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Fantasy Faereach City of Magicks (Now Accepting)

Dunkenstein said:
Faereach State Building - Ruined Plaza Crater Slash Impromptu Dragon Grave

"A stomp... and then an explosion?!" El Ruidoso cried out, with bombastic aplomb and the back of his hand to his forehead! "Nonononononono! Explosive, but suicidal, and lacking in DRAMA! Lacking in EXCITEMENT! Should you truly wish to learn the wonderful Marad arts and the ways of the lucha, then you must learn to be MAGNIFICENT! You must learn FIERY PASSION!"

The Crowd was listening in intently, eager for all forms of wisdom from the luchador. However, his time in the spotlight had passed, and now he had a more noble goal ahead of him! This man must learn the ways of the dramatic! And to do that, he did NOT need an audience! Witnessing the student's rise to power would cheapen the reveal of his new skills on the eve of his dramatic reveal! A simple training montage would suffice! But later, after the student's first orbital Hurricanrana or other amazing feat of might and maniless!


Such power! Such ferocity! Such FIERY PASSION! The Crowd had no choice to obey, and with reluctance they returned to their daily activities, their lives permanently enriched by the presence of the mighty El Ruidoso de Marad! It was truly a magnificent day!

"Now follow me, mi estudiante!" he thus declared, walking away dramatically and with purpose! Of course, the mighty luchador fully expected his new acolyte to follow him to his destination, as was the role of student to teacher! "We must reach the Ladder of Might, and there will be your first test!"

Residential District - Shonky Ladder To The Emerald Enclave (Helpfully Prepared Earlier)

El Ruidoso de Marad, Mighty Lucha Wrestler, led Shiro Majima (or at least he hoped Shiro was following) towards a quiet part of town, weaving through the denizens with politeness and grace, signing an autograph here, kissing a baby's head there, and all the while taking down the phone numbers of the attractive ladies who for some strange reason were throwing themselves at the masked maestro. Still, it took little time for the pair of them to arrive at where a simple rope ladder was fastened to the ground, leading up into the clouds. Oddly, the citizens here were apathetic, only taking care to ensure they did not run into it. The ladder had likely been here for a while.

"TEN KILOMETRES!" boomed El Ruidoso de Marad. "Buffeted by the wind! With no safety net! This is how I first reached my destination, and how I was able to find and battle Sleghan, Lord of the Depths! Your first task is to ascend this ladder to..." another dramatic pause for effect, "THE EMERALD ENCLAVE!"

The gasp from all of the surrounding citizens did not rob the air of its precious oxygen this time, so few they were, but there were hushed whispers, doors being closed and barred, windows being locked, and people running for cover. Meanwhile, El Ruidoso had no time for such cowards! A true man with with SHEER BRASS BALLS does not run from fear! He CONQUERS his fear and leaves it quivering and trembling on the ground like a man who has run headfirst into a wall! He had already started on the ladder, and his mighty climbing skills put his earlier ascent up the Faereach State Building to SHAME. SHAME, I say!
Crimson, who was on a nearby roof top, saw the wrestler, being hyper up by a crowd and his fiery will, starts to climb a rope to a place called the Emerald Enclave. Crimson looked into the sky and grinned (I think I'll check what the fuss is all about.) He whistles, waking up his sleeping wolf. Zedd then runs over towards Crimson jumping in the air, and begins shrinking to puppy size landing on his head. Crimson then disappears in a crimson light and appears in a crimson light next to Hitsugya randomly. He looks around and sees Hitsugya Yo.

@Veyd Sahvoz @Dunkenstein
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CHIMNY said:
"Nevermind." Said Varkov as he followed Elsabeth.
@Domxx (Be back in an hour.)
Elsabeth ventured further into the crater, studying it with great intensity. She had almost forgotten Varkov as with her when she got to the middle of the crater. "Fascinating." She whispered, having never seen anything like it in the whole of her life.
Varkov begins to hear cheering at the top of the building, Spark noticed it first and told Varkov to check it out.

"Do you hear that? It sounds like cheering." Varkov asked Elsabeth with a puzzled look. Varkov looked up and saw a ladder coming down from the Emerald Enclave. "Crap!!! WHO EVER CAUSED THE EXPLOSION MIGHT DO THE SAME TO MY VOLCANO!! IF THAT HAPPENS THE WHOLE CITY IS SCREWED!!!!" Varkov started to fly up to the top while holding Elsabeth with the telekinesis.

@Domxx and @anyone on the roof
CHIMNY said:
Varkov begins to hear cheering at the top of the building, Spark noticed it first and told Varkov to check it out.
"Do you hear that? It sounds like cheering." Varkov asked Elsabeth with a puzzled look. Varkov looked up and saw a ladder coming down from the Emerald Enclave. "Crap!!! WHO EVER CAUSED THE EXPLOSION MIGHT DO THE SAME TO MY VOLCANO!! IF THAT HAPPENS THE WHOLE CITY IS SCREWED!!!!" Varkov started to fly up to the top while holding Elsabeth with the telekinesis.

@Domxx and @anyone on the roof
Elsabeth was completely confused, "Wait...what?!" She asked, "You have a volcano?" Who the heck is this guy? She thought to herself.

She stayed staring at the crater as Varkov was flying, she wanted to investigate it more - there were lots of things she had not seen in this world, whether she had not seen them ever in her life or that she had not seen them since she had been alone.
Varkov landed behind the ground and quickly pulled Elsabeth up with him. "We dont have much time! If whatever caused the crater gets into the Enclave the city could flood in lava! You have to help me!" Varkov told Elsabeth before flying infront of the crowd.

"LISTEN EVERYONE! THERE ARE A LOT OF VOLCANOS IN THE ENCLAVE AND IF THE CAUSE OF THAT CRATER GETS UP THERE THE CITY COULD FLOOD IN LAVA!" Varkov was not entirely sure about that statement, his island had a volcano but he didnt know about the rest of them.

@Domxx @Embaga Elder @anyone else involved
TeaMMatE11 said:
Taylor blushed even more. "Come on in, ya dummy!" she replied, as she grabbed Reed by the shoulder and pushed him along.
Reed walked with her. "So I'm guessing I'm getting the couch. And how am I the dummy?" He lightly bumped into her.
Metaphysics said:
Kandra Bal Magna - Dracolich Castle's Throne Room
Kandra was alerted when someone had taken down a few creatures in the Emerald Enclave. "Hm..." He mumbled as the mirror zoomed in on Hitsuguya. "Why hello there, let's play a game shall we?" He said before he leaned back into his throne and let his magic loose. Down where his plaything was, several trees started to burn with a sickly green flame. The charred remain warped and fused together to form a towering monstrosity of undeath and nature. @Metaphysics @Embaga Elder

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CHIMNY said:
Varkov landed behind the ground and quickly pulled Elsabeth up with him. "We dont have much time! If whatever caused the crater gets into the Enclave the city could flood in lava! You have to help me!" Varkov told Elsabeth before flying infront of the crowd.
"LISTEN EVERYONE! THERE ARE A LOT OF VOLCANOS IN THE ENCLAVE AND IF THE CAUSE OF THAT CRATER GETS UP THERE THE CITY COULD FLOOD IN LAVA!" Varkov was not entirely sure about that statement, his island had a volcano but he didnt know about the rest of them.

@Domxx @Embaga Elder @anyone else involved
Elsabeth sighed, hanging in the background, "Isn't he overreacting just a bit..?" She muttered to herself. She jumped into the air, hovering as what seemed to be bat-wing clips in her hair grew slightly in size and started to flap, keeping her in the air. Elsabeth found Varkov in the crowd and rolled her eyes, "Is anyone going to listen to him?"
Yeah long time no see. He looks how Hitsugya begins to start Exercising until some living tree being coming from nowhere. Crimson grinned. I like this town. He engulfs his hands in rage fire which is crimson. Ready when you are Hitsugya. @Metaphysics
Varkov floated towards Elsabeth, "Since no one is listening we could just go up to the island and make sure nothing touches it."

Spark was looking at the fight with the men and some sort of tree figure, he chirped at Varkov to look.

"What the? Hey! If your going to fight mind doing it on the ground, I dont want lunatics tearing apart this tower." Varkov told the battle ready men. He would normally let them fight but he was getting tired and hungry, he hadnt eaten in 3 days which is a long run for a goblin, and if this tower collapses he would have exhausted his energy to try to save himself and Elsabeth.

CHIMNY said:
Varkov floated towards Elsabeth, "Since no one is listening we could just go up to the island and make sure nothing touches it."
Spark was looking at the fight with the men and some sort of tree figure, he chirped at Varkov to look.

"What the? Hey! If your going to fight mind doing it on the ground, I dont want lunatics tearing apart this tower." Varkov told the battle ready men. He would normally let them fight but he was getting tired and hungry, he hadnt eaten in 3 days which is a long run for a goblin, and if this tower collapses he would have exhausted his energy to try to save himself and Elsabeth.

Elsabeth looked over to where Varkov was looking, "A fight? Cool." she said, "Don't try and stop it, that's boring, let's watch it." She floated a bit closer since it had been a while since Elsabeth had seen anything exciting happen like a fight. No one could exactly tell that she was excited though.
Domxx said:
Elsabeth looked over to where Varkov was looking, "A fight? Cool." she said, "Don't try and stop it, that's boring, let's watch it." She floated a bit closer since it had been a while since Elsabeth had seen anything exciting happen like a fight. No one could exactly tell that she was excited though.
"Im hungry, Ima go get a snack and comeback." Varkov said as he ignored Elsabeth completely. He flew up towards the Enclave and went to the island Spark gets his food from. Varkov looks around and finds a family of white striped lizards, a common meal for both trolls and goblins alike. There were 5 of them, Varkov grabbed each one by the tail and hanged on to them. He continued searching, after 5 minutes he had gotten 3 more white striped lizards, a wood hog which he had needed to carry with telekinesis, and a few spiders.

Varkov flew back to Elsabeth and watched the fight while cooking the creatures he saw with the fire. Spark how ever did not like any of the animals and almost barfed. Due to the hogs large size, Varkov dropped it on the floor and quickly electrocuted it.



(note: just adding some lore and mystical animals to make things more interesting)
Shiro Majima

Shiro looked at the ladder in front of him. It was small, only about the size of a person. It was practically diagonal, considering how it had to stretch to the relatively far-off Emerald Enclave. It swayed in the wind. However, it looked sturdy enough to hold his weight, and it looked anchored enough to allow what he was going to do.

There is a certain knack for quick ladder-climbing. It requires endurance, excellent gross motor skills, and a sense of rhythm. Shiro, however, had been taught a technique for it. The ability to almost fly up a ladder, even in the worst of circumstances, was a valuable asset for many following the Way of the Surprising Fist, and has saved many a warrior-monk from certain death. This technique was pioneered by a great treasure-hunter known only to his friends as "Drake". Shiro barely remembered the basics of the Essence of Drake, but he felt that he could do it anyway.

Shiro carefully gripped one of the rungs and hooked his leg around another. He shifted his weight, testing the relative strength of the ladder. Finally secure in his safety, Shiro gently tensed up and shot into the air like a rowdy drunkard out of a funeral. Shiro landed back on the ladder with a mighty shaking of wood, now ten yards from his point of origin.

This was the absolute pinnacle of life! Wind buffeting his face, a precarious platform providing pointlessly pertinent peril, a task that was suicidal in both motive and operation... Shiro's heart sang like a nightingale in a screw press! Leaping and swinging up the mighty ladder like an extraordinarily ill-informed gibbon, Shiro began making his way to the Emerald Enclave-- and at an excellent pace, as well! It would only take another few minutes of intense climbing before he would reach it!

CallSign said:
Once Oscar's card was fully enveloped by Ferra's pocket, his info disappeared from the front. The information was still there; however, the cards were printed with a wizard's reinterpretation of invisible ink. The writer writes their message, then tells the message the method by which it should be revealed. This could be anything from "when someone plays Sonic the Hedgehog" to "when held at a 32 degree angle above five bars of iron or copper with a cup of ice cream in the near vicinity". Oscar's cards were quite simple: the message is to reveal when the front is viewed, then the back, then the front again. Of course, why that is will have to wait until someone does so.
"I don't blame El Ruidoso for not fighting you. I myself would hesitate to fight a child, and a professional fighter such as he would be honor-bound to only fight those in his own weight class. Don't dwell on it." More headpats followed. "As for my roommate... I'd say a little of column A, a little of column B, and a whole lot of column C." Oscar didn't really want to answer, but he'd mentioned it, so there wasn't really any use holding the information back.

Oscar's skeleton released a symphony of creaks as the fall was slowed by such a quick flap of the wings. However, by the time his feet touched the ground, his spine had already slid back into place, echoing the first set of creaks. Oscar hardly felt any of it. "I kind of want to meet this Ruidoso fellow, actually. I think I'll go congratulate him on a fight well fought. You might want to go check on your wounded warrior, miss manager.


Ferra and Torr

Ferra shrugged, he had a point. But it still annoyed her that he refused to fight her, oh well. She giggled at his answer to her question about his room mate, and was going to say something further, but then he brought up Torr. Despite the psychic link she did want to go check on him. "Yeah. I think I will. I'll call you later or something, maybe." She told him happily before running off towards Torr at a normal pace. "Cya!"

Torr nodded at Frillz. "
I'm fine now thanks you Frillz. Thanks." He told him, patting the giant plant on the shoulder. Shortly after that he was nearly toppled over by Ferra running into him at full speed. "Hey Frillz, hey Torr. Miss me?" She told them, laughing at clambering on top of Torrs shoulders. "You'll get him next time Torr. Don't worry." She told him reassuringly. "Thanks for helping Torr, Frillz!" She added happily, smiling up at Frillz.
While Varkov was chewing on the lizards he saw a man climbing the ladders, "Hehehe." Varkov laughed, unlike most people Varkov is quite cruel. He began swinging the ladder from side to side for his own amusement, but he was not going to let the man die, just going to make things hard for him. Since Varkov was short and hiding behind the crowd, he didnt suspect the man to notice him.

Varkov kept swinging the ladder from side to side but Spark growled at him.

"Fine!" Varkov said after stopping the swinging.

CHIMNY said:
While Varkov was chewing on the lizards he saw a man climbing the ladders, "Hehehe." Varkov laughed, unlike most people Varkov is quite cruel. He began swinging the ladder from side to side for his own amusement, but he was not going to let the man die, just going to make things hard for him. Since Varkov was short and hiding behind the crowd, he didnt suspect the man to notice him.
Varkov kept swinging the ladder from side to side but Spark growled at him.

"Fine!" Varkov said after stopping the swinging.

Elsabeth saw what Varkov had done and looked at him suspiciously, "Having fun?" she called out to him, "what are we doing now?"

She hovered closer to him lowered herself to the ground, her bat-winged clips shrinking once again.
"Hehe, sorry its my nature, since no one seems to be listening we could just defend my volcano ourselves, make sure no one here blows it up." Varkov said in between bites. "Want some?"

"Look the fight is starting, and I thought they had heard me, haha!" Varkov told Elsabeth with fried hog parts in his mouth.

Varkov desperately wanted to fight, deep down he is just a psychotic violence worshiper. Varkov had been passing fights the whole day, he needed something to end it.

Shiro Majima

Shiro's ascent up the Ladder of Might was mildly stymied by intense winds swaying the ladder. Shiro would have had to carefully time his leaps to match up to the frequency of the ladder's swinging, but some mysterious force at the end of the ladder began swinging it as well, coincidentally matching the ladder's frequency and making it almost stationary! With newfound confidence, Shiro leaped along the final few dozen feet of the ladder with ease and quietly landed on the Emerald Enclave.

Now relatively safe and sound, Shiro looked back at the ladder he came in on. It would be rude to move on without his master, and it would be ruder still to refuse to give the same support he had been given to his master. Shiro patiently waited for el Ruidoso, and kept a strong grip on the ladder just in case. Should the winds pick up, he would be ready to give his all in keeping it stationary!

@Dunkenstein @CHIMNY
CHIMNY said:
"Hehe, sorry its my nature, since no one seems to be listening we could just defend my volcano ourselves, make sure no one here blows it up." Varkov said in between bites. "Want some?"
She shook her head, "No...not really, thankyou." She said, as politely as possible. "Absolutely no one heard you.." She muttered under her breath before turning her attention towards the fight.
"This might sound weird - are you lava resistant? Cause I get almost half my strength from the lava in my cave, if your interested in a fight, I would recommend the heat, of course if you are lava proof." Varkov said in between burps. He didnt really care if she wanted to fight now, all Varkov wanted from her was how demonic she was, her limits.


Elsabeth stared blankly at him, confused by all that he had just said. She raised an eyebrow at him, "I can....make fire." She said slowly.

She twirled her hair around her finger, "I've never really wondered if I'm lava resistant or not...I don't think i've ever tried testing whether i'm lava resistant or not...that could result in death." She was pretty much talking to herself now.
"Yeah your probably right, its a shame." Varkov said as he got up, very quickly and swiftly before finishing his sentence, Varkov went to Elsabeth, grabbed her left arm and released a small amount of fire, he didnt want to completely burn her so he tried to keep it at a minimum.


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