Fall of Superheroes Overview


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Mutants are usually plain looking humans. Most of them don’t have any true way to differentiate them from other people in terms of appearance. For all its worth, a human and a mutant are nearly the same thing in appearance. However, every mutant possesses a unique gene that grants them superpowers. Every gene is completely different like the fingerprint of a person. These superhuman abilities manifest in these mutants at relatively random times. A majority of mutants have their superpowers manifest when they’re teenagers, but some have reported their abilities becoming apparent at a later age. The oldest person to has ever manifested superpowers was at the age of 55. <img alt="1113534-t_batmanaa_tstr_h264_8.jpg" class="ipsImage" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/imageproxy/imageproxy.php?img=http://static.giantbomb.com/uploads/original/0/669/1113534-t_batmanaa_tstr_h264_8.jpg&key=d97bd31906c5850595d1837f8bd9562f59ee9fd5a381891a654b8f5b731567bf" /></p>




<span lang="en-us" xml:lang="en-us">Scientist have always speculate that mutants have always been around, but humanity just never noticed them. There is evidence that supports this hypothesis, but there are skeptics out there that say mutants are only a recent occurence. What cannot be disagreed with is that mutants had an exponential growth in the late 20th century. As if a dam had busted, mutants began springing up all over the world. It was enough that the public couldn’t ignore. </span>







<span lang="en-us" xml:lang="en-us">Mutants were at first feared by the general public. These were extraordinary people in the disguise or ordinary folk. These mutants were viewed as a menace to civilized societies. A majority of mutants wanted to maintain their simple lives, but human supremacist groups made it impossible. Mutants were hanged purely because they were mutants. Some mutants fought back, but that prompted further retribution from hate groups and provoked more people to view the mutants as dangerous. When one mutant wipes out an entire group of human supremacists by himself, people became even more scared and paranoid.</span>







<span lang="en-us" xml:lang="en-us">Gangs of mutants started to form to protect themselves. They were usually born out of necessity and oftentimes turned to crime to stay financially afloat. Few people were hiring mutants in gangs to work for them. These crimes ranged from small time robbery to high stakes bank heists. Due to many of the mutant’s extraordinary abilities, the average vanilla police force was unable to handle them. </span>







<span lang="en-us" xml:lang="en-us">Some of the mutants possessed abilities that simply made it impossible for police forces to defeat. There was also the shear array of powers that any mutant might have. There was no designated method to deal with mutants since they were all diverse and had different strategies.</span>







<span lang="en-us" xml:lang="en-us">The U.S. government created a organization tasked with dealing with mutants. They were named the United Defense Force or UDF for short. The UDF was originally an American only organization, but quickly expanded to cover most of Europe and Canada. The other countries formed their own organization and dealt with mutants in their own way. </span>







<span lang="en-us" xml:lang="en-us">The UDF trained their officers to deal with mutants. Their gear covers a wide spectrum and is often customized to deal with individual mutant powers. Their new training methods and equipment were instrumental in dealing with the small time villains, but many other villains were still too complicated to contain and capture. Even worse, villains formed bigger gangs to combat this new threat.</span>







<span lang="en-us" xml:lang="en-us">In response to this, the UDF formed the Hero League. The Hero League was originally a gang of heroes that protected their hometown of Chicago against villains, but they were recruited by the UDF to help protect the western hemisphere. The UDF expanded their recruitment and brought in anybody and everybody they deemed mentally stable and willing to help. They offered good money and favorable terms for all mutants. Mutants who joined the Hero League were often given superhero name and costume to seperate them from their secret identity. This was to ensure mutants could live a civilian life and fight villains. </span>







<span lang="en-us" xml:lang="en-us">Many of the mutants that were previously captured swapped sides and joined the Hero League. Rogues who never joined any gangs often enlisted due to the protection the Hero League gave. Entire gangs were often recruited since they never truly wanted to be criminals in the first place. While there</span><span lang="en-us" xml:lang="en-us"> was no punishment for not joining, being by yourself was often deemed dangerous.</span>







<span lang="en-us" xml:lang="en-us">Not all mutants joined the Hero League. Their reasons ranged from distrust of the government to having a preference for villainy. A good majority of mutants didn’t accept the offer of joining the Hero League. Some continued their gangs and tried to expand their influence. Some just tried to keep their abilities under wraps to continue their lives. Others used their new abilities to generate a profit in a brand new way. One rogue used her superhuman ability of voice to become a renown singer.</span>







<span lang="en-us" xml:lang="en-us">The Hero League’s primary objective was to combat the mutant criminals. With the help of the UDF, the fear of mutant villains decreased a fair bit. The Hero League also strove to create a better image of mutants. They endeavored to build better public relations between mutants and humans. One of the first steps they took was to call mutants, metahumans instead of mutants. Metahuman sounded more kinder and less derogatory than mutant. Mutant over time became an insult. Metahuman was the more sociably accepted word.</span>







<span lang="en-us" xml:lang="en-us">Through the work of the Hero League, the public began to fear the Metahumans less. Metahumans were less harassed and they slowly became more accepted into society. There are always some that fear the Metahumans, but a majority of the world slowly became used to Metahumans. The Hero League saved civilians, helped out after natural disasters, and put down the too dangerous villains. They were deemed the beacons of justice and gave the Metahumans a better name.<span>  </span></span>







<span lang="en-us" xml:lang="en-us">While the Hero League was a capable force of heroes, they were still faced with many gangs of Metahumans who didn’t disband. The Hero League kept most of the villains from becoming too powerful, but every once in a while someone breaks through the mold and crown himself king of a city. This usually prompts heavy response from the Hero League calling in all their teams to deal with the threat. Only two groups have ever fully taken over a city and remained successful until the present day. </span>







<span lang="en-us" xml:lang="en-us"><span> </span>The Hero League and the gangs have maintained a fair amount of balance for years. There was always a strong amount of Heroes to deal with the gangs’ plots. And there were always enough villains that escape so that they wouldn’t be wiped. However, over the years, that balance is slowly being disrupted. The Hero League seems weaker and the villains seem to only grow in numbers. Villains are mounting more dangerous and unrestrained schemes. The fear of the Hero League seems to grow less every-day. Villains seem to be winning the overall arching war. </span>







<span lang="en-us" xml:lang="en-us">Furthermore, actions of a few Heroes have made people doubt the integrity of the Hero League. People are starting to wonder if they are all as pure as they make themselves out to be. While the media boasts that there is no trouble or corruption within the Hero League, the actions of a few Heroes make that boast hollow.</span><span lang="en-us" xml:lang="en-us"> </span>







<span lang="en-us" xml:lang="en-us">You’ll be playing as a villain in a new team that has formed in Pleasant City. You’ll be working for a super villain name Mary who controls the neighboring city of Bridgeport and is looking to extend her influence. Mary recruited this team to garner a foothold in Pleasant City aswell as to start scouting out the worth of Pleasant City. Whether it be for money, power, or her ally’s healing abilities, you now work for Mary. New villain, old villain, Mary doesn’t care as long as you work for her. The other villains will not take kindly to another team intruding on their territory and the Heroes will not appreciate more villains showing up. As Mary’s band strives to take over Pleasant City, other villains also grow powerful. Will you manage to take over Pleasant City or will you be consumed like the others who tried to take over. </span>





<strong>Maps of Pleasant City</strong>




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<u><strong><span lang="en-us" xml:lang="en-us">Villains:</span></strong></u>





<strong>Sharpers: </strong>





<span lang="en-us" xml:lang="en-us">Mary: Mary is a manipulator of glass and is the self-styled queen of Bridgeport. She wears dress made out of beautiful stained glass shards that she constantly shifts around. Due to her fine control, she never gets cut by the glass. She maintains a strong hold on Bridgeport with her gang “the Sharpers”. She has a few Metahumans in her gang, but a majority of her gang is made up of vanilla humans. She gains profit from drugs, extortion, among other illegal activities. One of the reasons she is so powerful is her ability to teleport through glass. No one precisely understands her powers or her range, but she is capable of escaping sticky situations by creating two different glass doors in two different places. Mary isn’t her real name, but instead it comes from the myth of “Bloody Mary”. </span>







<span lang="en-us" xml:lang="en-us">Shifter: Shifter is a villain with shapeshifting capabilities. He can transform into anyone as long as he had a taste of their blood. He won’t gain their powers if they’re a metahuman, but he does adopt their mannerisms and body language as well. Shifter was one of the original villains to follow Mary and he worked effortlessly to sabotage Mary’s enemies from the inside. Shifter not only changers his body, but changes the clothes he wears with every shift. Shifter rarely returns to his original form and instead prefers to keep switching forms everytime. </span>







<span lang="en-us" xml:lang="en-us">Oracle: One of the more odder villains, Oracle has a minor regenerative ability with an unusual twist. Limbs and body parts separated from her will be keep on working until destroyed. She often carves out her eyes to place them in other folk, allowing her to see from their point of view. Oracle would tear out the other person’s eye and put her own in its place. The new eye will often function like normal and most of the time the owner wouldn’t even know they have had their eye replaced. Mary has assisted Oracle in kidnappings to put her eyes in unsuspecting civilians, and thus together they have established a fine surveillance system. Oracle has thousands of eyes in civilians, stray animals, and a few in heroes. Oracle is a well kept secret of Mary’s and only Mary’s inner circle knows about Oracle. <span> </span>Oracle also has a power to let her multi-task and to see through all her eyes without overloading her senses. </span>







<strong> Gangs of Pleasant City</strong>





<span lang="en-us" xml:lang="en-us">The Elite: The Elite is led by Toymaker who is a tinker with an unknown aptitude. They control the High-rises and part of Central Pleasant. They are extremely wealthy since their primarily source of income in selling Tinker-tech that works for a short while. The constant demand of tinker-tech and the short lifespan of tinker-tech gives the Elite good business. They have beliefs in taking over the entirety of Pleasant city to improve the entire city with tinker tech.</span>







<span lang="en-us" xml:lang="en-us">Snakeheads: A primarily all Asian gangs, the Snakeheads are led by Damiyo. Damiyo is a peculiar teleporter who fights with a katana. Extortion, drugs, and illegal immigration is how they make their money. They control most of the coast to try to extort business owners for protection money. They also have ships bringing in immigrants from various countries every day. </span>



<span lang="en-us" xml:lang="en-us">The Family: The Family is a relatively new gang that has connections in other cities.<span>  </span>They originated in Mexico and have come to peddle Pleasant City to peddle drugs, set up gambling dens, and to take over. They have a small foothold on Pleasant City and receive shipments of drugs from other places to distribute. They are a Latino Gang and can be identified with a tattooed cross. Their leader is Melter, mutant who can turn into a living pool of acid.</span>







<span lang="en-us" xml:lang="en-us">The Brotherhood: The Brotherhood is a gang in the technical sense. A religious cult is closer to their definition. Their leader is called Giver and she is a healer. However, whenever he heals someone they are mentally bonded to him, essentially turning them into fanatics. He wields ridiculous influence over them whenever he heals them and the more he heals them, the more they are influenced. Some<span>  </span>that have been healed multiple times are essentially slaves to his will. His gang is made of those he has healed and an inner circle of those who protect him. He often preaches that there is a greater mutant out there that will come to be born that will cleanse the world of sinners. The gang sustains itself on the “donations” of its followers.</span>







<span lang="en-us" xml:lang="en-us">Aryan Kingdom: Their leader is Blitzkrieg, a mutant with the ability to turn himself into a living projectile with minor invulnerability. Blitzkrieg has drawn together a band of white supremacist in the North downtown area. He believes in turning Pleasant City back to the way it was, in the hands of the superior Whites before all the other races came. His first action was to wipe out the Kings, an African American gang that had a hold on downtown. The Aryan Kingdom came in and massacred the Kings in a fast and brutal manner. The Kings were wiped out within three days and the few members that remained left. The Aryan Kingdom has a hand in all manner of crimes, ranging from prostitution to assassination, for their income. </span>







<span lang="en-us" xml:lang="en-us">Juicers: One of the more disorganized gangs, the Juicers are led by Juicebox. Juicebox is a maniacal tinker whose aptitudes lies in steroids and enhancement drugs.<span>  </span>The Juicer’s income stems from raiding their neighbors and selling “Juice” made by Juicebox. The drugs provided by Juicebox lets ordinary citizens experience immense superstrength and might even transform the individual. Oftentime, they are sent out to pillage their neighbors. The Juicers are in constant conflict with the Saviors for the Forest. The Forest is an area of land that has been dominated by a strange and otherworldly forest created by a mutant. The forest has completely unique plant life that the earth doesn’t have and the Forest grows faster than any other forest. Every day, citizens are needed to chop down the Forest or else it grows out of control. Juicebox needs the Forest for its rare ingredients. </span>







<span lang="en-us" xml:lang="en-us">Saviors: The Saviors are led by Seeder. Seeder has the power to toss down seeds that would span grasping vines that she can control. Her crew is focused on exploiting the Forest and helping out those in the slums. One of the more “kinder” villains, she has a reputation for greatly improving the slums condition. The Saviors often clash with the Juicers for the Forest and due to their raiding tendencies. </span>






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<strong>Hero League </strong>





<span lang="en-us" xml:lang="en-us">Hero League: The Hero League’s original root stem from Chicago and is the primary response to villainous Metahumans. There are<span>  </span>over a twenty teams all across the Western Hemisphere. These teams are usually stationed in major cities like New York and Pleasant City. Each of these teams contain<span>  </span>almost a dozen heroes with about half of them being Apprentices. When a Metahuman joins the Hero League as a teenager, the teenager will be apprenticed to one of the fulltime Hero League members until he is eighteen. The Apprentice will learn the ropes from the veteran member and eventually become a full-fledged member when the mentor deems the Apprentice ready. Occasionally, all the Apprentices in a singular team will be sent to deal with minor villains to get experience working by themselves. </span>





<span lang="en-us" xml:lang="en-us">The Metahuman Containment Unit: No one knows where its kept, but other speculate it resides in a separate dimension created by Gateway. No matter what people speculate, no Metahuman has ever escaped and it is essentially a life sentence. No word or outside influence is given to the prisoners and no one has ever heard from the prisoners ever again.[/HIDE]</span>





<strong>The Five</strong>





<span lang="en-us" xml:lang="en-us">The Five: The Five are the founding members of the Hero League and are treated as the the most powerful members. They have led the Hero League for decades and hopefully will continue to do so for the days to come. They were originally “the Seven”, but three of them had died. They then invited Warden into the Five to round out the number. Some joke that its only “The Four” since Warden rarely makes appearances.<span>  </span></span>





<span lang="en-us" xml:lang="en-us">Sunspear: The leader of all the Hero League. He wears a flashy red and yellow costume with an emblem of the sun on his chest and a cape that’s constantly aflame. He absorbs energy from the sun and can use that to fly and to lob spears of energy at his foes. He has enhanced durability and is considered charismatic.</span>





<span lang="en-us" xml:lang="en-us">Templar: Decked out head to toe in heavy power armor, Templar can take a heavy beating and still stand up. He’s a tinker he specializes in power armor and is known as one of the best tinkers in the world. His armor allows him to fly aswell as go up against powerful foes without a single problem. His signature weapon is a colossal power mace made by another tinker. He is known for being quite old and grandfatherly.</span>



<span lang="en-us" xml:lang="en-us">Valkyrie: Valkyrie wear extremely light power armor designed by Templar. Her armor is reminisces of Viking armor and gives her a powerful appearance. Her ability lets her generate a force field around herself, giving her immense durability and giving her flight.<span>  </span>She also possesses superhuman strength courtesy of her forcefield. Many<span>  </span>have called her brutal in her pursuit of justice. Some even wander if she’s truly a hero with her methods.</span>







<span lang="en-us" xml:lang="en-us">Gateway: With a flourishing green cloak and tophat, Gateway’s powers is the ability to open doors in reality that allows him to essentially teleport. He is a crucial member for the UDF and the Hero League since he can teleport large groups of people quickly. He is considered quite cocky and arrogant. [/HIDE]</span>







<span lang="en-us" xml:lang="en-us">Warden: The keeper of the Metahuman Containment Unit, also known as prison for the Metahumans. His powers are relatively unknown to the public and he keeps himself private compared to the rest of the Five. However, not a single prisoner has ever escaped from the Metahuman Containment Unit ever due to Warden’s vigilance.</span>





<strong>Pleasant City Team</strong>





<span lang="en-us" xml:lang="en-us">Radiant: The leader of the Pleasant City team, she manages and dicates the team’s action. She wears light silver armor and is armed with a silver sword. She gains increased strength, durability, and reflexes dependent on the amount of Silver nearby. The more silver there is, the more powerful she is. On the other end, silver also gains increased durability when she is nearby as well.</span>







<span lang="en-us" xml:lang="en-us">Juggler: She’s a metahuman who can summon threw orbs with effects that vary. Sometimes they’ll explode into ice, other times they burst into flower pedals. She’s not the best at controlling her ability, but juggling the orbs increases its power the faster they’re juggled. </span>



<span lang="en-us" xml:lang="en-us"><span> </span><br />

Riptide: An unfortunate meta-human that has a drawback of scales, gills, and a tail. He is forced to wear headgear that allows him to breathe above water. His power is he can spew gargantuan amounts of water out of his mouth, enough to make him a geyser. The water pressure is ridiculously high and is known to knock grown men to their feet. He can also do the reverse and drink in massive amounts of water.</span>







<span lang="en-us" xml:lang="en-us">Rewind: He is a metahuman with ability to rewind himself or anyone in line of sight to the condition they were in a few seconds ago.</span>







<span lang="en-us" xml:lang="en-us">Aeronaut: He is a Tinker with an aptitude for flight and air manipulation. He is known for his signature winged flight pack and his smile. </span>







<span lang="en-us" xml:lang="en-us">Wukong: <span> </span>A metahuman that has a side effect of being extremely hairy. He is often mockingly called Big-foot or Chewbecca. He has the ability to render certain parts of his body invulnerable and certain things invulnerable at a time. He has increased speed and reflexes as well. He fights with a quarter-staff to replicate his namesake. He is apprenticed to Riptide.</span>







<span lang="en-us" xml:lang="en-us">Irontongue: He can extend his tongue up to a ridiculous length and turn it hard as steel. He doesn’t have a reputation for being the coolest Hero. He is apprenticed to Radiant</span>







<span lang="en-us" xml:lang="en-us">Spiritwolf: A metahuman with the ability to transform into three wolves of varying size. She is apprenticed to Rewind.</span>







<span lang="en-us" xml:lang="en-us">Knit: He is a telekinetic with a specialization in cloth. He can increase the durability of cloth and use it as a weapon. <span> </span>He is apprenticed to Juggler.</span>







<span lang="en-us" xml:lang="en-us">Pandemonium: She’s a tinker with an aptitude for sound. She is apprenticed to Aeronaut.</span>


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<u><strong><span lang="en-us" xml:lang="en-us">Powers: </span></strong></u>







<span lang="en-us" xml:lang="en-us">Every superhuman ability is entirely unique to the individual. However, that does not mean that many do not share similar or synergistic powers. There are about two dozen confirmed duplicators on earth. Each and every one of them duplicate different. One duplicator can split off into only three copies of himself instantly. They can each vanish individually and can respawn from any clone available. The only downside is there can only be three, however if any are damaged, they can disappear and respawn from another clone. Another duplicator can spawn an infinite amount of clones, but if damaged is done to one clone, the damaged to split across all the clones equally, splitting the damage. However, the host must be protected since if he is killed, no more duplication are available. </span>







<span lang="en-us" xml:lang="en-us">Some mutants possess two or three powers combined together into a unique power. One duplicator has the ability to duplicate himself five times. He can only duplicate from the original copy and he does so slowly from an osmosis like technique. Also, the damage isn’t split between the clones. The host however has rapid regeneration with a twist. He must destroy a clone to heal himself. So if he gets an arm dismembered, he would have to cut off his clone’s arm to try to reattach it to him. </span>







<span lang="en-us" xml:lang="en-us">It’s the specifics of each power that make every Metahuman different. So when designing a character, try to make a unique power that isn’t just simple teleportation or super strength. Make it superstrength with a twist somehow. Make the guy require alcohol for his super strength to take place or something.</span>







<span lang="en-us" xml:lang="en-us"><strong>Tinkers: </strong>Tinkers are a subset of Metahumans that have developed a strong grasp toward a certain concept that extend years beyond normal sense. The Tinker may not have any aptitude in the subject before, but after their abilities manifest, they would have immense knowledge about the subject. Their aptitude maybe anything from neurology to mobility. However, sometimes their aptitude is bit stranger. One Tinker’s aptitude is anything that is created inside a video game or movie. While this may extend the Tinker’s reach, the Tinker was more inept with his creations and they worked less. While one tinker may have massive knowledge about their own subject, another person’s subject might be more difficult to grasp. Oftentime, Tinkers would combine their knowledge to make a device that utilizes both their aptitudes. Tinkers often fight through the use of technology. A tinker with an aptitude for sub zero temperatures might develop a freeze ray or maybe a snowstorm generator. The only downside for being a Tinker is that the Tinker is often forced to work for hours upon hours to create and improve a design. Tinker technology requires constant maintenance which is way Tinker tech is rarely used by others. The only person that can usually repair their Tinker devices is usually the person who made it. [/HIDE]</span>







<span lang="en-us" xml:lang="en-us"><strong>Drawback:</strong> All Metahumans have a drawback. Some is easily identifiable, while others don’t even know what it is. Metahumans are often affected by their powers negatively when they gain them. These drawbacks can range from things to lose of sense of time or a drastic change in appearance. One Metahuman with the ability to generate a bubble of paused time for a few minutes cannot tell when ten minutes to an hour. His power has destroyed the part of his brain where he can accurately judge an hour to a minute. So while he may have a powerful ability, he can’t make appointments very well. Other Metahumans have had their body changed by their abilities. Maybe their skin is metal or they have scales and a tale. These are rare cases, but they aren’t impossible. Most drawbacks are related to their power in some way.[/HIDE]</span>









<span lang="en-us" xml:lang="en-us"><strong>Limitations:<span>  </span></strong>All powers have some sort of limitation. Whether it be range, precision, requires something first, requires a material, etc. Some people's powers have immense range, but little control, while its the other way around for others. As a rule, powers can only effect other living things or nonliving things, not both. So if someone's power is to generate fire, they can't generate a blazing inferno inside your brain killing you instantly. If someone's power is that they control blood, they would only be able to control their own and not other people's bloody. This limitation ensures that most characters wouldn't be able to instantly kill another at the flick of the wrist.</span>

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