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Dice (Fate Core) We Are Gems


Secretly a GemKitten
[Hello! I'm SiliconKitten and I'll be your GM for this RP. I like to play a traditional GM Role. Similar to Dungeons and Dragons it's my job to provide everything for the rp. However, because we are playing FATE Core I've decided to take a couple steps back and see how everyone can shape the story too.

In this setting we are playing Gems stranded on Earth. A Gem is an alien being that has a core gemstone which is capable of constructing a body from energy, a weapon unique to the gem, and potential powers that exceed the power of technology.

Why are Gems on Earth?

Long ago the Homeworld of Gems wanted to use Earth as a place to create more of their kind. However, doing so would drain the earth of its life force and turn it from a world of living organic creatures into a graveyard.

Rose Quartz organized a resistance. She could see the beauty in everything and just knew that the life on Earth deserved to live. Those who agreed stood at her side in a war. In that war the Earth was saved; however, the price for victory was in the Gems who died fighting.

Rose Quartz and some of her closest friends survived the war and lived on. However, this is a different story of Gems who were separated from the others.]

[Located on Mermaid Isle near California, a small group of Gems were stranded without a way to communicate to other gems. Forced to thrive on their own they learned to live in their small group. Having not much to worry about anymore they sought out those they were protecting, the life on Earth, for both companionship and entertainment.

But humans were far more complex than Gems. They barely lived more than 60 years at a time, constantly in a state of change. The Gems that did make contact easily lost their friends and companions in time. Just being close to them was a reminder that organic life was so temporary.

However, their war was not going to be in vain. The Gems of Mermaid Island vowed to protect humanity and all other life on Earth from calamity.]

[in 1994 the Kindergarten that was considered inactive started producing Gems again. The activity of the new birthing ground caused Earthquakes in the nearby area. Hundred died and life around the area was drained of nutrients.

Investigating the Kindergarten lead to the discovery of a Homeworld Gem attempting to reactivate the system.

Acting quickly the Gems of earth stopped the Kindergarten from reactivating. But damage had already been done and some humans learned about the Kindergarten which lead to involvement from their human Government.

The Gems newly created in the kindergarten were kidnapped by those humans. Fearful of their own lives the Gems who thought humanity was just a simple life form learned otherwise. Their fleeting lives were not without merit. Technology for them was developing at an astonishing rate. Fearful that humans would become a danger, the Gems hide themselves on Mermaid Isle, careful not to be found.]

[Recently this year in 2015, earthquakes spread across the area. Knowing that the kindergarten could be a problem, the Gems infiltrated the protected area to discover human involvement. They were trying to activate the kindergarten to create soldiers for their own use.

Feeling violated the Gems decided it was time to intervene in the activity of humans.]
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