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Fandom Fairy Tail-New Gen

Kindred spun around in the sun for a few seconds, waiting for the other two to catch up. It had been a while since she felt the warmth on her back, and seen even one blue sky. "Guys! It's beautiful!" She said, twirling around again, her cloak swaying around her ankles. Her eyes were closed as she held her head high.

@Embaga Elder @GingerBreadMew
lily blushed a little more not noticing the look she was giving him "Wh-what, im not" she said quickly shaking her head as Come Lily we can't let the new girl get lost. said Lj with a quick nod lily agreed with a hint of a laugh "Yeah!" as she started walking beside LJ kindred was twirling in the sun, her blue hair shining Guys! It's beautiful! Kindred said with a smile lily looked up a hand shading her eyes "Yes vary "she said with a wide smile as she started to walk once more toward the park

@Starchan @Embaga Elder
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There was just something about today that made Ara happy. Maybe it was the fantastic weather. Maybe it was the feeling of grass beneath her feet. Maybe it was the fact that she was wearing a banana costume over her clothes. Either way, she was having a blast.

Sabertooth had been a bit too stuffy for her today, there was just so many people there, and not nearly enough air conditioning. The place was a castle for crying out loud! Why couldn't they afford something as simple as air conditioning?! Instead of getting heatstroke with her guildmates, she had decided to head out to the park. Ara had tried to bring some of her friends along, but they weren't having it. Her brother was on a job, her besties would rather go swimming, all in all, going as a group was a total flop. So instead, she was going to make a new group of friends...hopefully.

Off in the distance, she could see a small group of people. She couldn't really discern faces or features, or hear what they were saying, but they were people, and people is what Ara was looking for.

"Target spotted," she whispered to herself, a stupid grin spreading across her face. "Prepare to fire the...Introduction Laser."

She paused for a moment, took a deep breath, then yelled "
LJ smiled as Krendrid spun around enjoyed the beautiful weather. He was used to it mainly because it's always like this when he's around. Krendrid looked cute spinning around. He caught up to her to only be approached by a new comer. What's up stranger? @Starchan @GingeeBreadMew @avis
Kindred stood still, hearing a voice in the distance. She ran towards LJ, almost barrelling through him. She braced herself for impact, and clutched his sides tightly to stop them from falling over. She instantly backed away, and stood away from Lily and LJ, waving at the stranger as she stepped back.

@Embaga Elder @GingerBreadMew
"Well I am hungry right now so... sure why not?" He said getting up. He left a note on the giant's body saying that he brought it there and can wait for his reward later and will be back later.
"Nice to meet you all!" Ara said with a goofy smile. "I'm Ara Eucliffe, the Sabertooth Princess! ...uh, part two. And you lovely people would be..?"
Lily gave her a giant smile with a giggle running up to meet her eyes knowing "hello, im Lily, lily Strauss, i believe we have met before, we modeled together after the last torment " she said with a knowing smile
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Kindred pulled LJ with her after Lily, walking towards the new stranger that arrived in town. Maybe she would make another friend today. As they got close, Kindred could tell that the stranger just radiated beautiful energy, which made her feel even warmer.

@Embaga Elder @GingerBreadMew @avis
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"Oh yeah, Lily! Ah, you looked soooo cute in that bikini! We need to model together again soon!" Ara replied, bouncing up and down with excitement. She suddenly stopped, then leaned to the side to see Kindred and LJ walk over to her conversation. Ara thought they looked rather friendly, and well, the more the merrier.

Leaning back to face Lily, Ara asked "
So, who are your cute friends~?"
Lily blushed at the bikini comment, but shined Are's excitement back with a smile happy to introduce her friends "This is LJ" she said motioning from him, to her "and this is our new friend kindred "
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"Nice! Any friends of yours are friends of mine, no matter how new they are!" Ara said, her usual glow becoming a bit stronger. She first focused her attention to Kindred. Since they were both relatively new to this friend group, Ara figured they'd get along swimmingly. "Kindred is such a nice name too! It's beautiful, and hey you've got lots of pun opportunities too! Like...you and your friends certainly are...kindred spirits, eh?"

She then looked over at LJ. He seemed pretty cool, although she couldn't help but wonder...

So, LJ's gotta stand for something, right? It can't be Lemon Juice, so I'm all out of ideas."

@Starchan @GingerBreadMew @Embaga Elder)
LJ smiled, and chuckled as Ara tried guessing what LJ meant. He rubbed his left hand through his hair, placing it in his pockets soon after. Hehe it definitely doesn't stand for lemon juice. It stands for Laxus Jr. He looks up at the sun yet again enjoying it's beautiful rays of light. @Starchan @GingerBreadMew @avis
Kindred laughed at the girl's joke, extending a hand. "Nice to meet you. I think we'll be great friends." She smiled.
"Woo! Now, uh, introductions have been fun but," Ara said, shaking Kindred's hand enthusiastically. She stopped to pause dramatically, poses and all. "...what are we gonna do? Play tag? Picnic? Fight?"
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Lily smiled answering Ara"Well we were just showing kindred around,if you would like to join us ara, it would make me vary happy"she smiled a moment "wait! i never thought to do something" a finger resting on her lip while she thinks, turning to the others "what do you guys wanna do"
Steven gives him a nod setting out from the guild glancing up as he leaves "At lest it is a nice day to be out" sliding his hands into the pocket of his coat. His eyes drift to the group as they walk past 'I could hear from the guild.. must be more members I haven't meet' His eyes finally looking to kindred his eyes widen for a second in surprise before a smile grows on his lips walking over "Well, Hello again Kindred"

@Diran the Thief @GingerBreadMew @avis @Starchan @Embaga Elder
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Kindred got bored in the conversation, looking around for something else to do. Then, she heard her name again. She spun around to face an old ally, brother even. "Steven? Is that you?" She asked, a smile on her face.
A soft chuckle would escape him as he walks over to her pulling his hands out of his pockets and leaning down a little so they are about level "All that time ago you left, Have you been here since?" Giving her a large smile going to give her head a little pat "You wouldn't of caused them too much trouble would you?" Giving her a little smirk now
She shook her head and hugged him. Ever since she left her parents and him, she'd been lonely. It was a breath of fresh air to meet the others, but a warm campfire to feel his embrace again. "Steven, how long have you been here for?" She whispered.

@Embaga Elder @GingerBreadMew @avis

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He would return the embrace a soft smile on his face as he did "not even a week, I only just joined the guild a few days ago.. Being C-class is terrible there are no jobs even worth doing here" whispering back as he gives a soft chuckle "how long have you been in town? We all did worry about you at home" Giving her a soft squeeze before letting her go and looking at her a warmth showing behind his eyes for her after seeing some one he missed so dearly.

@Embaga Elder @GingerBreadMew @avis @Starchan
"So, I'm assuming you two know each other pretty well then?" Ara commented, inserting herself into the conversation. She didn't really know the meaning of personal space, or personal conversations for that matter. "Psst, once you're done chatting, I know of a few cool jobs. They're Sabertooth's but I can just take 'em and drag ya all along with me," Ara the un-inserted herself from the conversation, pirouetting away.

@Embaga Elder @GingerBreadMew @samsan99 @Starchan
"Well, how about this?" With a huge grin plastered onto her face, Ara whipped out a crumpled piece of paper from her banana costume. "Dangerous Outlaw Wanted" read the title, and underneath was an enormous reward. Flipping around the paper a bit, Ara continued. "Some guy has been terrorizing Hargeon lately. Apparently they're reaaaaally powerful. Normally this would be an S-Class job. But I've got...special permission to go on it."

By 'special permission', you mean you stole it," A muffled voice commented exasperatedly from inside Ara's costume.

Shut up Lector I'm trying to be cool," Ara whispered back, adopting a comically angry expression. "F-forget what he said, what really matters is that this job is ROCKIN'!"

@Embaga Elder @Starchan @samsan99 @GingerBreadMew

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