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Fandom Fairy Tail roleplay (Always accepting new people)


Bust :(
As you can guess this is an RP based in the Fairy Tail manga/anime. This will all be original characters, original guilds, and original stories. We are always accepting new members so long as they follow some simple rules:

  • Post- This one's simple. Don't leave people hanging, post at least once every day if you can. I understand that life happens though, so if something comes up then tell everyone and we can excuse your character from whatever is happening.
  • Be Literate- I don't expect Shakespeare out of anyone, I also don't expect people to write a novel, but please write at least a paragraph. Read through it to make sure it makes sense, don't use leet speak.
  • No Godmodding- Nobody likes it, please don't do it.
  • No Smut- Keep it PG-13 please. I don't mind romance and I don't mind people's characters hooking up, but if the clothes start coming off then fade to black.
  • There is a limit of two dragon slayers total. I might allow more if they're the new generation slayers who get their power from lacrima, but it's a case by case basis.

Character Sheet: PM it to me for verification


Basic Info

Age and date of birth::


Rank:: (Rank represents a level of skill and proficiency in terms of combat, job completion/experience, and mastery of one's own magic.)

Personal Information




Magic Name::
Description:: (Link if using canon magic)
Known Spells::


(Add anything else you'd like to this section as it's all optional)
Reserved for future stuff:


Strathome is a sizeable town that sits on a crossroads between major cities. It is partially surrounded by a crescent shaped lake, which not only provides food and water, but also an easy way to create electricity without needing to rely on magic as much as other major cities need too. Besides being popular with merchants due to it's location, Strathome is also famous for housing the wizard guild Sphinx's Paw.

Sphinx's Paw Guild Hall:


Sphinx's Paw guild hall was created by using wood-maker magic on an exposed and dying section of root coming from the great tree that sits over Strathome. The root was rotting and would soon poison the tree itself, so the guild's two wood-make wizards severed the portion and repurposed the wood by making a guild hall from it. The rot was carefully removed and though the great root didn't continue growing, the tree itself never got sick. The guild hall itself is located right on the rim of Strathome, giving it a good view of both the lake, and the town below it.
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Blake is somewhat thin, and stands at roughly 5'10", being about average height. He has medium length black hair, almost coming down to his bright green eyes.

Basic Info
Blake Allister

Gender: Male

Age and date of birth: 18, March 6th

Guild: Sphinx's Paw (guild mark located on his left shoulder)

Rank: A

Personal Information

Blake Allister is a bit of a quiet person. He’s not necessarily shy, but he’s just not usually talkative if he can’t find a way to add to a conversation. He's cool headed for the most part, appearing rather calm. Sometimes he can be rather blunt and to the point, not one to sugarcoat much, if at all. Sometimes this leads to him seeming cold or insensitive on first impression, despite being quite different on the inside. In fact, Blake is a kind person at heart. He cares very deeply for his friends and guild, and would do practically anything to help them. After all, he doesn't want to end up like his father...


Blake’s childhood was rather rough. His mom was generally an easygoing, caring person, but his wizard dad was a bit different. While he was the one to train Blake to use shadow magic, he was a bit different of a parent. Other than when he was teaching Blake magic, he was rather cold and sometimes hostile to the family. Arguments and tension between his parents wasn’t exactly uncommon, which sometimes in ended with a few physical injuries on one or both sides. He didn’t see it as much at first, as they would try to hide it more when he was little, but it eventually seeped through and got worse as he got older. His dad’s generally abrasiveness to him was probably part of the reason Blake had more of a bond with his mother over the years.

Eventually, this led to Blake’s dad snapping. One night, Blake heard his parents arguing, this time more intensely. He didn't want to get involved mostly out of fear, but slipped out of his room after it went from loud to silent in a matter of seconds. That was where he found his mother’s dead body on the floor, and his father gone. After freaking out about what happened, 11 year old Blake was left broken, alone, and without a home. At first, he had no idea what to do. Then, he remembered his skill with shadow magic. There was also a guild he wanted to join for a while now, Sphinx’s Paw. He then decided to join the guild, as it would give him a roof over his head, and put his magic to good use. It actually worked out well for him in the end, as he is now a powerful rank A wizard and feels right at home with the guild.

Magic Name:
Shadow Magic

Description: Shadow Magic

Known Spells:

  • Guard Shadow - The user turns their shadow into a dome that protects them from incoming attacks.

  • Shadow Blitz - The user rushes their shadow at the opponent full force in the form of a large, spiky barrage.

  • Shadow Fist- The user shapes their shadow into a fist(s) to punch the opponent.
  • Shadow Form - The user transforms their body into a shadow, granting them the ability to move around surfaces.

  • Shadow Pull - The user creates a shadow in the shape of a giant hand that can travel over large distances to retrieve targets and bring them back to the user. The target is pulled into the shadow, and then brought back to the user.
Other (Anything that you want to add that doesn't fit elsewhere)
  • Blake likes candy a lot.
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"You guys wanna hear a joke? Hey are you going somewhere? I want to go too!"

Standing at 5'8" Andromeda isn't a particularly tall girl, nor is she imposing. She has long auburn hair that reaches her shoulder blades and bright green eyes.
Andromeda prefers to dress in simple clothing and doesn't care about fashion at all. She isn't opposed to wearing girly things but she isn't one to run around in them all the time. Normally she wears a pair of pants and a t-shirt, although she switches to heavier or lighter clothing depending on the climate and weather. The only thing that remains constant is the satchel that she carries with her everywhere. She keeps everything in it, from food and money all the way up to random objects that she picked up alongside the road.

Basic Info

Name::Andromeda Stellae
Nickname/Alias:: Andy
Gender:: Female
Age and date of birth:: 17, October 26

Guild:: Sphinxes Paw, Guild sigil is on her right forearm

Rank:: B although she's being evaluated to become rank A

Personal Information

Personality:: Usually a very happy kind of girl, Andromeda enjoys meeting new people and making them laugh. She likes adventure as much as the next mage and can never wait for the next job. She loves having company of any kind and if there's no one around then she'll go to find someone.
Andy always takes jobs seriously and will do everything she can to accomplish a given task whether through violence or through talking, although she prefers peaceful methods first.

History:: Andromeda was born at night during a meteor shower while the moon waxed full overhead. It was a small farming village far from Luna and these particular omens were viewed as blessings by the village elder, who decreed that Andromeda was favored by the gods.
The young girl's life was good during her childhood, with the village doting on her and gladly paying attention to her no matter where she went. She was given gifts and toys, candy and friends, all because of the circumstances of her birth.

It was when she hit the age of ten though that Andromeda's life turned the opposite direction and became one of hardship. It was during another full moon and Andromeda was outside watching the bright orb in the sky like she enjoyed doing. She wasn't tired and didn't want to go to bed so she would sometimes come out and watch the stars or moon, always feeling a kinship with them.
During that night some terrible twist of fate brought doom upon Andromeda's family when a meteor came out of the sky and smashed into her home, destroying it and her family in one massive explosion.

Andromeda tried to save her family and when other people showed up to see what had happened it was to find the young girl with burns, trying to dig through the burning rubble.

The farmers wrestled Andromeda away from the rubble and managed to soothe her enough that she finally fell unconscious, the weight of what had happened overtaking her.
The next day the young girl was given to another family but it wasn't to last. Stricken by grief Andromeda ran away, trying to understand why the stars hated her. She didn't want them too and after much thought decided that the only logical thing to do was learn magic.

The logic held up to a ten year old at least, and she went in search of a wizard who could teach her to control the stars themselves. Andromeda journeyed a long way, hitching rides on wagons and stealing food if someone didn't offer her any, until finally she heard of a wizard who could control the heavens above.

It took another month to reach the wizards home, and after hearing Andromeda's story Thilda Vanel took the young girl as an apprentice. During this time Andromeda learned to come to terms with her grief and even be happy again. She enjoyed using the magic of the stars and after five years she had finally mastered it.

During that time Andromeda had listened to Thilda's stories of belonging to a guild and of the adventures that came with such a thing. So after mastering her magic Andromeda decided that was what she wanted to do as well and left Thilda with a big hug before heading to Luna Crescente having heard of the guilds there, specifically the Sphinxes Paw guild where anyone was welcome.

Now Andromeda has a family again, control over her own fate, and adventures to go on. How things will turn out is anyone's guess, but she is confident that the future is a bright one and should be greeted with a smile.


Magic Name:: Heavenly Body Magic
Description:: The ability to control small solar bodies as well as being able to conjure starlight into beams of energy.
Known Spells::

Meteor Strike: Imbues a stone with the explosive force of a meteor, then fires it at an opponent.
Star Light: Creates beams of energy from her hands.
Solar Flare: Brings down a large beam of burning light at a large target area.
Hard Light: Can create objects out of starlight for short periods of time which are as solid as stone (Although they aren't unbreakable.)


Possessions:: The one possession that Andromeda values the most is her satchel which used to be her father's. It's plain leather and cloth with a few decorations from Andromeda's adventures. Though it isn't worth much monetarily it means the world to Andromeda and she will do anything to get it back.

"Life is like a block of ice. When you have it you need to mold it into what you want it to be to see its true beauty."

Delta stands at around 5'6 making her stand at an average height for a woman of her age. Her hair is a dark blue, almost black, shade which stands out against her slightly pale skin. When you look at her eyes though you can see that they're a brown color of slightly darker hue.

Basic Info

Name:: Delta White
Nickname/Alias:: Del
Gender:: Female
Age and date of birth:: 20 years old. December 22nd

Guild:: Sphinx's Paw (Her guild mark is located on the back of her neck towards the base)

Rank:: A

Personal Information

Personality:: Delta is a kindhearted person who seems to have some form of positive attitude. Even if she isn't smiling. It's rather odd when you think about it actually. But she takes pride in being a part of her guild and is always willing to lend a helping hand to her guild members or any citizen in need. Though her kindness can be taken by most as her weakness, it's actually her biggest strength. Because it takes a strong person to be kind to those who least deserve it.
Though there is also another side to Delta that can be seen in certain situations. That being her fierce loyalty to her guild and guild members. When the going gets tough she isn't one to really back down or abandon someone. However this side of her could be her downfall some day if she isn't careful.

History:: Growing up Delta was the child of two wizards who both specialized in Ice-Make magic. Her father was more into the Static (two handed and created inanimate objects) side of it while her mother leaned more in tune with the Dynamic (one handed and deals with animate creations which are primarily animals) side of the magic. Both parents wanted their daughter to learn their form of the magic, but ultimately she could only choose one. So she chose to learn Static Ice-Make like her father.

Delta had fun learning about all the different weapons and objects that could be made through her magic. Her father was happy that his only child wanted to learn from him, but over time her mother became rather jealous. Believing that her daughter favored her father more. Though that wasn't the case, her mother continued to believe what she thought was the only logical reason.

For years this ate at the mother until finally she couldn't take it anymore, and killed Delta's father. Delta was 13. The took her mother away, throwing her in prison for the rest of her life. But the girl couldn't hate her mother. She loved her dearly, how could she hate the woman who gave her life and helped to raise her? So Del chose to forgive her mother.

But with nowhere else to go at a young age Delta turned to the guild. They helped take care of her and gave her small jobs that she could go out and do to earn herself a living. At 16 she official joined the guild and went on to taking larger, more riskier, jobs than she was use to. Though she didn't back down from the challenges. By doing so it earned her


Magic Name:: Ice Make (Static)
Known Spells::
Ice-Make: Kite (Able to create a thin, triangular piece of ice that the user can fly on)
Ice-Make: Sword
Ice-Make: Arrows (After creating a bow, the user fires a numerous amount of arrows at their target)
Ice-Make: Shield (Creates a shield that ranges in size depending on how many people are needing to be covered)
Ice-Make: Knuckles (The user creates several fists of ice that strike the target from below)


(Add anything else you'd like to this section as it's all optional)
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(So this is going to be more of a setup post where I just sort of describe what's going on. Andromeda's not going to do much so if anyone has a story idea then feel free to present it. I will also be adding descriptions of the town and guild hall to the second from top post so make sure to check those out. This is short I know but like I said it's just a start post. Feel free to be and do whatever within reason.)

Andromeda walked happily down the drying streets, enjoying the sun on her face and the blue sky overhead. The last week had been nothing but rain, but that had finally cleared overnight and now it looked like the weather was going to be excellent for awhile. All over town the merchants were re-opening stalls on the streets, people were walking around, and there was the sound of laughter. It was as though Strathome had been reborn after the storm and it was a great thing to see.
Puddles were still everywhere of course and anyone who was walking had to avoid falling into them, but for the most part the town's excellent drainage system had done it's job and stopped any flooding.

Andromeda had been out and about getting a couple of items in preparation for when a new job opened up, and now that she was done she headed back up the side of Strathome's 'bowl' to get to the guild hall.

The guild hall had a number of levels going above and below the ground, but the main level was the tavern where one could usually find wizards of various ages, drinking, eating, talking, arguing or even brawling depending on the time of day. For the moment things were still quiet as people were still attempting to wake up, but how long that was to last was anyones guess.

Without anything else requiring her attention Andromeda walked over to the job board and began to peruse it, trying to find something that would be interesting but doable by herself.
Delta was sitting at the bar in the guild's tavern, head propped up by the palm of her hand. It was relatively early, but the sooner you got to the guild the better jobs there were to pick. Though right now that wasn't the case for the young woman who sat alone at the bar. She was there simply for the fact that she wanted a good meal to start her day off with. A smile was on her lips as she ate her omurice, the guild made it better than she ever could. So it didn't take her long to finish eating it. Setting her spoon on her empty plate she picked up her glass of water and drank from it.
With a satisfied sigh she set the glass down gently on the counter before turning around on the stool she sat on to look at the guild slowly fill and wake up. This guild had been a second home to her for years. Every morning she couldn't help but to feel happy to see everyone gather and talk before setting out for the day. Or possibly even for a few days depending on the job. But when everyone was around it truly felt like home.
Rather quickly, Blake had finished his breakfast at the bar. He liked the crepes at the guild; light, sweet, and a great way to start the day. After finishing, he scanned the guild hall as it slowly became more and more lively. He smiled slightly, happy to see that most of the guild was finally here. After all, he liked the guild a lot. After the incident 8 years ago, they practically became his new family. After a couple minutes of reminising, something hit him. Crap... I REALLY should take a job before the good ones are gone. Blake then walked over to the job board, eager to see what jobs were still up for grabs. Thankfully, there seemed to be a lot available, which meant now he'd have to really think about what job he wants. Hm...

Basic Info:
Name: Isec Droll
Nickname/Alias: “The Chainlord”
Gender: Male
Age and date of birth: 24. September 3rd.

Guild: Sphinx’s Paw. Guild Mark located on the back of his right hand.

Rank: A Rank.

Personal Information:

History: Isec’s parents were traveling merchants, but when his family decided to expand their business they cut in on a Dark Guild’s territory. Their caravan was attacked and Isec was kidnapped at age 12. His parents were told to either leave the area or Isec would be killed, and they left. The Guild recognized Isec’s magical potential and recruited into the Dark Guild after being told his parents didn’t want him anymore. Even when he learned the truth he stayed, because he despised their weakness.

Isec decided that power was all that mattered and eventually became one of the Dark Guild’s main enforcers. Then at age 19 the Guildmaster of Sphinx’s Paw traveled through the town Dark Guild’s headquarters was located in and Isec was sent to collect a “toll.” The Guildmaster responded by grabbing Isec’s chains and swinging him by them through the Dark Guild’s headquarters, smashing it and Isec’s belief in his own superiority to pieces. Isec managed to drag himself out of the rubble. and a few weeks later traveled to Strathome and asked to join Sphinx’s Paw.

Recognizing that Isec had had a change of heart and could be redeemed, the Guildmaster agreed on the condition that Isec always take a partner with him when he went on a mission during his probationary period. Isec agreed, later realizing that the rule was so he could see that the strength didn’t need to only come from oneself help socialize him. For the most part, it worked.

Personality: Isec is still egotistical, but it’s been moderated by his recognition of how many people are stronger than him. He focuses on strengthening himself and his allies so he can get to the top. Isec is aiming for S-rank, but it’s unlikely he’d be satisfied even with that. He still has a bit of trouble with morality (mainly revolving around why you can’t just force people to do things), but those around him help him with that. Surprisingly given his focus on strength, Isec isn’t quick to challenge others to fights. Instead he tries to make things happen on his own terms, even if it means momentarily appearing weak. Isec tries to surround himself with friends, because he has issues with being alone because of his childhood.


Magic Name: Chain Magic (Chain Magic), Eye Magic (Eye Magic)

Known Spells: The effects can be dodged or resisted if the target is able to.

Armament Chains: Isec sends forth black chains from his hands that he uses to bludgeon, lash and bind his opponents. He can also use them for any task you could use a chain for. The chains are made of magic rather than metal, and as a result are incredibly strong.

Armor of Chains: Isec’s Chain Magic wraps around his body, providing protection from attacks and ensnaring anyone who strikes him in Binding Magic.

Endless Eyes: Eyes symbols spiral out of Isec’s body and cover him and his clothing, allowing him to see in all directions. By focusing the eyes and limiting their sight Isec can gauge the power level and a hint of what kind of magic the person he focuses on uses.

Isec stretches and gets up from the table where he's been napping. Learning to sleep with this level of noise was hard, but working hours vary wildly so it was necessary. He glances towards the job board and sees there's some new ones. Seeing a plate of doughnuts in front of him he picks up a cream-filled one and makes his way towards the job board. On his way over he sees that Blake is already there. He taps Blake on his shoulder. "Anything good? It's been a slow week and I don't want to get rusty."
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(Sorry for disappearing, stuff came up. Also please don't think that you need me to continue, if you have an idea and want to do it then go ahead. This is a game where everyone contributes not just me.)

"I haven't found anything yet." Andromeda said with a smile as she leaned out from behind Blake to address Isec.
"It sucks too, I need the money but wanted something interesting." She said, turning back to the board and looking it over again.
"What are you two looking for?" She asked curiously. "I didn't know you were a team."
Isec frowns. "We're not. I think I might have reached the limit of my last team's potential and I want to try it with somebody new. Lets see what they have in the higher level missions." Isec concentrates for a moment and uses his Endless Eyes to read all the missions at once.
Well I should get up an find a job myself, Delta thought to herself as she started to see some of her fellow guild members gather around the mission board. So she rose from her stool and walked over to the message board where the others were standing and reading the individual pieces of paper scattered along the board. Standing behind them she glanced at all the different jobs, trying to see if one caught her eye. After a moment she saw one that interested her. "Pardon me," she said kindly as she slipped her arm between the small crowd and tore the job request off the board.
The job she picked was a plea from help from the small town called Clover that was currently getting over run by bandits. "This one looks nice. Those poor people really do need some help." Looking up from the job her dark eyes fell upon her fellow members that were still looking for jobs, "Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't know if any of you were interested in this one." She gave a soft smile at Andromeda and the two mean, "Would any of you care to join me? I think it might go faster with a bit of help."
Isec grins and sends out a chain to take the message from Delta's hand as he turns towards er. "Thrashing bandits sounds like fun. Even if the people they're attacking don't have enough I'm sure the bandits will have enough to make it worth my while. I'm in." The message lands neatly in his hand and he turns to the others. "Who else wants to come? You'd better be able to keep up with me." He pulls a chair from across the room with a chain and sits in it, putting his feet up and smiling as he imagines the fight to come. Then something hits him. "Wait, Clover?" He reads the message again. "That's where I met the Guildmaster. I think a lot of people there are unhappy I left." His grin widens. "It will be great to show them how much I've grown." Noticing his other hand is empty, Isec uses another chain to spear a doughnut and pull it to himself, where he begins eating it.
The Ice-Make mage is a little taken aback by Isec's actions on taking the job request from her. Seemed a bit, extreme. "Well," Delta smiled gently as she rubbed her hand that the paper was taken from, "I think it'd be a good experience for you to go help those you were around for a good handful of years. I'm sure they'd be happy to see you again, Isec." Slipping her hands into the pockets of her jeans she gave a small chuckle, "Though next time, you could just ask to see the paper one is holding." Looking over at Blake and Andromeda she smiled gently at them. Patiently waiting to hear they would like to join herself and the Chain mage on their mission.
(Sorry I haven't posted in a while. College had other plans for me)

After pondering what job he was going to take, an opportunity was presented before him, in the form of Delta and Isec. One of the job offers Delta found involved a town getting ravaged by bandits, and needing to be saved. She then asked if anyone would want to join her. Isec seemed... enthusiastic, to say the least, but Blake didn't seem too phased by his attitude. After all, it seemed as if the town of Clover was something special to him; made sense that he'd be excited to visit the town again. Blake simply nodded at the request made by Delta, looking somewhat relieved, now that he has a job. "Bandits? I'm game." He replied with a slight grin. Blake then glanced at Andromeda for a brief moment, then back at Delta and Isec. "So, does that make us a group of three, or more..?"
(All good life, comes first.)

Andromeda looked over at Delta when her guildmate took down the bandit job and was about to accept the invitation to come along when Isec rudely took the flyer away.

Though she didn't say anything directly it was obvious that Andromeda didn't like this behavior just from the frown on her face. Delta didn't say anything overt though so instead of starting a fight Andy just stayed quiet.

"Sure I'm game." Andromeda said with a smile when asked again. "Sounds like fun and the rewards big enough to split four ways easily. If we hurry we can catch the next train out of town, it's leaving in 15 minutes."
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(I've got a hurricane coming through soon so apologize in advance)

"It appears that we're a quartet for this go around. But that means it should be easier for us to take on the bandits rather than if any of us went alone." Delta smiled warmly at her guild mates before glancing over at the door of the guild. Hearing Andy mention how much time they had until the next train was leaving she gave a small nod, "Alright, that gives us all enough time to get anything we might need before heading out." Turning to face the direction of the guild doors she looked over her shoulder at the others, "I'm going to go on ahead to the station and wait in line for tickets. Any of you are free to join me if there isn't anything you need to grab before departing. I will see you all soon." Pushing her glasses up she smiled and turned her head forward as she started walking to the doors and soon enough, out of the guild.

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