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Family business (Rae&Captain)

The stench was utterly disgusting. It was dark as hell and Kane had the feeling that he would never be clean again. After touching one of the slippery walls of the pipe he and his sister were in, he had refrained from doing that ever again. And so he was walking forward step by step with a torch between his teeth and his rifle in his hands. Not that he could use it down here; with all the... aromas in here, one little shot could cause the whole damn thing to blow up. Since he wasn't that tired of life yet and he didn't want his poor sister to die a horrible death, he would not use it. Not even if they were attacked. He had his knife for that. Still, it comforted him to hold it. It made him feel stronger and more sure of himself. Without these two things, he wouldn't make it far in this particular profession.

Sighing through his teeth, he took the torch out of his mouth and shone it on the wall. Reluctantly he reached out to touch a slimy, greenish smudge. It felt appalingly warm and moist; a clear indicator that it was fresh. And here again, there were-

"Scales. A few of them. Just like the other times." Kane knelt down and quickly scanned the puddles of filth they were standing in. In this thick, mud like substance he looked at the footprints again. He rose again and turned towards his sister.

"Okay, I'm going to be honest here. I'm getting really mixed signs here. It is clear that this thing has scales, yet it walks on two legs. It is not some sort of animal type, but more... humanoid I would say. It moves quickly but very irregular. What the hell is this supposed to be?"

Kane looked judgingly at Rae, who was so obessed with supernaturals that she seemed to know every type and kind there was. Surely she knew.

Absentmindedly he bit his lip and shone his torch quickly to either side of the pipe. Nothing. He almost couldn't breathe anymore. There was zero fresh air in here and his whole skin shone with sweat. He didn't particular like being trapped undergrounds in a small space with little to no light. It sounded like a total nightmare, and guess what; it was. The sooner they got to this thing the better. If they were going to be down here for much longer, he would pass out. Something he would never admit out loud of course.

A reptilian humanoid that lived in sewers could not be good news. Perhaps it was time to grab his knife.

Reaching at his belt, he pulled his big sharp knife out. His rifle he slung over his back.

"Stay focused," He suddenly snapped, not knowing whether he meant that for his sister or for himself. He clenched his teeth when his voice faltered at the last syllable. He wasn't scared. He wasn't. But these were monsters they were dealing with. And newsflash; they were very real.
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"The sightings started out in South Carolina, 1988. Stories describe him, or it, as bipedal, scaly skinned and about seven feet tall. Incredible strength, enough to tear through a mercedes. He's known as the Lizard Man," She said it all very thoughtfully, though it answered his questions, these facts didn't aid them in exploiting weaknesses or setting negotiations.

Her weapon of choice was secured on her back, easy to reach and conveniently out of her way for the moment. In her hands, Rae held a thermocam, and swept the tunnel with her eyes at the screen, though everything was some shade of blue, meaning void of life. The only vibrant hue of Orange was her brother, who stalked mere inches ahead of her, reminding her to remain alert quite abruptly, to which she scrunched her nose and insisted, "I am!"

Several feet ahead of them, down a corridor pitch black and rank with God knows what caked up within the sewers, there was a bit of splashing, almost like a struggle of some sort. Nervously, she held up her thermocam, though there was a lot of interference quite suddenly and all she could confirm was an orange blob of unknown size from this distance. Rae reached behind her and unsheathed her bow, holding it up and steady, one eye level with her modded scope which was essential considered she was near sided. "Wait," She told him, and wrapped her index finger around the trigger. She broadened her shoulders, took a step forward, held her breath-

Something sailed through the air at a velocity neither of them expected, and collided with Rae's body, sending her on her rear and fearfully responding with a misplaced shot. Simultaneously, distant heavy weight footsteps further distanced themselves from the siblings, farther into the tunnels black abyss. The arrow bounced off of the stone layered ceiling with a clang, and darted down at Kane, meanwhile Rae began hyperventilating. What'd hit her was slightly illuminated by Kane's torch, the clump was matted and wet, void of organs, riddled with blood (as was she, now) and, unfortunately, had four little paws.

"Oh, oh, oh God," She reluctantly lifted the lifeless feline in her hands and set it aside, only to feel something else of equal texture, and then proceed to jump up and whine as, evidently, an entire pile of animal bodies had been expertly hidden within the shadows.
if he weren't so frozen with tension Kane would've probably snapped back at his sister that she shouldn't make fun of the situation. The Lizard Man? Really? No way that there was actually a creature with that name. And yet, he was ready to believe about anything if it meant he could find out how to get out of this tomb alive and without him or his sister getting hurt.

There was still some awkward tension between them, since they're both still getting used to having a sibling all of a sudden. And yet Kane often felt like he had been dealing with Rae's rambling all of his life. It was a strange situation, but he at least wasn't annoyed by her anymore. In fact, he would say that he had grown quite fond of his little sister, though he would never admit that to her of course.

Slowly he stepped backwards to stand beside Rae as something in the distance moved. He started violently as something soared past him and hit Rae, taking her down.

"Rae! What the- " Kane had begun to reach out to his sister, meanwhile keeping an almost feverish eye out for the thing she had called the Lizard Man, but then he felt a blazing pain shoot up his foot.

Cursing and shouting loudly he glanced down at his right foot and saw a short wooden pin stickjng out of his shoe. The thick leather had softened the blow a little, but he could feel that there was something broken in there.

Shaking his head fervently he bit down the pain and grabbed Rae's hand.

"Come on- Let's get that bastard before he disappears off our radar. Don't-" He clenched his teeth when he felt another shot of pain soaring through him. "Don't look at that. Come on. You can say what you want, but that thing is gonna die."

Oh, how he wished he could blast that thing's face off. All he had was his knife now and Rae had her crossbow. Though she maybe shouldn't be trusted with it, he thought grimly as he glared at her accusingly. Had it been anyone else, he would've knocked their teeth out for their trouble. But Rae was Rae and there was nothing either of them could do about it.

Kane wiped away te cold sweat on his brow and put a hand on Rae's shoulder for some support.

"Let's blast that bastard."
Kane's abrupt outbursts further induced Rae's anxiety. Though she had only just started to realize where her arrow went, around the same time he gave her his hand and tried to avert her gaze from the massacred bodies. With teary eyes she wiped with her sleeve, the brunette responded to her brother with quavering voice that didn't fit the confident woman who wielded a bow moments before, "I'm sorry- about your foot- Kane," she seemed to be calming down from her hyperventilating, though the pile was forever engraved within her mind.

She didn't want to kill any thing, not now! She just wanted to mourn the twenty or so kitties that'd be forever lost to the world. But her brother insisted they move along, and after what she'd accidentally done to him, Rae wasn't in a position to be defiant. Rarely was she with Kane, anyways, she prefered he was in charge, and admired his leadership spot. Not that she'd admit that, of course.

"Don't glare at me," She said with a pout, rose lips childishly plump. "I shot upwards, the ceiling is at fault here-"

The distant commotion within water caught the woman's attention, and after a moment of hesitation she waded forward, disgusted with how some sort of water seemed to rise to her ankles, so they were wading through absolute filth now. It slushed and reeked, enough to induce a couple gag notions and a lot of breath holding. Her camera had been remarkably unscathed, and with somewhat shaky hands she lifted it again, noting warm spots on the walls the signified a recent presence.

"Come on, to the left," There'd been a two way end to this tunnel, and reluctantly she led down the right side, praying she wouldn't lead them astray. Her navigation skills were great, outside. Pitch dark tunnels with a limited oxygen supply? Not so much.

There was a distant grumbling and, for a moment, she'd shadowed herself behind Kane, peeking over his shoulder and a far cry from professional in that moment. But seeing as how he was not only injured, but entirely clouded judgement wise, she stepped forward again, "Kane, before we kill it-"


She gasped as a fearfully clear word resonated within the abyss, inhaling a foul odor and subsequently choking on the fumes. Though Rae cast a glance behind her, farther down the abyss, there wasn't any source of light, just darkness and a seemingly hesitant presence. "Hel...lo?"

"You said, kill. Why?" There was even a hinted accent she couldn't decipher, one that was less clear and jumbled the words together to sound more like a long, barely legible growl. "I not done wrong."

"You've not... there are missing people in the neighborhood up there, and a pile of dead felines fifty feet from here. You expect us not to hold you responsible?" She had an arm bent behind her slender back, fingers caressing the handle of her bow, but leave it to Rae to make conversation with a lizard hybrid.

"Furry things with four legs, yes, mine. But not people. I'm not sanguine." He seemed to struggle with adequate speech, but she arched both, thin brows at his intelligence. Usually, they just received barking, hissing, cursing, but if this was their guy/thing/super, maybe he deserved a chance to explain?

"Kane," She gave him that look he hated, the one that a woman gives when she's sporting empathy. "What if he's telling the truth-- wait, why'd you throw the carcass at me?"

"Not at you, at the pile," He gurgled, and seemed to shift weight from foot to foot, considering the gentle sloshing around the supposed voices source. "You were in the way. Clumsy girl shot the ceiling. Impaled man's foot." He seemed to tsk and she felt flustered, dropping her gaze and letting guilt hit her like a wave.
"It's fine. Don't worry about me, let's go!"

Clenching his teeth he managed to keep up with his sister as they went through the dark tunnels of Hell. The adrenaline was still soaring through his body and that was the only thing keeping him going right now. And of course the fact that he wanted to skin that bastard and make a bag out of him or something. It was just his rage talking inside of his tired mind, but it gave him enough energy to follow the lizard back to his hiding place. Now they had him in a corner. No way he would run away from them now.

Kane froze as a weird, scraping voice came out of the dark in answer to his sister. He clamped his hand over his mouth and nose to banish out the unbearable stench. It had little effect. His eyes blurred a little and he didn't trust himself with speaking at the moment. And so he was forced to let his sister have a freaking conversation with a humanoid lizard. If he weren't so sure this was really happening he would have thought he was having some weird nightmare.

He glared again at Rae when he saw the look; no way he was falling for it again. He was over her and her puppy looks. After a few moments of hesitation, Kane pulled his hand away and he now shot his glare at the lizard man.

"Why the hell should we believe you? Who says you don't have another pile made out of humans?" He growled through his teeth and held his knife higher in the pitch black air. Cold sweat was breaking out over his skin and he felt slightly feverish because of his wound and the foul aromas surrounding him. He had to decide on something quick before he passed out altogether.

The lizard man hummed a little and a strange clicking noise could be heard from his direction; was he snapping his claws, or opening and closing his mouth as if he was thinking of something?

"Hmm. No, no. No humans. They smell strange. No, not like. Little furries are nice. Hmm. No. Do not want the hurt you humans. My apo- apolo-?"

"Apologies," Kane said automatically and cursed immediately after saying it. Damnit, he was talking to this thing just like Rae now. His head hurt like crazy now and the adrenaline ebbed away again. His foot hurt sharply everytime his heart beated. They had to get out of here before he collapsed and Rae would be alone with that- that English speaking thing.

"Bring- Bring us out of here. Bring us to above, you hear me? You help and I promise we won't hurt you - okay?"

Making deals with supernaturals was something he would normally absolutely refuse to do. But he had no choice. Whether or not they could trust the lizard, they had to get out of here. Knowing Rae, she would try to recruit the Lizard to go with them to the reservation. This creature would be the first of its kind there, and the organization would most definitely be overjoyed. Kane really did not understood how they could be so happy and enthusiatic about these monsters. In the end, there was bound to go something wrong. There are a lot of tensions amongst the different species and also internally of them; the packs of Alpha Rawn and Alpha Thrace were baring their teeths at each other now even when they're in their human form. No, not human; their illusion of a human. None of them was more human than monster. Not even the sophisticated vampires.

"Hmm. Yes," came the soft and friendly reply from the dark. "Come and take my paw, girl and boy. I will lead you to the light."

Kane shook Rae's shoulder a little bit and hissed at her; "You take his hand and I take your other one. No way am I touching him - and if you don't trust it anymore, yell and I'll stab him before he can even say 'hmm' again!"
Wading through the darkness had already been unnerving, but Rae could have cut a slice out of the one sided tension emanating from Kane. She also disliked their disadvantage, maneuvering blindly and entrusting what they'd been hunting for a safe escort out of a sewage line. Well, honestly, Rae had little intention of killing anythingz even after the pile of carcasses- just don't tell Kane that, he hated her empathetic side. This creatures hand was surprisingly free of the goosebumps inspired descriptions she'd expected, it was just a little rough, and extremely cold, but human for the most part. It gripped her delicate hand as if mindful of her fragility, and in her other was Kane's, of whom she tried to tug along at a fair pace. But after what felt like a grueling hour of trudging through diseases and being deprived of oxygen, the creature spoke, "The light is up there. Have to climb, can't climb because he is broken."

Rae winced and tried to aid in her brothers balance, but she was weak and often depended on him! Her brows furrowed within the darkness and she glanced up at the holes within the sewage lid, light pouring down but it dissipated just a few feet into the shadows. It rumbled as cars drove past it, and was layered with grime, roaches and God knows what else. Rae was resourceful, she'd think of something. Think, think, think- oh, but Kane won't like this!

"What's your name?" She asked the reptile, as if they had time for formalities.

"The two legged call me a lizard man, both are right, but... wrong," He seemed to dislike the name, his off green face revealed to be expressing disdain a bit more with the scarce lighting.

"That's not very befitting to such a gentlemen," she spoke with words dipped in sugar, her smile sweet despite the disgusting circumstances. "How about... Garrus?"

"I don't like it."

"Maybe... Chuck?"

"As in, to throw? No."

"What about Thane?"

He seemed to ponder and shifted a bit, "Title for an entrusted aid to royalty. Yes, hmm, I approve."

"Well, Thane, we're friends now. That means we have to look out for each other, and right now, I'm worried my brother won't make it out of here, we both know he can't climb that latter. Do you have any ideas?"

She was surprised at how willingly the lizard hybrid stepped forward, and shifted Kane's weight from her to himself, and was soon carrying the male on it's back. "What I lack in your speak, I have in strength," He told her, and with one arm procuring Kane, he crawled up the ladder at an impressive speed, flicked off the lid as if it were dust, and popped out into the sunshine, dropping the male on the concrete beside him. He then reached down his hand and easily lifted Rae from the waste, setting her down more gently and then sliding the lid back over the sewer hole.

"Where to now?" He asked with a gurgle, and in this light she really studied him, and then blushed when she categorized him as more of a man with skin pigmentation- a naked one, at that.

"Home, you're not safe here anyways," She still wasn't sure if he'd told them the truth, but they'd come too far to leave him behind, and Kane needed to rest in the med bay.
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Kane was clutching his sister's hand like a little child, but he didn't care. The sudden thought of letting go of her hand and somehow getting left behind and lost forever in this dark maze struck him like a sharp blade. He was embarrassed to admit that he feared actually quite a lot of trivial things for a guy who hunted the supernatural, but it was the truth. And so he just put his left foot in front of his right and so on until he felt his head spinning from exhaustion and pain. Because of his lightheaded he did not remember the last of the journey and what happened. It almost felt like he wasn't controlling his body anymore; he moved automatically but heard and felt nothing. He just kept clamping his sister's hand as his last anchor keeping him grounded in the concious world, but when Kane felt his hand being pulled free and himself getting lifted of his feet on a scaly back, he blacked out at last.

Kane was actually very content with his unconcious state, but when his face connected with the hard asphalt of the street that dream was shattered rather roughly. And painfully as well.

"Wha...?" Kane blinked and sluggishly lifted his painful cheek of the street and stared up at a very ugly and very naked lizard type man and his sister. They weren't looking at Kane with concerned expressions like they should be doing, but were for some reason just chatting amiably with each other. Of course. Nothing unusual. No time to sulk about that any longer than he already did.

Groaning he managed to get himself first on his knees and then on his wobbly legs. With all the rush gone, his foot hurt like hell. The head ache had subdued somewhat thanks to his brief black out, but it was still prominent. At least his head was clear enough now thanks to the light of day and the heavenly fresh air. He felt almost reborn. Almost. Because looking at his slimy clothes and a few scales hanging on his pants it was clear what had happened.

"Goddammit Rae! How could- What-" Growling, Kane grabbed his head and did not care he was rubbing everything that was filthy in the world in his hair. The lizard man was looking at him with an expression that held between fascination and amusement. "Okay. Okay. I've accepted a long time ago that there is no way to reason with you. That's fine. And you-" Kane began and pointed with a suspiciously brown finger at the creature, "are coming with us to the reservation. No discussion. If those deaths stop happening in this town once you've been removed here, then we'll know for sure whether or not you are innocent."

The creature blinked back at him with that same strange amused expression on his face and nodded once.

"Yes. I will come with girl and boy. If that makes you feel happy, then yes." He was looking more at Rae than at Kane when he was saying that. Typical, they were all drawn to her like moths to a damn light. A good way to describe them all.

Pressing his lips together, Kane clenched his hands into fists and relaxed them again. He stank like a walking sewer pipe and he saw that Rae wasn't much better. They couldn't go far looking like this.

"Fine. Fine. But first, we're going to find a gym or something where we can sneak in and shower." Glaring at the supernatural, he added; "Meet us at that ugly statue just south of this town. No way we can travel with you in town. And for God's sake, don't kill any kittens."

Grabbing his sister's arm he steered her away and pulled her with him through the streets. The crossbow arrow still stuck out of his boot, but he did not dare take it out.

Needless to say, they were the highlight of the day for the citizens of Pinewood.
The venture to the nearest chance at a shower had been rushed, quiet, and much to Rae's detriment, publicly humiliating. She'd made every embarrassed gesture known to man, hiding behind her greasy locks of hair, shoulders knitted together and her eyes hardly open, she even covered her face when they finally did manage to come across a suitable washing area. She and Kane hadn't talked much, it'd been a little easier for her to shrug off his comments until he'd exploded in front of Thane- though slightly offended, Rae was far more reluctant to further provoke his agitation. Not that she was the intentionally instigating type, anyways. Their little endeavor to cleanse themselves had been a relatively pointless venture, an hour or two in a steaming hot shower (maybe even bathing in tomato juice, or citric acid) would be their only hope; and her clothes? Thank God Rae wasn't the type to obsess over her wardrobe, or she'd be having an all out funeral in the center of town.

"I can be reasoned with," She assured with a slight pout at one point, speaking to him though there was a wall preventing one from seeing the other 'wash off'. They'd snuck like professionals into the showers of a major fitness establishment, earning minimal, questioning glances and purchasing some active wear to change into after cleaning up. Far from comfortable, and hardly how they'd intended to show up back at the reserve- However, they had indeed completed their mission, albeit a little scarred. "You shouldn't get so angry with me, Kane, I think killing is hard on both of us, and if he's innocent, you'd feel bad... somewhere in that grinchy heart of yours."

Like he'd promised, Thane was waiting with impressive discretion south of where they'd separated upon the siblings arrival. He was a (green) sore thumb to the experienced eye, but to any one else he was a questionable movement hidden within faintly casted shadows. From here, the reservation was notably far, but they'd parked on the cities outskirts. Rae was pained watching her brother leg it all that way, and offered to drive since he was down one foot.

"Have you ever ridden in a car, Thane? Oh, his name is Thane now," Rae mumbled to Kane, though her words faded with a bit of fear for how he'd react. She adjusted her bun whilst gently rocking the wheel back and forth with her knees, for all the physical inadequacy, Rae was an expert driver, and could get them out of some tough situations with a few well placed gas pumps. Her question was obvious, but she was really curious about whom she was quickly categorizing as their new friend- well, hers anyways. Kane would probably never understand it, but supernaturals, and all of her temporary pets growing up, had been Rae's only source of friendship, she took comfort in them naively, but always hoped for the unlikely best. "Do you like it?"

"It's odd. You seek convenience, cease to walk, put rubber under metal and scale mountains. Convenient, but indulgent in the sin of sloth." He raised his hand for the umpteenth time, hitting it on the window and snatching it back out of shock.

"Thane, I told you, press the little button there, and the window rolls down."

He did so with amazement yet again, extending a green hand outside until Rae urged him not to draw attention to their car. For the rest of the hour, he'd rolled the window up and down, reaching past her own seat when she multitasked and introduced the radio, air conditioning and nearly swerved off the road when he accidentally hit the stick shift and put them in reverse. They'd settled on a classical station, stopped at a drive through for a dollar menu lunch, introduced Thane to what he now worshipped, fries, and would be home in less than an hour. Night was stretching across the sky, leaving golden rays behind them and permitting diamonds to peek out over their familiar hill tops.

"Almost home," She yawned and went to rub her eyes, but got a whiff of herself and nearly gagged. She was going to get in the world records book for bathing longer than any person on the planet, and drown herself in smell goods, bath salts and the bubbliest shampoo her cabinets had to offer.
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The hunt for hygiene was a long and exhausting task. It was a big relief to finally wash away all the filth and most of the scent, but Kane was glad when they could finally move on again and escape the prying eyes of the people here. He was always happy when they finished a mission and could go home, often with a living creature with them. There had only been a few occassions so far where the supernatural they had tracked down turned out to be a rogue one and impossible to reason with. As far as Kane could remember, it had been always him who would finally pull the trigger and put the thing down for good. He and Rae actually were a good team, though he often disagreed with her... methods.

Like making a pet out of a guy with scales and a funny accent. Who was by the way sitting in the back of their car, rolling the windows up and down like it was some form of magic. It was giving Kane a head ache, combined with Thane's formal manner of speech. Speaking of Thane;

"Thane. How the hell did you come up with that? Seriously though, did you want to find yet another way to annoy me by giving him a name that rhymes with mine? Jesus Christ, Rae."

By then, Kane was just done. He had slumped back into his seat with a thud and tried to get some sleep through Thane's curious observations of sheep in a field they passed. Or how he called them; 'little clouds'.

The journey was long, but fairly uneventful. Their car didn't break down, which was a huge relief. Spending the time they did with Thane in such a small space was more than enough.

But all journeys end sooner and later, and at last they turned a right on an obscure sand road through the woods. After some twenty minutes of rocky driving, they saw the gate approaching in the distance. It looked fairly ordinary, but it was the last obstacle between the world they had created in the inside (the reservation for all kinds of supernaturals), and the 'normal'world they were leaving now. If anything would ever happen with the reservation, than this gate would be the last stand.

"Home," Kane said simply. He could say it in earnest after having lived on the reservation for the last few years after leaving his father's place. He hated it and loved it at the same time, but he could not imagine ever leaving it again. Just like he could not imagine losing his new found sister, as annoying as she sometimes was.

A buzz sounded and the gate opened automatically so they could drive through to the next gate and from there to the head quarters of the Organization. Pulling up beside the main office, people poured out of various doors to greet them. Kane recognized Symon, one of the other hunters, and also Yasmin who was a ranger inside of the reservation. She made sure all of the creatures were content in their houses or exhibits. Besides the hunters and rangers, there were also the more technical people who made sure the fences stayed strong and that everything kept working perfectly. Kane stepped out of the car and let himself be greeted by the small group of people. Some were staring curiously inside of the car at Thane, who looked back a bit uncertainly at all the attention.

And then there was of course also-

"Mother," Kane said simply and nodded stiffly at her before turning his back to her again and opening the door for Thane, who stumbled out pretty gracefully for a lizard man with legs that were long and thin. Kane's neck tingled as he felt his mother's gaze upon him, but he ignored her for now. He still didn't feel really comfortable around the mother that was asent from his life for the better part of his life. Of course, that was more his father's fault than hers, but it was still... uneasy for him. And for her as well, he could imagine.

"He has high intelligency for a supernatural that lived in the sewers. He prefers the dark and eats small mammels like cats. A zero threat."

Kane named all of the basic things the rangers needed to know to find a suitable place for Thane to live. Everything he said was true - by now, Kane was pretty sure that Thane would rather cut of his own tail than ever hurt humans. Though that meant little if his tail would just grow back like what happened with ordinary lizards. Still, Thane was one of the nicer ones, even he had to admit that.

"I'm going to bed now," he said faintly as he looked to the left of the buildings at the group of trees where his treehouse was hidden. Kane still smelled like a sewer, but if was only faint. Maybe he would wash himself before sleeping, but he wasn't sure if he could keep his eyes open for that long. "See you tomorrow, sister. Go get some sleep too; he's in perfectly capable hands now."

He looked pointedly at her sister before she could get it into her head to see Thane to a home personally. Then he turned around and left the group without another words and went to his own secluded space high in the sky.
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Mood music



"He's had a long day, give him some space, kid needs to get to the med bay, at the least. But he is his father, and'll probably ignore that nasty wound to the foot." Came her mother's empathetic words, and Rae reluctantly let him go, though she disliked the note they were both leaving on. She cringed when the woman put emphasis on the nasty wound description, Rae may never live it down.

He needed to recharge just as badly as she, but Rae worried that her actions today would be consequential in terms of their relationship. She always meant well, and most of the time, she hoped her brother knew that to be true. But the arrow, and the car ride, naming a creature they'd been hunting a mere few hours before, perhaps she was overwhelming, or maybe he was coming around and this was a process of change. She felt her temples throb at the unnecessary introspection and her expression tensed, until there was a towering presence beside her.

Rae peeked up from beneath thick lashes and offered a strained smile to Thane, who hadn't followed the employees offering to show him to a temporary living arrangement. Instead, he just seemed to watch her, obsidian eyes void of any emotion a human could register, though his posture was just a tad less than lax, and he seemed to be patiently awaiting Rae's next move. "Ever slept on a mattress?"

"A... What?"

"Come on."


"Where are we?"

"This is the reservation, a place we put together to keep creatures like you, safe. Um, no offense."

"None taken," He responded surprisingly casual, which made her smile. "So there are... others? Like me?"

"They don't look like you, no. But they're equally as unusual," She said so with admiration though, admiring his height though the creature himself was far more concerned with, well, everything.

Despite her gradually growing lethargy, Rae took a leisurely walk with the reptilian man towards the complexes built up for individual species. Some were more civilized and were capable of living within the same sort of compound, whilst others lived independently, or only amidst others like them, such as a clan or pack. Two major buildings towered with the height of the hill as its backdrop, whilst tiny homes were spotted across the vast landscape, some obscured within the forested patches, and others, prominent before an ocean view. She already had a little apartment in mind for Thane, one more humanized, but without the complexities that might get him killed. The path was wide and outstretched, bathed in the settling night, chilled with the night air, and set aglow by evenly spaced out walkway lights.

"What are these?"

"Lights," She answered with hesitation, not entirely sure to answer. "So we can see at night."

"Silly question," he chided himself, and flinched when Rae let out a chirp of a giggle, a sudden noise against the breath of the wind as white noise. "What?"

"I like to listen to you talk," She said with honesty. He'd started to follow up with an inquiry, but
she gestured for him to follow her up an odd, lit up walkway. His scaled hand felt along the sanded down, wooden railing and despite her exhaustion, Rae patiently waited on him while he observed the structure of the walkway, as well as the little stream running underneath. "We have beavers, koi fish, frogs, crawfish-"

"I don't know what those are, except for the amphibian," He answered monotonous, though loomed over the railing with intrigue.

"Well," She padded her way over and rested her elbows on the railing, and he mimicked her actions for some reason. She stretched out an arm
and pointed down at the illuminated water, where little blurs of Orange and white circled around. "Those are Koi fish, and that little bundle of sticks down there? That's the beavers home."

"Did you provide that?" He asked with a gurgle, and she snickered and shook her head.

"No, the beaver made his own home. They're resourceful like that. Come on," She tugged at his wrist, touching him for the first time since the sewers and feeling odd, still, even with their familiarity. He was human, but he wasn't, her brain couldn't fathom it, though for some reason lycan and the undead were more understood with ease. "It's too cold to stay out."

"Cold to the girl. Not to me." He seemed amused by this, and she merely offered a quirked brow and led the way past the little scenic area and farther down the carved path.


A little residence came into view, guarded by stretched out, burly wood branches peeling and draped with moss. A peaked, dark stone rooftop peeked out from a wall of leaves, and a small window framed with uneven bricks overlooked overgrowth and one of the many bodies of water connected to that same creek they'd passed moments before. As they approached it, Rae pulled out a key from her back pocket.

"Welcome home, Thane," She breathed, and when they approached the fairly neglected porch she jiggled the handle, pushed the door open and revealed a one bedroom abode with a tiny operational kitchen, a living room defining simplicity, and a ceiling just high enough that he wouldn't bump his head. "What do you think?"

"Home," He murmured, and seemed to stay in place until Rae gave him a little nudge, and he stepped inside. She grabbed a broom and cleared off his porch whilst he walked around, jumping slightly when Rae flicked the lights on for him and the once shadowed, wood floored rooms came to life. He touched, observed and speculated, though he knew so little of what he'd been given there wasn't much commentary to make. He jiggled handles till the doors opened, poking his head in and observing a quaint square with thin fabrics in the corner, placed beneath a foggy window and accompanied by a small, wooden table with many things on the surface of which he was unfamiliar with. "What is this?"

She appeared beside him and answered, "That's the mattress I mentioned. It's soft and comfy to sleep on, we might have to get you a bigger one, but it's new." She opened an adjacent door, "And this is the bathroom. I'll teach you how to-- well, on second thought, maybe Kane should show you how to use the... amenities."

"The... What?"

"Nothing, never mind. Are you hungry?"

"No," He answered simply, and seemed overwhelmed where he stood. "That is where I... sleep. Different. ...Clean."

"Mhm," She yawned and stretched her long limbs, actions he watched with thoughtful eyes. She was odd to him, very odd, but comfortable, unlike this new sewer. Her skin was warm, and she walked unusually close to him- Thane wasn't used to proximity, he didn't understand it, nor did he know what to make of it. Of her, of this place, of the... reservation. He'd made plans in the moment, unaware of how permanent these circumstances would feel, of how his arrangements would be dictated as they were.
Thane was unsure of his he felt, but when she offered a smile the color of roses, eyes non-threatening and much like a naive deer before it's demise, he merely smiled. Couldn't say why, though. "Where do you sleep?"

"Not here, back where we were, I have my own room," She answered, and he watched her run her fingers through long, silky locks of hair. That was a feature he was familiar with regarding humans, but he'd never observed it so closely. While she stroked the locks pensive like, he reached out a hesitant hand and felt the texture himself, catching her by surprise though missing the widening of her eyes in the shadow of the small hallway.

"Very soft," He noted, his lack of knowledge never ceasing to amaze her. She appreciated witnessing someone's first experience, even one as subtle as attention and touch. However, sleep washed over her and gradually her eyelids became weighed down, her topaz orbs hidden beneath downcast lashes.

"Think you can sleep here tonight?" She asked him, and knew if Kane had heard any of her silly conversations with this lizard creature he'd shoot himself. But she worried about all the supers, perhaps even more than she would about the staff, and especially more than other relatives.

"Yes," He answered. "Where do you sleep?"

"Um," Her nose scrunched, yet she had to remember he likely meant the question void of any threat. "In that big building we arrived at, upstairs, I have a balcony."

"What is that?"

"A part of the building that sticks out, and overlooks everything else. It has a glass door and morning glories along the banister."

"Okay," He nodded, though she couldn't say he understood. "How long do you sleep?"

"Excuse me?"

"Humans require sleep for hours. Do you?"

"Um... Maybe six? I don't know," She shrugged and started for the door, the questions heavily on her mind and honestly the oddest inquiries she'd ever gotten.

"Are you leaving?"

"Yeah, I guess, Kane or myself will come and check on you tomorrow," She answered timidly. "Um, goodnight, Thane."

"I would prefer... Kane not here. But, yes... I suppose it is a good night." He answered back thoughtfully, and Rae just shook her head before exiting the house, and heading back to the estate for a long, hot bath.
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The dark slowly took over completely, and Kane stumbled over the litted pathways towards his small treehouse. Well. It was technically a treehouse, since it was built in a tree. But it wasn't very high and it looked actually more like a shed than an actual house. Still, it was his own little home.

Climbing on the stairs on the back of it, he pulled out his key and opened the door and let himself in. Pushing on the light button he let himself drop in his chair with a pained groan and sat there for a few minutes before moving again. The crossbow arrow was of course removed already, but his foot needed some proper patch up. He didn't feel like going to the med bay and instead preferred to take care of it himself - like he always did.


Pushing of his ruined boot and sock he peeled the make shift bandage around his foot carefully away. It throbbed painfully, but nothing extreme anymore thankfully. A few bones were broken but there was nothing fractured. He simply needed to set to bones again and spalk them properly. If he didn't, the condition of his foot would only get worse. It was an unpleasant task but necessary. And so he went to work, quickly but efficiently. Afterwards he felt a bit dazed and swallowed some aspirin against the pain.

Standing up, he gingerly walked over to the front porch with help of the wall and grabbed some dog treats from a bucket standing in a corner. Kane grabbed the railing and whistled loudly between his fingers. Almost immediately a ripling went across the otherwise smooth water and soon a fin appeared above water. A few seconds later, Nessie stuck her head out of the water and blinked up at him with beautiful black eyes. Her skin was a greyish blue and her snout was short. She was still by far not as big as her mother; she was about the size of a dolphin.

"Hey Nessie. Missed me?" A smile broke out on his tired face and with a smooth movement of his arm he throwed the treats in the air and with a little jump Nessie snatched them all neatly out of the air and disappeared under water again. She sweeped her tail once as a goodbye and the water smoothed out again. It was almost like nothing extraordinary had happened just a few seconds ago.


With the smile still on his face, Kane turned around and hobbled over to his bed. The sheets were fresh, he saw with a start - did his mother...?

Shaking his head, he changed into a simple shirt and boxers and pulled the blankets away with a bit more force than he had meant to. Lying down with the sheets covering him he looked up at the dark ceiling. There were a few small cobwebs hanging from the ceiling and with drooping eyes he promised himself that he would get rid of them in the morning.

Reaching out at his bed side he pressed the light button and the room went dark again. Outside the sounds of the lively creatures living in the reservation were distantly audible. The vampires were having a camp fire gathering again, he figured. Thank God it wasn't full moon, or he had to deal with the howling of the werewolves.

Sighing, he finally closed his eyes and drifted off. His dreams were full of little lizards sliding over wet tiles, which was weird. But when he woke up the next day he couldn't remember anymore what he had dreamt of.


It was morning again. Kane fed Nessie and then took off to head quarters. There he would meet up with Rae again to make their rounds over the reservation. It was his least favorite part of the job and he hoped that they would soon get another case again. It took him a bit longer than usual, since he had to walk with a make shift cane made out of a branch.

Still, once he arrived he saw that Rae was nowhere to be seen yet. He tapped his foot impatiently and looked over at where Rae lived, close by the other members of the organization. Putting up his hands to his mouth, he yelled in that general direction;

"Don't tell me you have slept in again Rae!"
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Rae's room had been wired with a top notch security system, programmed to alert the security staff of any unauthorized presence entering her room. There was a specific code to be entered in a discreetly covered keypad, followed by a scan of the iris, and a voice recognition system. Should the alarm be set off, there'd be a twenty second pause to see if Rae dismisses it as a false alarm; if that doesn't follow, brute like, armed men (some hybrids, some human) would arrive at her bedroom, locked and loaded. Somehow, Thane had managed to slip past these defenses, and enter through the balcony door. It was unexplainable, and went unnoticed by any form of technology; not that he was aware that such alarms even existed, he merely recalled her description of this alleged balcony an invitation to come inside. First thing in the morning.

He approached her bedside subtly, hands clasped behind his bare back, scales brushing against materials he found to be soft as the fabled angels wings. His ebony eyes seemed to absorb her room with the utmost interest, until they fell upon her motionless body intertwined in cool toned comforters. She'd quite obviously succumbed to a deep sleep, one seemingly void of dreams as her eyes did not move rapidly beneath her eyelids. Her delicate body was wrapped up in many, many soft blankets, clothed in a silky night gown and just barely bathed in the morning sunlight streaming in through her balconys glass door. Her tousled locks were still damp from the bath last night, and as he sat down on the edge of the bed and extended a gentle hand, he noted the hinted aroma of coconut, and felt the silky texture between his fingers. To anyone else, this would seem a suggestive invasion of privacy, but he was entirely innocent, merely examining something that he found to be oddly beautiful. She shifted, and for a moment he hesitated, before extending his hand further and gently grazing her ivory cheek.

Thane tuned in to a distant shouting, the familiar voice causing his muscles to tense. Kane, the name rested within his mind, laced with distaste as the boy had been so unpleasant yesterday. Rae stirred, and he reluctantly spoke, unaware his presence was unexpected and that she'd be so surprised with the physical contact. "Kane is calling for you-"

"-Thane!" She clutched her blanket and pulled it over her body, "What are you-- How, did you get in here?"

"Balcony," He attempted to say, and nodded his head towards the slightly ajar glass door. Her doe eyes blinked the sleepiness away, attempting to process the fact he'd been in here, and more importantly, for how long.

"How long have you been in here?"

"You would call my duration here an hour," He answered simply, seemingly lax until her phone's ringtone went off, signaling she had a meeting to attend, and it frightened Thane enough to make him jerk.

"I-It's just a sound," She struggled to explain, and propped herself up on her arm whilst disabling the alarm with her free hand. She tried not to think about him watching her sleep, though the heated anxiety spreading across her fair skin, leaving reddish hues behind, gave away her slight discomfort. "Why are you in here?"

"You said six hours, but you slept more," He gestured to the sunshine. "The sun has been high for much longer."

"If you hadn't been hidden so deep in the sewers, I wouldn't have been this exhausted," She responded with sass, slipping from beneath her blankets and heading over to the bathroom door. "You said Kane is yelling for me outside?"

When Thane nodded in conformation, Rae rolled her eyes, grabbed a romper for the evening and disappeared inside the bathroom. This gave Thane time to investigate, and there wasn't a single part of her room he didn't examine, from the thick novels stacked on an odd looking bookshelf, to the only two picture frames she had sitting on a desk. He observed the faces, but only recognized Kane, not the aged humans who stood with them with strained smiles. Thane examined what he'd come to know as a laptop, but at the moment appeared to be a sleek, black square with little lights, and lots of wires. He managed to set the screen part upright, but when he lifted the device further, the reptillian underestimated the length of the wires, and accidentally dropped it against the chair, and it fell to the floor with a crash. He jumped when Rae called out, "Thane? Is everything okay?"

"Yes," He answered with uncertainty, eyeing the object with disdain before heading over to what he'd come to know as her closet. He peeked inside, and cocked his head to the side at a nearly folded pile of undergarments. Of course he was unaware of what they were, and lifted a lace bra into the air, examining it devotedly. The material was soft and smelled of linen, a scent he liked but was unfamiliar with- there were only solid colors, save for one that resembled a jungle cat. "Does she skin animals?" He wondered aloud, as that would be some thing they had in common. She slammed something in the bathroom, and nervously Thane dropped the delicate piece and redirected his attention else where.

"What are you doing?" She called.

"Nothing," Thane answered, and innocently pushed open the door and walked into the bathroom, flinching when Rae nearly tumbled over at the sight of him.

"Thane! I'm getting dressed!" She hugged her arms to her chest and nearly barked, "Turn around, right now!"

He did so obediently, unaware of the issue with her skin being shown like his. She pulled her hair into a messy ponytail as she added, "Alright, turn around."

"Why turn around?" He asked, and fiddled with the scented petals she had on the counter. He'd not actually seen anything, nor would he understand the concept of nudity, but he didn't dislike how delicate she looked, or how fair her skin was. Were those thoughts frowned upon? Did humans dislike admiration?

"Because I wasn't dressed," She shrugged on a lightweight jacket, and then padded over to him. He stood with a strong posture that exceeded hers by two feet, glancing down with dark eyes at the brunette mere inches from him. She tilted her chin up, and gestured to her jacket, "These are clothes. You have to start wearing them, cause you're... well, basically naked, and you can't... be naked..."

"Why would I cover my skin?"

"It's just... a matter of decency. It's polite," She shrugged, and headed into her bedroom. After pilfering through her closet, she pulled out a men's hoodie, thick and black, and a pair of oversized sweats. She held them up and scrunched her nose with disapproval, but approached him regardless. "Put your arms up, Thane."

"But I..."

"Just do it," She told him with a half smile, and he hunched down whilst she tugged the sweatshirt over his head. For a moment, her arms were resting around his neck in order to pull the shirt down in the back, and when he straightened his posture, she was momentarily lifted two feet off the ground. She giggled when he set her back down gently, the proximity, and helped him loop his arms through the sleeves. "It's a little small, for you. But the staff will tailor some clothes to better suit you, this is just temporary."

"It's warm," He told her, and seemed to assess the fleece inside with satisfaction. She held up the sweat pants after slicing a hole near the backside, "put one leg through this hole, and one through the other, and your tail can slip through here."

"Yeah, cause that's normal," She rolled her eyes, though Rae was smiling about the whole thing. He'd be more handsome in dark colors, maybe some leather, she could imagine it already! "Comfy?"


"Do you like them? Do they feel good?" She asked patiently.

"...Yes, they are... comfy."

"Good! Oh, my God, Kane and the staff are gunna kill me of I don't get down there already. Are you gunna come with me? I can show you the elevator-- Thane!"

With a swift notion, Thane lifted Rae up on his back, and slipped out of the bedroom, onto the balcony, and climb down much like a reptile would, defying gravity as he scaled the walls and landed with a thud. She'd never been picked up like that before, and held onto him with an unnecessarily tight grip as he darted across the distance between them and her brother. Thane then gently set her down before Kane, but Rae lost her balance and collapsed on her rear in the grass. She seemed a little aloof, and let out a deep breath, "That was fun!"
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Kane Wilson


Kane Wilson

Kane was just bending down to tie his shoelaces properly again when he heard approaching footsteps and saw to his bafflement Thane striding towards him with - with Rae in his arms. Squinting at the two of them, Kane stared down at Rae when she fell down and finally decided that maybe he should help her up. He stuck out his hand and helped her stand on her feet again. He was used to her clumsiness, but there were so many things going on right now that he couldn't say anything for a while. He looked up at Thane blinking at him with a strangely blank look on his face Kane couldn't really interpret.

"Why- How did you get those clothes? And why- You know what, I don't even want to know. But seriously Rae, you should stop treating them all like dolls or something."

Kane looked at her awkwardly and then just decided to get on with the day. They had to make their rounds and he did not want to be late for the meeting later that day. It was a big area they had to cross and a lot of creatures to feed and talk to. It was time to see if the werewolves hadn't shredded each other up yet and to try to serve as diplomats again for the vampire clans who were now holed up in their pitch black mansions for the whole day. Man, was Kane glad he and his sister didn't have the night shift right now. Seeing those creeps in daylight was already bad enough.

Kane stumbled slightly supported on his cane towards the carts which they used to drive through the reservation. He and Rae had their own one - they had let a little metal plaque be made for them with their names on it. After much arguing they had finally agreed to have a kind of army print on their cart so they could blend in a little with the nature. This way they disturbed the more sensitive creatures less. Kane didn't care much for that, but he liked the color. It looked cool and he liked driving it. His sister drove their car, and he drove the cart in the reservation. Sometimes they switched though but this was pretty much the arrangement they made. Back then, when they had just found out about each other's existence, they had argued a lot. Their unexpected partnership was tough to deal with for both of them, but now - years later - Kane couldn't imagine anything else. He had grown to love his little sister and he was glad to have her around. She was annoying at times and they had different opinions on certain things, but they still had managed to forge a strong bond.

But now, there was a third wheel on the wagon. An unnecessary wheel. A wheel that was big, green, scaly and had a name that rhymed with Kane's. Of course, he was talking about Thane. The... thing that had carried his sister for some reason as if she was the one with the pierced foot. Not that Kane would want that lizard man to carry him - but it was still ridiculous. and now he was wearing very familiar clothes as well. Kane wanted nothing more than to send Thane away to his own newly appointed home, but he knew that his sister wanted to show him the reservation, like she wanted to with about any creature they found and brought back. Kane remembered very clearly that time they had a vampire with them on a night shift and Kane could feel it's warm breath constantly on his neck. He normally would've jumped out of the cart immediately, but seeing that he was the one driving and his sister was with him he did not want to leave her behind with freaking Lenin. Kane still saw that guy now and then lurking around in the dark close to his treehouse. If it weren't for the strict rules of the organization he would've shot a wooden bullet through Lenin's heart months ago.

"Fine, he can come with us, but not next to me. He's too big for that anyway. Jump in the back, Thane." Kane absolutely did not say that last word with some spite. He didn't.

Jumping behind the wheel, Kane started the cart and waited until the two other passengers stepped in as well. Thane climbed into the back pretty smoothly for such a big creature. He looked really ridiculous in his too small human clothes, but Kane ignored him. He could feel the creature's dark eyes on the bac of his neck for a moment but he ignored that too.

After picking on some food from the supply shed and dumping it in the back for Thane to protect, they sped of across the fields. The followed a sand path mostly, but it was still a bumpy ride. It could be that Kane drove extra wildly on purpose in the hope Thane would fall off, but the lizard man stayed put without much effort. Clenching his teeth, Kane drove to the first stop of the day; the werewolf forest.

When they arrived it was remarkably quiet. Kane slowly drove through the gate and made sure it got closed behind him before he went further over the road to the residency of Alpha Thrace. He was the leader of the largest wolf pack, but he was not the one picking the fights all the time; that would be the second biggest pack, led by Alpha Rawn. They had all been given a fair amount of territory, but they still complained that some territories were bigger than others. Or they just wanted to rule the whole Werewolf forest - either way, Kane hated them all.

The Werewolves could hunt for themselves of course, but almost all the wildlife was gone now due to too much hunting. Sometimes the staff released a few new animals in the forest, but that was no solution; they never got the chance to repopulate the area. And so whether they liked it or not, they had to be fed by the organization. Fresh, but already dead meat. It would not take long before the werewolves got so bored and restless that they would fight each other again - or maybe even attack the others. The gate surrounding the Werewolf forest would not stand long if they all threw themselves at it. Hopefully the werewolves would never realize that.

Kane whistled shortly through his fingers and gestured to Thane to take two big bloody packages with 'Thrace' on them. One of the lesser members of the pack, an omega, appeared from behind the house and meekly accepted the packages with a submissive bow of the head. This was one of the reasons why he hated the werewolves - they treated their own like garbage, while they praised others to death. Thrace being on the top of the foodchain. This omega was probably going to be the last one to eat.

Grinding his teeth together he took of again and visted the other two packs in the forests. After that they threw some smaller packages to a few 'lone wolves' and then at last left the forest through the other side of the gate again and went to the bird cage.

"I'm sick of them. I'm sick of them all. Seriously, I hope we get a new case soon. I hate doing the rounds." It was the same thing he said every other time they did the rounds and he knew the answer he was going to get. Still, it felt good to get his negative feelings of his chest for a while before it piled up again.


Unlike Kane, Rae thoroughly enjoyed making their rounds; maintaining a familiar presence amidst the packs, clans and loner species enabled her to befriend and earn the trust various individuals. Some were just nasty by nature, and even she couldn't empathize her way into their heart; for the most part though, Rae was warmly welcomed. Admittedly, she'd gotten a few horrid scars whilst pushing the barriers of wolves and other hybrids alike. She'd been bitten by one of the loner wolves when she tried to pet them whilst eating; the human form later apologized and has not posed a thread since, but her left forearm had discolored claw marks, she was lucky her arm remained in its socket. There'd been the time she tried to befriend a phoenix within the bird cages, where they were heading at the moment; as of now, the bird adores her and they're very close, but it'd pierced her shoulder blades with its massive talons, and the scars remained today, prominent and fleshy red. Both instances and a few more led to a temporary probation, and caused a lot of tension between herself and Kane; she's managed to tone down her naivety since then, but Rae hadn't ever been known as the fearful type.

She kicked up her long legs on the dashboard, arms resting on her stomach and her eyes scanning the massive aviaries with admiration. Every now and then she poked her head back at Thane, who was astounded by the size of the reservation, the rumbling wheels of the cart, though discreetly expressing disdain towards Kane's attitude. Thane hadn't felt insulted by another since he was a child, mostly due to his constant hiding, but the way Kane said his name with so much distaste, and spoke about other creatures with disgust, his words brewed and stirred the metaphorical pot of Thane's past. For a moment, he may have felt hatred, and definitely hurt, but when Rae tilted her head back and offered him a sweet smile he managed to mirror her expression, cooling off almost instantly.

"If you'd just sit out in the fields with me, you'd know they aren't all bad. It's easier to do this when you consider them friends, not
things," She said, though the way the siblings spoke it was obvious this discussion had played out the same way, several times. Her mind was torn between absorbing their beautiful home, and replaying Thane's presence back in her bedroom. She winced at the thought of Kane's reaction- if he knew Thane had even been near her balcony? He'd probably shoot him right now! Not that he was doing anything wrong, but her brother always found the worst in her friends. She didn't necessarily blame him, Kane had a logical perspective, one void of emotional conflict and attachment. Rae knew he was better suited to call the shots, that and she respected and loved him; despite their obvious tension during the beginning, Rae had clung to him as if they'd not been strangers, and she always would. He was the only responsible, level headed male figure in her life, their father didn't pay her much mind and had yet to ever offer any kind of deep talk or closure. Kane was the only representation of a respectable man, and a reliable, trustworthy and deep in that grinchy heart of his, a compassionate human being.

"We'll be out chasing homicidal monsters in no time," She waved off his wishes, not so enthused about the potential missions herself. Rae enjoyed traveling, but potentially dangerous missions always left her nervous, reliant on her brother, and at a huge disadvantage. She didn't want another sewer run, and dreaded the dank, dark ruins forgotten by the world, shadowed and hiding something treacherous. Of course, they'd never encountered anything like that. But man, her imagination could feed her anxiety for years!

"Time to see the wittle babies! Come on Thane!" She cooed, and hopped out of the vehicle the moment they were within their designation.
Thane hesitantly slid out of the back seat, eyeing Kane almost as if to ask permission. He held a twenty pound back of bird feed as if it were weightless on his shoulder, peering up at the netting hundreds of feed in the air, shrouded in greenery, housing the shrill cries of many, many birds.
Some were normal, there was an entire section dedicated to peacocks, owls, chickens, and a few genetically gifted winged beasts. But many were fantastical creatures, mythical and often brought here to be treated for wounds.

"Why are they trapped here?" Thane asked, and Rae seemed to falter at this accusation.

"Not trapped, Thane. They're thriving here, we have a breeding facility, nutritional menu, fifty acres of-"

"But they cannot fly." He gestured towards the cage like wiring expanding and towering over the mentioned acres, the inside was hard to see due to the out stretched tree tops,
green streaks blocking out the tranquility of the interior. He seemed genuinely puzzled and awaited an answer, adding to his statement, "Who can thrive with clipped wings?"

"Oh, Thane, we don't clip them," Rae answered, and her tone was full of sadness. She took him by the arm and gestured to the vehicles down at the other end of the cages, a few people had animal carriers, crates, medical supplies, and appeared to be working with great haste.
"Most of these creatures either came here on their own, or were injured and had to be relocated in order to survive. We nursed them back to health, or bred them to repopulate, and they live here free from exposure to society, or worries about extinction."

Breed them?"

"Keeps the species from becoming endangered, which is a constant thread for the supernatural. They mate and have babies here- you know about reproduction, don't you?"

"Yes. Witnessed it with animals many times. Unsure of how humans-"

"Ohhhhhkay, well, that's something you and brother will have to talk about." The brunette kept her gaze on him a moment longer than necessary, curiosity burning, both in attempts to understand his naivety, and really assessing the fact he was a... capable, reptillian,
handsome man. She may have melted from embarrassment in that moment, had she not heard the squawking of birds that beckoned the feed their way. With an uncharacteristically timid smile her gaze fell to her shoes, and after clicking them together twice she inched away, and led them into the depths of the aviary. "That was awkward..."


"Tali!" Rae called out softly, but many feathers rustled in the canopies all around them. Birds of all kind flew overhead, not restricted at all despite the looming, netted roof top way up above. Their colorful silhouettes streaked the ponds that were nestled within the foundation of the aviary, bridges with a Japanese style arch, adorned with overgrown vines, over looked more koi fish within beds of water, among many other forms of food for the birds. "Tali! C'mere!"
A majestic bird shaded vibrant and unusual colors descended quite suddenly, but with gracefully outstretched wings that must have spanned six feet in length. It's swaying tail, shining with streaks of magenta and hazel, wrapped around Rae's thin torso whilst the bird perched its relatively large body on the railing of one of the many bridges. With a chirp, it extended its long neck, leaning closer whilst the brunette stroked beneath its colored chin; at the same time, she motioned for both boys to come over, though she didn't expect Kane to pay any mind at all. Thane didn't hesitate to near the bird, but flinched when the phoenix flapped its wings at the sight of him, shifting on its claws and inching away. "Put down the bag, scoop up some seeds, and hold your hand out, Thane. Very carefully."
Kane Wilson


"'Friends'," mumbled Kane to himself and shaked his head. He would never see those creatures at friends. The only one he truely liked was Nessie, who was like a pet to him. That was normal. That wasn't strange. At least, that was what he kept telling himself every time.

They arrived at the bird cage and soon they were surrounded by dozens of colorful birdlike creatures; some were ordinary, others were so rare and unique that there was only a hand full of them in the world. Rae especially liked the phoenix and Kane agreed with her. It was a magnificent beast and very friendly, though a bit reserved. Or maybe just shy, hell, Kane wouldn't be surprised by anything anymore. He had seen so many things in this world; things that ordinary people read about in fantasy novels and fairy tales. And he was actually living those tales in real life.

His gaze locked with Thane for a moment as the creature seemed to search his face for something, but Kane ignored him and quickly looked away. He stepped out of the car and walked across the path through the trees and bird nests. He approached the people working to treat the wounds of some birds and assisted for a while by holding the animals in a gentle but firm grip so they could not move and hurt themselves even more. Kane did not touch the bigger, more supernatural creatures though; for them he was too afraid even though he would never admit it to anyone. Not even to himself. It wasn't his pride that kept him from doing so, but it was simply how he worked. If he gave in to his fear he would cease to function. He hated the supernaturals, some more than others, and he had to hold on to that hate to be able to go on missions to either kill or rescue them. It was his duty and for which he was trained. He had no say in the matter.

His father was the one who had taught him to hate the supernaturals. He was a very nervous man who had not even a single trace of love for the creatures. If Kane had stayed any longer with him he might have turned out exactly like him. But Kane was actually thankful of being rescued from his father's clutches; he now knew that not all supernaturals were as murderous as his father had said. Still, Kane was wary of them and did not like them no matter what his mother or his sister said. Once the fear and hatred was planted in someone, it was very hard to get it out again.

"Shut up Rae, I will not tell him a thing about that!" Kane shouted over at his sister and Thane and had to smile a little involuntarily. He did not see the looks Rae and Thane had shared and thought nothing further of it, even though he did feel a little uncomfortable. "Maybe mother will tell him about the birds and the bees. She is the overseer of the breeding facilities after all." As long as Kane himself did not have to go and see his mother he was fine with it. He did not like the tension he always felt around her.

Releasing the bird he was holding, now with a properly treated paw, Kane walked over to see what Rae and Thane were up to now. Once there he saw that Rae had called for the phoenix. He was as always in awe at the sight of Tali, the name that his sister had given the creature. Its colors were beautiful and it moved with a majestic grace. Kane saw how Thane slowly but surely took some of the feed and held it out in front of the bird. The phoenix blinked a few times with its black pearly eyes and then bowed elegantly towards Thane's hands to scoop some of the seeds up. Not wanting to disrupt the peaceful scene in front of him for some reason, Kane quietly leaned down to take over the big bad of bird seed and took it with him to the feeding area. Some of the feed places were low to the ground, while others were hidden in the trees.

He began with feeding the supernatural birds, the area in which they were now, and then gave the rest of the bag to another ranger who took it with him to feed the wounded birds and the ordinary ones in the other area of the bird cage.

"We have to go again," Kane said as he looked down at his cheap and old watch. "We have to bring the cooler with the blood bags to the blood suckers' doorsteps and then our last scheduled visit will be the unicorn stables."

Every time they had patrol duty they had to visit different parts of the reserve. It was never really the same, though they often had to go to the bird cage and the werewolves. Out of all of them Kane hated the Wendigos the most; the ones they had in the reserve where human and sane enough to live here, but most of them had to be killed when they got caught on a mission. Most had lost all humanity in them and could not be reasoned with anymore. They were very quick and very dangerous; you could be dead before you knew it. But the ones in the reserve were not fully turned, or they somehow had most of their brain still intact. They were still the most frightening creatures they had and they had to be locked away in a big cage. It was not wise to enter it at night time when they were strongest. Actually, the cage should not be entered at all.

So yes, he was very pleased with the fact that they just had to dump the bloodbags at the vampires' mansions and then had to visit the peaceful unicorns. The vampires mostly ate at night, so there was no need to actually face the arrogant bastards thankfully.

"Come on, the sooner we're done the better." Kane's food throbbed painfully and now he was even more stumbling around than before. He had left his cane in the car, which was definitely not his smartest move ever.

At last he managed to reach the car and slid into the driver's seat again. He swiped away the sweat on his forehead and started the car already, waiting for his two other passengers.


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