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Fairy BxB

Yes, hello, tis I, the Razorstar. 
Name: Osiris (Cyrus) Crowe

Fairy type/magic: Darkness

Position (royal, guard, citizen): Guard



Backstory: Cyrus is from a small, admittedly messed up family. He was raised by his father and older sister, seeing as his mother left when he was very young. Not that he minded. His sister was nice enough and knew a surprisingly large amount about raising children, and his father tried to help as much as possible, although it was obvious he probably had let Cyrus' mother raise his sister. His small, close family has inspired him to take up a job where he can protect people, much like his sister and father did for him.

Facts: Cyrus is actually terrified of the dark and of flying, but he hides it. He always puts on a vaguely bad-boy attitude in order to hide his plethora of insecurities, and has tendency to come off as crabby and bitter when he first meets people.
Name: Canyon Wiedersehen

Fairy type/magic: Water/Ice. He's better with water though

Position (royal, guard, citizen): Royal


Backstory: Canyon was the product of the princess's affair with a citizen. Not wanting to seem like heartless people, the royal family took him in and used his knowledge to their power. He is normally reading books, learning instruments, practicing his abilities or just wandering around. Due to Canyon being a love child, he is often seen as a mistake and is the last in line for the throne, and always gets reminded by his mother and grandparents that he's a mistake. The only one in the family who accepts Canyon is his uncle, Ludwig, and he tends to always go to him when he's in a state of depression.

Facts: Canyon is often seen writing or reading. He loves cats, but they tend to bite his ears. There is a tattoo on his forearm of the royal crest that he hates more than anything. If something is wrong, Canyon will block everyone out, including his uncle, because he doesn't want to burden anyone. Canyon is a sweet kid and quiet, but tends to come across as an asshole.

Royal Crest:

—The End for Writing Rabbit—
Cyrus stood perfectly still, his blue eyes closed as he forced his breaths to remain steady and his heart beat to relax. New things always put him on edge, and being a guard for someone was definitely something new. He was used to being protective of his Papa and Sis, but this was a completely different situation. He ran a hand backwards through his hair, almost baring his teeth with irritation as he felt it spring back into place. He might as well have just brushed it forward, seeing as his hair always somehow went back to looking exactly the same, no matter what he did. It bugged him. But, then again, lots of things bugged Cyrus. People, crowds, having to talk to strangers, stupid questions, and so many more things. He couldn't even list them all. Actually, he probably could, but that would take an insane amount of time.

Straightening out his clothes, the young man let out a deep sigh. He could already feel the stress getting to him, and it was his first day as a part of the royal guard. He held a hand out in front of him for a split second, just long enough for him to see he was shaking a bit. He let out a sharp, disappointed breath, biting his tongue in an attempt to distract himself from the swirling storm of negative emotions that was forming deep inside of him. He had promised his Papa and Sis he would try to do his best, and he was going to do it. He may have had a terrible habit of lying, but he never broke promises. Especially not promises to people he cared about.

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