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Realistic or Modern Fatal Five's Tests (Saw)


Snap out of it
You And Four other people wake up in a Small room littered with dozens maybe hundreds of jars. Some on the floor, others on shelves, some in the trash can. Each jar seems to be filled with rather Razors, nails, or broken glass. On the floor are five hammers. Around your neck is a Collar with what seems to be some type of explosive Confused and scared you ask where you are. Soon one of the others point out a recorder on the floor. You press play.

Hello and welcome. From birth, you've all given the advantages of few others. Yet, through poor moral decisions, you've used these advantages to selfishly further only yourselves at the expense of others. Well today, this singular way of thinking will be put to the test. Today, five will become one with the common goal of survival. Around your necks are Explosives. Once this recorded message ends this race will begin. In five of theese jars are the keys to your freedom. You will have 2 minutes to sort through all 140 jars and find a key. But Move quickly because when the clock ticks down, the explosives around your necks will detonate. May the game begin.

@Josh Konor

@Allina Auburn

@Roger Greyson


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