Falling Worlds - Exile's Pack [Inactive]


Shadow looked at the direction that Scarkill was looking at. "Don't worry, you should stay here. I will check it out for you"

Not allowing Scarkill to give him an answer, Shadow sprinted off into the woods. Shadow was moving fast, however he was still extremely silent and stealthy while doing so.

As soon as Shadow approached the other wolves he inspected the situation and decided that everything was going fine.

Shadow was hiding in the bushes, trying to make eye contact with Exile, so that just she would know that he was there.
Boon watched the alpha and the male she jumped on carefully snarling and moving closer to the two of them, to protect her still as they spoke, as she moved from ontop of him to off. looking over for a moment at the flea that was trying to hide than watched the strange brute carefully. Making sure he wasnt going to do anything while the alpha and black lake focused on the fea. His ears perking at the words that came from Exiles mouth. Already a beta? This made his ice blue eyes quickly travel from the lone male to Exile and the other fea. He wondered what his alpha saw so quickly in the small wolf but wouldn't question her. Instead looking back to the male who was yet to be spoken to again since being pushed down and corrected for his behaviour.
"A beta huh?" Thought Haral looking at Kovua. She slowly crawled over to a nearby tree and started climbing it. When she was up it gave her a better view of the situation below. She still wasn't technically in pack territory, but was dangerously close to the border.
Exile nodded to her new Beta Female. "Shadow..." She said glancing into the bushes. "Will lead you back to camp to meet with Scarkill our Beta male. He will be watching over you for a short time as you get to know the pack and the pack get to know you. If you have any questions go to him or me. I will follow shortly." She said as she turned to the other male. She saw he was in thought and slowly approached again. She stared at him, as if considering what to do with him. She glanced at Boon for a moment before looking at Black Lake.

"You will go back to camp as well, then I will speak to you in private." She said and gestured her head for him to follow after Shadow and Kovua. Exile turned away from him and stretched out, hear tail curling up toward her back as she bowed to stretch out her back. The ever present scar on her left side stretched a bit uncomfortably as well, the scar tissue tighter then her pelt. She stood up again and went to Black Lake and when she thought no one was looking gave him a lick to his forehead to reassure him.

Black lake hid a smile and stubbornly looked away whipping his forehead as if it was embarrassing. Exile walked past him sniffing the air and noting the scents of other animals. "We better get back, I smell rabbits." Exile said, not wanting to stick around for a group of rabbits to get a taste for meat suddenly.

Eternal chuckled and then pointed at the Alpha guard Cub. "Or stick with an adult that acts like a pup. Not to mention he doesn't tire out easily so...he takes a lot of energy to deal with." Eternal said teasing him. "Listen young wolf, a pack is a social place, better get use to having to work with people you might not like." he said before pawing the teen's forehead.

Shadow came out of the bushes and inspected the new beta. He looked at his Alpha for a second and than walked towards the camp.

He waited for Kovua until the new beta was walking next to him.

"So, our new beta" Shadow smiled "Welcome, I'm Shadow." Shadow was feeling very confident, his head was high up and his tail waggling above his back as he walked towards the camp.
Kovua turned her head at the scent of more unfamiliar wolves. With a swish of her tail her icy blue oculars cascaded down shadows frame, inspecting him silently. Slowly her gaze trailed back up to his eyes, meeting his gaze evenly. With a curt nod she greeted him, before acknowledging a second brutes presence with a small twitch of her ear. Tuning back to Exile she shifted her weight from one paw to the other, her talon like claws sinking into the soft earth. With a small smile and a flick of her feathery tail she turned back towards the male who was to bring her to the camp, and introduce her to the beta male. She could help but notice how Exile spoke, when she talked about the beta she would be working with. Her tone was laced with much respect. He must be very good at what he does. Exile speaks as though she is talking about a close friend. Kovua nodded slowly to herself agreeing with her own thoughts before realizing shadow was trying to speak to her. Quickly she turned her attention to him, her ears perked forward in alertness, hoping she hadn't missed anything he was saying. With a short sigh of relief she realize she had not.

"Nice to meet you," she answered, a small smile lacing her muzzle, though it was barely noticeable.

"I'm kovua, and yes, I guess I am the new beta." She replied with a soft chuckle, her words rolling from her lips as though she had spoken them a million times.

"What rank are you?" She asked blinking her wide eyes towards him before looking away, her intelligent gaze sweeping across their surroundings absorbing everything around her trying to memorize the territory.

Sidkah rolled his dark amber eyes playfully, pushing himself up into a seated position, muscles bunched under his fur. Looking towards Cub before returning his gaze to the elder, fondly nipping Eternals ear.

"I'd rather jut hang out with you." He trailed off, resuming a prideful stance, his paws set, chin raised, tail curling neatly at his side.

"But you are right, I'll do my bet to get along with my pack mates." An unfamiliar scent hit his nose and his ears pressed flat against his skull, his dark eyes burning into kovua as she walked in beside Shadow. His lips tugged back in a small snarl, though he was able to keep his fur flat. Who was she?
Dante watched the mother show her approving affection for her son, and wished silently that his own mother had been that way to him. She hadn't been though. "Exile." He called after the female, and realized as soon as he said it that she had not given him her name. Ignoring the rising impatience in his stomach, Dante padded quickly to the Alpha's side. Once there, his blue eyes searched her face patiently this time. "I'm sorry for my behavior earlier. I'm not used to..." He paused thinking of how to put it without revealing who he was. "I'm not used to that sort of treatment." Dante was not yet ready to tell the female where he was from, what he had done, or who he was descended from. As he walked alongside her, Dante's soft fur brushed up against her side, accidentally of course, but still the same. The brute distanced himself slightly further than he had originally been. Again, he glanced over at Exile, letting his brown fur fall into his face; partially covering his eyes.

"I don't really have a rank yet" Shadow said as he kept walking towards the camp "I'm also new here, Exile wanted to test my skills to become a fighter. But I can't take that test yet since I'm not feeling to well" Shadow sighed and they now entered the camp. Scarkill was still sitting in the same spot as when Shadow had left the camp. "Kovua, this is Scarkill the Beta male" Shadow sat down next to Scarkill "Scar, this is Kovua, the new Beta female" Shadow smiled a little as he said that, he had a good feeling about Kovua.
Boon would nod to his alpha as she spoke for everyone to return to the camp. His ears going back as he lifted his head and went to a less aggressive stance. Looking to her with his icey eyes asking without words if she would be alright along if she did not return with them. Than shortly after following the others such as Shadow and Kovua as they walked. Catching up quickly as he trotted over to them. "My name is Boon." He said to the fea in a greeting as his head lowered slightly to show respect to her new rank before they met up with the beta male to introduce the two. His head raising to its natural position as he sat after a moment of standing there.
(I'm going to time skip to a few days. That way I can move along with Morgan and everyone here. I will update the ranks tomorrow and make sure everyone has one.)
(Sorry Everyone! I got the ranks sorted out. Boon is a guard, Shadow is a soldier, Dante is a soldier, Sidkah is an apprentice, and Kovua has been added in as the beta female.)

Exile stood tall on the building that made up her den, the tree standing tall over it. It had been a week since the last activity among her boarders. She slowly laid down, looking over the rising sun. It was beginning to get colder, snow would soon come in the next weeks. Winter was always hard and rabbits were even more dangerous and bolder in killing over predators. The proud alpha jumped down. So far she has accepted all that wanted to join. So far it had been quiet. Exile got up and gracefully jumped down, landing on the grass as she walked around camp. Every flick of her ear and twitch of her tail was in reaction to noises around her. She heard her sleeping wolves, her pack and her family, calm and safe. Exile kept her blank expression but on the inside she was content in that fact.

Scarkill walked out of his den and headed over to Exile. He bowed his head in a morning greeting. He merely got a glance but still continued to follow her. "Our new beta female is doing well. I was shocked you choose her as beta female like you choose me as beta male." He said looking over at the beautiful black fae.

Exile looked at him. "She reminded me of myself. I would trust her with my life the moment I saw her eyes." Exile explained and raised her head up high. "She didn't have to go through my pain and my past to become what she is, a thinker, a problem solver." She said as she continued to walk. "Cub should be out on his morning patrol." She said as she sent a bark into Cub's den as she past it. Cub jumped up and hit his head on the top of his den. Scarkill looked amused but Exile remained blank faced.

Boon rose from his resting place in his den. Yawning as he stretched and started walking outside. Shaking dirt off his pelt once outside his den. Looking around and checking on everything once having shaken himself iut and as he saw Exile he bowed his head to her while she passed. Than going to get himself a drink at a near by stream before checking on eeverything with other guards. His new rank was rather suiting to him. He was able to protect the rest of the pack and it made him happy knowing so.

Shadow woke up slowly by the morning sunlinght shining into his eyes. He was laying on his side and yawned before standing up. He looked outside, around the camp, to see what was going on. There wasn't much activity yet, he spotted Scarkill, Exile and Boon but he didn't had the feeling that they noticed him. Shadow stretched before shaking his pelt. He laid down in the entrance of his den, looking at everything that was happening and enjoying the morning sun.
The bright sunlight shone down on to the mountains. Aaralyn blinked and yawned, stretching as he did so. Lightly shaking his pelt he looked towards the once spectacular city, now in ruins serving as a home for a pack of wolves. He looked behind him where Morgan, Draco, Spike and Reaper where still sleeping. They had been lying low for the past week, everything seemed calm and relaxed down in the city. It also looked like there were new recruits in Exile's pack.
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Dante stretched his front paws out in front of him, loosening up his tense muscles. The camp was quiet at this time of day. Most of the wolves of the pack were wither sleeping or out on patrol. Rolling his shoulders, the brute looked around the clearing, spotting his Alpha, who happened to be talking to the exact wolf that he needed to speak to. As he walked over to Scarkill, some of his clan mates sent him a few unwelcoming glares. It had only been about a week since he had joined the pack, and most of the wolves hadn't really warmed up to him yet. The male shrugged and continued to pad towards their Beta Male. Not wanting to interrupt their conversation, Dante waited patiently until he was done. "Scarkill!" He called as soon as the male had finished. "I want-" He corrected himself "I would like to be on today's patrol." It seemed that Scarkill did not fully trust him yet, for the Beta had not let Dante on a Patrol since he'd arrived.
Kovua's paws twitched as she slept, her dreams displayed on the back of her eyelids. Her flank rose and fell peacefully.

Just a bit closer, Kovua thought, her senses tingling as she approached the doe. She was healthy, but her strength was no match for her own athletic abilities. Lowering herself to the ground, she raised her haunches ever so slightly. Under belly lightly brushing the ground, her tail twitching, causing the dead leaves on the ground to make a soft rustling sound. The pretty she-wolf watched as her prey began to sense her presence. A small smirk tugged on the corners of Kovua's ebony lips, bunching her lean shoulder muscles as she moved forward in a snake like manner. The doe took off just as the wolf leapt out from hiding, her paws hitting the ground delicately, before taking off in quick strides, her claws digging into the soft earth with every step to push herself forward. Now on her preys heels she gathered her body and kicked off with her powerful hind legs, pulling herself onto the does back, claws digging into it's flesh as her sharp teeth sunk into the back of the helpless animals neck. I've got her now! Kovua growled with satisfaction. A bright light peaked out from no where, blinding her and she slipped from the doe's back, hitting the ground.

Kovua jolted awake, a bright light shining into her den, she snarled softly in annoyance. I almost had the doe down. She thought before pushing herself to her paws. Parting her jaws in a wide yawn. She missed the days where wolves had no fear, of their prey, smaller animals were defenceless. But now, even a mere rabbit was a threat. She exhaled a sigh, running her pink hued tongue through her brown and gray fur, that was quite ruffled from sleep. Taming the toughs of fur that were out of place, making herself look presentable. Turning towards the entrance of her den, she slipped out, her paw steps silent against the ground, moving quietly towards the group of wolves that were already awake. She turned her icy blue eyes towards the alpha's dipping her head in a silent greeting before averting her gaze towards Scarkill, the beta male. Her ears twitched slightly at the sound of Dante's voice, but she merely brushed past him to take a seat beside Scarkill.

"Good morning." She said, her voice rolling from her lips, in a calm, unwavering manner. Her gorgeous eyes finally met Dante's her feathery tail whisking around to lay at her side, ears flicked towards the brutes voice alertly, even though she expressed little interest for what he had to say to Scarkill.

Sidkah lay curled up, his tail lay over his nose, he looked like a black mass of fur, he barely moved when he slept, though his flank rose and fell, displaying that he was indeed, still alive. With a twitch of his ears, he slowly began to wake up at the sound of his fellow pack mates conversations. With a groan the brute shifted slightly, and lazily pushed himself into a seated position, blinking his dark amber eyes. Even though he was young, he was showing great potential, and looked like a promising wolf. His well rounded muscled bunched under his midnight black fur.
Exile looked at Dante and Scarkill before moving off. She bowed her head slightly in a silent greeting towards Kovua. She turned and began walking leaving Scarkill to decide what to do about Dante. Exile looked as Eternal approached her. She nodded her greeting to the elder wolf before sitting down. It appeared he wished to talk. She tilted her head slightly as he sat down in front of her.

Eternal let out a yawn, showing his old teeth, dulled over the years. He stretched out his back before shaking himself and smiling lightly at Exile. "I would like you to take up another apprentice." He said, always just being blunt when asking for things. "There is a young wolf I have gotten to know, I think he has great potential. I would also like him to spend more time with you're pups while he's in between being a pup and being a full grown wolf."

Exile's ear twitched slightly but she stayed silent letting Eternal finish. She was always open to the old wolf, he was highly respected by Exile. She nodded slightly, sweeping her tail over her paws. Her back was straight and her head held high as she listened carefully.

"His name is Sidkah, as far as I'm aware he's not sure what rank he wants to be. But please consider training him at least a little. These old bones can't take up the energy of a young wolf." He said and smiled a wolfish grin at her.

Exile nodded. "As you wish." She said and stood up. "I will train him with Black Lake." She said and then turned. "For now until he takes up the alpha of his wanted rank." she said and moved off leaving a very happy Eternal to bring the teen the good news.

Scarkill looked at him. Exile had left him to decide, since she promptly left as silent as ever, it wolves had a concept on who batman was, Exile could disappear like that on anyone and they'd turn around to find she wasn't there anymore. Scarkill wanted just once to do that to her, but it never worked, his teleportation caused and noise and he could never slip past her without her catching him. He looked at Dante and raised his head. "As you wish..." He finally said. "But I will pair you with Cub to make sure he keeps an eye on you." Scarkill said as Cub tried to sneak by. "Cub...Exile wouldn't be happy if her brother didn't due his job." Scarkill warned causing Cub to cringe and freeze in his spot with one of his front legs still in the air. Cub Sat down with a huff almost bring a smirk to Scarkill's lips.

Morgan awoke, opening his eyes to not snow, not cold, but a real territory. Morgan smirked as she lifted himself off the ground. Exile had no idea that they had taken over the pack nearest to them and killed most of the pack members. Morgan moved out and stretched himself out, looking at two of his newest recruits. He flicked his ear as Draco and Reaper slowly roused awake.
Dante smiled gratefully at Scarkill, glad to finally be able to do something other than wander around camp. "Thank you Scarkill. You won't be disappointed." He said before turning towards Exile's brother; Cub. For some reason the brute hadn't really taken to him, but neither had anyone else in the pack. "Are you coming?" Without waiting for him to answer Dante turned and walked off towards the woods. He glanced at Kovua, winking as he walked past her. She had joined the pack at the same time he had but unlike him, she had immediately become the beta. At first Dante was jealous, but after a few days he realized why Exile chose her. Dante continued to walk towards the forest, pausing at the edge to wait for Cub.
Kard gnashed the meat under his teeth, his jagged teeth digging in the soft muscles of the deer. Blood covered his upper torso, the muscles in his neck moving under his fur. His harsh breath was audible, though as the wind blew the noises away, no sound was heard. Glaring at the moon light sky, he finished his supper, in a cacophony of breaking bones and ripping meat. Looking down upon that pack's territory, with his glowing blue eyes, he growled under his bloody breath. Out the corner of his eye, he could see a wolf, standing on the edge of the forest. He recognized him, but would he go see him? After all, courtesy is a must, if he went to meet him. With a slow breath, steam emanating from his jaw, he turned away and walked from the site of were he ravaged the beast, his footsteps light and fast. Snow was flying from his paws, as he dodged numerous trees out of his path, though his bulky height and weight slightly brushed them, and caused a near avalanche of a tree, though it wouldn't matter to him.

"Dante." Kard rumbled simply, his voice deep and serious, as his paws shifted in the snow. "I wonder what a wolf does so far out of his territory..?"
Dante flicked his ears in amusement, looking over the muscular wolf. A name began to form in his head from wisps of a memory from long ago; Kard. Dante recalled hearing about this rogue. His parents were exiled and he grew up in isolation, away from the comfort of a pack. It seemed that Kard hadn't yet heard that he himself had been driven out of his own pack. "Kard." Dante muttered, glanced over his shoulder, spotting Cub not far back. "Seems that you haven't heard the news." Kard may be a large, brawn wolf, but Dante could easily overtake the male. For his own muscles rippled powerfully beneath his skin, as if warning him that he was no normal wolf. Dante had his own past, and just the same he had been trained hard. "Either way, you're going to have to leave. Especially after hunting on pack territory." His voice was dangerously low, and something in his eyes darkened.
He cocked his head side to side, slightly confused. Dante, that cocky young Alpha, resided much more far than here...unless....No, that was ludicrous. The wolf chuckled slightly at such thought, but still, he believed it. No other answer was available. "I am not inside Exile's territory yet, as it begins were the forest is, were you are standing." Kard said, blood dripping down his jaw, making his eyes glow slightly. "I am well acquainted with pack rules, and I have not trespassed none of them. Her hunting grounds are.... north-east of her territory, are they not?" He had heard no news about Dante changing packs, (And considering the bloodshed he had caused, probably almost chased to death) and it didn't concern him how he ended up in that situation, but he had a good idea of how she recruited him. "Exile is faring well, it seems." He added, slightly wistful. It's been long since he returned from the bumpy regions, as being surrounded by enemies and weather wasn't the ideal conditions to return to the smooth side of the mountains. He looked down on Dante and snorted, knowing by a glance that the wolf was in love with her.
"Something funny Kar?" Dante stepped up to the male, his ears low on his head. Powerful muscles tensed up. His whole body ached for a fight, something that he hadn't done in a long time. Since he had joined Exile's pack, Dante had began to make an effort to stay out of fights. Even so, the urge to dig his fangs into flesh was nearly overwhelming. After living your whole life as the Alpha of a pack that murdered for a living, it was a very difficult change. "She is, in fact, faring well." The large brute turned his head to look over his shoulder at Cub. Exile's Brother had finally caught up to him for patrol. "Despite what you may think the forest is part of her territory. So I'd say you have about 10 seconds before we get company." Dante growled deep in his throat, and as he did so the shadows around him began to come together. Slowly they formed a dark creature with two piercing blue eyes. "Leave." The single word held such power that it was almost like he was a leader once more. The area began to grow colder as the shadows closed in around them.
Kovua's observant gaze swept about the camp, absorbing what their was to gather about this pack. She was still not completely used to it, but she felt more comfortable, with Scarkill at her side. His confidence seemed to be contagious and it made her, raise her chin a bit. Though, she was not arrogant, merely a bit proud to have been accepted into this pack.

She blinked her icy blue eyes over at Dante, as he walked past flashing her a wink, returning a small scowl, though, slight amusement lit her gaze. Shifting towards A male that was cautiously sneaking past, her ears pricking forward as Scarkill addressed him as 'Cub.' A small smile laced her muzzle as she listen to their conversation, laced with a teasing tones and amused glances.

Tilting her head she glanced at Scarkill,

"So, Cub, is Exile's brother?" She asked with a flick of her feathery tail. She hadn't quite gotten all the names down, but she was trying. And with a curt nod of her muzzle she gestured towards the elder wolf, speaking with the alpha,

"And who is he?"

Sidkah got to his paws before padding from the den, that was once, his parents. The sun washed over his midnight black pelt, giving it a very glossy look. His ears perked forward alertly. One paw after the other he quietly made his way across camp, blending in with the shadows, never one to boldly make himself know. He excels at socializing, though, he would rather stay off on the side lines until he seems reason to take charge. Once he is in the authoritative position, Sidkah is quite efficient and assertive. Never afraid to state his own opinion.

Sidkahs gaze trailed upward, meeting Eternal's gaze, a handsome crooked grin tugging at his maw. With a few brisk sides he was standing in front of the elder, dipping his cranium to run the top of his head, under the older brutes chin affectionately.

"Good morning." He stated with a curt bark, shifting his weight from one paw to the other. 

Kovua snorted softly as a fowl scent reached her muzzle, and pushed herself to her paws, brushing past Scarkill, her ears flat against her skull as she neared Dante and the musky scent of blood and wet dog. With a twitch of her tail she padded up to Dante's side, peering over at Kard with her icy blue eyes, she stood as she had seen Scarkill stand, proud, yet not flashy.

She didn't speak at first, just observing the situation at hand. After a few heart beats of silence she parted her ebony lips to speak.

"Dante, who is this?" She asked, her voice, calm unwavering, though her eyes conveyed her threats, staring daggers into Kard before she looked away meeting the brute at her side's, gaze. Her eyes searching his for some explanation, even as she looked away, one ear stayed directed at Kard, in distrust. She stayed light on her paws, not knowing what this loner was prone to do, or capable of.
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The chill night air condensed Haral's breath as she trudged in the snow, sniffing the the surroundings trying to find prey. Winter was nearing and food was getting scarce. It had begun to snow again coating the ground with a fresh layer of snow. Growling in annoyance she gave up on searching and tramped back to her den.

Although there was no wind the shadows seemed to be moving of their own accord, shifting only slightly at first. Feeling edgy Haral tensed up. The movement of the shadows were more noticeable now. The shadows of the leaves rustling and the trunks swaying before shooting across the ground in the same direction. "What the!" She started jumping up, all four of her paws left the floor. The air if possible the air seemed colder than before, she looked in the direction of where the shadows headed, debating a little with herself before moving in the same direction.

She didnt have to go far, Kovua, Dante and a bulky lone wolf soon came into view. A dark creature with piercing blue eyes was standing beside Dante.
Dante released the shadows immediately at Kovua's presence. They drifted of back into place and the previous temperature returned. He rolled his shoulders, standing tall and authoritative, but not cocky. "No one, he was just leaving." Dante added a bitter note to the last word, his piercing gaze directed at Kard. His face showed nothing of annoyance, nor of any other emotion, it was completely blank. Everything about him, right now at least, made it obvious of his previous days at an Alpha; his stance, the tone of his voice, the way he gazed at the rogue, everything. To be completely honest, he missed the days when he was the leader. Dante blinked at the rogue, stepping forward in a veiled threat. With a flick of his ear he caught the sound of another wolf approaching. Turning his head slightly, Dante spotted Haral. "I suggest that you leave," He said in a menacingly dark voice. One that had sent chills up the spines of his prey for years.

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