

White Masquerade's Blue Oni
There are a lot of rules so I understand if it's all overwhelming. Feel free to post any questions you have about the rp here. Or if you just want to chat. I don't bite :)

This is my first time trying to implement a battle system into an rp and I would love to hear your thoughts. Is it good? Bad? Needs improvement? Your opinion matters.
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Ah, I see. The 2006 version?

Well, as much as I disprove of anybody watching the 2006 version without reading the VN first, since it was pretty terrible adaption , you seem to have a good grasp on the rules and such, so I won't press that.

I personally have read Hollow Ataraxia, all the VN routes, seen Fate/zero and the first cour of UBW, watched Carnival phantasm, read the other few Type-moon novels, watched all the Kara no kyoukai movies, played battle moon wars and the two doujin fighting games, Fate/extra, Strange Fake Fate/Apocraphya, and the Fate zero light novels.

So...Uh, yeah, I'll be joining.
Lol, I didn't really care so much for Fate/Stay when I first saw it either. Fate/Zero was what drew me me in xD . Afterwards I read the wiki and found the ideas fascinating.
Yeah, Fate/Zero is 10000 times better than the 2006 anime, but the actual VN is a billion times better than the 2006.

I'd recommend watching the currently airing Unlimited Blade Works series, the 2006 adaptation was a really terrible adaptation of the Fate route which is considered the worst route, with UBW and heavens feel being hundreds of time better, I'd recommend reading the VN though, since a pretty great story, and Nasu is amazing at world creation that didn't really transfer to the 2006 or Fate/Zero.
Watching the new anime adaption of Fate/Stay was actually one of my goals for 2015:P Sadly I haven't gotten around to it yet, college is eating my time, but I'm probably find time at some point.
Yeah, for people without a lot of time, the UBW series and the heavens feel movie is going to be great instead of reading the VN, but I suggest you do either, at least to combat having watching the 2006 series.
Can I even be in two RPs at once?

If I can, what's the limit? Like, could someone go run around with Gilgamesh or something?
You could, but I would de-rigg u as heck. This rp implements a dice, so no matter what u rp, the dice is god. That's why I didn't add no god modding:)

It's not possible to god-mod. Though...if you choose to rp a cannon char, I might give you a couple of modifers. Like a +1 on all dice rolls-or something like that. Nothing game changing.
QuirkyAngel said:
You could, but I would de-rigg u as heck. This rp implements a dice, so no matter what u rp, the dice is god. That's why I didn't add no god modding:)
It's not possible to god-mod. Though...if you choose to rp a cannon char, I might give you a couple of modifers. Like a +1 on all dice rolls-or something like that. Nothing game changing.
Alrighty, so I could use Karna as an archer or something? Cause Vijaya sounds cool, and Karna is cool.

I assume that OC Servants need to still be historical figures?
As for whether u can do two rps at once, it depends on u. Do u think u can handle it?


JusticeSword said:
Alrighty, so I could use Karna as an archer or something? Cause Vijaya sounds cool, and Karna is cool.
I assume that OC Servants need to still be historical figures?
You rp what you want to do. The other rper rp how he responds or what he wants to do. Dice is rolled. Highest number+modifiers wins. I will summarize what happens. Simplified example:

Rper 1: Caster leaps into the air and attempts a flying kick at Saber.

Rper2: Saber dodges and slashes Caster with excalibur.

After every rper has posted once, I will post a summary page:

Caster vs Saber

Saber dice: 3 + 2 attack roll

Caster dice: 6

Difference between dices: 1

Summary: Saber attempts to dodge Caster, but was caught off guard by the sheer strangeness of it all and gets a kick in the face. Takes 0.5 damage.

Saber HP: 3.5/4 Caster HP: 4/4

As you can see, anything can happen so long as the dice wills it^^ Naturally, the summaries I write will be more detailed and prettier to look at. And I hope that your rp will be much more detailed than my sample, but there's no minimum length.

As the neutral party, I endeavor to make the rp as fair as possible. However, in your rps you should make it clear what your actions are. If I'm not clear what your intentions are, I may not add the proper modifiers, giving you a disadvantages. That's why though no min length is required, it's important that you be literate. Modifiers can be found in the mechanics page and I will add more as the rp progresses.
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I can assure you my RPing will be much more detailed than that :P

If I'm not able to join, I did invite a friend who was too late for the other Fate RP going on, so he will probably join too.
Dice rolls detract from the necessity to write detailed posts because it doesn't matter if you write 5 paragraphs of detailed explanation, thought process, and minute preparation since the dice wills everything. Its an easier system to use and much more accommodating to those new to combat type role plays.
Yes, that's true. I still hope people will endeavor to write detailed/creative posts to enhance the entertainment and realism of the rp, but you're right. The idea that the dice rules everything doesn't really lend itself to detailed writing. I considered a system where I grade rps based on quality then assign dice modifiers accordingly, but I scrapped the idea. That's far to much work for me :P Plus different people have different tastes about good and bad writing.

Instead, I hope people will remember there's more to this rp than just battling--alliances, friendship, romance, betrayals, all the stuff that goes on in war=)
Dice may take away from tactical writing true, but I like to think of it this way: do I want to write/read a boring, bland post? Nope, as I will lose interest, and I enjoy writing and reading well written stories and posts. To that end I don't mind rolling with the punches the dice gods throw at me. "Plans rarely survive contact with the enemy" as the popular military saying goes. Besides I'm here for the writing anyways, not to worry about dice. This might not be the roleplay for people who don't like their characters having a fair chance of dying though. ^^;

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