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    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

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Fantasy Faereach City of Magicks (Now Accepting)

pbtenchi said:
(Did I mention his name?) "Well, Dru, it wasn't literal, I don't carry a knife after I cut my hand off about a hundred years ago. If theirs one thing 3417 years of dealing with demons, gods and monsters has taught me, it's that everything dies with something." He turned to Allison "That would be very kind of you. I don't remember if I've met people so... unbiased in all my undeath, well I'll have to check my diaries of course."
Drumonkey said:
"Well I think I can find a way to temporarily disguise you if it comes to that, one time I was almost set on fire but my body excreted this pheromone that doused the fire since then I've researched pheromones and they can do a lot of things. With enough focus or fear I should be able to convince someone you look normal. Anyways time to find an apartment or rather see if we can rent a hotel for the night then look in the morning for your benefit Allison since you need to sleep after all." Dru looked at both of them back and forth seeing if anyone had a better plan or idea.
Allison nodded and clasped her hands together, "Awesome! It's settled then! I'll help you guys look for a place to stay." She declared happily. Then it hit her that she'd called Ralzanoth by name out-loud, she facepalmed mentally for her screw up. She normally never addressed someone without them introducing themselves, but she guessed the excitement got to her. "Oh and uh..I bet you're wondering how I know your name. WELL. Long story short, its part of my Vision. I can uh..know your name and very basic information such as height just by looking at you. It's useful yet annoying. Sorry if it bothered you." She apologized to Ralzanoth.

That said, we may as well check the Residential district first since we're closer to it, then the Buisiness district. Not to mention the apartments are more affordable around here." She explained.

KageYuuki said:
Falin nodded, "We mer tend to have rather long lifespans." While certainly true for Altmer and Dunmer, the statement wasn't so true for Bosmer. At least, for the Bosmer living in Valenwood anyway. The hostile environment isn't all that good for one's health. She returned to the eggs on her plate as Dereth faded from view. I'm not sure what to think of him, The Spirit whispered in her mind, as if worried the demon could hear her thoughts. We may be better off with that Chain Meister.

Once we've regained some more energy. Necrirti should be able to get us a little closer to him at least. The Immortal replied, taking a bite from the bacon.
Malorn Drakanos

Malorn nodded and stood before making his way over to the couch and sitting down, propping his feet up on the table in front of him as he did so. Falin was certainly interesting, as was this Dereth and Necrirti that seemed to be bound to her. While, Falin herself didn't seem to be much of a threat, he'd have to watch Dereth closely. He wasn't too big of a fan of spirits, it was hard to tell exactly what most of them were capable of.

Not thinking much of it Malorn grabbed the remote and flicked the TV on. And what do you think it was showing? A live newsfeed of the destruction site that was Faereach State Building. "Of course the news doesn't actually tell you something that you don't know.." He muttered.
Mitchs98 said:
Allison nodded and clasped her hands together, "Awesome! It's settled then! I'll help you guys look for a place to stay." She declared happily. Then it hit her that she'd called Ralzanoth by name out-loud, she facepalmed mentally for her screw up. She normally never addressed someone without them introducing themselves, but she guessed the excitement got to her. "Oh and uh..I bet you're wondering how I know your name. WELL. Long story short, its part of my Vision. I can uh..know your name and very basic information such as height just by looking at you. It's useful yet annoying. Sorry if it bothered you." She apologized to Ralzanoth.
That said, we may as well check the Residential district first since we're closer to it, then the Buisiness district. Not to mention the apartments are more affordable around here." She explained.

Malorn Drakanos

Malorn nodded and stood before making his way over to the couch and sitting down, propping his feet up on the table in front of him as he did so. Falin was certainly interesting, as was this Dereth and Necrirti that seemed to be bound to her. While, Falin herself didn't seem to be much of a threat, he'd have to watch Dereth closely. He wasn't too big of a fan of spirits, it was hard to tell exactly what most of them were capable of.

Not thinking much of it Malorn grabbed the remote and flicked the TV on. And what do you think it was showing? A live newsfeed of the destruction site that was Faereach State Building. "Of course the news doesn't actually tell you something that you don't know.." He muttered.
Dru smiled happily "thanks for all your help let's go and see." Dru whistled and snapped and Amazo walked up towards him and rubbed against him then turned into a serpent slithering up his body.
"It's true what Skin-face said. Faereach is a place to meet interesting people." Said Ralanoth, happily, grinning like only a skull could. He closed the suitcase he'd modified from a coffin, and grabbed on the rope ready to follow. @Drumonkey @Mitchs98
Sage jumped from building using the recoil from Ember Celica to propel him further when needed. He was headed to his home in hurry because he had to babysit his little brother. He finally landed on the roof of his house and jumped down before walking into the building and was instantly tackled by his 4 year old brother , Luca. " Watch it Kido. " he said as he stumbled back but held the child in his arms.
Halohbottech said:

||Abandoned Building > Rooftop > Crystal Pond - Faereach City||


Falcon spent only a minute in the basement, and in that time, somehow managed to become soaked in dust and cobwebs. Coughing up a lung as he trudged back upstairs, his striped hair was almost completely white, and his black shirt looked like the night sky- with speckles of white dust peppering it and his black pants. Slipping his brown, wide-brimmed hat on and his black shades he didn't even bother getting rid of the dust. Like a snake, he didn't mind a dust bath every now and again, so long as he didn't breathe in the dust.

"Well, most people 'round the city- especially cops- do mind if you wear absolutely nothing- or given what's left of your previous arrangements, practically nothing. Pretty sure it's a federal offense, or somethin' like that." He muttered, juggling a trio of black wallets in one of his hands trying to remember the names of the people he'd killed for these. "...Jeremy, Joe, and Jessica. The woman upstairs and the two guys I ate last night." He said this mostly to himself, but in a building as quiet as this, anything said anywhere could be heard by anyone. After that, he led Nyr to the outside streets. He was relieved to see that the authorities had left the cafe for some time, thus just leaving them and a destroyed shop. As they walked, Falcon cast sideways glances at Nyr, trying to think of something to talk about. He wasn't used to having company- living company, at least- and failed to think of anything to talk about. That is, besides something that caught his eye.

"Wait. You said you didn't use magic to use your power, didn't you." It was rhetorical, so he didn't give her any time to answer. "So... how the hell do you do what you do? Just being able to bend things to your will sounds like a kind of magic to me... Plus, if you don't use magic, how would you even repair my ear? Again, sounds like magic to me." He grunted, adjusting his hat to make sure most of his face was hidden in shadow. Wouldn't want to get recognized now would he?

=- - - - -=


Melchio, tired with a head that was pounding like it was ground beef, finally awoke as he was layed down on the building's rooftop. His jade eyes stared at a smokeless, clear sky that stared back apathetically at the Seraph. His mouth felt like a bed of scorpions had rested in it, and his throat hurt more than his raw side from sliding on the road in his last fight with-

"Falcon!" He cried in a horrendously hoarse voice, before nearly coughing up blood from his last encounter. He could feel that he was healing faster than normal, and he tried to figure out why. It took him a second, but he finally spotted his saviour and friend, Vix. With a hoarse cough, he sat up, tired, but still kicking. "'Sup Vix... Where the heck'm I?" He grunted, trying to rub the tiredness out of his eyes and failing. It felt like every bone in his body was broken and every muscle torn as well. The only good thing about this situation was that he was alive. Inwardly, he cursed himself for losing track of his brother.

"...When I find you, Falcon... You're a dead man. I won't let you stay on this world any longer." Though he said this mostly to himself, it was easy enough for any to hear, and the cold, angry look on his face nearly burned a hole in the ground between his feet with how intense it was. He just wanted to- to crush his head under a rock! Throw him off a cliff! Break every bone in his body and string him up like a puppet and use him like one! That... monster...

=- - - - -=


Blinking her eye open, the first thing Mykky felt was a stinging that grew into a pounding pain in her cheek. The next thing she felt was deep shame and anger as a flood of memories hit her like a tidal wave- her tending to Nyr, then being backhanded by that guy with the tail, then trying to stop him and failing- horribly at that. She could feel a lavender flush spread across her face as her anger grew to astronomical proportions.

"Gah! What kind of performance was that! Good job on being such a fail, Mykky..." She growled, sitting up, the barrier popping from the inside like a barrier. The instant she did, however, the scent of smoke assaulted her senses, and made her cough and gag almost uncontrollably. Glancing around, she stared on, in horror- feeling a sick churning in her stomach as the plants around her burned to the ground. She could tell, this wasn't natural, and the fire destroyed the beautiful garden without remorse. "I've gotta stop this..." She muttered, unsure of what to do, but inspired by seeing even a tad bit of Nyr's power. So, by gathering all the strength within herself, Nyr concentrated on one thing-

"Put out this damn fire!"

A moment passed, and nothing seemed to happen. Nyr's stripes glowed brightly, but nothing seemed to happen to the trees and grasses on fire. For a mere moment, she felt a wave of helplessness wash over her- her efforts failed. That is, until the blaze slowly began to die down, and the trees and plants were awash in a soft, purple hue. Soon enough, the blaze was reduced to nothing, and the park was safe again- the fire having nothing left to burn, as her wishes to put out the fire altered the very plants' DNA, making them blaze-proofed thanks to tiny purple-tipped hairs that covered nearly every inch of them, giving the fire no fuel to burn. Sighing in relief, she plopped down, mildly tired, but oddly enough, extremely giddy. She could feel the plants' relief and glee with her saving them.

"Yeah... no problem...?" She gave the trees a thumbs up, sweat beading on her forehead. She sat, not completely oblivious to Ikari's presence, but not taking much heed in it. He could wait. She needed something to drink...
Vix notice that Melchio was finally awake and gave him a very warm smile. " hey there sleeping beauty, glad to see your up. We my friend are on top of a building and I'm going to take you out on a dinner date." He said with a grin. He could tell by the look on him that he was still thinking about falcon. He walk over to Melchio getting really close and checked to see if he was healing properly. He smiled seeing that everything was heal properly, he then look at Melchio face and got lost in his eyes. He gave a very big goofy smile " your healing up nicely, good thing, you scared me for a minute" he then picked up Melchio in a bridal style and started jumping from one roof top to another, making sure to have a good hold on him so he doesn't fall. He came to a stop in front of a nice looking restraunt. He put Melchio down and said out loud " here we are one of the best places in the city. Dinner of course will be on me. Plus I think it's about time we get to know each other considering all we been through together" he said with plenty of charm that it could win anyone over. He went to the front door and opened it like a gentlemen for Melchio, ushering him in. @Halohbottech
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Drumonkey said:
Dru smiled happily "thanks for all your help let's go and see." Dru whistled and snapped and Amazo walked up towards him and rubbed against him then turned into a serpent slithering up his body.
pbtenchi said:
"It's true what Skin-face said. Faereach is a place to meet interesting people." Said Ralanoth, happily, grinning like only a skull could. He closed the suitcase he'd modified from a coffin, and grabbed on the rope ready to follow. @Drumonkey @Mitchs98
Allison had literally no clue who Skin-face was, and she figured with a name like that she was glad she didn't. "Of course, it's the least I can do. And yeah, you'll definetely meet lots of interesting people if you stick around long enough." She told them. She nodded when they seemed to be ready. "Let's go then!" She declared and started walking down the street. After a few turns they were in the Residential District where she lived, but amongst the houses were several apartment complexes. Eventually, they reached one of the nicer but not exactly what one would consider extravagant buildings. "What about this place? I have a few friends that live here, the rooms are pretty nice, pre-furnished too." She told them.
Sage hugged the little child in his arms firmly and left the house. He was planning to take the child to the park. He walked down the street and passed by the houses until he saw Allison.

Mitchs98 said:
Allison had literally no clue who Skin-face was, and she figured with a name like that she was glad she didn't. "Of course, it's the least I can do. And yeah, you'll definetely meet lots of interesting people if you stick around long enough." She told them. She nodded when they seemed to be ready. "Let's go then!" She declared and started walking down the street. After a few turns they were in the Residential District where she lived, but amongst the houses were several apartment complexes. Eventually, they reached one of the nicer but not exactly what one would consider extravagant buildings. "What about this place? I have a few friends that live here, the rooms are pretty nice, pre-furnished too." She told them.
Hitsugya looked up from his spot on the ground. If there hadn't been any lightning he probably wouldn't have even been able to see the massive creature. He glanced at his surroundings, searching for something to distract and seeing a boulder. Managing to dodge another strike of lightning, he put his hands underneath the rock and lifted it up. Hitsu turned to his side and swung the massive rock at the treant, which just pissed it off even more, and he dashed right at it.

Landing on the arm of the living tree, Hitsugya slammed his fist that was covered in lightning right into the arm and sent a bolt right through it.

djinnamon said:
Sage hugged the little child in his arms firmly and left the house. He was planning to take the child to the park. He walked down the street and passed by the houses until he saw Allison.
@pbtenchi @Drumonkey

While Allison waited for a response she noticed Sage with his brother Luca. "Speaking of people I know around here..hey Sage, hey Luca!" She called out, waving to them. She almost let something about Dru slip due to her excitement over the situation but she refrained from doing so, if Dru wanted them to know and try to help him, he'd say so himself.
Mitchs98 said:
@pbtenchi @Drumonkey
While Allison waited for a response she noticed Sage with his brother Luca. "Speaking of people I know around here..hey Sage, hey Luca!" She called out, waving to them. She almost let something about Dru slip due to her excitement over the situation but she refrained from doing so, if Dru wanted them to know and try to help him, he'd say so himself.
Sage walked over to her and smiled. "Hi Ally. " he said as Luca struggled out his hands and ran over to Allison to hug her. He smiled at the child before looking at Allison again. " So what are you doing. " he asked

Enjoying the food before it grew too cold, the Bosmer didn't pay much mind to Malorn as he stood and left the table. The sounds of other people talking in the room? Now that got her attention. Turning towards the sound mid-bite, Falin still had a piece of bacon sticking out of her mouth. A box on the other side of the room seemed to be the source of the sound. And it had . . . images on it? Was this some form of scrying? Sure, she'd seen it done and projected to others before but usually the one doing the scrying is a little more . . . involved.

Malorn sure as hell didn't seem that focused on the whole thing.

The confused Immortal continued watching the screen, bacon hanging from her mouth. She recognized the scenery as just outside. But what was the point? If you wanted to check on things look out the bloody window!

This world is so strange...
djinnamon said:
Sage walked over to her and smiled. "Hi Ally. " he said as Luca struggled out his hands and ran over to Allison to hug her. He smiled at the child before looking at Allison again. " So what are you doing. " he asked
(Sorry for the wait, currently GM'ing a fast paced Fairy Tail RP and it demands a lotta attention.)

Allison smiled and ruffled Luca's hair when he hugged her. "Long story short, met these guys after a fight broke out at the academy between some hunters and a dragonkin. They don't have a place to stay yet soo I was showing them apartment complexes." She explained, gesturing to Dru and Ralzanoth. "What about you and Luca? What are you guys up to?" She asked.

KageYuuki said:
Enjoying the food before it grew too cold, the Bosmer didn't pay much mind to Malorn as he stood and left the table. The sounds of other people talking in the room? Now that got her attention. Turning towards the sound mid-bite, Falin still had a piece of bacon sticking out of her mouth. A box on the other side of the room seemed to be the source of the sound. And it had . . . images on it? Was this some form of scrying? Sure, she'd seen it done and projected to others before but usually the one doing the scrying is a little more . . . involved.

Malorn sure as hell didn't seem that focused on the whole thing.

The confused Immortal continued watching the screen, bacon hanging from her mouth. She recognized the scenery as just outside. But what was the point? If you wanted to check on things look out the bloody window!

This world is so strange...
Malorn Drakanos

Malorn grimaced at the TV, yet listened to the reporter explain that there was some kind of large scale fight that'd nearly destroyed the State Building, killed several people, and injured a truckload. Eventually, he glanced over to Falins' expression at the TV and a amused smirk crept over his face. Clearly, Nirn did not have such a thing as television. "This'd be the TV or Television I was telling you about before. Also, I'm not sure if you're aware, but bacon is hanging out of your mouth." He told her.

"Hm?" Falin blinked before finishing off the now cold piece of bacon. "I see . . ." she shook her head a little before standing. She now had a name for the bo- er, TV but that didn't exactly explain what it was for. Technology wasn't exactly advanced in the world she came from. Was it due to how prevalent magic was? Possibly. The numerous wars that had been ravaging the land? They certainly weren't helping matters it seemed. Well, whatever the reason, this was still a first for Falin.
Shiro Majima

Shiro watched El Ruidoso's chosen boar sink away from view with awe and confidence. Could he do this? Probably not! Will he do this? Absolutely! The only thing Shiro needed was a target. Something he could toss off the edge without much effort. He wasn't likely to find another giant boar nearby, and it just wouldn't be heroic to lob a small animal to its doom. It went against the Rules of Engagement, and wouldn't grant him any worthwhile experience anyway. What could he kill, that was both nearby and easy to get into the air?

Whoosh! A gust of air buffeted Shiro's face as a massive shape blocked out the sky in front of him! A dragon had come to challenge Shiro! A WILD WYVERN, its SHINING SILVER SCALES sluicing spectacularly, glared daggers at the puny human who had inadvertently tread upon its territory! The terrifying THUNDER LIZARD let loose a PRIMAL YAWP and swooped in to crush Shiro with its body weight!

With a THUNDEROUS CRASH, the dragon's bulk crashed into the island, hitting nothing but THIN AIR! Several meters above, Shiro Majima came crashing down on the MIGHTY THEROPOD's trunk of a neck, foot outstretched!


A MIGHTY CRACK sounded across the clearing, as Shiro's beastly heel caved in one of the FEARSOME LIZARD's neck scales! Shiro tumbled off his opponent's neck, clutching his leg and groaning pathetically. Our fair hero had suffered a SEVERELY SPRAINED ANKLE! With a WET THUD, Shiro landed on the muddy terrain below, directly below his SCALED FOE!

The WILY WYVERN wasted no time in abusing Shiro's incapacitation, and delivered a HEEEEL DROP of its own, only standing up and using more than just its heel! The SCALED BEHEMOTH's tremendous talons slammed into Shiro's PRONE BODY, driving him deep into the muck! Water and mud flowed into Shiro's UNPROTECTED ORIFICES, threatening to drown him if he didn't do something soon!

As SWEET LIFE drained away from Shiro, he performed his most secret technique: SOMETHING HE PROBABLY SHOULD NOT BE DOING! Shiro disappeared, taking EXACTLY THREE HUNDRED POUNDS OF DRAGON with him! A significant portion of his EVISCERATED ENEMY fell around Shiro as he reappeared flat on his back several yards away from his foe! The HALF-DRAGON, now much less likely to put up a fight, initiated its most desperate and dangerous move so far: SUCCUMB TO UNFATHOMABLE PAIN! Heavily disoriented and HORRENDOUSLY MOIST, Shiro advanced on his stricken opponent, and placed a GRAND CHOKEHOLD on its REMARKABLY INTACT throat. Muscles glowing a STICKY REDDISH BLUE, Shiro dragged his opponent over to the very edge of the island, and looked over the edge. This next move was going to be extremely ill-advised and PROBABLY FATAL.

Shiro took a deep breath. His opponent failed to do the same. Shiro leaped off the edge of the island, his arms and legs wrapped around the wyvern's neck. As he fell, Shiro and his enemy spun wildly!


Shiro pushed off from his opponent and, very close to panicking, teleporter fifty feet diagonally towards the island. His CLAMMY HANDS clutched wildly at a handful of MIRACULOUSLY STRONG ROOTS, finding greatly-appreciated purchase! With another slight intake of air, Shiro teleported again, and reappeared back on solid land! HE STUCK THE LANDING!

Shiro fell over backwards, pale as a ghost and bloodier than an accessory to suicide by woodchipper. His muscles flared brilliantly yet failed entirely to match the sheer volume that made up the whites of his eyes. Panting and sweating, Shiro looked over to El Ruidoso, and gave a weak thumbs-up. HE DID THE POSE AS WELL!

"Hah. A-aheehee! H-how was that, sensei? I did it? Wuzzat c-cool forya?"

Sage pouted. " Damn I missed a lot , anyway me and Luca were going to the park. " he said as he ran a through his soft silky blonde hair. His purple darted over to Dru and Ralzanoth before he leaned over to Allison and smirked. " They are cute don't you think. " he whispered to Allison with a devilish smirk as Luca's kept hugging the girl.

Mitchs98 said:
(Sorry for the wait, currently GM'ing a fast paced Fairy Tail RP and it demands a lotta attention.)
Allison smiled and ruffled Luca's hair when he hugged her. "Long story short, met these guys after a fight broke out at the academy between some hunters and a dragonkin. They don't have a place to stay yet soo I was showing them apartment complexes." She explained, gesturing to Dru and Ralzanoth. "What about you and Luca? What are you guys up to?" She asked.

Malorn Drakanos

Malorn grimaced at the TV, yet listened to the reporter explain that there was some kind of large scale fight that'd nearly destroyed the State Building, killed several people, and injured a truckload. Eventually, he glanced over to Falins' expression at the TV and a amused smirk crept over his face. Clearly, Nirn did not have such a thing as television. "This'd be the TV or Television I was telling you about before. Also, I'm not sure if you're aware, but bacon is hanging out of your mouth." He told her.
KageYuuki said:
"Hm?" Falin blinked before finishing off the now cold piece of bacon. "I see . . ." she shook her head a little before standing. She now had a name for the bo- er, TV but that didn't exactly explain what it was for. Technology wasn't exactly advanced in the world she came from. Was it due to how prevalent magic was? Possibly. The numerous wars that had been ravaging the land? They certainly weren't helping matters it seemed. Well, whatever the reason, this was still a first for Falin.
Malorn Drakanos

Malorn chuckled lowly to himself momentarily at Falins' confusion. It was clear his very brief explanationon the subject didn't explain much of anything. At all. "It's a form of entertainment. Useful and actually entertaining at times." He explained, turning the channel to a cooking channel, then to a wild west movie. "Hundreds of channels and usually not a damn thing worth watching on." He continued. He figured to her the concept of a TV was like Dereth trying to explain himself to him.

djinnamon said:
Sage pouted. " Damn I missed a lot , anyway me and Luca were going to the park. " he said as he ran a through his soft silky blonde hair. His purple darted over to Dru and Ralzanoth before he leaned over to Allison and smirked. " They are cute don't you think. " he whispered to Allison with a devilish smirk as Luca's kept hugging the girl.
Allison nodded, "Yes, yes you did. The park huh? Sounds fun." She replied, directing the latter half of her comment to Luca. She quirked a brow at what Sage said next. Dru? Possibly. The skeleton? What kind of messed up things was Sage into? "Uhh...that depends. Do you?" She asked him curiously.
" Mainly Dru , the other guy not so much but I'm trying to act nice. " He said as he folded his arms. He was by no mean attracted by that skeleton but he wanted to be nice and it won't hurt to lie. Luca giggled and looked up and Allison. " Come to the park with us Aoweson. " the child said tugging at Allison's clothes.

Mitchs98 said:
Malorn DrakanosMalorn chuckled lowly to himself momentarily at Falins' confusion. It was clear his very brief explanationon the subject didn't explain much of anything. At all. "It's a form of entertainment. Useful and actually entertaining at times." He explained, turning the channel to a cooking channel, then to a wild west movie. "Hundreds of channels and usually not a damn thing worth watching on." He continued. He figured to her the concept of a TV was like Dereth trying to explain himself to him.

Allison nodded, "Yes, yes you did. The park huh? Sounds fun." She replied, directing the latter half of her comment to Luca. She quirked a brow at what Sage said next. Dru? Possibly. The skeleton? What kind of messed up things was Sage into? "Uhh...that depends. Do you?" She asked him curiously.

Head titled in curiosity, Falin watched Malorn switch between the different channels. Even with the added info it was still rather foreign. Though Bosmer were known for their innate curiosity. They certainly weren't afraid of an unknown item like this. Not that it really seemed all that harmful. "So . . . It's kind of like a play?" She tried to put it in terms that she was already familiar with. Television, movies, channels, those weren't exactly terms she knew. "You're just able to watch it from someplace else?" She felt like she was close to the concept at least.
Kandra Bal Magna - Dracolich Castle's Throne Room

"Dance boy DANCE!" He chuckled as he increased the downpour of the rain. "Mad Conductor!" He intoned as his hands started moving furiously in many different directions, each movement causing lightning to strike on his target or on a nearby forming puddles that started to form. "Let's see how long you last." @Veyd Sahvoz
Mitchs98 said:
Allison had literally no clue who Skin-face was, and she figured with a name like that she was glad she didn't. "Of course, it's the least I can do. And yeah, you'll definetely meet lots of interesting people if you stick around long enough." She told them. She nodded when they seemed to be ready. "Let's go then!" She declared and started walking down the street. After a few turns they were in the Residential District where she lived, but amongst the houses were several apartment complexes. Eventually, they reached one of the nicer but not exactly what one would consider extravagant buildings. "What about this place? I have a few friends that live here, the rooms are pretty nice, pre-furnished too." She told them.
djinnamon said:
Sage walked over to her and smiled. "Hi Ally. " he said as Luca struggled out his hands and ran over to Allison to hug her. He smiled at the child before looking at Allison again. " So what are you doing. " he asked
"Sure this place sounds just fine. Also it's nice to meet your friends. As you said my name is Dru but you forgot Amazo." As he said that the snake on his arm and it turned into a monkey again and sat on his shoulder it screeched at them then it held onto Drus head watching the new people warily.
Sage smiled at Drug. " Hi its very nice to meet you cutie. " he said with a wink as he shake Dru's hand.

Ooc: Good night

Drumonkey said:
"Sure this place sounds just fine. Also it's nice to meet your friends. As you said my name is Dru but you forgot Amazo." As he said that the snake on his arm and it turned into a monkey again and sat on his shoulder it screeched at them then it held onto Drus head watching the new people warily.
djinnamon said:
Sage smiled at Drug. " Hi its very nice to meet you cutie. " he said with a wink as he shake Dru's hand.
Ooc: Good night
Dru chuckled and pulled him into a hug and whispered "oh you're pretty attractive yourself but I think I have my eyes on Allison."
Sage yelped in surprise but overcame it quickly and smirked. " Thank you and give me a call if it does not work. " he whispered back.

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djinnamon said:
" Mainly Dru , the other guy not so much but I'm trying to act nice. " He said as he folded his arms. He was by no mean attracted by that skeleton but he wanted to be nice and it won't hurt to lie. Luca giggled and looked up and Allison. " Come to the park with us Aoweson. " the child said tugging at Allison's clothes.

Allison sighed internally, at-least Sage wasn't into necrophillia or rather, an extreme form of it. "Well, that's a relief." She told him jokingly. Then she looked down to Luca when he asked her to go to the park with them. "We'll see. I gotta make sure these guys are fine with this building first." She told him laughing softly and smiling down at him. She turned to look at Dru when he told her the building would be fine, "Awesome then! Saves us the trouble of walking around town for another hour to find a building you like." She told him happily. "And of course, how could I forget Amazo." She added when Amazo made his prescence known.

She watched Sage and Dru talk, and Dru eventually pull him into a hug. She did not see that one coming, at all. She simply blinked at the scene and turned her attention back to Luca. "
Guess this means I'll go to the park with you guys after all." She told him.

KageYuuki said:
Head titled in curiosity, Falin watched Malorn switch between the different channels. Even with the added info it was still rather foreign. Though Bosmer were known for their innate curiosity. They certainly weren't afraid of an unknown item like this. Not that it really seemed all that harmful. "So . . . It's kind of like a play?" She tried to put it in terms that she was already familiar with. Television, movies, channels, those weren't exactly terms she knew. "You're just able to watch it from someplace else?" She felt like she was close to the concept at least.
Malorn Drakanos

Malorn nodded. "Sort of but pre-recorded. More or less the same thing though." He replied. "Though, some shows are live. And they have music on here as well." He added. He couldn't help but be amused at Falins' reaction to the TV. Though, it was expected. It was the equivilant of showing a hermit a telephone after all. Despite his age he was fairly well accustomed to the modern luxuries at hand, god knows he used his microwave more than most people took a bath.

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