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Fantasy Fantastical Fantasy Questing: Rules


Coca Cola addict

Just a few ground rules, nothing major...


1. Don't GodMod or whatever it's called, it's just not fun for anyone

2. You can create any character your heart desires otherwise, be them half vampire one quarter iceberg lettuce and the other quarter some original race with their own unique abilities then it's fine by me. So long as your character's physical prowess isn't massively superhuman and their abilities aren't broken you're fine.

3. Try and post like once every four days or so, I don't mind if you don't is just generally anything longer than that will result in the rp being a bit sluggish. I understand real life isn't very nice to people in terms of giving free time though so don't worry if you go over the four days.

4. If you're gonna be unable to post for a while and you know it then tell me please and I'll either just postpone everything or try and do something not related to the main plot with everyone else while you're away.

5. Since we'll be moving around in the rp a lot if you want to move the whole party at once to a certain destination (say bring them back to the main hub or to the location of a quest) then just check with everyone in the OOC and then do so, I've been in a rps where there is literally just a page of movement being planned but no one really moving because no one can find a way to move everyone at once.

6. Please don't start OOC problems with other people cause then everything falls apart and I get sad...starting IC problems between our characters is encouraged though XD

7. If you have any questions then just ask!!!

IC ~ OOC ~ CS ~ Lore ~ Rules
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