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One x One Fallen Immortal


Three Thousand Club


Description: Hachijin is a Sent?, a God of Combat. As one would expect of such a being he has well defined musculature despite having a somewhat slender frame. He has clear lightly sun-kissed skin which remains unmarred. His hair is black and slightly unkempt as he sees no need to pay such attention to his physical appearance. So long as he's dressed and ready to fight, who cares? At least that is his logic. What clothing he does wear is usually black and/or dark charcoal grey. His eyes are a deep grey as well to match his clothing preference. He is almost always seen with his dual swords on his back. The blades are equal yet opposite in their strengths, and had he access to 100% of his abilities one would easily be able to tell the difference between them.

Age: Indeterminable

Sex: Male

Birthplace: The Heavens

Body Type: Mesomorph

Voice Type: Baritone

Personality: On the battlefield Hachijin is the perfect warrior. Calm. Collected. Confident. Unrelenting. He can face down any enemy no matter the size without so much as flinching and has yet to demonstrate true fear in the face of an overwhelming foe. Even the True Demon which defeated him did not frighten him. Though he lost he remained calm and confident until the very end. He has not let this defeat shake him, nor is he content to simply let it be. He is now determined to recover his power and find a way to defeat the True Demon as retribution for this humiliation.

That said, Hachijin is a bit of a brat. He's very focused on his own goals which makes much of what he says come off as rude or self-centered. It's not that he actually is self-centered. He's just dedicated to completing his own objectives. As a God he's been alone most of his life except for being trained by the Higher Gods for combat. Other than that he's never interacted with another being unless it was at the end of his blade, and there wasn't much to learn or interact with at that point. Because of this reality he is also quite childish and curious. Having been banished to Earth he is constantly confused, intimidated, weirded out, and sometimes even entertained by what he sees. It's a very childish and endearing sense of curiosity, but his lack of experience in the human world of Earth will lead to some very interesting results.

Biography: Hachijin was born at a time indeterminably far back before the human race had even evolved on Earth. He has never been to Earth before, and didn't even know of its existence until just recently when it was revealed that his defeat at the hands of a True Demon resulted in his banishment to Earth as punishment for his foolishness. His banishment is not permanent, but is set to last exactly 1,000 human years which, for him, is more like 2 years. But that's still too long for Hachijin. He is determined come Hell or high water to find a way to restore his stripped powers and become strong enough to destroy the True Demon once and for all to avenge his loss and redeem his honor. In the meantime he will be forced to adapt to human life which, in and of itself, is a bad idea. As a God of Combat, now exiled in a world where war and combat are shunned... Well... Yeah.
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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/57a8c8c795200_ScreenShot2016-03-28at3.47.58PM.png.022d636c0fdb64692dd9c27fb447c209.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="114947" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/57a8c8c795200_ScreenShot2016-03-28at3.47.58PM.png.022d636c0fdb64692dd9c27fb447c209.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name: Misae

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Description: Misae is a regular high school student. She's a little shorter than average with a thin, lean body. She has green eyes and long blonde hair that she typically keeps in messily-done braids. She cares about her appearance to an extent, but she finds that other things are much more important to her. Unlike many girls her age, she doesn't find much pleasure in clothes and prefers to wear things that are comfortable and practical, like plain cardigans over jeans.

Personality: Misae is a person who reasons using her emotions rather than her logic. If something feels right to her, she goes with her intuition rather than listening to what makes sense logically. This can get her into trouble by acting impulsively, but in certain situations it can be a good thing. She always wants to take care of everyone, and she won't let a person refuse her help if she sees they are in need.

In some ways she is very mature- she gives good advice regarding things that involve emotions, such as relationships(even though she's never been in one herself), she is a very supportive friend, and she is typically very responsible- if she is able to resist her impulses. In other ways she can be very childish- she is incredibly stubborn, easily offended, and can be rude if she is crossed.

Misae has always loved to read, and as a child she strove to be like the characters she read about in books- kind, compassionate, brave. Because she grew up thinking this way, her standards for her own morality are very high. She expects others to have the same morals she does, and when they don't meet her expectations, she is easily disappointed. She looks down on people who do immoral things, which makes her a self-righteous person in that sense. However, she has some lenience for her loved ones and is quick to forgive those that she cares about.

Biography: Misae was born in a very large city to a pair of new parents. She was an only child until she was seven years old. Her parents had three more kids- a boy, and a pair of twins, a boy and a girl. As she grew older into her teens, she got less and less attention, constantly being outshone by the cute little kids despite her incredible accomplishments at school- she has always been in the top ten percent of her class. Despite always feeling that her accomplishments were undermined by her siblings, she loves her family anyway. Now in her last year of high school, she plans to study to become a nurse in college.

Sometimes she feels as though she's lived her life too far inside the lines- she's never once done something that's gotten her in more serious trouble than being grounded by her parents, and she's basically a model student. She is following her dreams to become a nurse, but sometimes wonders if she's making the right decision if she is bored with her life.



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