~Fall of the Fairies~


Rhiannon moved lithely through the crystal clear pond, her copper hair flowing around her as if it were part of the water. The day was peaceful. The sky above the island she inhabited with the other girls was lighter than she had seen it in years. Beams of sunlight shot through the water, making it glisten. She was able to think under the water. The other girls couldn't reach her there. It was her own private world. She sighed in contentment, releasing a steady stream of bubbles.

The only thing she didn't like about the water was how empty it was. When she was younger, the pond was populated by beautiful fish, and the muddy bottom was green with plant life. That's not the case anymore. Slowly, the fish died off, the seaweed and algae following shortly after. Her beautiful pond was dying.

With another bubbly sigh, she rose to the surface of the water and waded to the shore. Once on land, she slowly flapped her dragonfly-like wings to dry them off. She didn't bother to dry her clothes or hair, they always ended up wet again anyway. As soon as her wings were dry enough, she flew home.

Technically, the whole island was their home, but Rhiannon considered their real home to be the large tree-house located at the very center of the island. It was huge. Each of the four fairies had their own room, there was a kitchen, a library, even a swing high up at the top of the tree that the girls loved when they were younger. The most important part of the tree-house, however, was the large stone tablet in the center of the main hall.

Rhiannon never really knew what it was there for, all she knew was that one day it would be the "Key to their Destinies" or whatever. That's what Myrna, the Elder of the Water Fairies, told her when he brought her here. Rhiannon was only three years old at the time, so she wasn't sure what Myrna meant.

He and the other Elders raised Rhiannon and the others until Rhiannon was 7. Then one day out of the blue, they apologized, saying it was time for them to go. Myrna told her that because she was the oldest, it was her job to watch over the others until the "day the tablet glowed." And then with a final goodbye, the Elders faded away forever.

Rhiannon never gave the stone tablet much thought. She felt like there would never be a day when the tablet glowed. Well, she was wrong.

She had just entered the tree-house, when suddenly a blinding white light illuminated the whole room. It was the tablet. Unsure what to do, she ran to the window and called for the others. "TERRA! ADA! NINAKO!"


okay, KingdomCollarYukishi, Berace, NightRider07 your turn. Your posts don't have to be as long as mine, but for this first one I'd like at LEAST two to three paragraphs. This first post is to familiarize the rest of us with your character and writing style. Because this is such a small group we all need to be able to work together well and be dedicated. I want this story to be able to make it through to the end!

Post away!! :smile 2:
"Terra, Ada, Ninako!"

It echoed throughout the island forest. The bird that she had been observing, startled, flew away in a flurry of bright colors as Terra's older sister called. A rock model of the bird suddenly crumbled in her hands leaving them covered in a layer of dirt. 'Third time is not charm,' she thought looking slightly disappointed at her hands. 'Why does sister call?' Her eyes look towards her and sister's home where a bright light is eminating from. Muttering to herself, Terra slid from under the tree root where she was hiding.

'Why is the house lighting?' Terra thought as she raised her hands over a large stone. A large slab burst through the center of the stone in a explosion of pebbles and rock dust. She didn't mind it however, it made her feel somewhat protected. The slab of stone that had burst slowing came towards Terra with the motion of her hands. Climbing carefully onto it, she was on her way as she turned her hands to the earth behind her.

Terra flashed past the lush greenery startling many animals with her stone slab as it hovered over sand, stones, and dirt. *For us in real life it be like riding a surfboard only this can only work over earth, not plants or in the air*
Suddenly startled by the sound of her older sister's erratic cry, the faded leaves fell down to the ground at Ada's feet as she lost control of the wind current she'd been carrying. The squirrel at her feet fled the area as the leaves began to fall, drifting slowly to the ground. With a disappointed sigh, she looked toward the direction of Rhi's call and thought to herself, surely there must be something urgent to attend to.

Adalynn flitted through the clearing and through to the other side of the forest as the woodland creatures quickly scattered, dashing for their homes and burrows. As she came closer, she saw the bright light emitting from their home and began anxiously wondering the cause of the bright light. She sped up to reach their home and discover the cause of it.

As she dashed inside their home, Ada was forced to shield her eyes from the bright light, unable to look directly at it but instead searched around for her sisters. Upon seeing Terra and Rhiannon, she rushed to their side with a look of concern and amazement upon her face.

"How is this happening? What is happening?" she shrilly asked of her sisters as she shielded her eyes from the blinding light.

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