~Fall of the Fairies~ ((Story and Character Sheets))


Mystical beings known as Fairies once flourished throughout the land.

There were a multitude of fairies, each living in their own respective elemental kingdom, hidden from the rest of the world by a magical barrier.

All was peaceful and prosperous.

But it only took one fairy to change that.

That fairy was known as Charistia, the only dark fairy in existence.

For reasons unknown, she captured and enslaved all of the other fairies, locking them away forever in another dimension.

The reign of the fairies was brought to an end.

Without the fairies, their world sank into darkness. Nothing grew, the water dried up, the wind stopped blowing, the sun stopped shining.

But all was not lost.

The elders of each elemental kingdom, Earth, Water, Fire, and Air, chose one child of each element and hid them away before Charistia could get to them.

The elders used the last of their magic to protect the children, and in the end they themselves faded out of existence.

Those four fairies are the last hope for their species.

The fairy children grew up on a small, hidden island, with nothing but the knowledge that one day they would undertake a perilous journey and save their people.

Today is that day.


~The Fairies~

Earth: Terresa

Water: Rhiannon

Fire: Ninako

Air: Adalynn


~Character Sheet~

Name: (this one is pretty simple)

Nickname: (If they have one)

Age: (15-17 please)

Gender: (yes, they can be either gender)

Element: (only choose from the available elements, please don't ask to add a different one)

Powers: (What can they do with their element? Please remember that they have had no training. If you make them too skilled or powerful, I will not accept you.)

Personality: (more than just a few sentences. No "get to know them" type thing. I won't accept that.)

Looks: (picture or description. If description, very detailed please)

Other: (What else?)



Name: Rhiannon [ree-AN-un]

Nickname: Rhi (Ree)

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Element: Water

Ability: Water manipulation and conjuration, ability to breathe underwater.

Personality: Rhiannon is soft-spoken, caring, and motherly to the other three. As the oldest, she feels it is her job to watch over them and keep them out of harms way. If anything were to happen to them, she would immediately take action to help them. Rhiannon is intelligent and level-headed when it comes to making decisions. She is a go-with-the-flow type, much like the water under her control.



Name: Ninako (Nee-nay-ko)

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Element: Fire

Ability: Can summon fire in large waves and is indestructible to fire (meaning her skin is fire-proof)

Personality: Ninako is sweet and quiet, more drawn back from the other three. She's independent and strong all the while she's shy in her own way. She's though protective in a way.

Name: Adalynn (Aa-da-lynn)

Nickname: Ada (Ay-duh)

Age: 16

Gender: female

Element: earth

Powers: Growing small plants and communicating with small, earth-bound creatures

Personality: Adalynn is a friendly, intelligent, open-minded fairy who loves to be helpful and is very protective of her friends and the woodland creatures. She is playful, funny, and very caring and supportive of her friends.

Looks: If it's all right, I will draw a picture, scan it, and upload it afterwards

Other: N/A
Name: Terresa

Nickname: Terra * :P Cliche, I know*

Age: 17


Element: Earth

Powers: Simple stuff really. She can mold objects from the earth, nonliving things being easier to make like your average weapons *Mainly melee, no guns* and small structures like a brick tent. Cozy~ She has the ability to camouflage with the landscape, like a chameleon.

Personality: Terresa is a very stubborn girl, finding it hard to accept others people judgment that's against her own, however, curiosity will drive her find out their reasons. Oh yes, She is very curious. She will take on any challenge big or small to show others how strong she really is. Strong, tough, and stubborn like the earth, that is Terresa.


Other: She has tried many times before to create living things out of the earth to restore what was once life, but they always crumbled in her hands. Despite a limited vocabulary, she is knowledgeable enough to concoct some types of medicines and herbal remedies. Terresa *Deep down inside* needs emotional support as she can see the earth die.
KingdomCollarYukishi Accepted, I like her.

Berace accepted! She is very interesting and i think she'll be fun to RP alongside :)

NightRider07 I'm sorry, but because there were two submissions for the earth fairy I had to choose. If you would like to try for the Air fairy, you may :) <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_05/sword-art-online-16-alfheim-online-050.jpg.1f5edd842eb0f4eb1ea4b053a93aa79e.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="996" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_05/sword-art-online-16-alfheim-online-050.jpg.1f5edd842eb0f4eb1ea4b053a93aa79e.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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HanaChan13 Hmm. I'm not really familiar with the air element, but I wouldn't mind giving it a shot. (: 
Name: Adalynn (Aa-da-lynn)

Nickname: Ada (Ay-duh)

Age: 16

Gender: female

Element: Air

Powers: Controlling wind currents and a minimal ability to pick up items with wind breezes (items light enough such as leaves etc.)

Personality: Adalynn is a friendly, intelligent, open-minded fairy who loves to be helpful and is very protective of her friends. She is playful, funny, and enjoys finding new ways to use her abilities and have fun.

Looks: If it's all right, I will draw a picture, scan it, and upload it afterwards

Other: N/A
HanaChan13 I'm drawing it now :)  
Okay HanaChan13 here it is :)  
Okay HanaChan13 here it is :) <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_05/fairydrawing.jpg.274e3f2e7a2eb057e81c69898f31addc.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="999" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_05/fairydrawing.jpg.274e3f2e7a2eb057e81c69898f31addc.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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