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Fandom Fallout: Legends of the Badlands


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Fallout: Legends of the Badlands


War. War never changes.

In the year 2077, a nuclear war known as the Great War ravaged the planet. It lasted for mere hours, but its effects changed the Earth for millennia to come. Across the US, people survived in underground bunkers known as Vaults. However, in the UK, they didn't have such commodities. They had to face their death as the bombs rained down all around them.

Cities became piles of rubble and their names faded to mere legends. Where you grew up or what job you didn't matter to the war. Many saw it as armageddon- the end of our lives, the end of our stories- but it soon became clear that this was nothing but another twisted chapter.

Many military personnel abandoned their people to hide in blast shelters, but the good soldiers stayed with those not allowed in. Others across the badlands of Britain survived in tube stations or, if they were lucky, areas of wilderness untouched by the bombing. When they reemerged to the surface, things were much different than they could ever imagine.

People still tear one-another to pieces over resources and beliefs. The streets of a once thriving nation are now bathed in nuclear ash and blood. All this goes to show that, even in the year 2299, war, war never changes.


"How long has it been since the bombs dropped? 200 years, or is it more than that? Probably. And what's changed? Bugger all! Bugger all's changed. Britain's the same wasteland as it was the moment the dust settled.

So, what are expecting you'll be able to do? What change could you possibly make? Lemme tell you something, kid... This ain't some game. The moment you step out of that gate, into the badlands, you'll realise people ain't lying when they say there's bugger all left for any sane person out there. You're stepping in some serious s**t, and we won't be around to wipe it off your shoe for you this time.

So, if you're sure you want to leave... I won't stop you. But if you do, lemme tell you this; you ain't coming back in. No matter how loudly you scream."​
Wow, this guy was a downer. Only looking for some info. Alan had been looking for some directions and a stiff drink, but instead got Mayor Paranoid's ominous speech. On the bright side. It looked like there were a few others heading out too, maybe they'd be interested in travelling together. If nothing else, Alan was good for stories. He stretched his arms with a series of strange and agitating noises before asking the group "So? Who's up to hit the road? I heard about this abandoned jaffa factory a few miles South." He hadn't actually heard about any food processing plant, but, it was a good icebreaker.
An ear-splitting creak shattered the midday silence as the towering gates of Colonia inched open, revealing the endless wastes before them. What was revealed was a world Jay had never seen before, other than from atop the walls. In an odd sense, it was beautiful; the wind whistled through the bare branches of the trees, creating a haunting, mellow tune in his ears.

'This is all a bit dramatic,' Jay thought, 'it's probably best to just go now.'

Three steps. Three steps and he was out, into the open world, into the badlands.

He strode forwards quickly and, once he had passed the gates, began to look properly at the land around him. The walls of Colonia abruptly ended the wastes like a cliff to the sea, and cast a looming shadow over the ground. Surrounding the wall, the ground was mostly mud and brown grass, with the occasional bramble bush or dusting of heather. On the horizon he could see hills for miles, and trees in every direction. It suddenly struck Jay that the badlands stretched much further than he could have ever imagined.

"Jaffa factory? Sounds good," he chirped up.

'Making friends already. Nice,' Jay thought.
Running up behind Jay, Alex yells out, "Wait up!" His pack full of gear is on his back and he jogs toward Jay. Out of breath he says, "Are you Jay?" He stands up and brushes the hair out of his eye. "Sorry I'm Late. Had to get my things."
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Mary stood quietly amongst the crowd listening to the mayors speech. She had seen enough in her lifetime to know that the man was right though she had to admit the mayor could be more of a people person. He wasn't helping the moral of the place. She looked around the place, her sten gun ready under her right arm by its strap on her left shoulder. The settlement was basic but self sustaining though it's security needed work, something to make a not of in her report.

She turned at the sound of someone mention a jaffa factory. Might be intresting to have a look, she thought moving to the group. "Oi..I volunteer."She called out, studying the group. Something about Jay seemed to catch her eye, though she didn't know why. It was a bit like he saw the face before.
"The one and only," he replied to the flustered newcomer with a smirk.

"You're, uh, you're Alex, right? I think I remember seeing you around. Didn't you get in trouble with Buchanan for nicking something?" Jay enquired, happy to have someone he vaguely recognised around.

He turned when he heard a new voice, to see another joining the group. She wore military armour, and Jay didn't like the look of her gun. Plus, she was obviously a wastelander, and if Jay knew anything about wastelanders is that they were rough, and that they were not to be trusted. However, he had to put on a kind face. First impressions, and all that.

"Hey there! Quite the posse we've got going on here, eh?"
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Alex almost replied but noticed another person approaching. She may have been a girl but her style was not of this town. He turned away and decided to talk to Alan. "So," He said, "I haven't met many ghouls but I trust them. What do you think of the girl over there?" Gesturing at Mary. "And what's this about a Jaffa Factory up ahead?"
Nic was actually a little confused why she was gettign this speech, or why she was in this group thing she didn't even live here she was just a traveler. Well it would be more accurate to say she was a travailing merchant, though she didn't have much on her after all the repairs she had been asked to do around the city. She kind of felt really awkward in wanting to point this out and the fact that she would likely come back to do more for the city because she was sure they liked their stuff working.

" Tess why am I doing this? " Nic asked to the assultron standing beside her.

" I don't know ma'am." Tess replied seeming equally as lost as Nic.

Not long after the speech people seemed to be goign towards a factory, and well there was almost always new scrap in factories somehow despite how close they were to settlements. Still she didn't really know if she was invited to this or not but she could easily just follow behind and gather up all the scrap these people were likely to leave behind no doubt thinking food was their first concern. Nic then followed behind the people leaving not really saying she was coming with them but just inviting herself to clean up after them once they killed anything that might have made the factory its home.
Church131313 said:
Alex almost replied but noticed another person approaching. She may have been a girl but her style was not of this town. He turned away and decided to talk to Alan. "So," He said, "I haven't met many ghouls but I trust them. What do you think of the girl over there?" Gesturing at Mary. "And what's this about a Jaffa Factory up ahead?"
Mary overheard Alex mention her to the leader of the new pack and smirked. She approached the two and crossed her arms. "You know you could have just asked about my credentials, love."She said calmly, a small smile in her lips hiding a little dislike of the guy.
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ThatGuyWithSouvlaki said:
Mary overheard Alex mention her to the leader of the new pack and smirked. She approached the two and crossed her arms. "You know you could have just asked about my credentials, love."She said calmly, a small smile in her lips hiding a little dislike of the girl.
Alex scratched his head and looked away. "Sorry about that." He walked away from the group for a minute and pulled out the gem his sister gave him and looked at it. He smiled and remember better times. A family and such.
"I'm flattered. Anyway..." Alan was trying to think of somewhere he'd heard of worth looting. There were rumors about a manufacturing plant a tad South. Wasn't sure what was there, but there was bound to be something. D*mn, now he was craving jaffas. "Theres a factory South of here. I'm heading that way if any of you are up for it. Alan, by the way, nice to make your acquaintances." He looked to Jay's wrist. If that thing was an original...wow. Alan hadn't seen a Pip-Boy for a while. "If you'd like me to put it on that device of yours, I'd be happy to."
---Current status---

  • Recovering from the gunshot wounds.
  • Lightly irradiated (about 150 rads).
  • Gear added - Crutch, med-x (4 shots), bandages, string.
  • Gear lost - Some food and medicine (donated to Colonia as thanks)

So, what are expecting you'll be able to do? What change could you possibly make?

Dode phased out after hearing that. He hadn't any intention of coming here in the first place, grateful as he was for the sanctuary and medical aid he was given... he wanted to leave, he wanted to return to what he'd become used to. Solitude. Wasn't going to happen though...

Since he'd gained the strength to move and explore Colonia, he'd had offers to join the group that was planning to leave...remarkable since Dode kept entirely to himself and only spoke to his doctors, guess he just looked like someone that wouldn't be sticking around. It suited him well to leave, but he couldn't tackle the wasteland alone and he knew that joining up with the band of adventurers would be his best bet, especially in his condition. Weeks went by, his injuries healed slowly and the band of adventurers were laying down there plans to leave. Dode kept to himself, simply agreeing to leave with the rest, healed or not...not being the most likely case.

Dode snapped back to reality as the snapping sound of the opening gates pierced his senses. He shot a glance toward the band shuffling toward the wasteland, 6 of them, a varied group of adventurers indeed he thought to himself, even a mech. 'Maybe this is exactly what I need, maybe theres a friend in that group', he wondered. Finally Dode fixed the crutch under his right arm and started hobbling out of Colonia, overhearing a faint mention of a "Jaffa factory". He cast a brief gaze behind, while it was a temporary home, he knew he wasn't meant to be somewhere like that. He was better on the road...

Daphne rubbed her eyes, dispelling the last remnants of a good night's sleep. Probably one of the last nights of safe, undisturbed sleep she'd have for a long while.

A crowd dispersed soon after it had gathered, not wishing to hear of the horrors that awaited them, but a small group had gathered at the gates. They rattled open, screeching in protest along the way, and finally came to a grinding halt. Dust settled to the ground once more, and it seemed that the small group of misfit travelers was heading out.

"Now, or never.." She mumbled to herself, hefting her rucksack over her shoulder and walking over. Her boots left small cloud of dust in her wake, then settled as she came to a halt.

"I'd like to come along, if that's alright with all of you?" She said more than asked. It wasn't like they could really turn her down. Besides, one more person to fight alongside.

They were a rather...awkward..bunch. No-one seemed much at ease. Everyone wanted to leave; no-one wanted to die. Quite the predicament, huh?

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"Oh, sure! The more the merrier, and all that," Jay laughed, though it was certainly obvious that it was untrue; things were getting rather tense, and they hadn't even left the gates. Everybody stood a part from one-another and nobody quite wanted to make a lasting conversation.

"Wow, there's a lot of eye-scars in this group... You guys should start a club," he suggested with a laugh in an attempt to break the awkward silence.
"Yeah we sure to have a whale of time together." Mary said looking around at the group while insuring her gun is set and ready for anything. The mismatch of the group and awkward silence that fell between them as they waited was very evident around and she searched for a why to break. She forced a smile"Come on ladies and gents, if we are going on an expedition and trusting each other with our as arses in the badlands let's get at least on a first name bases. I am Mary, I am good first aider if needed."
Returning to the group Alex studies the faces of all who had recently joined. They didn't look like a team but overtime it would build. "My name is Alexander. Just call me Alex" he said. He then waited for the rest of the group to respond.
Dode hobbled alongside the group, his rifle slapping his back with every step, the rifle was slung tightly over his shoulder, with the crutch holding the loose strap in place in his armpit, it wasn't helping to stop the noise and smacks. The crutch wasn't even really necessary anymore, allowing him to keep pace with the others was the real use of it for now, but Dode had become used to the pain relief in Colonia, and wasn't quite ready to let pain creep onto his face if he had to limp the entire way.

He listened to the others as they struck up conversation and introduced themselves. Dode smiled as they talked, he preferred to keep to himself until he had something to talk about at the least. For now however, they deserved to know his name surely?

You guys can call me Dode, I may be quiet, but I'll make it up to you awh later aye?" he said, his heavy accent rolled off his tongue...
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As people began to introduce themselves, attempting to break the ice, Daph decided it was only fair if she did the same. "My name is Daphne Barker. You can call me Daph, if you'd like." She had a faint French accent, one of the only people who did. Sadly, it was a dying tongue of an already dead language.

She eyed the assultron, not quite at ease with the machine being so near. The fact that it would be joining them unnerved her.

Everyone else, however, seemed tolerable...at best. If anything, they provided one more body between her and whatever danger may end up chasing them. For now, she would stay friendly, but wasn't afraid to be hostile. The dual sheaths on her back filled with long, serrated cake knives proved that.

Jay stepped forwards and took a low, theatrical bow. He then straightened himself back up an placed his hands on his hips.

"Jay Winters, at your service. Nice to meet you all, but we really must be going... What with time being of the essence, and all that," he laughed as he introduced himself.

"I like Alan's idea." Jay flicked the on switch on his Pip-Boy and loading up the map.

"If you could plot a route on this old thing, that'd be great. I could never really figure out how to use it that well, to be honest."

The young man approached the ghoul and held out his left arm, the one with the Pip-Boy.
Mary's eyes widened at the sight of a couple of pip boys among the group. Both the crown and Red Robins were looking for these devices from old world America, prizing the technology highly as their usefulness is beyond measure for a soldier. Well she knew what to take if any in the group passed on. The rest of the group seemed pedestrian but still she took the time to analyse each one so she knew how to handle them. The one with the robot particularly.
Alan was surprised by the Frenchie. He hadn't seen one of them in a good decade. Still, he approached Jay and said "Fine device you've got there. Took me over a week to figure out how they worked. Hold on to it." Alan pressed a few buttons on the device setting a location on the map. "I'd say it would take more than a half hour to walk there." Alan began walking, playing with his LWSB knife and humming a tune.
"Oh, I will do. It's my father's," he responded, laughing quietly, then pausing.

"So, should we get going, then? I'd like to cover as much distance as possible over the day- maybe once we've finished exploring the factory, we could there there a night," Jay suggested with a nonchalant shrug, as if he was trying to seem like he wasn't excited about the situation.

"Alright then! I've got the Pip-Boy and Alan knows the way, so we'll lead. Everybody coming?"
"Yah", Alex said quietly. He then spoke up making his voice clear. "If you need someone to scout up ahead, let me know." He turned back and looked out into the badlands. 'Here we go', he thought to himself.

With a nod towards Alan and Jay, Daphne took up a spot behind them. Someone behind her, someone in front.

It had been a long time since she'd been out in the wastes...sadly, it hadn't been long enough. After her last experience, and all the years beforehand, she didn't exactly look forward to this little trip.

"How can we be sure there isn't some sort of mutated horror waiting for us just beyond the factory's doors?" She asked. Most of the buildings left standing around here were either taken over by highwaymen, or inhabited by monsters. "Or, what if the radiation levels are dangerously high in said building?"


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