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One x One fantasma







kim hanjae (김한재)













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hanjae was born to fix a broken marriage. to keep the bored man in the house, and for him to love his mother more now that she had his baby in her womb. but the man, loved the baby more. it was magical for a violent creature like mansu to hold that small thing in his arms and coo at it quietly until it went quiet. for a few years, the baby didn't stop crying until mansu held it. 'little doe, my heart, my dear,' whatever his mother expected to happen didn't happen, or it did but minsu wasn't in love with her. years pass by. the first blunder between his mother and him occurred when the woman stayed awake one night and stared at the sleeping baby until an idea struck her; yes, she had a happy marriage until this baby was born! until minsu began to enjoy it more! 'that bastard, wicked little thing.' and the rage of a woman who could never share the love of a man who didn't know how to love in the first place... his mother tried to sell the baby to their maid. and at dawn, minsu returns home from his mistress's house to put an end to this madness. not the end of their insanity, but only the beginning.

the kim's mansion was a small wonderland about an hour's drive from seoul. an unreal, made-up heaven that tried too hard to give the impression of a happy family. there was a small lake outside his window, with a willow tree over it. when hanjae couldn't sleep some nights, his would tell him that a siren was sleeping in that lake and she was hungry for the flesh of naughty boys who slept late at night. he was terrified at first, but the siren gradually piqued his interest. that time, hanjae learned that not everything scary had to scare him.

each day, hanjae is pulled away from his parents. growing up, learning to be angry rather than helpless. anger at being afraid to sit at the same table as them. he was irritated because he couldn't look them in the eyes for too long for fear of irritating them. his school years aren't peaceful. this time, hanjae is wreaking mayhem; going to parties, which, as everyone says, don't start until hanjae kim walks in. sleeping around with older senior girls and guys and being loud, loud, loud, and bright! everything a normal rebel might do, and for a while, it was as normal as it could get until a new professor walks into the class and hanjae falls for him in the blink of an eye.

he was a little older than his parents. he had a two-year-old son, and his wife came to pick him up from school on occasion. mister junseok liked to wear dark blue shirts and had a sweet appetite. mister junseok. mister chang junseok. when his affair with mister junseok became public, hanjae's status as the "popular rich boy" of school was shattered. he wasn't careful one day, and when he kissed him in the parking lot, a girl saw them, and things quickly spiraled downward.

his fall from grace was merely the school's fiction. things moved from bad to worse back at home. a family that was already struggling to keep their troubled son under control now had to deal with the disgrace of his scandalous choice of boyfriend. minsu didn't take it lightly, in fact, he didn't take anything easy at all. a small white scar can still be seen on hanjae's right brow. other wounds heal on their own, but the one on his face slammed into the shattered mirror stayed as a reminder. however, it's possible that things went too far that day.



♡coded by uxie♡
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