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Daddy Dustin

Daddy Dustin is here & queer.

The Almighty God sat upon his throne, gaze aimed straight ahead as he contemplated the next step in action in his plan for humanity. While any who had the ability to cast their eyes on his sacred form saw a man etched from perfection, body languid in form, one would be blind not to recognize the power reverberating from every cell. A hum of energy filled the room as the Heavenly Father came to a conclusion, head bobbing in a nod as he did so. Where there before sat the deity, flocked by a horde of angels, now sat a council room. Though the room held no walls, nor doors, one could sense the spark of spirit that enclosed them in a set of parameters. God, ever the humble one, sat among his angels in council, all beings crowded together to discuss whatever idea He had formulated. Knowing it to be good, I brought my hands together to rub at them with eager exuberance, desperate to hear what was to be said.

Amid them all was an angel molded from such perfection that one felt the urge to weep in their presence. This angel, as was well known by all, was Lucifer. Silky blonde tresses fell down his back in a wave, body tall and lean with a face seemingly sculpted by the hands of God and irises the color of an angels wings, pure milky white in their essence. He was considered an angel of the highest caliber, and I was filled with a dizzying sense of exhilaration to be in the presence of God himself, and one of his most trusted angels, Lucifer. Incessant chatter filled the halls, voices mingling together as those present murmured amidst one another. It was not difficult to sense the vitality vibrating through the halls; all angels big and small were excited to learn whatever God had to say about the latest piece in his plot for us all. I being one of them, could not help but bounce on the soles of my heels, desperate to begin the meeting at hand.

While some seemed content to linger about, waiting with an unheardof amount of patience, I continued to fidget about. I was yearning to gain even a small bit of insight into what He had decided, as it was a well-known fact He only wanted the best for all of us and would do all that was in his power to give us the existence He felt we were deserving of. After all, we were His children and Him our Almighty Father. From the beginning of our creation, He had continued to persist of our fair treatment. We all had our purpose, and though He towered above us all in the extent of greatness, He still molded each of us with a purpose and filled us to the brim with love so powerful in thrummed through our veins, giving us re-newed vigor. I was torn from my musings as God cleared his throat. Not a sound could be heard as he spoke, highlighting the details of his newest idea. His voice was clear and resolute, a sound so breathtakingly beautiful a few angels broke out in tears, caught victim to a string of happiness so high it was almost unheard of.

"I will grant each of you an earthly body, and with that body will come the ability to experience feelings you had never thought possible. There will be temptations, but with that comes the chance at fulfilling your highest purpose. I will send my most trusted son, Jesus Christ, to absolve you of all wrong doings and grant you a place back here. I-" In an unheard of occurance, another voice spoke up. All eyes fell upon Lucifer as he preened at the attention. "What if, instead of granting them the chance to befall sin, I simply force each individual to do as you wish." God, ever the patient deity, merely shook his head. "No, I want each individual to have a right to choose what they wish. Given free will, they can decide on whether to follow me or their more basic urges." Lucifer spoke up again, ever persistant. "Why let them fall to sin when I can simply force each person to do your will? That way, each person has a ticket back. Of course, I would not be expected to do this without some compensation."

A sigh was his only reply, all angels watching in earnest as the scene broke out before them. Some nodded along as Lucifer spoke, watching with a keen amount of interest, while others shook their head along with God, not fans of the idea. I felt my lips pull into a frown, gaze clashing with another angel who harbored the same expression. I was in a sense of shock to know Lucifer not only expected God to tear away our free will, but also wanted to be given a gift for doing so. I could not comprehend why he would wish to take away the most basic part of what made us; It was difficult to imagine why any of us would need to be forced to follow God to begin with. His word was not only law, but each law was positioned in a way to grant us a happier existence. Lucifer continued to speak, not halting from his speech now that he realized other angels were beginning to agree.

"I only expect a small boon, to stand beside you as an equal. Do I not have ideas as gracious as yours? Do I not wish the best for all others as you do? I may go about it a different way, but I only want what is best, and in this case force is it." God responded in fevor, his eyes alight with disappointment as he gazed upon one of his beloved children rebelling from their purpose. "No other can sit beside me, as no other is befitting the throne. Even you, Lucifer, have your faults which you fail to hide. Pride and selfishness are breeding within you, making way for darker emotions to fester. We will take a vote, as I would not sentence my children to a life which they do not wish for." As the vote was called, many raised their voices with Lucifer, though more agreed with God. I, being one of them, could not fathom what I was beholding unfold in front of my very eyes.

Lucifer stewed in discontent as he took note of how many disagreed with him. He went on to rant about the unfairness of it all, making point to say if God simply took charge instead of leaving us to choose for him then there would be no issue. It seemed, to all present, that he had a different plan in mind when it came to the unveiling of humans. God granted him the ability to speak up against him this once, but it seemed Lucifer was not satisfed with this. He continued to ramble on about how striking free will from each of us would only take a small amount of his time, and God was making a mistake in not doing so. I had to disagree, as God was only doing what he saw fit to help us be the best versions of ourselves. As the meeting came to a close, I returned to my spot in one of the many gardens.

I contemplated the sight I had beheld while strolling through the blossoming florals, unable to do much else. I was fighting a bit of trepedation as it was at the thought of living on earth. In his plan, God had went into detail on the trials we would face. Lucifer had continued to speak up against him, but in the end, Gods plan won overall. A friend of mine approached, and I could see just from a single glance they were caught a victim of the same emotional turmoil that had currently apprehended me. I flashed them a wavering smile in greeting, before beginning to speak on what was causing me distress. "Why would Lucifer disagree with God?" I inquired, almost beligerant in my musings. "I think you mean why wouldn't God give Lucifer the time of day." My friend responded, a brow quirked as we stared at one another. I released a soft gasp, surprised to know my closest friend sided with Lucifer on this ordeal.

"God only wants what is best for us. He is giving us the right to choose what we want and still be with him. I don't want anyone taking what belongs to me in order to force me to come back here. He loves us; He doesn't want us to suffer." My companion was already speaking as I finished my response. "If He wants what's best for us, why does he not simply force the matter so we can all return? Why would He let sin befall us when He can simply push perfection upon us?" I responded in kind. "Because He knows taking our free will would mean not only did we not earn our way back, but we also are stripped of what makes us us. I do not want to lose any piece of who I am. I can find God on earth just as well as I do in Heaven."

We continued to squabble, our disagreement becoming heated before coming to a close with no conclusion in sight. It was disappointing, to say the least, to know my friend sided against God in anything. I knew God too was disappointed, and it brought upon tidal wave of sorrow. I continued to wonder what would become of Lucifer if he continued down this path, and these curousities followed me as I fell into a deep slumber. It was not long at all before I had an answer to my question. Days later, as the debate in Heaven continued to swirl throughout the community, another meeting was called. This time, a sense of impending doom swirled about, thickening in the air. Lucifer was called, and he strode forward with powerful strides, refusing to kneel at the feet of God as he came to stand before him. Murmured voices rose in shock as all beheld this, mine included. I was in a state of confusion, aware something terrible was about to befall the Heavens.

"Lucifer, pride continues to reign in you. You, despite my attempts to call it to a halt, continue to spread word about your ideas. You view yourself befitting of sitting among The Most High, and wish to control those who stand beneath you. With power comes responsiblity, and that responsibility is to see the best for my children." He took a deep breath before continuing on, his next words seeming to pain him. "I banish thee from Heaven and cast thee upon the earth." Gasps shook the entire room, every eye falling upon the pair in horror at what God had issued. "Of course, there are those who will wish to follow you. I will grant them this; if they find your word more fitting than mine than they can do as they wish." All at once, everyone began to speak. "What does this mean?" "Did he really just say that?" "Is God getting rid of Lucifer" Tears burned at the back of my lips, beginning to spill, as I thought of the horrid fate that had been unleashed. Lucifer was, against all odds, one of the most beloved angels. Not only did his beauty bring male and female alike to shame, he was known as kind and belovlent. Though it did seem that in time he had begun to change, he was still one of the most loved. Many aspired to be like him, myself included.

HIs pallor having paled considerably, Lucifer only flinched at hearing his sentence. "If living on earth means I can show you where you have gone wrong, then I will do so. You will rue this day, and all days following this. You will one day see the error of your ways." Many angels shouted their agreement, hostile in their behaviors as they came to stand behind him. God seemed to weep, and all any could do was weep along side him. This decision seemed to pain him, and pained he was as he rid the Heavens of some of his beloved children. Where Lucifer once stood, an army of men and women along side him, there was now nothing. I fell to my knees, as did many beside me, cast in a wave of sorrow that filled me to the brim. A roar of pain shook the Heavens, all brought to silence as it did so. I tore my eyes from beneath me and cast them upon God, eteching the details of his expression to the deepest recess of my mind. I wanted, even on earth, to remember this moment.

Days and weeks followed, all angels remaining having made a vow of silence to honor those we had lost. In the coming weeks, I came to stand before God again as he prepared me for my time on earth. I knew, without a doubt, there would be many trials to face. His voice was gentle as he spoke of his love for me, explaining that I would face Lucifer and his followers more than once on my time on earth. I could do not else but nod, my heart aching as I came to the realization I would be facing old friends as enemies. I had seen how darkness had twisted their hearts, and the evil deeds they coveted upon other humans. It was painful to behold, knowing angels once so filled with light and laughter now committed deeds so attrocious in the name of another. I closed my eyes as light filled me, and a gentle hand came to brush across my face, soothing the worst of my fears. "You will return to me." He said, and I believed him.​

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