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Fantasy-Modern Adventure Roleplay


New Member
- World Details; In the year 2042, several rifts opened around the world, funneling in both new creatures and energies which would physically re-shape our world. Technology in this world is a couple decades ahead of our own in reality, but most people -especially the less fortunate members of society- tend to use whatever they can get their hands on. This means anything from swords, to guns, to slightly futuristic weapons (think, "almost Halo", not Star Wars). Most cities are surrounded by walls that are hundreds of feet tall, to protect them from the 'Wilds', places infested with unnatural creatures and energies. Though, some that venture beyond the walls, may be scientists, hunter/gatherers, slayers, adventurers, historians... There's really no end to it.

- Group/RP Details; At the moment, looking for a one/one play, but that may change in the future if we decide to add others. There is no regular "Game Master" or "System" that we're using. Just world building/roleplaying collectively, completely free-form.

Ready? ... RP Start!


Bryant cruised down the lonely path, cutting through the Hanabi Desert as he headed towards the City of Phord. As the wheels of his Harley Davidson kicked up dirt, his jacket flapped in the wind, and the sword slung over his back jostled lightly.

Now, he could just barely see the hundred-foot walls of Phord peaking over the horizon. Suddenly, the sunny day was consumed by a large shadow and the sound of the motor was drowned out by that of a whales cry. Bryant peered back just in time to see a 'Sand Whale' falling in his direction, after a massive leap... "OH FU-"


A few hours later, and Bryant -now covered in dust and fairly miffed- was pushing his mangled bike through the market streets of Phord, which were alive with people going about their daily lives...
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