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Dice (Fate Core) We Are Gems


Secretly a GemKitten

This RP uses Fate Core for its system. So knowing how to create a character is an important part of the rp. Also, character creation isn't the same as other rps. Making a character shapes how the story can be told, having an influence on the game your choices matter.

If you're unfamiliar with Fate Core then you and I are in the same boat. I just picked up the system from [@Grey] so I'm very new to how it works. But I'll use my understanding to help you create a character for this game. Here is a link to an site which gives us the rundown of the characters.


  • The Character sheet should look something like this:



    High Concept:


    Other Aspects:

    Skills and Ranks:


    -- Stunt:


    -- Stunt:


    -- Stunt:








  • A very important part of this universe is the ability for characters to fuse together. To fuse the participants must trust each other enough that their energy will combine without instantly falling apart. Usually the process has a quick ritual of dancing with ones own style as if trying to focus the aspects of oneself then share it with another Gem.

    Although this quick dance isn't required, its a very common practice.

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Gemstone: Emerald


Emerald is short, lithe, and long-limbed. She almost always has a playful, mischievous expression. When angered, however, her face shows pure defiance. Her hair appears half-shaven, with the longer side tapering to a forward facing point and just long enough to headbang properly. Like her skin, her hair is a rich green.

High Concept: Punkish Psychic Pixie


-Former Full-Time Fusion

-Impishly Impetuous

Other Aspects:

Eternal Telepath: When properly centered and calm-hearted, Emerald can sense the thoughts of others and communicate in kind with them. Once, this ability was one of her signatures. Since she and Topaz split, though, Emerald has been more volatile than ever, so she often lacks the peace of mind to properly connect with another's thoughts.

Eternal Rebel, Rabble-Rouser: As a gem who was imprisoned shortly after her birth for fear the innate flaws in her gem type guaranteed she would shatter into some sort of monster, Emerald prizes freedom and utterly loathes authoritarian ideas of all sorts. The appeal to authority is her favorite logical fallacy to rail against. The type of person to go waltzing into the Policeman's Ball with "All Coppers are Bastards" written on the shaven half of her head, She can be a bit of a lightning-rod for rebellious sentiment. On the one hand, she rarely lacks for friends in a given area. On the other, she also rarely lacks for people who disapprove or hold grudges.

Skills and Ranks:

Great (+4): Empathy

-- Stunt: Mind Reader: [insert mechanical effects here]

Good (+3): Burglary

-- Stunt: Never Again - Having spent her entire early life imprisoned, Emerald resolved to never be captured and imprisoned again. This has led to her growing accustomed to a wide variety of techniques for escape artistry and breaking-and-entering. It is also one of the (now) rare areas where the legendary awareness of Emeralds manifests for her. By spending a Fate Point Emerald can automatically gain Advantage in attempting any feat of burglary.

Good (+3): Provoke

Fair (+2): Contacts

Fair (+2): Athletics

Fair (+2): Fighting

Average (+1): Rapport

Average (+1): Will

Average (+1): Notice

Average (+1): Physique

Outline of ideas this far:

So in keeping with a lot of the Gem character design from the show, I tried to mix original ideas or angles with traditional folklore or mythological meanings and etc associated with my gem. In that one of the most common epithets for Emerald is "the stone of successful love". That, plus the fact that Emeralds of any size are all but guaranteed to have flaws gave me the idea of what if the character had been (before the war) a stable gem fusion. Her partner (I was thinking Topaz, with whom she fused to become Amazonite) sided with the Homeworld in the war and was wounded/killed/forced off world. (Amazonite tends to represent strength among other things, Topaz is representative of courage, (I think) loyalty, and easing a temper.)
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Can you show me the thought process of the high concept and troubles?

I like what you got so far. I may just play topaz if no one else does.
Well, the bits of myth and assigned meaning surrounding Emeralds I was able to find informed a lot of it. As an example of what I was referring to: Rose Quartz is considered symbolic of gentle love (among other things), something clearly present in the show's characterization of the character with same name.

I drew the information from a variety of places online, which in turn collated various historical, cultural, or mythic associations made with the colors in question and thus the stones.

For some less "healing power of crystals" examples:



I ran into several that had to do with blue topaz being associated with calming tempers and restoring calm (probably due to blue color symbolism).

Both gems have a love-based association. Both were said to be beneficial to balanced and good relationships, which is where the idea of the character having been part of a stable fusion. The former part of it came about because I felt like it'd be more dynamic to roleplay than a character in a perfectly content or stable situation. One of the associations with blue topaz was that of fidelity or loyalty. That gave me the idea that perhaps Topaz sided with the Homeworld (i.e: their original loyalties). That idea informs the first of her two troubles. The second comes from some of the associations with Emeralds: they're involved with Spring, nature, renewal, vibrancy. Tip vivaciousness off-balance and mischievousness or impetuousness could be what you get.

Oh, for a bit of bonus symbolic overlap, I had considered having Topaz be (by Gem standards) the older of the two of them. Them having been something of a May-December romance would work, given they're the birthstones for those two months.
:o makes sense.

High concept: Punkish Psychic Pixie.

So she can read minds, acts like a punk, and looks like a pixie?

Very solid.

Now the Dual Troubles. Formerly Full Time Fusion. I can see not so much from this one. I mean will Emerald feel left out if other gems fuse in front of her? Does she feel depressed? As a trouble I don't know if I can compel this one very often, however, its a notable trouble nonetheless.

Impish and Impetuous can you elaborate more?
Here are my ideas so far. I'm not so sure about aspects or even trouble because I want to make something that meshes well with what other people are planning. Maybe @SiliconKitten you have some suggestions based on my charrie's planned skills and stunts that would help her functionality in the plot / story arc, which I'm not as familiar with.

Gemstone: Chalcedony

Nickname: Chalcy

Appearance: black hair, dark skin, misty green eyes

High Concept: scholarly rogue


1. Curiosity Killed the Cat: She always wants to figure out how things work. She loves to compulsively take things apart and put them back together. She's extremely inquisitive about and fascinated by mechanics and engineering and is consequently easily distracted by them, sometimes leading her to throw caution into the wind in pursuit of her inquiry. (This curiosity applies only to objects and does not extend to people and their personal lives.)

2. I Don't Need Nobody: She's stubbornly independent and will sometimes foolishly reject support from others. It's not that she necessarily does not work well in groups, it's just that she'll try to do as much as she can on her own, which can be unwisely risky and alienating towards others. A natural extension of this trait is that she tends to overestimate her competence in areas where she is less experienced. When an important job needs to be done, the person she trusts most to do it is herself.

Other Aspects: tbd


Craft, Fight, Empathy, Lore, Notice, Physique, Resources, Shoot, Stealth, Will

Skill Ranks

Great (+4): Fight

Good (+3): Lore

Good (+3): Craft

Fair (+2): Empathy

Fair (+2): Notice

Fair (+2): Physique

Average (+1): Will

Average (+1): Resources

Average (+1): Stealth

Average (+1): Shoot

Stunt #1: Backup Weapon

  • Whenever someone’s about to hit you with a Disarmed situation aspect or something similar, spend a fate point to declare you have a backup weapon. Instead of a situation aspect, your opponent gets a boost, representing the momentary distraction you suffer having to switch.

Stunt #2: I’ve Read about That!

  • You’ve read hundreds—if not thousands—of books on a wide variety of topics. You can spend a fate point to use Lore in place of any other skill for one roll or exchange, provided you can justify having read about the action you’re attempting.

Stunt #3: Always Making Useful Things.

  • You don’t ever have to spend a fate point to declare that you have the proper tools for a particular job using Crafts, even in extreme situations (like being imprisoned and separated from all your stuff). This source of opposition is just off the table.
(Well the pixie part was trying to figure out something that fit with the youthful and playful aspects. Also because Absinthe/Green Fairy. :P )

Well, for the first trouble, the thought was that it added a bit of a paradox to her character: she's possibly the member of the group with the best history of stable fusion...but said relationship ended (potentially in the worst way imaginable). I'd thought it might make her a bit more than just 2-dimensional. She's friendly, cares about teammates, etc, but she still insists on a certain distance when it comes to particular things? A certain guardedness when she's at her most vulnerable?

As for the other: Impish, she can be a bit mischievous and playful, and impetuous: she can be over-confident or headstrong, sometimes acting before she really stops to reflect. In other words she often acts or reacts before she really stops to think about things thoroughly.
Quill said:
Here are my ideas so far. I'm not so sure about aspects or even trouble because I want to make something that meshes well with what other people are planning. Maybe @SiliconKitten you have some suggestions based on my charrie's planned skills and stunts that would help her functionality in the plot / story arc, which I'm not as familiar with.
Gemstone: Chalcedony

Nickname: Chalcy

Appearance: black hair, dark skin, misty green eyes

High Concept: scholarly rogue


1. Curiosity Killed the Cat: She always wants to figure out how things work. She loves to compulsively take things apart and put them back together. She's extremely inquisitive about and fascinated by mechanics and engineering and is consequently easily distracted by them, sometimes leading her to throw caution into the wind in pursuit of her inquiry. (This curiosity applies only to objects and does not extend to people and their personal lives.)

2. I Don't Need Nobody: She's stubbornly independent and will sometimes foolishly reject support from others. It's not that she necessarily does not work well in groups, it's just that she'll try to do as much as she can on her own, which can be unwisely risky and alienating towards others. A natural extension of this trait is that she tends to overestimate her competence in areas where she is less experienced. When an important job needs to be done, the person she trusts most to do it is herself.

Other Aspects: tbd


Craft, Fight, Empathy, Lore, Notice, Physique, Resources, Shoot, Stealth, Will

Skill Ranks

Great (+4): Fight

Good (+3): Lore

Good (+3): Craft

Fair (+2): Empathy

Fair (+2): Notice

Fair (+2): Physique

Average (+1): Will

Average (+1): Resources

Average (+1): Stealth

Average (+1): Shoot

Stunt #1: Backup Weapon

  • Whenever someone’s about to hit you with a Disarmed situation aspect or something similar, spend a fate point to declare you have a backup weapon. Instead of a situation aspect, your opponent gets a boost, representing the momentary distraction you suffer having to switch.

Stunt #2: I’ve Read about That!

  • You’ve read hundreds—if not thousands—of books on a wide variety of topics. You can spend a fate point to use Lore in place of any other skill for one roll or exchange, provided you can justify having read about the action you’re attempting.

Stunt #3: Always Making Useful Things.

  • You don’t ever have to spend a fate point to declare that you have the proper tools for a particular job using Crafts, even in extreme situations (like being imprisoned and separated from all your stuff). This source of opposition is just off the table.
Since all Gems have a unique weapon you don't need that first stunt. On that same subject, you should totally describe your weapon!


[QUOTE="Thief of Words](Well the pixie part was trying to figure out something that fit with the youthful and playful aspects. Also because Absinthe/Green Fairy. :P )
Well, for the first trouble, the thought was that it added a bit of a paradox to her character: she's possibly the member of the group with the best history of stable fusion...but said relationship ended (potentially in the worst way imaginable). I'd thought it might make her a bit more than just 2-dimensional. She's friendly, cares about teammates, etc, but she still insists on a certain distance when it comes to particular things? A certain guardedness when she's at her most vulnerable?

As for the other: Impish, she can be a bit mischievous and playful, and impetuous: she can be over-confident or headstrong, sometimes acting before she really stops to reflect. In other words she often acts or reacts before she really stops to think about things thoroughly.

I like this yes.. :) Emerald and Chalcy have a character foil that seem a lot like Pearl's and Amethyst's character foil.
Quill said:
Why not? Can't I still be disarmed?
In a way you can be disarmed but your gem weapon is summoned fron your gem again anyway. So its very much making that stunt in particular redundant.

Something that you both get to do is spend a point of fate on situational stunts that your gem abilities would do. Weapon summoning being one of them, along with shape shifting and ffusion.

X) i just dont want you to have a dead stunt.

  • Gemstone: Huebnerite

    Nickname: Hues

    Appearance: (I am drawing a full body pic right now, have this here as a placement holder till I'm done.)


  • Gemstone: Schorle

    Nickname: Schorle


    Taller woman with a model like build. Grey skin. A longsleeved black turtleneck with an exposed midrift to show her gem. The gem is an octagon of Black Tourmaline(Schorle) that runs through to her back, showing on both sides. She wears a linen maxi skirt that hangs tight to the body when not in motion. Her hair is long and straight, sitting shoulder length perfectly.

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How's it look!? I'm just a little worried because I haven't any place to put Schorle's good qualities! xD
:P I like it. She seems like a good foil for Emerald, for one thing. The one so adamant on the rebellion that it broke a bond thought unbreakable...vs the one who is literally being broken by her rejection by the other side.

Plus, should be interesting to try and find a Fusion song analog for the two of them, given Emerald's instrument is the rock guitar in a range from classic to punk to metal.

At the moment the closest to an analogue I could think of would be this:


It's even suitably disfunctional/demented-sounding.
Rock and Chillstep? What a glorious combination! I'm guessing a gem like an Elbaite would be the result. Tourmalines mix weird with Emeralds.

As for being broken, she's gotta play it subtle. I'm imagining Schorle very quietly demanding and argumentative but supportive of actions she thinks are befitting a better overall grand scheme. Chaos and Rebellion are never a good in her opinion. So maybe a slightly holier than thou with tints of embarrassment covered up by superiority complex and changing the subject.

Excellent choice on the music. It's a weirdly hypnotic electronic slow beat mixed with wild guitar. Exactly what I was thinking

Also Elbaite
Well, I added my skills. I think you'll agree they fit a certain theme.

With permission, Frixz, I might use your character's history to inform my own. Would you mind if Emerald was a former prisoner from Schorl's prison? Would potentially let Emerald have been the Monkey King to Topaz's Xuánzàng.

Plus it'd tie together things nicely, such as why she's so anti-authoritarian. It'd also give a good, character-driven reason to have chains be her gem weapon.
Sorry i havnt had much time to reply. Its been a ludicrous weekend of business and ill get to posting tonight hopefully. Rightbnow i can say that all the stuff looks pretty great from everyone.

But as for that last gem, seems like a tough cookie to play, how do you plan on working with rebellious gems?
That's no problem at all ToW, use as much as you'd like!

As for tough characters, I like to think I thrive on them. Though in theory Schorle is a loyal Homeworld Gem, the treatment she received led her to empty her prison in spite. After being exiled with the rest of them, she understands their plight and thinks more of them as friends and allies of convienience than escape prisoners and rebels.
:) this is exactly what a good trouble is. But with so many thats might be a lot to worry about.

its nice to see character relationships.

I see a lot of the same basic skills being used by eveyone and stunts that look a little basic.

Does anyone want an ability from their gem as a stunt? I mean garnet has future vision, rose had a million abilities, any power can be a stunt really.

To round us out ill probably play a 1994 kindergarten gem.

:P posting from my phone on lunch break makes it hard to type fast. Also pelling errors everywhere.

Now that i think about it.... Who has a character that is comfortable with fusion and with whom?

"Onyx" who ill be playing has on know you guys for 21 years so she may or may not be very close to someone in particular but never fused before.
Oh that's what we are using stunts for! I was using skills mostly to reflect the gem abilities. Like Schorle crafting walls and structures a la peridot creating machines. If we are using stunts for that maybe I'll give Schorle one like her being immune to electrical energy like Schorle has in real life?
The Character sheet should look something like this:

Gemstone: Onyx


High Concept: "A New Gem." She's only a 21 year old Gem from the 1994 Kindergarten activtion. As such she's not very savy of the Homeworld of Gems nor their culture.

Trouble: "Constantly seeking approval" Onyx always wants to make sure she serves some kind of purpose for her friends, even if it means doing boaring or crazy things.

"Fragmenting Fusion" Until Onyx forms a strong relationship with someone, her fusions will often defuse. When fused Negative emotions surface from both Onyx and her fusion partner.

Other Aspects:

"Fragmenting Body"- When Onyx's attention is required on multiple (stressful) fronts, her body may deform to creating (fake) heads and (weak) limbs as if trying to separate to give attention to multiple places. Staying focused allows her to be unified self, as such putting pressure on her can cause similar deformations.

"I Owe Emerald- Everything" -Trusting Emerald a lot, she believes that If it weren't for her actions that she'd likely be captured like many of her siblings from the incident. Onyx tries to be like her so much because she sees her as more than just another gem, but she is also her hero.

Skills and Ranks:

Great (+4) -Fighting - Gem Weapon

-- Stunt: Fragmenting Body- Instead of a normal weapon, Onyx uses her body to create unique shapes that can be used as a weapon. Although these do break off when used. As such Onyx can spend a Fate Point to reroll with the fighting skill up to 3 times per scene.

Good (+3) -Physique - Gem Body

-- Stunt: Fragmenting Body- When Onyx would spend a Physical Stress Box for the first time in a fight she can spend a Fate Point to reuse the stress box. This can only be used once per Scene.

Good (+3) -Deceive - Shapeshifting

-- Stunt: Fragmenting Body- When Onyx wold use Shapeshifting to deceive a foe she can reroll on while trying to Deceive by spending a Fate Point up to 3 times per scene.

Fair (+2) -Notice

Fair (+2) -Rapport

Fair (+2) -Stealth

Average (+1) -Athletics

Average (+1) -Shoot

Average (+1) -Will

Average (+1) -Investigate

Here's my Gem as I've drafted.

One aspect "Fragmented Body" which is not only an aspect but also 3 stunts. Its a big part of her personality so that's why you can see it in multiple places. I'm open to have a relationship aspect so that "I owe ---- everything" can have a specific gem involved in her rescue. She's a Fighting Gem by design of those who activated the Kindergarten and as such she has a few personality glitches as noted in Fragmented Body. The power of Onyx allows one to release negative emotion, however I'm reserving that for later when Onyx begins to master herself and the power of fusion.

I'm not done with her appearance but I'm thinking about a youthful look, and a darker pallet with black, grey, and a little white.
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Mind if that be Emerald? It seems sort of like her MO to fight for the freedom of someone else. (If anyone else wants to throw their hat in the ring, please do so. I'd love to hear what y'all think should be that.)

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