Fall of Superheroes Character Sheet


New Member

This'll be a fairly mature RP with lots of bad things happening. I'm no looking to make the super happy friends. Some characters may get bad endings, other will get good endings. It all depends on what you do. It'll be filled with complex characters with different motivations and ideas. Some of them aren't friendly ideas. So just a warning about what you're getting into. 





<span lang="en-us" xml:lang="en-us">Character Sheet: </span></p>



<span lang="en-us" xml:lang="en-us">Civilian Name:</span></p>



<span lang="en-us" xml:lang="en-us">Costumed Name:</span></p>



<span lang="en-us" xml:lang="en-us">Age: </span></p>



<span lang="en-us" xml:lang="en-us">Civilian Appearance:</span></p>



<span lang="en-us" xml:lang="en-us">Costumed Appearance:</span></p>



<span lang="en-us" xml:lang="en-us">Power: Try to come up with a unique power that isn’t different from the standard superstrength and flight. If you want to do something like that, then you can set a condition for that power. So for superstrength, your guy would have to drink alcohol or something. Also if you’re a Tinker, then specify your aptitude.If you’re having trouble coming up with powers that aren’t generic, I’ll be willing to help you out. Making up powers was half the fun of writing this. <img alt=" :D " data-emoticon="" height="20" src="<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/biggrin.png" srcset="<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/biggrin@2x.png 2x" title=" :D " width="20" /> Be specific with your power and explain the range and how skilled your are at using it and stuff. I also high recommend you read the "powers" section to get an idea of the powers.</span></p>



<span lang="en-us" xml:lang="en-us">Drawback: A drawback doesn't have to be something drastic, but its something that would hinder your character somewhat. </span></p>






Personality: </p>



Backstory<span lang="en-us" xml:lang="en-us"></span></p>

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1. No godmodding. This is a big one for this RP. I don’t mind if you dodge an attack here and there, but when your character becomes the guy from the matrix and dodge every shot thrown at them, it’s a bit unfair.

2. Try to post at least once every week. I get that life gets in the way, so if you need to tell you're gonna be gone for a while, I'll take care of your character. If you don't post every week without telling me you'll be gone I'll take over your guy.

3. Try to have proper grammar and spelling. You don't have to be Shakespeare, but don't write like you're in kindergarten and have just lost the spelling bee.

4. If you got to have sex, fade to black.

5. Don't be a rude dude.

6. Have fun. :D
Evil bish- Irene- dark shadow- FC: Leda Muir- female.

Irene Janis Kaen

Aka: The Dark Shadow

Age: 22




Powers and Villain Things

New Look- Irene can change her Apperance except for gender and height, as well as voice. A draw back is when she changes back to her original appearance, her hair is bleach white. And she is constantly dying it back to normal. Using this power for to long causes major headaches as well as dehydration and Dizziness. (Maximum of five hours at a time, with a hour cool down.)

Turn On- She can mentally link her mind to any electrical device and cause it to randomly deconate when she turns it on or off. Major set back is concertration and time. It takes a while of she can not see the object. (Current objects are things like a gun, lights, fans, and small items. She almost mastered a car-but she gave up)

Name: the Dark Shadow


In Depth

Persona: A Cocky reserved girl. She is not afraid to do as she pleases, or embarrassing herself. She tends to pretend to be quiet and social or did before she joined Mary- when she was in public eye and not a villain. She is calm, and collected most the time. It takes a lot to piss her off. She can always be seen with her smirk.

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~ ????? ~

Civilian Name:

Anneliese Nevermore





Civilian Appearance:

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_08/render__luka_megurine_by_yaelrukia-d6d6iv3.png.b97b55de91f04b574c183b60d63bbb1b.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="147506" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_08/render__luka_megurine_by_yaelrukia-d6d6iv3.png.b97b55de91f04b574c183b60d63bbb1b.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Costumed Appearance:

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_08/product_86702_1_orig.jpg.c93d470cc4af6e105506feea5ccfa067.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="147509" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_08/product_86702_1_orig.jpg.c93d470cc4af6e105506feea5ccfa067.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_08/674c0cd7ba21b30d66b2ef40be0d835f.jpg.7227cce675ff3c93b19f27b17cc84c0c.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="147507" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_08/674c0cd7ba21b30d66b2ef40be0d835f.jpg.7227cce675ff3c93b19f27b17cc84c0c.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Cheshire Cat Physology - Can use traits of the fictional Cheshire Cat this includes Air walking, Feline Physiology, Intangibility, Invisibility, and Luck


Air Walking - Concentration is needed to walk on air.

Feline Physiology - Weakness to cat nip and any other things that tend to distract cats.

Intangibility - Has to hold her breath when in objects.

Invisibility - Rain and other liquids, solids, fire, etc. may show the her shape while invisible.

Luck - She has literally no control over this power, so what happens is just random.




Anne takes exceptional pride in her appearance and is very confident in her sex appeal, often exuding a certain amount of vanity. Despite this superficial attitude, she is a clever, kind, and genuinely caring person. Anne is passionate for singing she also likes shopping, cooking, and assertive men. Although, Anne is, in most cases, cowardly and easily frightened, she has no problems with fighting and would happily stand up to danger, even if she ends up getting hurt, for her friends.

Costumed Personality:

Comes off as flirty off/mad


Anne is a famous singer that know one can seem to find and history. It's quite a mystery but thanks to 'Luck' no one seems to be trying to investigate her anymore.




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Civilian Name: Anderson Sutter

Costumed Name: Dark Storm

Age: 19

Civilian Appearance:


Costumed Appearance:



Electric Manipulation​

  • He can control any form of electricity. Weather it be the magnetic fields that objects put off or the electric impulses that effect a person's heart.

x-ray vision.

  • Pretty Simple. He can look look at an object and see right through it. Walks, safes, etc.


When he tries to use his electricity power he has to have some sort of charging station.​

  • He can only control the electricity for as long as he is holding on to it and as long as the object electricity source is alive (so to speak)
  • With his x-ray vision he can't see through certain types of metals.


Anderson when costumed carries around a bow staff that can split into two small ones. These bow staffs can channel Anderson powers when he is having a bad day or hard time with control, they also are full of an electric charge that he can tap into when there is no source around him. He also carries a few minor weapons, just in case.


Anderson is a very sarcastic individual, but he is kind, he make work for Mary but he does it for his seven year old sister that he is taking care of after his parents passed away. So Anderson is a very caring individual, and he tries to be the best big brother he can. Anderson is also very serous, and doesn't like to mix work with family. he is worried that it will get his sister in a lot of trouble.


Anderson's parent passed away two years ago, they were driving home from his graduation when they got into a car accident. And they died on the way to the hospital. Anderson then took a job as an analyst at a police station where he work during the day, he has been supporting his sister that way. But because that wasn't enough money he started working for Mary for some extra cash here in there to be able to make Sara's living comfortable.

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@KingHalliwell Alright, I think I understand the gist of Dark Storm's molecule manipulation. And the electricity thing is pretty easy to get. I'll accept Dark Storm on two limitation to ensure he isn't extremely overpowered. One is that he can't affect people directly with his power. What I mean is that he won't be able to walk up to someone and just instantly rescramble their molecules into oblivion. That's a bit unfair. Also same for the electricity thing. You can't walk up to someone and shock their heart until they die.

My second limitation is he is only allowed one power. Both his powers are pretty powerful on their own and you can be extremely creative with how you use them. Also, give a general range and time span of the power you chose. So like does his molecule manipulation require touch? How long can he control electricty for without getting too tired or is it infinite? If you do that, you're good to go. :D
ActionJackson said:
@KingHalliwell Alright, I think I understand the gist of Dark Storm's molecule manipulation. And the electricity thing is pretty easy to get. I'll accept Dark Storm on two limitation to ensure he isn't extremely overpowered. One is that he can't affect people directly with his power. What I mean is that he won't be able to walk up to someone and just instantly rescramble their molecules into oblivion. That's a bit unfair. Also same for the electricity thing. You can't walk up to someone and shock their heart until they die.
My second limitation is he is only allowed one power. Both his powers are pretty powerful on their own and you can be extremely creative with how you use them. Also, give a general range and time span of the power you chose. So like does his molecule manipulation require touch? How long can he control electricty for without getting too tired or is it infinite? If you do that, you're good to go. :D
Would i be able to give him a small less powerful power... if not thats fine.
Civilian Name: Austin Nelson

Costumed Name: Destruction Worker

Age: 33

General Description: Caucasian, Tall (about 6'4), Bald, Muscular

Costumed Appearance: Builder outfit (hard hat, goggles, t-shirt, overalls, work gloves, tool belt, work boots)

Power: Weak Point Detection: Austin has the extrasensory ability to perceive the physical stress points, fracture planes, or weaknesses in all objects. By striking and applying pressure at these points, he can split or shatter objects made of seemingly invincible substances.


  • Power only works within visual range and only on inanimate objects
  • Though weak-spots could be sensed, it does not necessarily guarantee that Austin can target and strike out at them with impunity.
  • May require considerable accuracy/strength to actually affect targets.

Equipment: Sledgehammer, hard hat, goggles, face mask, ear protectors, tool belt (torch, claw hammer, chisel, pencil, piece of chalk etc.)

Personality: Austin has a huge ego bordering on psychopathic and other people simply do not matter to him unless they help further his own goals. However, he knows he isn't the smartest person in the world and will follow the orders of others should he be shown the proper respect. Austin also has anger issues and the tendency to hold grudges and will sometimes drop everything to even the score.

Backstory: Worked in construction, got his power and realised he could make more money by extorting people for protection money but now wants more.
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Civilian Name:

Violet Ross

Costumed Name:




Civilian Appearance:

Violet is average. Average height, average size, average features, average everything. Perhaps this is what makes her so un-memorable. She has black hair reaching a way down her back and pale grey/blue eyes. Her skin is unhealthily pale and her facial features are childish, large rounded eyes, an upturned nose, a small mole on her right cheek and a small mouth. The only exception to this image is the thinnes of her face, lacking all hints of baby fat.

Costumed Appearance:
~ I couldn't find a picture so just picture her in this get up but the green is purple ~



Violet, like her hero name states, has the ability to 'phase', making herself, or a body part, intangible, stopping objects from making their way through her body. When like this she is still visible, simply faded and see through, like a ghost. She can hold this state for large amounts of time, how long exactly, she doesn't know. She's never tried to find out.

As an extension of this, although sometimes she wonders if it is a power, she can make herself unnoticeable. Although not invisible, she can fade herself into the background and unless she makes a sudden move or loud noise people do not notice her. She is also very quickly forgotten, maybe not her herself if she does draw a large amount of attention to herself but the details of her appearance and often what she did as well.


The main drawback of her powers is that she can't turn off the extension. Despite being able to be intangible and tangible again at will, she always has and always will be untouchable and un memorable, supernaturally so.

The second drawback is that there are a few people who are uneffected by this extension power, very few people sure but there are some. She's only ever met one in her entire life so she's not quite sure if it's a drawback as its so rare.


Violet holds very little, a small knife hidden in a compartment at the bottom of her shoe, a small revolver at her side and a mechanical grappling hook/rappel device on her other side. She uses the hook often but the others are for emergencies only, as she prefers to use her intangibility and acrobatics to take down enemies.


It has often been said that Violet has no personality, although that's not quite true. Due to almost not existing her whole life she is very quiet and emotionless, not shy maybe but reserved to her fate of being no one. Not that she cares really, she just knows and accepts it. Violet doesn't care about anything, she'll just go with what others say. Due to this emotionless state she has no trouble killing.

She's very soft spoken and ghost like. Despite her apparent lack of emotions she does have the capability to open up and be a nice enough, but still somewhat quiet, person. This is rare though, and often people don't remember it anyway. She has lost her temper once too, when her parents forgot her again when she was 10, and she cried. But she's never done so since.


Violet was born in a circus, the youngest daughter of a family of acrobats, specializing in trapeze work. That circus was where she spent her first 14 years of life, training in acrobatics. However, due to her unfortunately ability she never felt like she belonged and was often forgotten, even by her own parents. That didn't bother her though, not much ever bothered her.

One day she went for a walk while the circus was being packed up as no one remembered to give her a job, and when she returned everyone was gone. No one ever came back for her so she eventually left and began using her ability ( which she had known about from a young age, just never really cared) to take things that she needed to survive. When she came upon the information of the criminal group that was to be formed (no she wasn't eavesdropping. Really. She was just standing there and they starting talking) she decided to give it a go, because why not? Despite her young age, her lack of...well, anything really can be useful as well as her affinity for acrobatics.

~ Ponytail ~


~ Dressed up ~


~ Piggytails ~


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Scatterbrain said:
Just wanted to make sure but this rule applies to us users not our characters right? I didn't really imagine Destruction Worker being the most pleasant person to be around.
I'm pretty sure it just applies to bein' a dick in the OOC or just to other users. Speaking of Destruction Worker, my character will probably make so many Demolition Man references and wonder why that's not his name.
My own character!

Lucas Cardona/Ironclad

Civilian Name: Lucas Cardona

Costumed Name: Ironclad

Age: 26

Civilian Appearance:

Civilian Appearance

Costumed Appearance:

Costumed Apperance

Power: Ironclad possesses the ability to telekinetically control metal. His control is limited to only a two feet radius around him which makes him useless at long range combat. His abilities give him increased control based on how small each piece of metal is. He uses his powers to mainly armor himself in a suit of metal and to increase the power of each punch. While he’s not particularly strong himself, each strike has the strength of his telekinesis behind it. The suit of armor would ordinarily be too heavy to lift and would be too bulky to move, but his telekinesis gives it a full range of mobility. The armor is made up of several dozen metal pieces that allow for increased flexibility.

Drawback: The longer he maintains his armor, the less metal he’ll be able to hold onto. He’ll lose control of pieces here and there, and eventually his armor will fall off. With more metal, the less time he’ll be able to hold onto all the pieces. With light armor, he’ll be able to keep the suit for roughly

Equipment: Metal armor and sledgehammer.

Personality: For a heavyweight mutant, Ironclad is ironically cautious and slow to his approach to everything. He prefers to plan things out instead of charging headfirst into situtations. He at first held onto a strong moral code, but as his membership to Sharpers continue, his rules were slowly getting bent more and more. He was more willing to do things he wouldn’t have done three years ago.

Backstory: Lucas Cardona and his twin sister Angela lived above a little mechanic’s shop in Bridgeport with their father. There, both of them learned everything there was to know about automobiles. His father often joked that Lucas was born with a wrench in his mouth instead of a bottle. Lucas enjoyed working at the shop, enjoyed the grease on his forehead, and the purr when a vehicle was fixed. Lucas was only seventeen when his father died while in the crossfire of a gangfight. Lucas never found out which gang did it, but his powers eventually manifested after the event. Lucas was forced to join the Family in order to keep his mechanic’s shop with his sister. The Family assisted Lucas with taxes, licensing, and stuff like that in return for Lucas’s help. It was mostly minor things, but he did it to keep his sister in a good place.

His sister manifested her powers a few years after Lucas did. At first he tried to hide her abilities, but they were eventually noticed by the Family. The Family obviously wanted to put her power to good use and they used her as a frontline combatant against her will. Angela killed her enemies, then thirty other civlians. Her powers had the unfortunate drawback of insanity, combined with her limited control, it was a recipe for disaster. Lucas worked out with a deal with the Family, contain and restrain Angela, and he’ll work for them for free. He promised them whatever they wanted as long as they kept Angela from hurting more people. A dozen Family metahumans came down to Bridgeport to try to tame Angela. She killed off half of them before she was restrained. Lucas worked for the Family for a couple of years before Mary came to power. The Family was ruthless and was trying to tame Angela like some kind of animal. Lucas didn’t agree with their treatment of Angela, but he couldn’t do anything about it. Releasing Angela would cause her to go on another rampage, but not doing anything would result her being treated poorly.

Lucas came to Mary with a similar agreement, help his sister, and he’ll support her claim to power. Mary agreed and together, they destroyed the Family’s branch in Bridgeport. Angela was transferred over to Mary’s headquarters where she was closely watched and sedated. As per his agreement, Lucas became Mary’s lieutenant and helped her establish her queendom, as long as Angela was treated well.

Angela was confined to a large cell with a small security team where she was fed five times day. She spends most of her days in a daze of insanity with only Lucas managing to calm her down. Some days she’ll be like the old Angela who used to fix motorcycles with him, other days she’ll be someone else entirely. Mary broke away from the original agreement slightly and spent hours trying to convince Angela to join the Sharpers. Angela refused under fear of her power. However, that didn’t deter Mary one bit and Mary every day would come down to Angela’s prison to talk to her.

Mary consistently promises Lucas that they’ll find a solution to Angela’s problem. She’ll find someone take away her power. They’ll find someone to fix her mind. They’ll find someone to make sure Angela doesn’t hurt anyone further. That was two years ago and Mary’s promises seemed more false everyday.

@A Simple Egg

Accepted! A fan of the incredibles I see. Same here!

@Scatterbrain Your character can be as rude and foul mouth as you want. The don't be a prick thing just counts in the OOC.
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Toriks O'Conner

Civilian Name: Toriks O'Connor

Costumed Name: Cyber

Age: 24

Civilian Appearance:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_08/image.jpeg.34d194aace5539bb6da4892e76046554.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="148561" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_08/image.jpeg.34d194aace5539bb6da4892e76046554.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Costumed Appearance:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_08/image.jpeg.e815e7656ec8bc17af2a3c1d7aeb153a.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="148603" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_08/image.jpeg.e815e7656ec8bc17af2a3c1d7aeb153a.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Power: Toriks has the ability to transfer his consciousness into a machine in a kind of mist, and then control it. This means he can take control of robots, drones, even computers. His current robot is strong and well-equipped, though not as fast. It is adapted for combat.

Drawback: He can only take control of about one or two machines at a time, so he prefers to possess robots of his own make. Also, while in a machine, his human body would be vulnerable and unable to anything. It is unknown if his body is killed that his consciousness will die too, but Toriks doesn't want to chance it.

When possessing a machine from his true body, the machine must be within two metres of him. After that, possess machine from machine requires touching the new machine.

Equipment: His favorite robot has an electrified whip, and mounted machine gun. Usually, Toriks makes sure he has a smaller robot with him in case he needs to change bodies. His favorite backup is a smaller spider drone the size of a tarantula.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_08/image.jpeg.f38946bd475f53c40d358cac4d1b888e.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="148660" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_08/image.jpeg.f38946bd475f53c40d358cac4d1b888e.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: Toriks is not such a bad person, usually warm and kind to friends, but does have a darker side. To people he hates, he can be cold hearted and ruthless. He also has a fiery temper that comes out when someone really annoys him. He loves to explore what machines he can possess.

Backstory: Toriks had pretty normal life. His family were engineers and inventors, so creating machines wasn't that much of a challenge to him. When he was old enough, Toriks took a job in creating drones.

His goal was to create living thinking machines, but after a few years without any result, Toriks became desperate. One day, he started poking his latest drone while saying "Do something! Work!". When his consciousness transferred, Toriks panicked at first but calmed after a few minutes. This was very unexpected, but not unwelcome.

Over the next few months, Toriks went around doing whatever he wanted. This new power offered many opportunities, and he was looking forward to seeing what the end result would be. Toriks severed all ties to other people, and started to focus on creating more drones and upgrading the ones he had. He continues to do this, but not as much as he once did as he is running out of money.

With this new power, Toriks started to get involved with the wrong people. But nothing bad happened to him, and he eventually became a kind of mercenary. He needed funds sorely if he wished to continue creating.



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I'll stop the world and melt with you

Ryan Bartley O'connor

Bartley// Goo//Goop

Twentyone// December 20// Sagittarius

Cis M
ale// Heterosexual


You've seen the difference and it's getting better all the time

Hair; Short brown hair with slight orange undertones. He usually leaves it alone and let it go straight, but sometimes he'll spike the front up a bit.

Sight Spheres; A very dark brown but is usually perceived as black.

Body; Ryan would stand at a clean 5'9, if he could stand and weighs a little over 165 lbs..

Unique Characteristics; He has Freckles dotting his face and a petite goatee.

And there's nothing you and I won't do

Personality; Ryan is a very calm and mellow person. He prefers to just forget about what happened in the past, because hey whatever happened, happened, there's nothing you can do to change it so you might as well focus on the present. He likes to just go with the flow and let life just take it's course. Not one to start conflicts, he sees himself as a pacifist, but in his line of work there's no real way to not end up hurting someone, so he just accepts it as it is.He doesn't like to voice his opinions much, and would rather hear about how other people feel about something than actually talk about how he feels. He enjoys helping others with their issues and talking them though troubled times. That's pretty much the only time you'll hear him speak. Unless of course it's about something he has a really, really strong opinion on, like don't even get him started on why he thinks SAO is garbage.

He's not a fan of being touched by other people, so an unexpected hug or even placing your hand on his shoulder could cause him to freeze up and not know how to respond. He believes that as long as your trying your absolute hardest, you're doing great. Also, he's not a big fan of loud,obnoxious, or pushy people. Can be seen quoting classic rock songs, comic books, video games, and movies. He will give everyone as many chances as it takes for someone to be a better person no matter what you did. Even if you stab him in the back, literally, he'll be fine with you because, hey, shit happens, and everyone has their reasons. He'll try his hardest to make the angriest, hate filled, spiteful person into a respectful or chill dude.

Likes; Food, sleeping, anime, video games, comic books, rock music

Dislikes; Sports, Amish people, bees, interacting with other people, "meaners"

Eccentricities; He'll often hum what ever song is in his head at any given time, He also has a rather, um, interesting way of speaking sometimes, like he'll pronounce muscles with the c having a k sound and will pronounce all normally silent letters in words like knife, gnat, and foreigner. He also loves to uses alliteration when he speaks.


Powers; Liquification. Ryan has the unique ability to essentially "melt" himself along with his clothes into a semi-viscous liquid version of himself. While he is in his liquid form, he can move around freely and get into harder to reach areas like under doors or through cracks in the floor, he even flushed himself down the toilet to escape once. He'll probably never do that again. Strangely enough, when he is in his liquid form, he is resistant to many forms of damage like electrocution, excessive heat/fire, and physical attacks.

Skills: Parkour, free running, escape artistry, stealth, lock picking, and cooking.

Weaknesses: Due to the nature of his powers, he can only eat liquids, so he's stuck juicing and is forever unable to eat meat,breads, or other great foods. While he may be resistant to many forms of damage when he is in liquid form, he can be frozen solid almost instantly rendering him useless in cold environments and against others with those types of abilities. If he stays in his liquid form for more than an hour he may be stuck like that forever.

I'll stop the world and melt with you

Ryan grew up in Belfast Ireland to a loving middle class family. Both of his parents worked, but they'd still find time for him every now and again. When his parents weren't around however, he'd sneak out of his home and wander around his neighborhood. Eventually he would find areas that were generally inaccessible or off limits. These areas piqued his interest and he decided to find ways to get into them. It started off with him climbing over fences and escalated to lock picking and discretely breaking windows. These forbidden zones had also taught him how to sneak around and stay silent no matter what. Some of those places were just your basic construction sites, while others were not so innocent. Every now and then, he'd get spotted, whether it be by a worker or a gang member and he'd have to book it out of there while trying not to alert anymore people to his location. This made him quite adapt at free running, parkour, and overall escape artistry.

He had fairly average grades all through his middle and high school career, graduating with a C+ B- average. He decided to go over seas to get his college degree in computer sciences, but of course he ended up going to the worst place possible, Pleasant City. One thing lead to another and he's now on the run from several different gangs after sticking his nose in places it didn't belong. An offer to join one of the gangs was a rather unexpected but welcoming surprise, and he accepted their offer without giving it a second thought.


Theme; Blinded by the Light- Mannfred Mann's Earth Band


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Eric James Maddox












Buissness man, investor, eutrepernour


Eric's power is that he can manifest, and control a energy force called the Divide. He had tapped into the Divide years ago, and has since held his connection. The Divide allows him to create a white, smokey like energy, and manipulate it. He can create energy blasts, and force fields with it. His eyes glow white when using his abilities, and will stop if he exhaustes himself, or stops. But every time he uses his powers, his disease develops a little more. He has a disease self called the Vector Syndrome, which is where a humans particales break down into the Divide little by little, until they are consumed by it. In which they will become a Divide being, and will more or likely never leave.


Divide Energy


The Divide


Divide Being






Blonde, styled.






Athletic, and muscular, but not to big.


Tattoo on right pec of the Snakehead ranking sign for a Lieutenant, long story. Scars on rib cage, back, forearm, thigh from knives. Scars on shoulder, stomach, from gunshot wounds.







Eric is really a great guy, he's funny, always making smartass comments. But he can be sardonic as well, making his humor dark and unessicary at times. He's fun, always the life of a party and isn't afraid to talk to people. But is alter ego isn't like him, he's very calculated, methodical, cynical as his other self. Torn between good and evil, having ties to both sides, he often is back and forth. He is quick to anger as his other self, but his alter ego does reflect on his true self. As he is more involved with his alter ego, that personality can slip into the one he keeps sane.


Chaotic Netural


Will throw stuff when upset.


Afraid to become so dark he can't go back, since he as done it before. Is afraid of losing his life because of his powers.


He honestly wants to help people, but will sometimes put himself first.


Wants to have a purpose to use his powers.


Fighting, buissness, partying, jokes, having a good time.


Losing himself, being sick, arrogance, ignorance.


Hand to hand combat, trained in multiple forms of fighting. Bilingual, can speak Chinese, Russian, English, and German. Buissness savvy, knows the ins and outs of buissness, and knows the art of a deal.


Eric grew up in Brooklyn, New York to a family of 4. He had two older sisters, which looking back now we're a pain in the ass. His father was a scientist, and mother a teacher at the local high school. His childhood was normal, his sisters and him as a great relationship, and he was subjected to multiple makeovers, and dress up sessions. His grades were good, solid A's through school. His first sister graduated high school, and went off to Duke, then his second sister went to UCLA, and finally himself. He went to Syracuse, aiming for a degree in business. He loved business, he was a excellent sales man, and knew what was needed to run a buissness. He graduated with a degree, and decided to look into buissness in Bejing, which to this day he regrets. When he traveled there, he was kidnapped by the Chinese mob, Snakehead, and taken to a underground fight ring. The gang kidnapped people, and watched them fight to the death for sport, like the ancient times, and if you won so many fights, you could win your freedom. Now he was subjected to many fights, for many years, and when he did he tapped into his hidden X gene. He tapped into a force known as the Divide, and was

granted abilities that he used to win his freedom. Snakehead saw his promise, and decided before he left to offer him a deal, a constant income of cash, but he would have to help run operations with his powers. He took the offer, seeing how he would have to have a income since he didn't have a buissness yet. He was granted Lieutenant, and was sent to Pleasant City for his work.


James Maddox- Father- alive

Karen Maddox- mother- alive

Quinn Maddox- sister- alive

Julia Maddox- sister- alive

(he has lost conact with his family)

Theme Song: Witness- Daughtry

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Civilian Name:
Peggy Walkenburger

Costumed Name:

Age: 25

Civilian Appearance:


Costumed Appearance:


Power: Gravity control - Peggy is able to control the gravitational field which encompasses her and extends 6 inches from her body. She has nearly mastered the ability to control the direction that gravity pulls within that field; Peggy can successively jump from wall to wall and change gravity accordingly so that she doesn't 'fall'.

Peggy has just begun learning to control the magnitude of gravity. This allows her to remove gravity or double or triple its effects. While doubling the effect of gravity on yourself makes movement terribly difficult, in short bursts it can prove quite useful. Peggy has, on occasion, been able to triple the effects of gravity in the same direction as a punch she has thrown. This makes it appear as if her punches are thrown with super strength because they push the target back more than a normal punch should.

Peggy is able to 'fly', though in her case it is more of directional falling. Because she can control the direction that gravity pulls, she can direct the gravity to pull her in the direction that she wishes to 'fly'. While this does imitate flying, going in a single direction for an extended period of time means that she is continually building up speed and she has no means of quickly stopping herself. Stopping requires a good deal of distance and her ability to judge distance isn't perfect, so flying in this manner is tricky. She prefers 'extended jumps' as they allow her to still move freely and aren't nearly as complicated to pull off.

Drawback: Peggy has noted three drawbacks to her ability. The first is its short range. She cannot use her ability to hold people down or push them back, because she cannot extend the range of her gravitational field. Secondly, she can alter the direction or magnitude of the entire field, but cannot hold herself in place and push someone at the same time. Thirdly, the gravitational field is always active meaning that if she's not careful, she can start falling upward or fall forward if the field begins falling in a direction that she wasn't prepared for. It also means that she sleeps on the bottom bunk with a gate keeping her from falling out of bed.

Equipment: Peggy doesn't really have any equipment. Her right gauntlet does have a visible altimeter, so that she can judge how high she is.

Personality: Peggy has always been a bit of a free spirit. She's purposely strayed from activities that have deadlines or pile the stress onto her. She is known to be spontaneous, doing whatever happens to appeal to her in the moment. She isn't one for thinking things through, instead relying on her gut when making decisions. Sometimes this has caused her to lose friends as she has left them high and dry on more than a few occasions. She is definitely not the most responsible or reliable person and rarely shows up anywhere on time.

Her free spirit has lead her to trying many new things and she developed a bit of an addiction to adrenaline. She enjoys anything that gets her heart racing and adrenaline pumping, from extreme sports to bare knuckle brawling. Her power lends itself to this addiction and she often uses it to supply herself with some fun.

Peggy isn't mean or nice, kind-hearted or cold-hearted; instead, she is entirely focused on her own desires. She seems to be unable to empathize with others, making it difficult for her to realize when she is doing something that hurts their feelings. Peggy doesn't go out of her way to hurt other people, but with that said, she also doesn't go out of her way to protect people. Joining Bloody Mary's gang wasn't something that Peggy was interested in doing, but she did so for the protection that it awarded her. She's also come to enjoy some of the tasks that she was presented with.

Backstory: Peggy grew up in a rural town almost two hundred miles south of Pleasant City. Her single mother often worked three jobs in order to support the two ladies. In doing so, Peggy was left alone quite often and this may be why Peggy has never been able to connect with people emotionally. Anyways, Peggy grew up with lots of freedom due to the lack of adult supervision and she would often times go out on her own. On more than one occasion, Peggy found herself in the back of the sheriff's car as he took her home. It wasn't that she had done anything wrong, but he knew who she was and was taking her where she belonged.

While some people may call Peggy's teen years the textbook of "rebellious youth", she would argue that there were never any rules or people to rebel against. Instead, she just did what she wanted and never really had any consequences. She fell into the crowd of kids that skipped school and went drinking. She wouldn't call any of them friends, more of a kindred spirit type of thing. It was these kids that ignited Peggy's affair with adrenaline. Small dares like shoplifting turned into big dares like jumping into the ravine. To say that they were a group of stupid kids would be an understatement.

After graduating high school (which she probably didn't really earn), Peggy didn't want to sit around the rural town and hopped on a bus to the big metropolis, Pleasant City. Her mother was ticked, but also somewhat relieved. The two had grown apart over the years and the mother was glad to only have one mouth to feed, though she hoped her daughter was safe. Peggy found herself living on the streets, utilizing dumpsters and trash cans for food and clothing. It was around this time that Peggy realized beating people up also got her adrenaline going.

Peggy then resorted to mugging people in order to supply herself with money which was used to buy food. Her abilities developed soon after that, just before her 19th birthday. At first, it was terrifying and she didn't understand what was going on. Once she got a control on her ability to the point where she wasn't floating away, she wondered what she could do with it. She experimented and became quite proficient in its use. She climbed the city's tallest skyscrapers, just because she could. It was as easy as walking down the street for her, but the rush of looking down at the miniature cars rolling underneath her got her adrenaline going.

However, it wasn't long before people started trying to catch her. Her exploits atop the city were quite noticeable and the Hero League began chasing after her. She ran from them and found herself scared and alone, only to be recruited by Bloody Mary. While Peggy sort of sees Mary as a motherly figure, she still hates having someone tell her what to do. The saving grace in this equation is that most of the things that Peggy is asked to do often get her adrenaline pumping and, therefore, she's alright doing them.
@Phineas Forge I really like what you did with a gravity based power! It's a really unique way to use it! She's accepted. Post whenever you want!

@ReverseWells Interesting idea with the Divide. Accepted!

@Rathalosa He reminds me of that one alien from Ben 10, except your guy is a lot cooler. You areeeeeeeeeeee in!
Civilian Name: Maurice Anglesey

Villain Name: Hypnautic

Age: 35


But with bigger fangs and an angler bit on his head. He has a tail it just isn't visible in picture.

Power: Fish like physiology: Hypnautic's mutation has turned him into a fish (mainly an anglerfish), turning him into an excellent swimmer, granting him the ability to breathe underwater, survive the pressures of deep sea as well some cold immunity. He has also developed talon like hands.

Hypnosis: Hypnautic's most infamous trait is his ability to hypnotise people with his esca (fleshy luminescent growth on his head) giving him the ability to put them in a suggestive state and susceptible to his commands. There are two ways this can come about, either the slow rhythmic swaying of his lure which takes a few minutes but puts the person under his control for long periods of time or a quick flash which puts people instantly into a suggestive state but only lasts a couple of minutes

Drawback: Needs water to survive, only being able to leave for minutes at a time

Hypnosis can only generally affect a few people at a time with a flash or only one person if he needs to do it the other way.

Has no legs, instead having a powerful tail, making it hard to move on land.

Equipment: None

Personality: Embittered by his looks and new form, Hypnautic wants to take his rage out on the world. Sadistic, clever and relentless, he does what he needs to survive. His mutation has left him with a raspy voice which adds to his monstrous visage, making him a terrible sight to behold and, which he uses to intimidate and strike fear into lesser men.

Backstory: Maurice was a normal graduate, 9-5 job, apartment, a close group of friends but that all changed when his mutation started. Watching TV, his throat began to tighten, his eyes bulged and his skin itched uncontrollably. He stumbled to the bathroom, seeking a cure for his ailment, crashing through the house until he reached his medicine cabinet. Seeing his new monstrous visage in the mirror, he fell backwards into the bath tub before being overwhelmed by the pain. Hours passed as he writhed in agony, his teeth being pushed from his gums, being replaced by dagger like fangs. His hands split open and gave way to freakish talons while his legs broke and reformed as they fused together into a hideous tail. By the next day he was no longer the man he was.

He was trapped in his bathroom, his only refuge being the white porcelain tub he now lay in as he needed the water from the taps to survive. He tried calling for help but his throat hurt with every breath and his voice was so inhuman it scared him. A week passed with no help in sight and Maurice was so hungry daring not to stray from the bath to seek sustenance until his landlord stormed into the flooded apartment, demanding to know why he had ruined the property. Bursting into the bathroom, the landlord let out a terrible scream at the sight before him and tried to run but Maurice was desperate and with inhuman speed he lunged at him, pinning him to the ground as he tore at his skin and ripped away the flesh with his teeth. As the last chunk slipped down his throat, Maurice heard sirens outside the apartment. Knowing that one of the neighbours must have called the police and that they would be in his home soon, he forced himself out of the tub, pulling his body over the soaked carpet and floor before finally pushing himself out his window. Crawling down the fire escape he disappeared into the sewers.

He was scared and isolated, living off the rats in his new home and as the years passed he began to master his new form and new abilities, such as hypnosis which he would practice on any homeless or city workers who wandered near, eventually allowing him to interact with the outside world. But gradually, fear became anger and the anger became hatred, hatred for the world that didn't care for his pain. And so he formed a dominion in the sewer of which he would be king until he was ready to strike out.
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@The Endergod yeah you're accepted. Post whenever.

@Twist very unique character. No one has been a mutant with a truly messed up biology yet. Your guy is pretty similar to riptide, except he's a villain and more scary. Accepted.

<img class="ipsImage" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/imageproxy/imageproxy.php?img=http://fontmeme.com/freefonts/img.php?f=34782&s=45&t=Quentin%20Krane&c=002b69&key=960f86d0af392b755be9d8eeeb137bbf42c8030d0c21b122604d36f708a3d840" alt="img.php?f=34782&s=45&t=Quentin Krane&c" /></p>


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<u><strong></strong></u>Quentin "Alessandro" Krane



<u style="line-height:1.6;"><strong>Alias</strong></u>



Mind Game





















<img class="ipsImage" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/imageproxy/imageproxy.php?img=http://s2.favim.com/orig/150811/alternative-bad-boy-couple-grunge-Favim.com-3102273.jpg&key=a6b05c4665eb6f1b8065a9c2688a2597431b36248a868678a47964ad656298ac" alt="alternative-bad-boy-couple-grunge-Favim." /></p>











174 Lbs






Dark Brown, Black









<strong><u>Body Type</u></strong>



Lean, Muscular



<strong><u>Body Modifications</u></strong>



Forearm Tattoo, Ear Plugs



<img class="ipsImage" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/imageproxy/imageproxy.php?img=https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/7e/ae/1e/7eae1ebea3866c426510f2739fb62983.jpg&key=03dfa7605bb34159acca26ab8eada9b4d0a6c9c41ab8882f5c3f461f41f8edf4" alt="7eae1ebea3866c426510f2739fb62983.jpg" /></p>


Quentin may look as a little intimidating from the outside, silent and aggressive. Truly he prefers to bother others more with the use of his words, since his natural ability to manipulate and cunningness are his "best" attributes. He frequently searches for a way to obtain what he wants without needing to work on it too much or use his powers, and if fatigue is needed he has someone else doing it for him. He rarely connects emotionally to other people and when it does happen he tends to hide it, even if he'd do anything to protect the interested person. In his school he was a bully, a delinquent, a good for nothing and he has never done anything to deny this description. 






Egocentric, Narcissistic, Cunning, Manipulative, Egoistic, Proud, Insecure, Aggressive, Unforgiving






Observing, Humorous, Emphatic, Intelligent, Quick thinker, Understanding



<strong style="line-height:1.6;"><u>Fears</u></strong>



Abandonment, Being caught, Heights, Water






Weed, Parties, Money, Rain, Fast food, Dogs, Horror Movies, Skates






Cats, Children, Tall Buildings, Anti-Mutants






Parkour, Kick-boxing, Manipulation, Memorizing, Graffiti Drawing, Skating, Cooking



<img class="ipsImage" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/imageproxy/imageproxy.php?img=http://cs417922.vk.me/v417922927/51e9/KpYcS0939Fc.jpg&key=6550135b3be391f9d1afdacd2fc95a589a3830a6589ae6586d85d95b4da35648" alt="KpYcS0939Fc.jpg" /></p>





Quentin was always a little unlucky. He was born to Alessandra, a young italian girl that had just moved to America, and an older and careless business man. Of course said person didn't want anything to do with the pregnant woman so he left her enough money to abort and left. But Alessandra, even if alone and scared, decided to keep the baby and move on with her life. Quentin Krane was born, a kind and quiet child. He only brought joy to his mother for the first six years of his life, but after the arrival of Drew everything changed. His mother married to another man, Drew Finnegan, and together they had a second child. This alone bothered Quentin terribly: now his mother's attention were focused on the new baby and his not father, where would he fit? The situation only worsened when Drew started to turn cold to him, often even beating the child for the smallest mistakes. In his anger and confusion, since Alessandra seemed obvious to such mistreatments, he started to turn violent. Toward his friends, school mates, to the point of being a bully. Now he may be older but his behavior hasn't changed that much, he is wounded and angry, and nobody is going to change that anytime soon. He discovered his powers extremely late in his life, at seventeen, when he started to notice that everything he wished was beginning to happen. Too weird for him, so he started to do some tests and in a few months he had studied the extents of his powers and it's drawbacks. His favorite person to experiment on was his not-father, making him do embarrassing and unpleasant things, until one day he went too far. He influenced Drew into starting a riot, but things didn't turn out well as the man stabbed Drew. Terrorized and guilty Quentin left the city with only a letter to his mother, and now he is on the run. The boy was always kind of neutral, and he mostly uses his powers to survive on the streets by having people steal for him, so that he is not involved, and betting on fight clubs where he can influence one of the fighters into losing. He doesn't know if someone has noticed him, but he sincerely hopes not. He spends his days like this, either frequenting skate parks or spending his money on fruitless things.






Sometimes he leaves a graffiti of his self-given alias on walls.






Quentin's powers do not involve physical force, he uses his ability in kick-boxing for that, but are only mental. He has the ability to reach into a person's subconscious without needing direct contact with the victim, forcing the person to do as he wishes. He can influence a person's behavior, thoughts, and even alter their perception of reality and memories if he wishes to. He can push a person into letting Quentin everywhere, influence them into hurting a friend or even into suiciding.



<strong><u>Limitations and Drawbacks</u></strong>



Even if direct contact isn't needed Quentin is limited to influencing people in the same room, the closest he is to the victim the better. Also his powers do not work the same on everyone: a weaker mind is easier to enter, while a trained mutant may be harder to command. He can use his power on one person at a time, two is also possible but tires him greatly; ever since he has been aware of his powers he has been subjected to visions and frequent nightmares.



<img class="ipsImage" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/imageproxy/imageproxy.php?img=https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/534571161137328128/8eTZ9ghA.jpeg&key=fc3b516a93030f524f7dc5cd99cf58ff2441b4938b101a67a84f7624e2dbf6d9" alt="8eTZ9ghA.jpeg" /></p>
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