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Fantasy Faereach City of Magicks (Now Accepting)


Elsabeth hissed and pulled away from his grasp, her eyes gleaming with anger - the only part of her that actually showed how angry she was, her face had not changed expression. It wasn't because of the fire that Elsabeth pulled away as fire didn't hurt her - she was used to it - she merely just didn't like sudden movements or being detained. "Don't just grab me-" She said, "What are you trying to do?"
pbtenchi said:
@Drumonkey @Mitchs98 "Ah sorry! That's one of my random doodles, I've got quiet good at them over the centuries." He said before flicking through a few more pages and revealing a picture of Dru in Egyptian garb. "Is this you?" Asked Ralzanoth.
Dru was speechless for a few minutes then he said "yeah... that looks like me and it is as bad as I thought. Do you think you can find anything else like that about me or is that all." Dru sounded a little sad and emotional. (Sorry I had to find your post. @Mitchs98 )
"Well, I'm not sure, it may took awhile to fully scan the diaries, but I am happy to help." Ralzanoth replied sympathetically. "You know, ruthless doesn't mean evil, demon god Yorgoth made that mistake when he revived me."
pbtenchi said:
"Well, I'm not sure, it may took awhile to fully scan the diaries, but I am happy to help." Ralzanoth replied sympathetically. "You know, ruthless doesn't mean evil, demon god Yorgoth made that mistake when he revived me."
"Well sir I am happy to hang around with you if you would like? I am going to see if I can find a place to stay for the duration of my stay here, would you like to come with us?"
Drumonkey said:
"Well sir I am happy to hang around with you if you would like? I am going to see if I can find a place to stay for the duration of my stay here, would you like to come with us?"
"Well, it's true I don't have a place to stay right now, but are you sure you would be comfortable sharing a building with a lich? I might slit your throats and reanimate you in your sleep you know. That's what lichs are famous for." said Ralzanoth
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temporalSorceress said:
Nyr snorts a bit at the fact that she rambles. Yes, she talked a lot, but she didn't think she spoke that much. Her thoughts quickly turned tail and a blush quickly coated her almond skin at his next few comments. She huffed and moved until she was crouched next to his tail.
"You're lucky I even had any clothes on to begin with. Where I come from, nudity is not uncommon." She poked her tongue out at him before turning her attention to his tail. She hadn't failed to notice the blush, but she couldn't say anything since her own skin practically matched. She rested her hands on either side of his tail, closing her eyes and exhaling a little before she pushed her hands apart, the concrete groaning before widening a little under her touch which freed his tail. After she was done, she stood up and realized just how close they were. Instead of stepping away, she just stared.

"Has anyone ever told you-" She cuts herself off quickly and changes subject just as quickly. "While I'm in your bubble, do you want me to fix that as well?" She tilts her head, motioning to his missing ear. She didn't doubt that she could heal it, she just wasn't sure if he'd let her or not.
loyalwolf said:

Vix had taken in every word the man said and nod understandingly. He gave a small “seems all I’ve been doing is protecting people, doing favors for people or healing them. I don’t know if I can protect everyone, I'm lucky enough I can protect myself, but I guess I can try my best, sir. I’m no hero and I don’t think I will ever be but I can at least pretend for your son’s sake.” Vix sighed the love a parent had for their children is something beautiful to witness but it also is very painful for him to look at. Even with rule and boundaries this man can still find a way to look after his son, something that his own parent never did. He let the thought pass and look back at the man, “ I'll take care of him the best I can for sure, but I need my own favor to ask, sir, when the time comes I am going to need your help so I hope you're prepared to repay in full” he said with his fox grin. Even all powerful beings can't escape a debate, especially if it's to a fox. He looked toward melchio and spoke out loud “ill let your son know you said Hi and that you love him. I'll make sure he distracted while I try to find a way to hunt down this falcon guy and kill him myself. Plus, I don’t want melchio to have to go through the pain of killing his own family or having his own family kill him, that's something no should have to go through.” He gave the man a reassuring tap on the shoulder, looks like he even has to comfort angel now what has his life become he thought to himself. He checks on melchio to make everything was healing properly and his spell was still doing its job. He then thought looks like I'm having salmon for dinner, then with a smile.


Ikari just got down ransacking a shopping to fill himself up with food and Liquir. He was walking though the park when smells the familiar scent of a kitsune. His lips twitched into a smirk. He began to walk toward the direction it was coming from until he reached the park. He looked around and said “well, looks like there some hope for baby brother after all.” He continued walking as a slow pace, he was in no rush. He would get what he wanted in due time. After all the hunt is 40% of the fun, the torture is 50% of the fun and then there begging right before death make up the last 10%, so he’ll just let this drag on to increase his amusement. @Halohbottech

||Abandoned Building > The Streets - Faereach City||


A snorter. Greaaat. As if he hadn't met enough of those in his life. She'd better stop that, otherwise he'd start thinking of her less as a person and more as a hog. Being a person in his eyes wasn't a privilege gifted to all young women he happened across, especially pretty ones like Nyr. Generally, people were more-or-less cattle to him- things to be harvested for their meat and nothing more. And yet here he was, saving her not once, but twice. Admittedly, he did put her in danger the second time, but the fact he saved her should still totally count.

"Nude...? That seems pretty stupid and da... da..." Falcon stopped talking, his mind slowly filling with a not-so-rough idea of what Nyr may look like if nothing'd survived that crash. Like a dog on a hot day his jaw stayed dropped with his tongue lolling out of his mouth like he was imitating a foxhound. If one looked closely, it appeared that steam was coming out of his remaining ear, it's tip glowing a fierce bright red. He barely even noticed the loss in pressure on his tail as it slipped from the newly formed hole in the wall.

"Bubble...? What about hi-i-im...?" He quickly snapped his jaw shut when he realized that Nyr was right beside him. Mentally he took a fan and blasted the thoughts the furthest recesses of his mind, hoping that the overwhelming weight of him thinking about anything else right about now would crush the thought out of existence. He leapt to his feet and, like one unaccustomed to skating, slid to the wall where the dead woman's slumped skeleton was, clearly uncomfortable with the closeness. "Yeah... thanks for the offer but magic and I do not mix. I mean, you'd probably fix my ear up, but the pain I'd go through, plus the migraines that'd occur..." He visibly shivered, his gold eyes clearly remembering an uncomfortable thought. "Plus, I can still hear. Inner ear's undamaged, so everything's good. I'll just have a few problems with depth perception for this side. A-n-y-ways..." He stopped talking, letting an uncomfortable silence settle in on their little scene, the only sound coming from the snapping fire next to him.

"...I just realized you can't keep that trench coat." He sighed, his hands darting for his shirt, which he slipped into, and his hat. After putting on his shades- he only needed them to hid his eyes- he was all dressed up for a day out. "Which means I need to get you something to wear because gods know you can't go around half nu-u... *ahem!* nude." He shook himself, before stomping out the fire with his tail. "I'm headed to the basement. Follow if you want. Got some things down there I need to grab." With that, he slipped across the room to the stairs down, and headed for the ground floor.

=- - - - -=


The angel sighed, visibly relieved. "It's good to see you have such compassion in your heart, Vix. When the time comes, I'll do whatever you want me to do. So long as it does not cross the boundaries of my fair lady, I will do as you ask. Though..." He looked to the sky, the sun, specifically, with a frown on his face. "If you do try to kill Falcon, I warn you. He'll have no remorse for you. The only one in this world he loves is Melchio. I doubt he has any love left for himself for what he's done, and more importantly, what he's put my son through." His expression became unreadable at that point, almost as if he were contemplating telling Vix something more. Instead, he opted to let the Kitsune handle whatever came his way.

"Well, I suppose it's time for me to go. There's just a few things here and there I have to tell you about before I go, however." He leveled his gaze with Vix's, that same look he had from before settled in his eyes. "For one, I'd tell Melchio about your own family, especially if you tell him that I visited him. I bet you know what I'm saying. As a Life Angel, I'm responsible for looking after, well, life. And, when things don't go according to Life's plans, I or my children must step in." He smiled, resting a palm on Vix's shoulder. "After all, I'm sure Melchio wouldn't want you to have to deal with killing your family either. Though, I wonder if either of you would feel any emotional pain from killing your brothers. ..." He looked down the street in Ikari's direction, knowing full well he was coming.

"Well, it's time for both of us to take our leave of this place. Tell my son I love him and... well... ah nevermind. It'd only stress him some more. Take care, Vix!" He nodded to the Kitsune, and continued his jog, before he slowly faded from view, becoming nothing more than an array of lights that scattered into the open air.
pbtenchi said:
"Well, it's true I don't have a place to stay right now, but are you sure you would be comfortable sharing a building with a lich? I might slit your throats and reanimate you in your sleep you know. That's what lichs are famous for." said Ralzanoth
"You saw me in Egypt nearly thousands of years ago do you think you can just slit my throat? Anyways if you wanted to kill me or my friend you would have done it plain and simple." Dru smiled and chuckled.
Nyr giggled a bit at his reaction before combing her fingers through her hair again. This seemed to be a very common habit for her. She puffed her cheeks out before following him, keeping a reasonable distance away from him. His reaction stuck in her mind, and she found it amusing since she did not think of him to be the type to get so easily flustered.

"Revealing clothing is comfortable to me, I don't care if it's 'indecent'. The more I'm connected with my elements, the better." She shrugged, pulling the trench coat away from her body a bit. She found the article of clothing to be stuffy and confining, half tempted to rip it off. However, for the sake of things, she wouldn't. Mostly because she didn't think that this person would be able to handle it.

"By the way, my powers don't rely on magic. I bend the elements to my will and they do as I say. It's not necessarily magic." She huffed but didn't press the issue further as she followed him down the stairs. By the time they reached the bottom, the trench coat was half undone and she clearly looked uncomfortable in the material.

"I don't understand how you can wear this all the time. It's hot and confining." She grumbled, tucking her hand into her pocket and pulling out Aquios, who seemed all too happy to ride along on her shoulder and get a view that wasn't inside the pocket of the trench coat. She hummed softly to herself as she waited for Falcon to grab whatever it was that he needed, staring at the surrounding areas. She didn't recognize this place, so she figured it was for the best that Falcon was well enough to show her around.

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@Drumonkey @pbtenchi

Allison was glad that he actually had a real picture of Dru. "Well, that's better than being a hippo for sure." She joked. "And don't worry, like Ralzanoth said it doesn't nessacarily mean you were evil and stuff." She added reassuringly.

She then listened to the two talk about somewhere to stay, she
would have offered for Dru to stay in their spare room until he got a place. But she was fairly sure her family wouldn't agree to house Ralzanoth for afforementioned reasons. "I'm sure I could help find you guys somewhere fairly easily. After all, Faereach has tons of apartment complexes." She told them.

The Emerald Enclave

"Mi estudiante! Why do you clutch that ladder so?" boomed a voice from behind Shiro Majima.

El Ruidoso de Marad, mighty is he, had already ascended the ladder! Such pace! Such speed! Such ferocity! It was clear that he had not climbed so much as ran up the rickety rope ladder! Such precise skills were perhaps the reason why he was a wonderful, dramatic and mighty lucha wrestler!

"Witness, the Emerald Enclave!" El Ruidoso declared, his arms open wide. "A hazardous yet beautiful wasteland full of danger! Full of excitement! Full of challenges! And your second task is to impress me! Choose one single opponent, and defeat him as though an ENTIRE CROWD of ATTRACTIVE WOMEN are witnessing your act!"

But then, El Ruidoso heard the sounds of heated, astonishing battle! Truly such sounds spoke of fierce opponents, and notable challenge! Perhaps they would be a good... oh, it was merely the angry angel man and a friend beating up some trees. BURNING TREES! So dramatic! His opinion reversed, El Ruidoso shed a single tear for the sight he witnessed. So magnificent! Truly burning trees were the epitome of showmanship! He would be sure to set up a few around the ring for his next bout!

But they were little more than a distraction! Pushing the thought and sight from his mind, he returned to his acolyte. "Find yourself a beast, and defeat him in mortal kombat, mi estudiante! All must know of your glory! Show me, your FIERY PASSION!"
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KageYuuki said:
Falin tilted her head slightly before resting her chin on interlocked fingers. It seemed she had found another immune to the flow of time, how interesting. "I didn't mean to cause more confusion, though I guess it's to be expected with a topic like that." She sighed, giving a small shrug. "Really, I'm not exactly qualified to give a decent explanation on the topic. You're better off tracking down a Spirit Mage or Chain Meister."

The Bosmer rubbed the back of her head, thinking on how he called her a spirit shaman. That wasn't what she was, far from it in fact. Though if Necrirti had picked up on Malorn holding such a strong demonic power, part of her wondered if she should even mention her real role. I don't think I would call myself a spirit shaman. Just . . . someone who's picked up a few tricks over the course of their life."
Malorn Drakanos

Malorn nodded. He'd have to track down whatever the hell a Chain Meister was and get an explanation from them. He assumed it was someone wrapped in chains, or something of the sort. "I just might do that." He replied before finishing his bacon. The concept of her having her husband as a fighting spirit bound to her was fairly interesting, even moreso someone else was bound to him. Spirit-ception, as it were. "I see. And a relatively long life at that, it seems." He told her, referring to what Dereth had said, before reclining back in his chair. "Immortal races are fairly common in Faereach and this realm, a multitude reside in Faereach particularly." He added.
Mitchs98 said:
@Drumonkey @pbtenchi
Allison was glad that he actually had a real picture of Dru. "Well, that's better than being a hippo for sure." She joked. "And don't worry, like Ralzanoth said it doesn't nessacarily mean you were evil and stuff." She added reassuringly.

She then listened to the two talk about somewhere to stay, she
would have offered for Dru to stay in their spare room until he got a place. But she was fairly sure her family wouldn't agree to house Ralzanoth for afforementioned reasons. "I'm sure I could help find you guys somewhere fairly easily. After all, Faereach has tons of apartment complexes." She told them.
(Did I mention his name?) "Well, Dru, it wasn't literal, I don't carry a knife after I cut my hand off about a hundred years ago. If theirs one thing 3417 years of dealing with demons, gods and monsters has taught me, it's that everything dies with something." He turned to Allison "That would be very kind of you. I don't remember if I've met people so... unbiased in all my undeath, well I'll have to check my diaries of course."
pbtenchi said:
(Did I mention his name?) "Well, Dru, it wasn't literal, I don't carry a knife after I cut my hand off about a hundred years ago. If theirs one thing 3417 years of dealing with demons, gods and monsters has taught me, it's that everything dies with something." He turned to Allison "That would be very kind of you. I don't remember if I've met people so... unbiased in all my undeath, well I'll have to check my diaries of course."
(Ya didn't, but one of her HUD vision powers is basic information such as a name, height, weight, etc. Normally she doesn't mention someones name without someone saying it, so consider it a slip up to be mentioned by her in my next post.)
Shiro Majima

El Ruidoso's enthusiastic commands filled Shiro with boundless vim.

"You've got it, master," Shiro said, as he sprinted into the underbrush. "Don't expect to find any corpses after I'm done, though! Gyahahaha!"

Several yards away from Shiro's point of entry, a gigantic boar rooted aimlessly through a knot of gnarled oak roots. With languid motions, it ripped clumps of tubers and wood out of the ground and swallowed them whole. So focused was it that the poor thing hadn't even noticed Shiro Majima until he was already airborne.


Shiro slammed into the boar's side, heaving it into the dirt. As the boar got back to its feet, it spotted Shiro standing on the other side of the clearing.

"BOAR!! In accordance with the Rules of Engagement, I have granted you a Fighting Chance! You will strike back at me, with ALL OF YOUR MIGHT! Give me your LOVE, your ANGER, and ALLLLL YOUR SORROW!"

Boars are, generally speaking, rather simple creatures. Their train of thought generally devolves into one of two notable conclusions: Things to Kill, and Things to Eat. This boar, being of sound mind and body, had rapidly reached the conclusion that Shiro belonged to the latter category. With a righteous fury restricted only to the likes of his species, the boar charged. Shiro did not bother to dodge or counter-attack.

It was only due to sheer luck that Shiro had managed to get stuck between the boar's tusks. Having failed to gore its target, the boar threw Shiro to the side, sending him flying into the tree it had been ravaging. Addled and in pain, Shiro rolled to the side, narrowly avoiding the boar's followup attack and leaving it to bash its head on the oak tree.

Shiro leaped up to his feet and whirled around to face his opponent. Both he and his opponent stared eachother down. With a mighty LEAP, Shiro bounded into the air, aiming towards his Dangerous Porcine Opponent!

"This is the end for you! Face my FINAL ASSAULT: SASUKE! SPECIAL! X! OOOYAAAAA!"

Shiro's Mighty Boot met the boar's forehead with a Furious Crack The Hairy Behemoth collapsed, its head Suitably Rattled! Laughing wildly, Shiro wrapped his Manly Arms around his fallen opponent's Pork Loins and HEAVED with All His Might! Has his Lifting Technique succeeded? Yes, it has! Hefty Porker in hand, Shiro utilized his Secret Throwing Technique: Essence of Giant Swing! Spinning wildly and emitting a bright blue Muscle Glow, Shiro heaved his opponent Skyward Bound, where it disappeared from sight!

The strong haze of Combat Emboldening gradually faded from Shiro's mind, and a tide of realization hit him like a sack of foreskins. What had just happened? All Shiro knew was that he had won, and that he did it with style and skill. With his blood still pumping, Shiro made his way back to El Ruidoso.

"Oi oi, master! Didja hear me back there? I really killed that fuckin' boar! So, 'zat enough style for you, or you want me to kick something else's ass?"

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Tazmodo said:
Reed walked with her. "So I'm guessing I'm getting the couch. And how am I the dummy?" He lightly bumped into her.
As the door opened up, it opened to an open living room. There was a spiral staircase to the 2nd floor, made of bulletproof glass. The first floor was whitewashed. Taylor walked over to a wall, and tapped the wall twice, with her knuckle. After she did this, a piece of the rotated down, with the baseboard as the hinge, and revealed a hidden bed. "Don't worry, bed is safe," she told Reed. "I'll be upstairs if you need anything."
TeaMMatE11 said:
As the door opened up, it opened to an open living room. There was a spiral staircase to the 2nd floor, made of bulletproof glass. The first floor was whitewashed. Taylor walked over to a wall, and tapped the wall twice, with her knuckle. After she did this, a piece of the rotated down, with the baseboard as the hinge, and revealed a hidden bed. "Don't worry, bed is safe," she told Reed. "I'll be upstairs if you need anything."
Reed changed and teleported into the bed. "Dang I was really hoping for a couch but thank you." He laid down. "Anyways what do we do tomorrow?"
[QUOTE="Embaga Elder]When Hitsugya finished his attack Crimson followed up with a blast of Rage fire burning the tree. @Metaphysics

Dunkenstein said:
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The Emerald Enclave

A blast of lightning shot through the dark skies, silhouetting El Ruidoso de Marad standing powerfully on top of a large boulder, arms folded and cape flapping in the wind. Wait. Where did he get a cape? Did he find one? Was it stored up here for just this purpose? Did he, in fact, have it shoved down his pants this entire time? And when did it get dark, for that matter? Was the FIERY PASSION of El Ruidoso de Marad capable of warping reality for just this tiny moment to allow the dramatic image to be played up for all its might?! Or was it, in fact, a complete coincidence? It was a question not to be answered this day, for El Ruidoso had something he needed to say!

"This blue. What is this blue, mi estudiante? Does your blood burn blue with FIERY PASSION?! Or is this simply a magic trick to pretend that you have the mighty prowess of a legendary wrestler?" The mighty luchador shoved his hand into the air, index finger extended, just so another burst of lightning could illuminate him. "We must do it AGAIN! But this time, we shall first trek to the very edge of this cursed floating island! The other edge, not this one. And we will find something mighty, and hurl it to its doom! You must learn to hurl, mi estudiante, and only then can we determine if you have the necessary skill to fight, the island, ITSELF!"

With that, El Ruidoso de Marad, mighty is he, hopped down off the legendary rock that was ever so gracious to bear his perfect form for but a moment, and began his walk to the distant side of the island, the one who's edge hovered over the empty grasslands distant from Faereach City. For it would not do to cause wanton destruction to the city below, yes?
Mitchs98 said:
@Drumonkey @pbtenchi
Allison was glad that he actually had a real picture of Dru. "Well, that's better than being a hippo for sure." She joked. "And don't worry, like Ralzanoth said it doesn't nessacarily mean you were evil and stuff." She added reassuringly.

She then listened to the two talk about somewhere to stay, she
would have offered for Dru to stay in their spare room until he got a place. But she was fairly sure her family wouldn't agree to house Ralzanoth for afforementioned reasons. "I'm sure I could help find you guys somewhere fairly easily. After all, Faereach has tons of apartment complexes." She told them.
pbtenchi said:
(Did I mention his name?) "Well, Dru, it wasn't literal, I don't carry a knife after I cut my hand off about a hundred years ago. If theirs one thing 3417 years of dealing with demons, gods and monsters has taught me, it's that everything dies with something." He turned to Allison "That would be very kind of you. I don't remember if I've met people so... unbiased in all my undeath, well I'll have to check my diaries of course."
"Well I think I can find a way to temporarily disguise you if it comes to that, one time I was almost set on fire but my body excreted this pheromone that doused the fire since then I've researched pheromones and they can do a lot of things. With enough focus or fear I should be able to convince someone you look normal. Anyways time to find an apartment or rather see if we can rent a hotel for the night then look in the morning for your benefit Allison since you need to sleep after all." Dru looked at both of them back and forth seeing if anyone had a better plan or idea.

Falin nodded, "We mer tend to have rather long lifespans." While certainly true for Altmer and Dunmer, the statement wasn't so true for Bosmer. At least, for the Bosmer living in Valenwood anyway. The hostile environment isn't all that good for one's health. She returned to the eggs on her plate as Dereth faded from view. I'm not sure what to think of him, The Spirit whispered in her mind, as if worried the demon could hear her thoughts. We may be better off with that Chain Meister.

Once we've regained some more energy. Necrirti should be able to get us a little closer to him at least. The Immortal replied, taking a bite from the bacon.
@Veyd Sahvoz[/URL]
"I think I'm just gonna train for a while" said Hitsugya "You know where to find me" he then left and took off into the forest of the Emerald Enclave. He cut his way through trees with just brute force and anything that stood in his way of training for that matter. He could relax while he trained but just as that thought came to his mind he was ambushed by another group of Treents and in front of him emerged a massive one that was much more larger than his underlings.


Shiro Majima

Shiro dutifully followed his master, confident in his own abilities. There was a THRILLING CHANGE working its way through Shiro's spirit, like an UNWELCOME PARASITE in his veins!

"Eh? That blue shit you saw? The blue's just... I don't fuckin' know what it does. All I know is that my tattoos start glowin' when I do real cool stuff. Old Master called it 'Heat', an' said it makes me stronger or some shit, Iunno. It's easier just t'call it a measure for how hard I'm hittin' shit, so that's what I think it is."

As Shiro and El Ruidoso made the PERILOUS TREK across the Emerald Enclave, he heard OMINOUS WOODSY SOUNDS. Presumably, either something large and PERILOUSLY AROUSED was performing its LUSTY RUTTING and was best left ignored, or someone was attempting to conduct ILL-INFORMED LOGGING OPERATIONS in a location wildly unsuitable for ILL-INFORMED LOGGING OPERATIONS. Shiro weeped internally for the UNFORTUNATE DETERMINATION some people showed.

"So, why do you want me to kill another big animal? I already shown you how I do my thing, so why're we tiring ourselves out 'fore we stomp this island monster? I jus' want to get to the good shit, y'know?"


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