?"

I'm conflicted with wanting to try out the Fate partner system or getting to pick any fandom character I want for the purpose of beating up other fandom characters.

It's like choosing between pies. There's no right answer here. They're both good. The hype has been real for the Fate rp though. But as long as I get to casually destroy things, I'm happy.
[QUOTE="Cross_Rhodes]Okay, well.
I think the correct question to ask is 'Do I want to lose to Cross at Fate or at Universe Crown 2?"

I'm conflicted with wanting to try out the Fate partner system or getting to pick any fandom character I want for the purpose of beating up other fandom characters.

It's like choosing between pies. There's no right answer here. They're both good. The hype has been real for the Fate rp though. But as long as I get to casually destroy things, I'm happy.

Lol. I like this cheeky answer of yours. Okay. The Fate RP it is :5/5:. Thank you kindly!
Heads up. This will probably be a ranked match and count for points in RPNation's Colosseum.
Archer said:
I'd much prefer the Fate RP, as I initially got interested due to that setting.
Gotcha. I figured. :5/5: No worries. Fate it shall be. See you on the battlefield Archer. *Salutes*
[QUOTE="White Masquerade]

Heads up. This will probably be a ranked match and count for points in RPNation's Colosseum.


Are these Colosseum points worth anything?

Edit: Nvm...I found the Colosseum forum ( :P )
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