Fantasy Highschool Life

Name:Shinji Beelze

Nickname:Shinji B



Sexual Orientation:Straight


Where you live:Dorm

What year of highschool your in:Freshman

What kind of being you are:Devil

Power/Gifts:Can control fire in anyways

Likes:Fire,Good people,Murdering

Dislikes:Water,Evil people,His parents

Apppearance:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/download.jpg.aa75abdbb448e1df4864ff3d51329a9b.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="37482" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/download.jpg.aa75abdbb448e1df4864ff3d51329a9b.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality:Good,Gets angry rarely,Tries to make everyone laugh,Active

Bio:Went away from his parents after knowing that they tortured and killed other species learned the arts of fire from a old man(Sensai)that found him in the forests came to high school to enjoy and meet other species

Dating/Lover/Crush:Has a crush on Aqua

Anything else:Hates lazy people,Wants to protect someone,Likes to do devilish deeds if angry



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Carnival Vopal







Sexual Orientation:




Living Arrangements:







Enhanced Condition|Levitation|Healing|Fire Manipulation|Flame Resistant




Humans|Being Wrong|People Who Are Smarter Than Her|Cats


Carnie is a... complicated girl. She is very upbeat and friendly to almost anything, gives of this typical welcoming air and is incredibly helpful. All in all, she seems like the perfect girl. However, Carnie is actually quite selfish. She only makes friends with people that will aid her in her goals and rarely actually cares about their well-being unless it includes her somehow. Even long after someone has overstayed their importance to her, she will still act friendly just in case she has need of them again. She ensnares the useful people into a sense of security before using them to her will. The only problem for most people is that they never realize she's manipulating them. She is very intelligent and tends to have conversations with herself in which she gloats continuously, but it is not a trait she shows on the outside. The majority of her narcissistic tendencies are caused by neglect from her parents. She doesn't actually think herself above people, but makes herself think she is. In face, she is actually very insecure. Carnie simply feels like every person has a use and that use should be exploited. She also has a strange idea that that is what friendship (or any relationship) actually is: people using each other mutually. She helps them, they help her back. It is possible she suffers from megalomania.


Carnie knew from a young age what she was as her parents were also Phoenixes. Born Carnival Anne Vopal, Carnie was the daughter of two very successful and prominent world leaders. However, they did not much care for a a daughter. Carnie can recall a total of four times in her life that she has actually talked to her parents. Her older brother Malakai got most of the spotlight in her parents eyes. Growing up, Carnie had several nannies. When she was finally able to realize that they weren't her mother, she began rebelling and making the governesses miserable. In the course of ten years, she had gone through eighteen different nannies. After that, her parents gave up and sent the thirteen year old girl to a boarding school in another country.

When she started high school, she used her skills of manipulation to get people to adore her as well as use people to her advantage. She soared through all of her classes and never got in trouble with the teachers. Heck, she even managed to become President of the Student Council in her sophomore year. Yes, Carnie was very popular at school. However, at home, her parents continued to ignore her and she doubted her brother even knew she existed. She felt like something was missing, despite having every student in school love her. She just moved to Dax a week ago while her parents paid for her apartment. She hasn't spoken to them since.

Romantic Life:



Name: Ivy Ross

Nickname(If Applies):

Age: 15

Gender: Female

Sexual Orientation: Straight

Good or Evil or Neutral: Neutral

Where you live (House, dorm, etc.) Dorm

What Year of highschool your in: Freshman

What kind of being you are: She's not really sure, all she knows is that she has wings and enhanced abilities

Powers/gifts: Flight, very good vision, very agile

Likes: Flying, the color purple, snow, sports

Dislikes: Horses, thunderstorms, schoolwork

Personality: Ivy seems cold at first, but once you get to know her, she is nicer. She is somewhat sarcastic, and likes telling jokes. Unfortunately, her jokes sometimes fall flat. She is very competitive, and will end up yelling at people on her team if they aren't doing what she tells them to. Most of the time, when she's doing schoolwork, she is quiet. Outside of school, she talks a lot.

Appearance: (Anime Picture Preferred)<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/image.jpg.3b0175babf96aea2605cd68e47f8d1ec.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="37670" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/image.jpg.3b0175babf96aea2605cd68e47f8d1ec.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Bio: Ivy was adopted by a family when she was six from the orphanage she was dropped of at when she was two. She was bullied in her time at the orphanage for having wings, and she never fought back because she was afraid of getting in trouble. A couple with a son Ivy's age took her in, and Ivy normally stayed away from him. Ivy skipped school and went flying instead for much of her childhood in fear of being bullied again, until middle school where she went back. She was surprised at how accepting the students were, and she decided to stay in school. However, she had to have a tutor for all of her classes because her grades were so bad from all of the time she missed school. She still struggles to get good grades.

Dating/lover/crush: None

Anything else: She hides her wings most of the time



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Name: Alexander Rose

Nickname(If Applies): Alex

Age: 15

Gender: Male

Sexual Orientation: Homosexual

Good or Evil or Neutral: Neutral

Where you live (House, dorm, etc.): Dorm

What Year of highschool your in: 9th

What kind of being you are: Demon

Powers/gifts: Can manipulate blood and fire, is able to completely blend into shadows.

Likes: Angels (despite how contrary to people it may seem), purple anything, scorpians.

Dislikes: Loud people, those that are disrespectful,

Personality: Alexander is a quiet guy usually keeping to himself until he gets to know people. He doesn't stick up for himself often and is usually known as the outcast. Occasionally something set him off, quite literally, and he will go into a rage that is hard to calm down from usually requiring the help of someone else. He'd like to start being more social and optimistic. He is a demon, after all!

(Human form)

Bio: Alex was never told as how he came to be he just seemed to... be there one day. He was a young demon being cared for by two others, though they weren't his parents. They taught him various things such as possession, manipulation of other's, etc. He never used the arts and preferred to focus on the arts of fire and blood which was enough to please the two. They always required he practiced on humans which he didn't enjoy at all. Eventually he refused which angered them greatly. They lashed out at him and he fought back being put into a blinding rage. The power Alex had in him was tucked away but they had just found a way to access it. Knowing they would try to use his rage against him, Alex ran off to live on his own. He manipulated himself a human body to hide in proportionate to his true age and stayed in it, as it helped him keep himself in control. One day he found a school with many other's like himself, be they demon or other and decided to stay at it.

Dating/lover/crush: None as of yet.

Anything else: Demon form -
Name: Skyalia

Nickname(If Applies):

Age: 15

Gender: Female

Sexual Orientation: Bisexual

Good or Evil or Neutral: Neutral

Where you live (House, dorm, etc.) Dorm

What Year of highschool your in: 2nd

What kind of being you are: Half Human Half Valkaryie

Powers/gifts: Skyalia can use her wings for agile flight, and she posses some skill in wind magic.

Likes: Having fun, Flying, Talking

Dislikes: the dark, lying, boredom

Personality: funloving, adventurous, outgoing

Appearance: See profile pic

Bio: Skyalia was the illegitemate child of her commoner father and a Valkaryie. She never knew her mother, but from her blood she inherited her wings and ability in wind magic. Though she went through a childhood of poverty, she now has the opurtunity to attend highschool so she can develop her abilities and meet new friends.

Dating/lover/crush: None Presently
Name: Karou

Nickname(If Applies): Rou

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Sexual Orientation: Pansexual

Good or Evil or Neutral: Neutral

Where you live (House, dorm, etc.) Dorm

What Year of highschool your in: 3rd Year

What kind of being you are: Fairy

Powers/gifts: Fire Element, Flight

Likes: Anything to do with fire.

Dislikes: Anything to do with water

Personality: Feisty and hot headed, but kind to the ones she trusts.

Appearance: (Anime Picture Preferred)

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/57a8c1216967c_images(15).jpg.6d9ef40941d901af19f9b6a4498a4d97.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="37720" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/57a8c1216967c_images(15).jpg.6d9ef40941d901af19f9b6a4498a4d97.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Bio: Lives with aunt, parents died when she was 5

Dating/lover/crush: Single

Anything else: Prefers guys over girls. Wings are invisible when she isn't using magic.



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That's up to you, you can join in at the school, or start off with your character in her dorm, it's up to you though.


Akira Fukushima.

Birth Name:

Imperius Vi Euphoria.


Akki, Kira.


The Shinigami, The Black Swordsman.


Two thousand, three hundred and seventeen years old -Looks eighteen due to suspended ageing-





Sexual Orientation:


Good or Evil or Neutral:


Where you live:

Large mansion situated on the outskirts of the city, in a forest. Custom built by himself. It is called the Fukushima Estate.


Engaged to Layla.



Human Appearance:


Demonic form:


Standard God Form:


Combat God Form:



Carefree and fun. Enjoys to joke around, however when things get serious, he isn't a pleasant being to be around. Not even his lieutenants back in Euphoria knows of his true side. The side no-one has ever seen.


He uses a longer-than-average Katana which he made himself using his own power. The sword is called Datenshi. However materializing such a weapon was too hard for him in his former forms. Therefore he relied on his expertise in hand-to-hand combat and his magical abilities. Now that he's regained all of his powers, he can keep Datenshi with him at all times.


Complete Arsenal:

Akira possesses an endless number of abilities, covering every possible effect and countermeasure. He can use any existing power as well as those yet to be, as his complete power database includes all potential abilities.

Akira has complete mastery and exhaustive knowledge of all of their abilities, (nature, effect, characteristics, strength / weakness, etc.) including knowing which ones are best suited for every situation, all possible combos, and can use them flawlessly in any condition. Akira can instantly use and combine any number of them, often flooding his opponents with overwhelming torrents of highly efficient combinations.

Omnipotence -Above All-:

Omnipotence is the ability to be almighty in every sense and aspect. Akira can achieve absolutely anything without any limit or condition, including the conceptually impossible, like "bigger than infinity." Akira is the only Omnipotent being, hence the "Above All". Akira is fundamentally invincible, completely immune to all other powers, and able to defeat the combined might of all Creation and it's mightiest beings -other than other Sanctums- just by wanting it, without the slightest effort.

Black Fire:

Akira's Black Fire has the ability to destroy the internal organs and external skin. It has no heat until it makes it way inside the enemies' body. It then devours raw power to make it stronger, it cannot be put out with anything nor can it be smothered. It then begins depleting their life force. This is the first out of the two of Akira's favourite attacks.

Black Electricity:

Akira's Black Electricity passes through the blood stream and strikes the enemies' heart from within and also begins burning them, it is amplified by the enemies' blood and destroys the brain's electrical waves that communicates everywhere in the body. It then implodes, tearing the enemy apart from the inside out. This is the last out of the two of Akira's favourite attacks.

Sanctum Inheritance:


Supreme Strength

Supreme Stamina

Immune To All Diseases

Supreme Endurance

Immune to all powers and affects

Supreme Teleportation


Akira's birth name is Imperius Vi Euphoria. However, he gave himself the Human name 'Akira Fukushima'. Akira is also known as The Black Swordsman, hailing from a Realm called Euphoria. His father was the God of all Gods, Ragnarok, his mother, also a Sanctum. He had a younger brother named Kenji, whom his father, Ragnarok killed. Akira and Ragnarok fought for over one hundred years straight, only to be ended when Akira finally killed him. Akira decided to start a new life, leaving Euphoria. He created a portal towards Earth and soon went in, with it closing mere seconds after he left. However, soon after leaving Euphoria and entering this new world, he found that this world's culture was significantly different from his own, so he had trouble adapting for three days. He then found out about a high-school for certain beings. Akira signed up due to being bored. He had been in this new world for over a year now. He wanted to see how his subjects' -The Gods'- creations operated. Little did he know, that wasn't the only thing he'd find. Due to his personality of protecting his friends, he may temporarily lose his mind when he experiences great emotional or physical pain. It can also occur if Akira experiences great anger. Akira soon learned all about Human culture after being in the school for over two weeks, and found his love, Layla. He decided to stick around the school.

What a Sanctum is:

A Sanctum: Sanctums are free from the constraints of the material world, as in the case of a Deity or other beings that can overcome the limitations of physical existence and also become independent of it.

Sanctums are physically and mentally beyond essentially all forms of harm or other ways to influence them (outside of other beings of similar status or some specific concepts), and have powers that are supernatural and impossible to the outside viewer. While they can enter into the material universe, becoming immanent, their true being is outside the existence and thus both independent and outside everything that happens to their manifested/avatar form.

As they are able to perceive the existence in a completely different and transcendent way, they can achieve things that are beyond the understanding of lesser beings, for example, a children's toy built by them could be used as a dangerous, and unstoppable weapon by the lower races -Humans, Angels, Demons etc.

Anything Else?:

There is, and will only ever be, five Sanctums: Akira, Kuroh, Kenji, Ragnarok -Deceased- and The Watcher. You cannot become a Sanctum, you must be born one.
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Just a question, is my starter restricted to a certain length? I tend to write a lot during my openings haha

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