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Fantasy Familiars Awakened: The 13th Ruler (CS)


The Chancellor

New Member
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Please use this form at the very minimum, but feel free to add any details and decorate as your see fit!
Do remember that you will need to play both your character and their familiar!


Appearance: (Images are okay!)

Combat Prowess:
Magical Prowess (Standard magic, if your character knows any)
Merge Power: (Imagine it as your character's ultimate ability when their familiar merges with them)

History: (Optional)

Species: (Real animals and mythological creatures are okay)

Appearance: (Images are okay!)

Other Notes:
Ria Evermore



13th Ruler
Ria is a cheerful very energetic and a bright person whose hopeful nature often inspires or encourages others. She is selfless and kind but has a small temper at times.

Combat Prowess:

Magical Prowess:
Skilled in fire and water magic

Merge Power:


Scarlet Hood



Thief Simple Flower shop girl
Scarlet is a caring individual with a big heart and a bright perspective. She is very friendly and kind towards others, even her enemies. Scarlet also has a hard-working spirit and hopeful nature. A bit of a late thinker, she sometimes gets distracted or absent-minded; especially when food is involved. She is a big-eater and can usually be swayed by food, if not trying to steal it from others. She is also can be childish and loud.

Combat Prowess:
Hand to hand combat

Magical Prowess:

Merge Power:
Enhanced body - Possess enhanced physical abilities. Agility, Athleticism, Combat, Dexterity, Durability, Endurance, Reflexes, Senses, Speed, Stamina, Strength

Familiar CS




Samson is kind and deeply caring. Coco is not the most trusting and is very protective of Scarlet. He can be calm, wise, nice, happy and energetic. Even though he's kind, he's scary as hell. He's not the nicest when it comes to strangers and will growl or threaten to bite or rip them to shreds if he thinks they mean harm to scarlet. Don't piss him off and you'll be fine.​
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Lazaros & Athena

"Steady, girl.”​

Lazaros Artem
Name: Lazaros Artem
Age: 26
Gender: Male
Occupation/Role: Leader of the Hunter's Guild


Lazaros is a hunter, and while previously shy and reserved in nature, he's become more confident after awakening his familiar and companion, Athena, and becoming the leader of the hunter's guild. He's proud of the work he's done with the guild, but still finds himself a little unsure of whether what he's done is enough. Lazaros has met his fair share of fighting and abuse, and he doesn't do well with getting yelled at though his familiar Athena is always willing to step in to protect her Bind.

Lazaros can be a little awkward at times, especially in conversation, and takes awhile to get comfortable to people. Once he knows someone a little better, he can have really meaningful conversations and some might find him much more mature than they'd expect. He doesn't do too well with conversations about other people because he fears offending them.

He's truly in his element during the hunt, focused and determined and it really shows. It almost seems like he's a different person during a hunt, but he doesn't do too well with letting prey go free.

Combat Prowess: Lazaros is most proficient with a bow and arrow, and a crossbow. He also has a dagger with a blade forged from a crystal that he is excellent with.
Magical Prowess: None, Lazaros is non-magical.
Merge Power: When Athena merges with Lazaros, his reflexes and sharpness is boosted. Visually, his eyes glow and he gets a pair of griffin wings. He is capable of flight during this time.

History: (Optional) WIP


Name: Athena
Species: Griffin
Gender: Female

Appearance: See header
Personality: Athena is brave and courageous, and highly affectionate. She is always willing to step between her Bind and danger, but knows when to relax. It isn't uncommon to see her switch between her combat mindset and her relaxed mindset, rolling around in the grass and trilling. Athena is extremely curious when it comes to other familiars and always tries to make friends with them, though her size scares them sometimes.

Other Notes: While most familiars can speak the common tongue, Athena cannot and only trills, purrs, and squawks and chirps like a bird.

mentions: || with: || location:

codedbycrucialstar | hidden scroll
Name: Cain Saejima
Age: 20
Gender: Male
Occupation/Role: Demon Hunter/Travelling Magician


Personality: Cain Saejima is a generally known as a kind person to everyone who knows him. He has a close bond with his familiar, to the point where they may finish each others sentences or even know how the other may act in certain situations. Cain likes to poke fun at and playfully banter with those he calls his friends. A magic nut, Cain likes learning new things about the mystic arts even if they may seem irrelevant or useless. When on the job however, Cain says few words and acts with all the grace and mercilessness of a Demon Hunter. He isn't great at meeting new people or dealing with large crowds, preferring more intimate situations.

Combat Prowess: Cain was trained by his late grandmother in using many different kinds of weapons. He is best with his sword however, as it is his preferred weapon. He is capable of taking on many different opponents, from thugs to Demon Beasts.
Magical Prowess: Cain was tutored by a Sorceress to be skilled in multiple fields of magic. His magical ability is admittedly greater than his skill with his sword. He is also proficient in Demon Repelling Arts.
Merge Power:
The Black Dragonknight: A successor to the title of Dragonknight, Cain can merge with Thorn to temporarily transform into a powerful armored warrior. In this state, all of his natural abilities are pushed to their apex. This form can only be maintained for 99.9 Seconds. Using powerful spells or attacks in this form can reduce the time limit even more. Cain can fly at near super sonic speeds, but this costs 20 seconds of his time to use.

Cain is the son of Cain Barzahd, the Dragonknight. His father was a skilled magus who directly served under Queen Cassie as one of her elite guardians. He too was partnered with a Dragon named Thorn. Cain's mother was a Priestess from the Far East named Rian Saejima. Coming to Ayrlosse to hunt the Demon Amon, Rian came across Cain studying the very demon she was sent to hunt. Exposing the world of Demon Hunters to him, Rian slowly began to open up to Cain. Eventually they fell in love and had a son together, who she named Kouga. The couple hunted demons together, never straying from one another. Kouga was only ten when he first met a demon. It was the Demon Prince Lucifer, he who ruled over all Demonkind. Trapping Kouga, he lured Cain into a trap. Testing the man, Lucifer utterly trounced Cain. This is when Cain used a forbidden magic to fuse himself with his Dragon. Transforming into an armored knight, Cain was able to defeat and seal away Lucifer. This came at the cost of his life, as he then died in Kougas arms. A grieving Rian cared for Kouga by herself, with assistance from Cain's grandmother and his teacher. When he came of age to receive his familiar, he too was partnered with a dragon. Deciding to dedicate his life to hunting those that wronged him, Kouga changed his name to "Cain Saejima". Embracing the life of a Demon Hunter, Cain became a high ranking Hunter at the age of 15. He refined his skills in magic and martial skill until he could overcome his various prey. Of course, having Thorn by his side softened him over time. The presence of his dragon kept Cain from a dark path he couldn't have avoided otherwise. Finding out that his father had to leave a mission that was of great significance to save him that fateful day. Cain learned a promise to pay the Queen back was made. Owing it to his parents to repay such a debt, he came when the Queen called on him.

Name: Thorn
Species: Black Dragon
Gender: Male


Personality: Thorn is a witty dragon to match his quirky rider. He'll diss and mock those he finds to be boorish, rude or sorely lacking in manners. He'll calmly joke about stressful situations and even make sarcastic comments at the expense of others. Thorn is a proud member of his race, but he never lets that pride control him. He understands that arrogance has been the downfall of many dragons. He always seeks to improve himself and he's very protective of Cain. Thorn only feels at peace when he's either flying, eating rare prey or spending time with Cain. Thorn also wants to set Cain up with a nice girl as he thinks Cain is too focused on his demon hunting.

Other Notes:
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Name: Feyre
Age: 21
Gender: Female
Occupation/Role: Healer
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Personality: Freyre, first and foremost has a deep love of animals and often finds herself butting heads with members of the hunters guild. She is a determined in nature and is extremely loyal to the members of her clan. Growing up she became increasingly interested in herbs and the medicinal properties they held. As such, she became the apprentice of the clan healer before expanding her work into the more populated areas of Ayrlosse. However, the reasons behind Freyre's expanding business are again animal motivated, with all proceeds going to the continued protection of the clans surrounding ecosystem. Because of her isolated upbringing and lack of connection to people, Freyre at first can comes across very blunt and aloof to people she doesn't know, especially when it comes to members of the hunters guild. She is a fierce fighter after learning to wield her daggers but is however very patient and open to other peoples beliefs, often offering help where ever she can.

Combat Prowess: Freyre is proficient with her two gilded daggers and is incredibly agile and nimble.
Magical Prowess: N/A
Merge Power: When Amren and Freyre merge, Freyre's sense of smell is multiplied, as well as this she is able to run with extra speed and make a loud bark noise that can shatter objects.

History: Freye has lived most of her life with a small clan of people out in the wilderness of Ayrlosse. However, because of this she formed more of a connection to animals and the nature around her. She was often found running barefoot amongst the camp and climbing trees and when her familiar was awakened Freyre became even more fearless. She'd never entered the more populated areas of Ayrlosse until she was 18, when news found her that people were looking for a healer. Since then she makes frequent travels to and from but still much prefers the safety of her camp. She is well-loved within her camp and while has no parents of her own, considers the elders of the camp her true family.

Name: Amren
Species: Maned wolf
Gender: Female
maned wolf.jpg
Personality: While Amren and Freyre are similar in many ways, Amren differs to Freye in that she often enjoys meeting both new people and familiars. She is however, fiercely protective of Freyre and will always put her safety above others. She is very much Freyre's mentor and is often the one to temper Freyre's implusive actions with wise and well spoken words. Amren likes nothing more than running wild with Freyre and misses the days when they could be free in the camp. She dislikes being in the inner workings of Ayrlosse and while appreciates the work Freyre is doing, needs something to stimulate her own mind or finds herself becoming bored very easily.
Name: Alana Moore
Age: 27
Gender: Female
Occupation/Role: Member of the Royal Guard

Appearance: Art by Luisa Preissler
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Personality: Alana is driven by a strong sense of duty and a rigid moral code. She thinks tactically and follows the most logical path to take, lending her brutal efficiency in fights. Though she isn't quick to anger, she can easily become absorbed in the rush of a fight, While she thrives in her area of work, she struggles to connect with people, though those she does connect with carry her loyalty to their grave. She's honest to a fault, and doesn't often leave her thoughts unsaid, whether for better or worse. She's deeply passionate about her role as a protector, and takes herself very seriously, rarely allowing herself an unproductive moment.

Combat Prowess: She's trained in sword fighting as well as hand-to-hand. Her preferred weapon is a pair of short swords.
Magical Prowess: Skilled in elemental magic, primarily fire and air magics.
Merge Power: Her sight and hearing are slightly boosted, though most of her power lies in her physicality. She carries Lalin's claws and fangs, as well as his agility and strength combined with her own.


Name: Lalin
Species: Lion
Gender: Male

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Personality: Lalin is calm and collected. He is rational, complementing Alana's logical way of thinking. He is more socially adept than she is, able to carry a thorough conversation, though he isn't one to joke much. Sharing Alana's sense of honor and loyalty, he is loyal to her above any other. Pride runs strong with him, and he has a hard time seeing fault within himself or his Bind.

Name: Selene Ophiuchus
Age: 54
Gender: Female
Occupation/Role: Archmage

archmage selene.png
(drawn by me)

Personality: Selene is serious, calm, and polite. She doesn't laugh at jokes and takes herself and her position seriously. It's rare things will get to her; she's very relaxed. That being said, she will not take matters of magic lightly. Misusing magic in front of her will make her lightly scold and distrust you, or worse depending on the severity of the tampering.
She's quite polite and kind, always willing to give a hand. She almost never snaps at anyone, rarely gets frustrated. She is collected and wise.

Combat Prowess: Good at combat magic
Magical Prowess: Soul magic
Merge Power: Soul magic becomes enhanced and out of control, making merging dangerous.

Name: Ar'caja
Species: Aura Dragon
Gender: Male

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(art by me)

Personality: Ar'caja is a little less calm and collected than Selene. He growls when people don't respect her, and is quite unfriendly to strangers, making visits to the Archmage intimidating. Nevertheless, with Selene and others he trusts, he's affectionate and lets most things go, like being pet and ridden.​
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Name: Coqueline Margolis
Age: 20
Gender: Male
Occupation: Former aristocrat turned adventurer

Appearance: (Still digging through google images)
Personality: Coqueline apparent reserved nature and friendliness are manifestations of both his formal upbringing and his (lack of) self esteem. At heart he is not a truly charitable and honest person, although he wishes he was. His social veil is a carefully crafted method to hide his insecurities and appear likable.

Combat Prowess: Coqueline life of study hasn’t blessed him with the most athletic of builds. However, he does carry with him a lightweight glaive tailor made for him.
Magical Prowess: Coqueline was trained in magics that could potentially assist in his political career. He has developed the ability to divine the emotions of those around him, and can (only very vaguely) discern other’s motivations.
Merge Power: When merged with his familiar, Coqueline has the ability to make those around him more suggestible.

History: As one of the many sons and daughters of the Margolis family, Coqueline was raised to become yet another cog in the state’s political machine. He was schooled from a young age in the arts of mathematics, literature, and persuasion. By all definitions he had lead a life of privilege. A future of happiness and wealth was all but guaranteed to him.
However, Coqueline was not satisfied. The thought of wasting away his days as a political errand boy filled him with existential dread. And so, on his 20th birthday, Coqueline packed his bags and left the family estate in search of a greater meaning.

Name: The owl
Species: Owl
Gender: Male
Personality: Coqueline’s familiar has never once spoken. Since their first meeting the owl has watched over Coqueline.

Other Notes: Due to it’s reserved nature, Coqueline has never put much thought into naming his familiar. (When talking with others, he simply refers to his familiar as “the owl.”) Coqueline doubts that his familiar is even conscious at all.

(Let me know if this character doesn’t fit with the tone of this roleplay -- I’m more than happy to make a few revisions.)

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