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Fandom Fairy Tail: The Era of Dragons CS

  • wallhaven-368156.jpg.3b4ac39e7fbb9bb1986df1bb4e4c280f.jpg

    Cerebus Veron








    131 lbs

    Hair Colour


    Eye Colour


Mitsuki Yamada



Sexuality: Bisexual



download (16).jpg



Hair Colour

Shiny Golden blonde

Eye Colour

Change depending on his mood, normally a brilliant sunset color


Mitsuki the one, and only! He's as hot as the sun! He shines brighter than a supernova! He's... He's... He's kind of narcissistic…

He's a all around nice guy, and loves most things. He believe in spreading joy, and happiness. But unfortunately he also believes he's the hottest thing to ever grace the solar system. He's constantly showing off his looks, proudly strutting around just so people can take in his beauty. Of course he is still a really nice guy, he doesn't let his narcissism get in the way of making friends. He's a very warm individual, always willing to hang out, or help others. He's very excitable, constantly exuding large amounts of energy. This energetic nature of his can sometimes be overwhelming for others, but he doesn't seem to notice. He's usually cheerful, and cares about what others are feeling. Unless it conflicts with his personal time, which he loves more than anything, at least anything he knows of so far.

When it comes to relaxing he prefers to be left alone, unless you're a stud of a man that is. He's a flirt when it comes to handsome fellows. Always happy to chat them up. Sometimes his love for hot guys can even get in the way of task he's on. He's easily distracted by beauty, always drawn to beautiful individuals. He's very biased when it comes to gorgeous people.

At times he isn't the brightest of individuals, at least when it comes to common sense. He often finds himself in confusing situations because of this. He loves cheerful music, beautiful things, and finds that sad music isn't the best for his complexion. He also hates getting dirty, so even the slightest smudge would send him into a panic. But overlooking his hatred of filth, he loves traveling, seeing new places, and meeting new interesting people. He hates staying in one place for to long. Boredom is probably his greatest foe, preferring to converse with unsightly people rather than sit around doing nothing. He also loves being complimented, and would burn anyone who dared to insult his looks to a crisp. So basically he's a narcissistic, fun loving guy, with far too much energy, and not enough common sense. Oh, and when it comes to battle he prefers to avoid it. He doesn't want his precious looks to be ruined. Oh but if someone were to damage his delicate face. Then he'd unleash hell upon them. But usually he's playful, and somewhat goofy, kind of an amusing guy.

Character Strengths

Confidence: Self explanatory, he's oozing with self confidence. Which means he never waivers when it comes time to do something. He's decisive about most important matters, confident in his choices.

People person: Mitsuki is so good with others, that he's even befriended some monsters. This makes it unlikely that he'd end up in a fight, and even if he did it usually helps that the person he's fighting likes him to the point the don't want to murder him. So basically it makes most foes conflicted about fighting him.

Stunning beauty: Along with his great personality, his beauty is also a great help. It usually causes most people to be smitten with him. At the very least the find themselves admiring his beauty. Of course this can also have bad effects, like stalkers, or vicious mobs of fans. Although these things can also be used to his advantage. It's always good to have a mob of devoted fans to sick on enemies.

Character Flaws

Easily swayed by beautiful people: he isn't bound to obey beautiful people. But he always find himself agreeing, or doing as they say. It might be him being biased, or maybe he's just hypnotized by there beauty. Although this doesn't mean he'd kill someone just because a beautiful person told him to. Although he's much more likely to side with a gorgeous person.

Protective of his looks beyond most other things: He would rather not fight if it means protecting his looks. He'll avoid battle so long as he gets to keep looking good. That is unless someone he cares about in in peril.

Narcissistic: he's often too busy admiring himself to actually keep up with what’s going on around him. So he could be caught off guard if he were admiring himself.

No sense: His lack of common sense tends to be an inconvenience. It usually gets in the way of his understanding things people tell him. While it's not a major issue, it does somewhat affect his ability to work with others.



Staring at himself, and showing himself off

Shiny objects


Fashion/ fashionable people


Boring stuff

Unfashionable people

Filth, dirt, garbage, all those type of thing

Long winded people

Elderly people

Ugly stuff

Mitsuki isn't sure who his parents were, he was actually stranded on a Island as a toddler. This might have been a death sentence for most, but luckily the island wasn't deserted. As the little toddler that was Mitsuki waddled to the shore he was confused as to where everyone had gone. From what he was told his growing up it seemed a storm had come and destroyed the boat he, and his family had been traveling on. He never really questioned this, but he always wondered if anyone else had survived. Although if it hadn't been for Ekhi he probably wouldn't have lived himself.

You see upon entering the island little Mitsuki traveled around. Unsure of where to go. He was confused, alone, cranky, and really needed to be changed. After toddling around for what must have seemed like forever to his little mind, he finally gave up. Plopping down next to a large boulder. He was hungry now, and began crying, as it was the only way he knew of to get food. Of course a few minutes passed, and Mitsuki had cried his little lungs out. He was sniveling, and ready to pass out. When suddenly the boulder he had been plopped against began to rise. This started Mitsuki, and cause him to do little cartwheels, before finally coming to a stop. He was even more confused by what he was seeing now. It seemed like a big lizard, but for some reason it was upside down. Of course this confusion was soon corrected as the giant lizard lifted him up placing him gently on the ground. Mitsuki should probably have been terrified, should have cried his lungs out, cried his eyes dry. Yet he didn't, even at such a young age he was dazzled by the beauty of the dragon before him. He stared up at the beast, who looked down at him, with great curiosity.”How curious, what is a human child doing on my island?” The dragon spoke, lifting him up with it's tail, and holding him up to it's face. Mitsuki was still staring at the dragon fondly, and decided I would be a good idea to give the dragon a hug. So he did, pressing his little body against the scaly face of the beast.

At first the dragon was shocked, it's eyes widening in surprise. But soon its expression softened, to that of a loving mother.”How cute, why are you all alone little one? You're parents must be here somewhere. You sure are an odd little human, most would be terrified to see a dragon. Maybe it's because you're so young. Very well, then I shall search for your parents. If I cannot find them I shall take you under my wing. It's nice to meet you, I am Ekhi, a solar dragon.”Mitsuki might have responded to this had he had the lingual skills to do so, but instead he simply giggled, and gave Ekhi kisses.

So when Ekhi could not find Mitsuki’s parents. She decided to raise Mitsuki as her own. Luckily he had a been wearing a diaper with his name on it, so that was convenient. Years passed, and she taught Mitsuki the ways of dragon slaying magic. Luckily the tropical island he had been stranded on was beautiful, and filled with lots of exotic animals, and plant life. Oddly enough the animals made great nannies. Even stranger with a whole island of animals, and a dragon raising him he actually turned out great. Sure maybe a bit narcissistic, but when you're raised around animals it's hard not to be. Having been raised in such a beautiful environment, by such a glorious dragon. Mitsuki had grown to respect, and love the beautiful things in life. Then one day he couldn't find Ekhi, she had disappeared. He wasn't sure where she could have gone. But after much deliberation with his family. He finally decided it was time for him to go out on his own. Into the great wide world. If he happened to run into Ekhi again well that would be fate reuniting them. If not, well maybe they'd meet in the next life. So he took off! Building a boat out of trees, and other items on the island. Then with tearful goodbyes from his animal friends he departed. Now he's come to the world of man! Ready to spread his beauty, and find some adventure in the process.

Mage Rank


This is magic that The Elder The Elder has allowed me to borrow. This magic was created by him, and all the spells were created by him, or he got them from a Fandom, or the wiki. The point is none of them were made by me

-Solar Dragon Slayer-

Solar Dragon Slayer Magic allows the user to have control over Solar Energy, or Solar Radiation. Solar energy, which, by law, is basically Heat, and Light, it grants the user to be able to create, manipulate and control solar energy at their will. It allows the user to incorporate solar energy, or the Element of the Sun, into their body, thus, allows them to produce solar energy from any part of their own body, by which, allows them to breathe solar energy. The ability to absorb sunlight, or solar energy, gives the user immunity to most types of Light Magic and Fire Magic. The solar energy that the user manipulates is extremely deadly, it could melt most materials extremely quickly. The solar energy generated could be manipulated in a variety of ways. It could be given a 'material' feel to it, giving it sharp, piercing, and cutting properties, therefore, it could have penetrating properties, with the melting of substances and materials.Whilst the user is able to manipulate and control any, and all, aspects of solar energy, users mainly focus on solar energy emission, due to the fact that manipulating it in any other way is draining on the user's Magic Power. Examples include, creating a small atomic blast, this is heavily effective during battle, but is extraordinarily draining on the user's Magic Power. Or creating a small gravitational field, manipulating this to the users advantage, but, it is also heavily draining on the magic power of the user.

Supplementary Spells
Solar Dragon's Ultraviolet Clones: This spell allows Mitsuki to create clones of himself using ultraviolet light. This makes it nearly impossible to see, hear, or even sense the clones.

Solar Aura: Solar Aura is a basic spell that makes anyone close to Mitsuki feel as if they are very close to the sun. The opponent will feel excruciating pain as if they are being burned alive when in reality they are not. Furthermore, it becomes hard to even look at Mitsuki because their eyes will trick them into thinking that Mitsuki is as bright as the sun.

Solar Transportation: Mitsuki looks at a gathering of solar energy and channels his magic power throughout his body. This allows him to teleport to the location of the solar energy that he was focusing on.

Radiance: This ability cloaks the wielder in a golden light, allowing them to run very fast, and giving the appearance of streaking through the sky. It also enhances the blows they deal with their hands.

Offensive Spells
-Basic Spells-
Solar Dragon's Bellow:This spell is utilized by inhaling sharply, until the user cannot inhale anymore, then compressing magical energy in their mouth, after they've compressed enough magic power in their mouth, they turn it into solar energy, with a loud screech, they release the solar energy they've built up, this spell is insanely swift, reaching the target, even if far away, in a matter of seconds.

Solar Dragon's Searing Fist: Mitsuki gathers the sun's flames around his fist, using for a powerful attack.

Solar Dragon's Fire Sword: The user's whole arm is encased with hot solar energy flaming around it, to which they are able to slice through many things with their arm acting as a real sharp sword. This normally deals a lot of damage to their targets.

Solar Dragon's Missile Balls: The user's hands glow white and golden and they can release small ball orbs, shooting like missiles from the user's hands towards their targets. They can also be used for defensive purposes and help to block other magic attacks, by exploding into them.

Blaze of The Solar Dragon: Fusing immense solar energy, and light and heat waves together, the user puts the sides of their hands together, palms facing outwards, and gathers the solar energy into the user's palms. It forms into a small compact ball before unleashing a large powerful stream lined blast straight towards his opponent. Making this spell perfect for long distance, but deals more damage the closer he gets.

-Advance Spells-
Solar Dragon's Barrage: Using his incredible speed, Mitsuki seemingly teleports to the opponent before kicking them high into the air as a stigma appears on the opponent's skin. Once the opponent is in the air, multiple spheres of solar energy are released from the stigma and begin to rotate around the opponent as they are suspended in the air. Mitsuki teleports himself to one of the spheres and transforms his body into solar energy. Immediately afterwards, he launches himself from the sphere at blinding speeds and transforms back just in time to punch the target before turning back into solar energy and entering another sphere. This cycle repeats itself, causing the enemy to accumulate a lot of damage. Finally, after a minute Mitsuki appears above the opponent and launches them to the ground with a solar energy-enhanced punch. This punch can severely injure the opponent and inflict a large burn in the process.

Shower of The Sun: Mitsuki throws his hand into the air, as countless orbs of solar energy begins to form in the sky. Once he brings his hand down, the orbs are launched towards the ground at great speed, creating a devastating AOE attack burning the effected area and anyone hit by the solar energy orbs.

Defensive Spells
Ra's Healing Light: A Healing Spell that only heals Mitsuki

Solar Dragon's Flare Wall: The user creates an enormous wall of solar heat to either block things out, or protect whoever/whatever the user uses the wall for. They can generate the wall right in front of them and control its length to stretch however far. In order to generate the wall, the user says the spell while bending their forearm in front of them, and moving it in a upwards sweeping motion.

Solar Dragon's Sun Shield: Solar energy is used to make oval-shaped magic induced shields around the user's body.

Level of Expertise
exceptionally skilled and close to mastery


Long range attacks: Mitsuki prefers to fight from a distance, and has become very good at it. His aim, and the distance from which he can fire are incredibly impressive.

Immunity to fire, and light magic: Due to his own magic he's immune to most forms of light, and fire magics. So they'd do little more than burn up his clothes, which would irritate him. There are some forms of these magics that would work on him, although so far he hasn't found them.

Adaptive: while he usually isn't the most strategic guy. He somehow manages to adapt to situations regardless. It takes him a while, but after battling a foe for long enough he can usually adapt to the fight, and pull out a win.

Versatile: due to his love of beauty, and the fact that he thinks his magic is so beautiful. He has practiced it every chance he's gotten. So he's become very talented at manipulating his magic to his liking.

Speedy: thanks to his magic he's incredibly fast, although his control of this speed could use some improvement.

Close range combat: he's terrible at it, not so much that he's incredibly weak. More than he has no martial arts skills. He'd also be to busy protecting his face to throw a punch.

Night time: when night arrives it becomes difficult for Mitsuki to refuel. He can still eat fire, or light, but it's not nearly as powering as solar energy.

Easily tricked: Due to his lack of experience with the world of man he's kind of easily fooled. He doesn't have the common sense, or the experience to really know when someone is lying to him. Nor how the world outside of his little island works.

Motion sickness: He can't do travel, the boat trip over almost killed him.


He keeps a Mirror, at all times, as well as a rag just in case he needs to clean himself up a bit.

Miscellaneous: While he's bisexual he's leans heavily towards men.
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"I want to become stronger. Strong enough so I won't ever have to watch someone I love die right in front of me ever again."

Name: Kaden Arkel

Gender: male

Age: 17

Appearance: Kaden is usually seen in his tribes traditional attire. A brown tunic with his tribes insignia stitched into the back in bright blue. Silver decorates the neck area and back as well. Instead of yellow the designs on the silver are bright blue. For pants he sports brown cotton trousers with brown patches of leather sown into the knees. His footwear is a pair of sandles that strap up to just under the calf. He straps them over his trousers. Those blue feathers once sat in his home. His sister often prayed the them so Kaden decided he would pay respect to those who birth him by taking them with him. The scarf around his neck once belonged to his sister.

Height: 5'10

Hair Colour: grey

Eye Colour: aqua blue

Personality: Kaden is a quiet lad. He doesn't like talking much as he strongly feels actions speak louder than words. Kaden often has trouble making friends because of his lack of communication. Though he may come off as ride sometimes, he wouldn't think twice about helping someone in need and he'd always put his comrades safety above his own. Well if he were to have any. He tends not to get close to many out of fear of losing them.

Kaden has endured a bit of trauma as a kid and to cope, he searches for excitement anywhere he can find it. He doesn't realize that he does this. To him it's natural but in truth finding his thrill is how he fills the whole in his heart.

Character Strengths
-very observant
- quick-witted
- courageous
- good instincts

Character Flaws
- impatient
- doesn't think before acting
- no sense of direction
- lack of communication

-strong enemies
- challenging thrills
- sweets
- loyal people

- brats
- being bored
- bad tasting food

Biography: Kaden grew up in the mountains of Bosco. Not having remember his parents, it had only been him and his sister Lilith in their small tribe. He loved and adored Lilith who was once a mage that fought against the dragon's. While not having slain many the young woman had helped slay a few and lived to tell the tale and was a hero among the tribe. Even the cheif admired her.

When Kaden was old enough Lilith retired to teach him Dark Matter magic. She trained young Kaden ruthlessly for she knew the dragons would one day find their home and she wanted Kaden to be able to fend for himself when the time came. The boy was talented. Even at a young age his potential was clear to see.

One day, after Kaden had turned 13, a pair of dragon's attacked. One made of rocks and the other seemed to be made of diamonds. The ripped through the small village. Lilith and the few warrior's the tribe had fought well. It was even thanks to Kaden that they managed to defeat the stone dragon but the diamond one was a different matter. It was in a different league with it's scales harder than diamonds. In their current state not even the Dark Matter could pierce it.

In the end Lilith gave her life so that Kaden could survive. Or rather that was her intent. In the face of danger Kaden was fearless. Letting his instincts guide his body and his adrenaline fuel him. However when he saw his sister's body get chomped in half but the dragon's jaw his legs became jelly. He stared in horror while the beast laughed as he tossed the woman's lower half aside. Starting a petrified Kaden in the eyes he challenged the boy to avenge his sister and not to die until they met again. Since that day Kaden has traveled alone. Doing little good where he can and looking for a way to get stronger.

Mage Rank: B

- Dark Matter
Kaden can conjour matter of darkness in a solid form. He can shape this darkness into anything he wishes. From a simple knife to a large beast. All Kaden needs to do is will it to shape. He can also alter a created item's shape and density. Making it as light as feather or as hard as a dragon's scale. The limits to this form of magic are stamina, distance in which he can spawn items as well as size and density of an item. The distance is in which he can manifest an item away from is body is 7 yards. Based on the size and density the item has, determines how long the item can remain whole. Smaller items that rely on Kaden to wield it last 11 minutes where as larger items or beings animant objects last only 2 minutes before they turn into smoke. Animant objects take much more magical energy to use as Kaden has to will them to act.

- Darkstalker: Kaden becomes a cloud of dark smoke that travels like a breeze. This makes him Swift and hard to catch as he can freely move through the air.

Level of Expertise: while Kaden is skilled with his magic, he isn't an expert. He still has a lot to learn before he can he has mastered his craft. His training with Lilith and travels has helped him grow in skill but he is still far from being a master.

- close/medium range combat
- keeping a level head
- his instincts

- dealing with long range enemies
- Often times relying too much on instinct


Miscellaneous: Kaden loves sharp objects. Swords, throwing stars, knives ect. He often shapes his magic in these forms. And wolves as well.
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