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Fantasy Faereach City of Magicks (Now Accepting)


Faereach State Building - Ruined Plaza Crater Slash Impromptu Dragon Grave

El Ruidoso de Marad, gracious man was he, patted his new student on the shoulder. It was a bit of a reach, due to his lack of height, but he made it all the same! "It is simple, mi estudiante! You may realize that we stand amongst the corpse of the beast formerly known as Sleghan, Lord of the Depths. He lost that title many years ago when he became a denizen..." dramatic pause for effect, "OF THE EMERALD ENCLAVE!"

The gasp from thousands and thousands of people could be heard from a kilometre away. As a direct result of the sudden intake of air from everyone around, the weak-lunged members of the crowd passed out due to brief suffocation. Luckily, El Ruidoso was both too mighty and too short to be affected.

"Now you may be thinking, 'Magnifico! Let us go to Paragon Square and magically transport ourselves to the Emerald Enclave to do battle with the flying dragons!' But NO! There will be no magical transportation, for you must rely on your strength, your wits, and your SHEER BRASS BALLS to overcome your opponents! We will be going... BY LADDER!"

There was no gasp from the conscious members of the crowd this time. Instead, large amounts of murmuring broke out. By ladder? Was he crazy? Daring? Was El Ruidoso, in fact, insane? Considering that he had already made a habit of suplexing dragons, it was certainly possible! But there was no time for deliberation, for El Ruidoso de Marad's mouth was open! He was speaking!

"Finally, a dragon is but simple sport for ones such as you and I, mi estudiante! You may be wondering then, 'why must we go to the flying island by ladder if the dragons are no sport?' That is because I, El Ruidoso de Marad, and you..." uh oh, El Ruidoso hadn't learned the guy's name, or if he did, he hadn't been paying attention, "mi estudiante, will be fighting, the island, ITSELF!"

The crowd metaphorically exploded.


"Has he gone nuts? Is he insane? Is there nothing El Ruidoso can't do?"

"I don't know Michael, but don't go away! We'll be right back with more Wednesday Night Wrestling after the break!"
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Hitsugya had been taking on some creatures of the Emerald Enclave. Nothing he couldn't already handle, but he was eager to try taking on a few dragons at least. He began doing a few push-ups to get his blood warmed up for his training.

@Dunkenstein @SkippyGranola @Anyone else
pbtenchi said:
@Drumonkey Ralzanoth searches through the book thoroughly. "Aha! A ruthless immortal in egypt! I even drew a picture!" Shows book to dru, contains a detailed sketch of a hippopotamus.
Drumonkey said:
"Why is there a hippopotamus? That sounded cool then it sort of went down hill... are you sure that is the correct image?" Dru asked in a slightly down voice.
Allison was excited as Ralzanoth said he had an entry about a ruthless immortal in Egypt. Annd..then...it was a picture of a freaking hippo. A HIPPO?! She sighed in annoyance and shook her head slowly, "I..don't think he was a hippo in a previous life buddy." She told him.

"We could go around robbing everyone but it would take too long,I suggest finding an abandoned building or breaking into an apartment." Just then Varkov saw smoke coming from the Faereach State Building, "Elsabeth did you notice that?...... Its probably not our problem yet."
temporalSorceress said:
*Nyr is once again unconscious and her body is working on healing her so let's move on to Aquios*

Once Aquios was certain that they weren't in imminent danger, he changed his temperature, going from cold to hot as he started to heat up Falcon. He felt bad, but it had to be done. He bubbled softly, hoping for forgiveness. He settled his temperature on one that would effectively warm the boy up, warbling quietly and contently now that Nyr was in a stable state. Breathing, alive, healing.

He was thankful that the fox had been able to heal her, but her body had taken over the rest of the process once she was stable enough to tap into her magic. Unfortunately, that being said, she would be out for quite a while as she healed. Some major damage had been dealt physically and mentally, nothing that she couldn't handle, but nothing that would be over with in just a few minutes either.

He listened to her breathing, bubbling happily when he noticed that it no longer sounded strangled and that she was actually breathing deeply now.

"I'm sorry for putting your life at risk like that, and I understand if you hate me for it. I was simply obeying Nyr's command, and trying to protect you. It was not something I would have done by choice, but I am bound to my master and to disobey her is to disrespect her power as Grand Shaman."

Perhaps he was rambling, but he wanted to make sure that Falcon knew that he was only acting under orders and that he truly was sorry for almost getting him killed. He just hoped the heat was working.
Mitchs98 said:
Ferra and Torr

Ferra nodded about Oscar's comment on Hitsu. It did seem a bit childish of him to of interferred in the fight like that. Then again she did the same thing, more or less, to have the fight happen in the first place so she really couldn't comment much on that. She shrugged when she commented on her link to Torr, "It's not really like that. We can just share the same thoughts and stuff, I can't control his actions or anything. Though, I guess it would be kinda unfair since I could give him advice and stuff mid fight." She replied. "Though, I'm not really his manager or anything. It was more or less a random street fight." She added.

Good. I was worried I hurt you when I grabbed you. Not really fully used to my wings or new strength yet, soo yeah." She told him, relieved, when he answered her question about him being alright. What she said was true though, it was all to possible that she could of hurt him, so she was glad she hadn't. It was around that time further explosions from behind them caught her attention, though she didn't stand, she instead turned in the direction of them just in time to see a building get cut in half. Just what the hell was with today and explosions and destruction?

Sighing, she turned her attention back to Oscar. "
So, you live around here? I could drop you off if you want, that is unless you can float down off of buildings or something." She offered.

Torr was amazed at Frillz' ability to call what was essentially his limbs back to him like that. He'd never seen a creature able to that before. He shuddered a bit at the odd sensation from the leaves moving from his body but other than that he was simply amazed. "
Good." He told him.

Then it occured to him he seemed to be here alone, earlier he seemed to be anxious to even let Mykky stay by herself in a bar five foot from him. Unless of course, Mykky was actually around in the midst of the crowd. Still, he felt he had to ask. "
I take it Mykky isn't too far with you being here?" He asked, concerned as to why the little plant was here by himself.
loyalwolf said:
Ikari looked as the fallen angel left and thought this might be more fun then he thought. He looks around the place and said "since the angel won't deliver the message I'll just have to leave a note." He created fix-fire in his hand and started burning down the place. This is so brother learns to keep better friends. he then left looking to find something to drink. @Halohbottech @temporalSorceress

||Abandoned Building > The Streets > Skyscraper - Faereach City||


Falcon was dead tired. No, undead tired, as he made it back to a familiar roof, whereupon he left his shirt- something he definitely wasn't going to slip into, given the fact he was currently one, bleeding out, and too, covered in Aquios. A loud bang could be heard down the alleyway as the Humasilisk slammed his way into his home, too tired to be surprised by the fire still burning within the building, despite its meager amount of fuel left. Tossing in some more crushed bone, he slowly layed Nyr on the ground next to the fire- but not so close that a stray spark might catch her hair on fire. He blinked, confused. Why had he thought of that.

"...well. Wouldn't want her to get any hotter." He muttered, completely oblivious to the double entendre he'd just made, as his eyes traced her figure. That is, until he reached her navel, and began to realize that she wasn't exactly wearing the most... concealing of outfits. Feeling the blood rush to his head rather than his open wounds, he stumbled around a bit until he found his trench coat, and tossed it over her. Might as well keep her decent. It was odd, in his mind, that he would treat a human- or, a shaman, in this case- with this much respect, but he figured he could at least treat her nice before he killed her or ruined her life.

"Now that that's finished-" he grasped himself, or, rather, Aquios, and began to pull. He'd dealt with being covered in sentient slime before. Being covered in Aquios wasn't too different. All about using leverage with air to create a little pocket. From there, as Falcon demonstrated, it was rather easy to pull off your assailant. "-I can not feel like I'm drowning." He grunted, none-too-gently tossing Aquios onto Nyr. "Now, onto my mid-afterno-*thunk!*" Falcon almost immediately collapsed against the nearest wall after tossing Aquios away, all the energy from his adrenaline gone. He was still chilled to the bone, unaware that Aquios was trying to warm him before he'd gotten rid of the familiar. He could feel his own mind slipping into unconsciousness as his body began to shut down to repair himself. Of course, with him being created to hunt humans, he had some regenerative properties. Enough to heal the holes in his stomach and lung? Fuck no, he thought, as he slid down the wall, the hole in his back tracing a black line behind him. His poor vision trained on Aquios and Nyr, as he waved the familiar away.

"Don't get near me, Bubble. You already did enough damage... Just let my body take over... and whatever yuh dew..." He blinked slowly, opening and closing one eye at a time. "Dun' let 'r near meh when ah wake..." He blinked, zoning out for a second before snapping back into reality. "...when ah wake up. An' no ma-!" And like that, Falcon was out like a light, a little black blood dribbling out of his maw. Unconsciously, his body controlled the blood, making it slip into both of the holes, a sizzling sound coming from them, as the blood-spit solution began to do its work, forcing his cells into overdrive to reproduce at an alarming rate, healing him fast, but not visually so.

=- - - - -=


A soft thumping could be heard as a man, easily in his mid-to-late forties jogged up to Vix and Melchio, his face serene, chiseled, and a tad bit... sad. He looked similar to the Statue of David come to life, if David aged about twenty-three years and had that 'still kind of hot dad' look going on. His pants were old, grey jogging pants you could buy at any flea market, but his shirt was something interesting. It was akin to a Slipknot shirt, however, instead of demonic aspects swirling around it, holy, and even religious markings swirled instead. His whole body seemed to hum with a latent, soothing energy, and his eyes- a striking shade of jade- glinted with a humorous, if somewhat sad light- like he was a man who tried to see the best in life, yet understood its flaws.

"Oh dear. One never quite gets used to this city's extravagances, no matter how long one lives here!" He chuckled, his voice a couple octaves deeper than Melchio's, and oddly unfitting of his form. Whenever he spoke, if one listened closely, they could almost hear church bells ring in the background of his voice. "I mean, one moment, one's watching a magnificent match against a luchador! and the magnificent Torr, and the next he sees a woman trying to teach a young man how to free run! Well, I believe all running's free, but apparently, I'm not enjoying running to it's full extent! Tea?" He offered it not to the unconscious young man, but instead Vix, who it appeared he'd been talking to this whole time. "I'm quite partial to chamomile- do you like chamomile kitsune-friend?" If Vix chose to accept the tea, he'd be surprised by its energizing properties- hopefully, it'd be enough to bring him back to his humanoid form. If not... well he got himself some free tea!

+- - - - -+

~Frillz! Yeah!~

Frillz frowned as he thought about Torr's question. Huh. He had been gone a long time, huh? He bet Mykky'd be worried. Prooobably. Maybe not? After all, she was a big-girl now- not like that tiny babe he'd found way back when. He grinned, waving off any notion of worry. Bah, she was fine! She could take care of herself! Plus, it was always fun to explore and learn more about the world- something he'd never been able to do before!

"Mykky OK! You OK?" Frillz figured he was fine, but it was always good to make certain. He wouldn't want his precious friend Torr to go and die on him. He'd make great fertilizer, but you don't eat friends, so it'd be really sad if that became his fate.
Nyr was out for quite a while, and when she started to come to, it was in pieces. First, she became aware that she was laying flat on her back, stretched out. She felt the pressure and warmth of something covering her skin, while more heat radiated off of something to her left. She re-gained control of her body bit-by-bit, starting in her feet and working its way up to her head.

When she didn't feel like she was going to burst into a million pieces, Nyr slowly opened her eyes. She groaned, her senses rushing back into her body like a rubber-band that had been stretched out and let go to snap someone. Pain splintered across her whole body and she rolled onto her side, away from the fire, to heave up what was in her stomach. Mostly blood, she noted.

Once the pain subsided, she sat up, looking down as the trench coat- where had that come from? slipped away. She groaned a bit when she realized what was left of her clothes, and decided that she'd have to get some from somewhere later. For now, she pulled the trench coat over her tiny frame and fastened it up. Granted it was huge, but it was enough to cover her for now.

Once she was decent, Nyr pulled herself to her feet and stretched, making sure everything was in pieces. A lot of cuts, bruises, and sore spots- but she was in one piece. It was then that she noticed the man slumped in the corner, unconscious. Wounded, too, it seemed, if the blood around him was anything to go by. She noted that his features seemed peaceful in his rest, but she could tell that that was not how it always was. She looked down at her companion who was bubbling happily beside her and smiled a bit, scooping him up.

"What the hell happened, huh?" She tilted her head, pressing the tip of her finger to Aquios's forehead and closing her eyes to peer into his memories. Once she knew the full story, she was shocked. She knew he wasn't human, but she hadn't been expecting that. Even though he had told Aquios to keep her away from him, she ignored it completely and padded over to him, crouching beside him a little and starting to look at his wounds.

"Too much damage for me to heal, little one." She hummed to the elemental and sat down, cross-legged, next to the stranger. For now, she set about healing herself, letting Aquios channel her power through him as he healed her cuts and bruises. Once she didn't feel like she had been hit by a train entirely, she stared at the figure. What the hell was she supposed to do now? She sighed, busying herself with checking the contents of her satchel.

Her bow seemed to be in one piece, and she only lost a few arrows. All in all, not bad. She noted that her dagger was a bit misshapen, but she could always fix that later. She turned her attention to the fire, spacing out a bit as she waited for the man to wake up.


To say that Aquios had been happy when Nyr woke up would have been a vast understatement. He was rather excited, practically vibrating even, when she opened her eyes. Once she was settled next to Falcon, Aquios bubbled happily and jumped in her lap, nuzzling against her and purring a bit. The sound of her voice made him even happier, and the warbling and purring grew louder.

He was worried about Falcon, of course, but he didn't want to attempt to heal the man for the fear that he would just get angry with the little blob's good intentions. So, for now, Aquios stared intently at the being and warbled a bit quieter, wondering what had spurred the man to be so kind to his master. He had seen the way he treated his prey, and he did not seem like the type to be any nicer to anyone else. He shrugged the thought off though and waited with his master.
Once Oscar's card was fully enveloped by Ferra's pocket, his info disappeared from the front. The information was still there; however, the cards were printed with a wizard's reinterpretation of invisible ink. The writer writes their message, then tells the message the method by which it should be revealed. This could be anything from "when someone plays Sonic the Hedgehog" to "when held at a 32 degree angle above five bars of iron or copper with a cup of ice cream in the near vicinity". Oscar's cards were quite simple: the message is to reveal when the front is viewed, then the back, then the front again. Of course, why that is will have to wait until someone does so.

"I don't blame El Ruidoso for not fighting you. I myself would hesitate to fight a child, and a professional fighter such as he would be honor-bound to only fight those in his own weight class. Don't dwell on it." More headpats followed. "As for my roommate... I'd say a little of column A, a little of column B, and a whole lot of column C." Oscar didn't really want to answer, but he'd mentioned it, so there wasn't really any use holding the information back.

Oscar's skeleton released a symphony of creaks as the fall was slowed by such a quick flap of the wings. However, by the time his feet touched the ground, his spine had already slid back into place, echoing the first set of creaks. Oscar hardly felt any of it. "I kind of want to meet this Ruidoso fellow, actually. I think I'll go congratulate him on a fight well fought. You might want to go check on your wounded warrior, miss manager.

temporalSorceress said:
Nyr was out for quite a while, and when she started to come to, it was in pieces. First, she became aware that she was laying flat on her back, stretched out. She felt the pressure and warmth of something covering her skin, while more heat radiated off of something to her left. She re-gained control of her body bit-by-bit, starting in her feet and working its way up to her head.
When she didn't feel like she was going to burst into a million pieces, Nyr slowly opened her eyes. She groaned, her senses rushing back into her body like a rubber-band that had been stretched out and let go to snap someone. Pain splintered across her whole body and she rolled onto her side, away from the fire, to heave up what was in her stomach. Mostly blood, she noted.

Once the pain subsided, she sat up, looking down as the trench coat- where had that come from? slipped away. She groaned a bit when she realized what was left of her clothes, and decided that she'd have to get some from somewhere later. For now, she pulled the trench coat over her tiny frame and fastened it up. Granted it was huge, but it was enough to cover her for now.

Once she was decent, Nyr pulled herself to her feet and stretched, making sure everything was in pieces. A lot of cuts, bruises, and sore spots- but she was in one piece. It was then that she noticed the man slumped in the corner, unconscious. Wounded, too, it seemed, if the blood around him was anything to go by. She noted that his features seemed peaceful in his rest, but she could tell that that was not how it always was. She looked down at her companion who was bubbling happily beside her and smiled a bit, scooping him up.

"What the hell happened, huh?" She tilted her head, pressing the tip of her finger to Aquios's forehead and closing her eyes to peer into his memories. Once she knew the full story, she was shocked. She knew he wasn't human, but she hadn't been expecting that. Even though he had told Aquios to keep her away from him, she ignored it completely and padded over to him, crouching beside him a little and starting to look at his wounds.

"Too much damage for me to heal, little one." She hummed to the elemental and sat down, cross-legged, next to the stranger. For now, she set about healing herself, letting Aquios channel her power through him as he healed her cuts and bruises. Once she didn't feel like she had been hit by a train entirely, she stared at the figure. What the hell was she supposed to do now? She sighed, busying herself with checking the contents of her satchel.

Her bow seemed to be in one piece, and she only lost a few arrows. All in all, not bad. She noted that her dagger was a bit misshapen, but she could always fix that later. She turned her attention to the fire, spacing out a bit as she waited for the man to wake up.


To say that Aquios had been happy when Nyr woke up would have been a vast understatement. He was rather excited, practically vibrating even, when she opened her eyes. Once she was settled next to Falcon, Aquios bubbled happily and jumped in her lap, nuzzling against her and purring a bit. The sound of her voice made him even happier, and the warbling and purring grew louder.

He was worried about Falcon, of course, but he didn't want to attempt to heal the man for the fear that he would just get angry with the little blob's good intentions. So, for now, Aquios stared intently at the being and warbled a bit quieter, wondering what had spurred the man to be so kind to his master. He had seen the way he treated his prey, and he did not seem like the type to be any nicer to anyone else. He shrugged the thought off though and waited with his master.

||Abandoned Building - Faereach City||


Flashes of light. Gold light. White light. Angry light. Sad light. Light, light light. Not enough darkness, he thought, but couldn't do anything about that. He could kill the light, but if he killed the light, what would happen? What would life be like engulfed in darkness? It wasn't like the darkness wasn't tempting to give into. It was warm, chocolaty, and seductive- in a way he couldn't describe. It nipped at his ear playfully and took his hand in its own, trying to get him to run away with it.

The light, however, wouldn't let that be. Whenever temptation overcame him, it struck down the darkness, spearing it with a flash of hatred. The light. The damn light. Cold. Unforgiving. Painful. Yet life-giving. It only wanted what was best! The gold light- the light that shone the brightest, it glared down upon him condescendingly, each other light moving to surround him. They all wanted what was best for him! Why couldn't silly little Falcon see that his own darkness wasn't good! Giving into the darkness, the stories always told of knights that did that- heavily armored heroes giving into their desires- giving up responsibility to become free. They became the evil that haunted young children's dreams. The light had its own seduction- a controlling, demanding seduction that required all of one's attention at all times. It clung to him angrily, refusing to give him to the darkness. He belonged to it! The light owned him! The darkness couldn't have him!

Then, a warble came from the darkness. A voice trying to force its way through jelly. The darkness became less of an enigma. It had a shape... a... shapely shape, at that. What...?

No! The light was what he wanted! He needed it! He bathed in it, drank it in! He made love to it every morning, day and night! Without it, he'd be directionless! Aimless! Pointless! He'd be a shadow against shadows! He'd be what he always feared. Every time he read a history book, roughly around the time of Dracula, he could always find his name- the creature with fangs as large as greatswords, who stood over twenty feet tall and had claws that could rend through dragon hide! He could see it now... the many passages describing his massacres- the atrocities he committed. As the darkness poured in, it soaked into the paper like hot chocolate, and the words became less and less discernible, until they disappeared into nothingness! Without the light, he'd be nothing! Stay with us! Believe in us! Believe in me! The light is the way! The darkness will only lead you astray!

Stay with us! Stay with us! Stay with us! Stay with us! Stay with us! Stay with us! Stay with us! Stay with us! Stay with us! Stay with us! Stay with us! Stay with us! Stay with us! Stay with us...

"Stay... Of course I'll stay..." Falcon muttered quietly, eyes flickering beneath their lids, tail snaking its way across the floor, until it was behind Nyr. It rose, slowly, poised to strike, it's pointed end pointed right at her neck, ready to sever her spine without a second thought. Falcon, on the other hand, simply repeated the same phrase over, and over, and over again, eyes shut fast. "Stay... Of course I'll stay... Stay... of course I'll stay..."



"Stay... of course I'll stay..."
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Halohbottech said:

||Abandoned Building - Faereach City||


Flashes of light. Gold light. White light. Angry light. Sad light. Light, light light. Not enough darkness, he thought, but couldn't do anything about that. He could kill the light, but if he killed the light, what would happen? What would life be like engulfed in darkness? It wasn't like the darkness wasn't tempting to give into. It was warm, chocolaty, and seductive- in a way he couldn't describe. It nipped at his ear playfully and took his hand in its own, trying to get him to run away with it.

The light, however, wouldn't let that be. Whenever temptation overcame him, it struck down the darkness, spearing it with a flash of hatred. The light. The damn light. Cold. Unforgiving. Painful. Yet life-giving. It only wanted what was best! The gold light- the light that shone the brightest, it glared down upon him condescendingly, each other light moving to surround him. They all wanted what was best for him! Why couldn't silly little Falcon see that his own darkness wasn't good! Giving into the darkness, the stories always told of knights that did that- heavily armored heroes giving into their desires- giving up responsibility to become free. They became the evil that haunted young children's dreams. The light had its own seduction- a controlling, demanding seduction that required all of one's attention at all times. It clung to him angrily, refusing to give him to the darkness. He belonged to it! The light owned him! The darkness couldn't have him!

Then, a warble came from the darkness. A voice trying to force its way through jelly. The darkness became less of an enigma. It had a shape... a... shapely shape, at that. What...?

No! The light was what he wanted! He needed it! He bathed in it, drank it in! He made love to it every morning, day and night! Without it, he'd be directionless! Aimless! Pointless! He'd be a shadow against shadows! He'd be what he always feared. Every time he read a history book, roughly around the time of Dracula, he could always find his name- the creature with fangs as large as greatswords, who stood over twenty feet tall and had claws that could rend through dragon hide! He could see it now... the many passages describing his massacres- the atrocities he committed. As the darkness poured in, it soaked into the paper like hot chocolate, and the words became less and less discernible, until they disappeared into nothingness! Without the light, he'd be nothing! Stay with us! Believe in us! Believe in me! The light is the way! The darkness will only lead you astray!

Stay with us! Stay with us! Stay with us! Stay with us! Stay with us! Stay with us! Stay with us! Stay with us! Stay with us! Stay with us! Stay with us! Stay with us! Stay with us! Stay with us...

"Stay... Of course I'll stay..." Falcon muttered quietly, eyes flickering beneath their lids, tail snaking its way across the floor, until it was behind Nyr. It rose, slowly, poised to strike, it's pointed end pointed right at her neck, ready to sever her spine without a second thought. Falcon, on the other hand, simply repeated the same phrase over, and over, and over again, eyes shut fast. "Stay... Of course I'll stay... Stay... of course I'll stay..."



"Stay... of course I'll stay..."
Nyr frowned a bit when she heard the stranger start to speak. She turned her attention to him, leaning forward on her knees a bit to peer at him. He didn't seem to be awake. Nor was she aware of the tail that was behind her. She usually never let her guard down, but she was worried about the man. She bit her lip before resting her hand tentatively on his cheek, closing her eyes and tapping into her exhausted power.

"Come on you, wake up. I just want to talk to you, I do." She muttered softly, trying to push some of her own energy into the sleeping figure. She wans't sure if it would work, but she didn't see why it wouldn't. Her life force was strong enough that taking a little bit of that energy wouldn't do it much damage.

She stilled completely when she sensed something behind her, and her hair stood on end. She was afraid to move, afraid to even so much as breathe too deeply. Her eyes flicked from the stranger to Aquios and back again. He had saved her, was he trying to kill her for her own use now? He did eat people but...he knew the risk it would cause if he did that to her. She frowned a bit, studying him a bit harder to try and find his intent.


Aquios was warbling at her side, having noticed immediately when Falcon's tail moved. He was afraid, since he didn't know how to protect Nyr on this one. He tried the only thing he thought would work- and that was trying to worm his way into Falcon's thoughts.

"Falcon? I don't know if you can hear me or not, but you need to wake up! I don't know what's happening, but I think you- your body?- I don't know! But either way, you're about to kill Nyr! Wake UP!"

He warbled pitifully, starting to move slowly until he was perched on Nyr's shoulder. If Falcon striked, he would put himself in the way and do what it took to protect Nyr. The whole situation was bizarre, he thought. Here Falcon had just save Nyr, and now he was trying to kill her. It worried him. He knew the being had the power to overtake even Nyr, especially with her weakened state. He just wondered if they'd be able to wake him up on their own without any incidents.
temporalSorceress said:
Nyr frowned a bit when she heard the stranger start to speak. She turned her attention to him, leaning forward on her knees a bit to peer at him. He didn't seem to be awake. Nor was she aware of the tail that was behind her. She usually never let her guard down, but she was worried about the man. She bit her lip before resting her hand tentatively on his cheek, closing her eyes and tapping into her exhausted power.
"Come on you, wake up. I just want to talk to you, I do." She muttered softly, trying to push some of her own energy into the sleeping figure. She wans't sure if it would work, but she didn't see why it wouldn't. Her life force was strong enough that taking a little bit of that energy wouldn't do it much damage.

She stilled completely when she sensed something behind her, and her hair stood on end. She was afraid to move, afraid to even so much as breathe too deeply. Her eyes flicked from the stranger to Aquios and back again. He had saved her, was he trying to kill her for her own use now? He did eat people but...he knew the risk it would cause if he did that to her. She frowned a bit, studying him a bit harder to try and find his intent.


Aquios was warbling at her side, having noticed immediately when Falcon's tail moved. He was afraid, since he didn't know how to protect Nyr on this one. He tried the only thing he thought would work- and that was trying to worm his way into Falcon's thoughts.

"Falcon? I don't know if you can hear me or not, but you need to wake up! I don't know what's happening, but I think you- your body?- I don't know! But either way, you're about to kill Nyr! Wake UP!"

He warbled pitifully, starting to move slowly until he was perched on Nyr's shoulder. If Falcon striked, he would put himself in the way and do what it took to protect Nyr. The whole situation was bizarre, he thought. Here Falcon had just save Nyr, and now he was trying to kill her. It worried him. He knew the being had the power to overtake even Nyr, especially with her weakened state. He just wondered if they'd be able to wake him up on their own without any incidents.

||Abandoned Building - Faereach City||


Falcon's eyes snapped open the instant Nyr'd touched his cheek. He wasn't groggy, he wasn't confused. He knew exactly where he was and what was going on. After all, this exact moment had played out before. However, last time, he had no idea what would happen if he moved the person out of the way in time, and in fear of his own life, simply averted his eyes, and heard the sickening crack of spinal cord shattering as his face was bathed in blood and bone. This time, however, he had no qualms about his own life- not that he cared about the one in front of him- and would rather embrace the cold release of death a second time than take a life of one who trusted him enough to approach him, despite his previous transgressions. So, in a swift movement, he backhanded Nyr, sending her careening away from him and into the stairs leading to the roof. For him, it was a light tap, and his knuckle hadn't even connected with her cheek- she'd been moved by the wind generated by his hand. If it'd connected, she'd have had her neck snapped like a twig. Instead, she probably just had a sore back.

His tail shot forward with speed impossible to percieve to the naked, human eye. In an instant a loud snap was heard as his tail shot towards him with full intent to kill him. A loud crunching sound echoed throughout the building as his tail smashed through him and into the wall.

"..." A soft trickling could be heard as black blood dripped from Falcon's cheek and down to the floor. He swallowed, looking to his right. He'd moved in time. Barely. If he'd been any slower, he'd have skewered himself. Luckily, he'd just have to live with Van Gogh'ing himself. He forced back the pain of piercing his own ear, and instead ripped his head away from his tail, the disgusting sound of tearing cartilage and tearing blood vessels and skin accompanying his maneuver. The trickle from before became a slow fountain that bubbled like tar down his face and dripped down onto his chest. Funnily enough, in place of the two holes from before, a pair of solid black plates rested, radiating a black light that'd wink in and out in time with his own heartbeat.

"Bubble." He glared coldly at the familiar, his rage concealed behind a sheet of disbelief and, quite frankly, not-giving-a-shit. "I thought I told you to keep her away from me when I woke up." Falcon then picked himself up, and attempted, half-heartedly to remove his tail from the wall- it of course being to no avail. Great. Not only had he lost an ear, he'd speared his tail in concrete and wasn't strong enough to get it out.
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Halohbottech said:

||Abandoned Building > The Streets > Skyscraper - Faereach City||


Falcon was dead tired. No, undead tired, as he made it back to a familiar roof, whereupon he left his shirt- something he definitely wasn't going to slip into, given the fact he was currently one, bleeding out, and too, covered in Aquios. A loud bang could be heard down the alleyway as the Humasilisk slammed his way into his home, too tired to be surprised by the fire still burning within the building, despite its meager amount of fuel left. Tossing in some more crushed bone, he slowly layed Nyr on the ground next to the fire- but not so close that a stray spark might catch her hair on fire. He blinked, confused. Why had he thought of that.

"...well. Wouldn't want her to get any hotter." He muttered, completely oblivious to the double entendre he'd just made, as his eyes traced her figure. That is, until he reached her navel, and began to realize that she wasn't exactly wearing the most... concealing of outfits. Feeling the blood rush to his head rather than his open wounds, he stumbled around a bit until he found his trench coat, and tossed it over her. Might as well keep her decent. It was odd, in his mind, that he would treat a human- or, a shaman, in this case- with this much respect, but he figured he could at least treat her nice before he killed her or ruined her life.

"Now that that's finished-" he grasped himself, or, rather, Aquios, and began to pull. He'd dealt with being covered in sentient slime before. Being covered in Aquios wasn't too different. All about using leverage with air to create a little pocket. From there, as Falcon demonstrated, it was rather easy to pull off your assailant. "-I can not feel like I'm drowning." He grunted, none-too-gently tossing Aquios onto Nyr. "Now, onto my mid-afterno-*thunk!*" Falcon almost immediately collapsed against the nearest wall after tossing Aquios away, all the energy from his adrenaline gone. He was still chilled to the bone, unaware that Aquios was trying to warm him before he'd gotten rid of the familiar. He could feel his own mind slipping into unconsciousness as his body began to shut down to repair himself. Of course, with him being created to hunt humans, he had some regenerative properties. Enough to heal the holes in his stomach and lung? Fuck no, he thought, as he slid down the wall, the hole in his back tracing a black line behind him. His poor vision trained on Aquios and Nyr, as he waved the familiar away.

"Don't get near me, Bubble. You already did enough damage... Just let my body take over... and whatever yuh dew..." He blinked slowly, opening and closing one eye at a time. "Dun' let 'r near meh when ah wake..." He blinked, zoning out for a second before snapping back into reality. "...when ah wake up. An' no ma-!" And like that, Falcon was out like a light, a little black blood dribbling out of his maw. Unconsciously, his body controlled the blood, making it slip into both of the holes, a sizzling sound coming from them, as the blood-spit solution began to do its work, forcing his cells into overdrive to reproduce at an alarming rate, healing him fast, but not visually so.

=- - - - -=


A soft thumping could be heard as a man, easily in his mid-to-late forties jogged up to Vix and Melchio, his face serene, chiseled, and a tad bit... sad. He looked similar to the Statue of David come to life, if David aged about twenty-three years and had that 'still kind of hot dad' look going on. His pants were old, grey jogging pants you could buy at any flea market, but his shirt was something interesting. It was akin to a Slipknot shirt, however, instead of demonic aspects swirling around it, holy, and even religious markings swirled instead. His whole body seemed to hum with a latent, soothing energy, and his eyes- a striking shade of jade- glinted with a humorous, if somewhat sad light- like he was a man who tried to see the best in life, yet understood its flaws.

"Oh dear. One never quite gets used to this city's extravagances, no matter how long one lives here!" He chuckled, his voice a couple octaves deeper than Melchio's, and oddly unfitting of his form. Whenever he spoke, if one listened closely, they could almost hear church bells ring in the background of his voice. "I mean, one moment, one's watching a magnificent match against a luchador! and the magnificent Torr, and the next he sees a woman trying to teach a young man how to free run! Well, I believe all running's free, but apparently, I'm not enjoying running to it's full extent! Tea?" He offered it not to the unconscious young man, but instead Vix, who it appeared he'd been talking to this whole time. "I'm quite partial to chamomile- do you like chamomile kitsune-friend?" If Vix chose to accept the tea, he'd be surprised by its energizing properties- hopefully, it'd be enough to bring him back to his humanoid form. If not... well he got himself some free tea!

+- - - - -+

~Frillz! Yeah!~

Frillz frowned as he thought about Torr's question. Huh. He had been gone a long time, huh? He bet Mykky'd be worried. Prooobably. Maybe not? After all, she was a big-girl now- not like that tiny babe he'd found way back when. He grinned, waving off any notion of worry. Bah, she was fine! She could take care of herself! Plus, it was always fun to explore and learn more about the world- something he'd never been able to do before!

"Mykky OK! You OK?" Frillz figured he was fine, but it was always good to make certain. He wouldn't want his precious friend Torr to go and die on him. He'd make great fertilizer, but you don't eat friends, so it'd be really sad if that became his fate.
Vix took small sips of his tea feeling himself regain a good amount of energy. He transformed back into his normal humanoid form feel better, but still being very tired. He looked towards the man. "Thank you my friend, it's not often someone comes to the aid of a fox" he said with a grin. He looked towards melchio and frowned, whatever happened took a lot out of him he thought. He smiled at the man and said " this city is a very strange place, with very strange people, but there no where else that most of us can fit in so you get use to it " he said with a grin. He checks melchio vitals and came to the conclusion that it wouldn't take much to heal him. He looks toward the man and said "excuse, sir but I need to help my sleeping beauty over here." he said while laughing. He chants a small healing spell and pressed his palms into melchio chest. He won't take long for him to wake up and then they can regroup. He would offer his house as a place to plan their next move, plus it will be easy to track two distinct scents. He softly whispers to melchio " alright handsome no more beauty sleep, we have a job to do now." @Halohbottech
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Halohbottech said:

||Abandoned Building - Faereach City||


Falcon's eyes snapped open the instant Nyr'd touched his cheek. He wasn't groggy, he wasn't confused. He knew exactly where he was and what was going on. After all, this exact moment had played out before. However, last time, he had no idea what would happen if he moved the person out of the way in time, and in fear of his own life, simply averted his eyes, and heard the sickening crack of spinal cord shattering as his face was bathed in blood and bone. This time, however, he had no qualms about his own life- not that he cared about the one in front of him- and would rather embrace the cold release of death a second time than take a life of one who trusted him enough to approach him, despite his previous transgressions. So, in a swift movement, he backhanded Nyr, sending her careening away from him and into the stairs leading to the roof. For him, it was a light tap, and his knuckle hadn't even connected with her cheek- she'd been moved by the wind generated by his hand. If it'd connected, she'd have had her neck snapped like a twig. Instead, she probably just had a sore back.

His tail shot forward with speed impossible to percieve to the naked, human eye. In an instant a loud snap was heard as his tail shot towards him with full intent to kill him. A loud crunching sound echoed throughout the building as his tail smashed through him and into the wall.

"..." A soft trickling could be heard as black blood dripped from Falcon's cheek and down to the floor. He swallowed, looking to his right. He'd moved in time. Barely. If he'd been any slower, he'd have skewered himself. Luckily, he'd just have to live with Van Gogh'ing himself. He forced back the pain of piercing his own ear, and instead ripped his head away from his tail, the disgusting sound of tearing cartilage and tearing blood vessels and skin accompanying his maneuver. The trickle from before became a slow fountain that bubbled like tar down his face and dripped down onto his chest. Funnily enough, in place of the two holes from before, a pair of solid black plates rested, radiating a black light that'd wink in and out in time with his own heartbeat.

"Bubble." He glared coldly at the familiar, his rage concealed behind a sheet of disbelief and, quite frankly, not-giving-a-shit. "I thought I told you to keep her away from me when I woke up." Falcon then picked himself up, and attempted, half-heartedly to remove his tail from the wall- it of course being to no avail. Great. Not only had he lost an ear, he'd speared his tail in concrete and wasn't strong enough to get it out.
Nyr yelped as she slammed into the concrete and she groaned, sitting up and rubbing her head. She huffed a little, glaring at him as he stood and tried to remove is tail. At that, she actually giggled a little and pulled herself to her feet, stretching a bit before approaching him cautiously. Not because she was scared, but because she didn't want to threaten him any more.

"Never heard anybody call him 'Bubble' before. Than again, most people can't talk to him. Don't get mad at him though, I was the one who got curious. I guess I should listen when they say curiosity killed the cat." She giggled a bit before running her fingers through her matted hair. She'd kill for a shower right now, that's for damn sure. She looked at his tail and puffed her cheeks out before turning her attention back to him.

"I can get that out for you...if you want me to, that is. I'd hate to leave you stuck there but I wont approach you unless you give me permission to do so. Thanks for saving me, I think? Or, at least, not eating me." She grinned before leaning down, scooping up Aquios and placing him inside the pocket of the coat that seemed ridiculously big on her.

"It's a shame that my clothes didn't make it through that. That was my only set, such a damn shame." She tsked, shaking her head. "I spent months working the leather to the proper stiffness and then cutting and stitching it until it covered what was important and left room to connect to the elements as much as possible." She pouted a bit, seeming entirely un-phased that she almost was just killed by this person.

"Unfortunately, however, I don't have money. So you're either gonna have to steal somethin for me, or you're gonna have to wait until I meet up with someone who can buy me new clothes." She honestly seemed more upset that her clothes were destroyed over the fact that she almost just died. Not the first time she's kissed death though, she supposed.
Tazmodo said:
Reed laughed. "I don't need sleep but I like it. And I could just sleep out in the grass again it wasn't to bad. But I was mugged had to track him down and get my stuff back. I don't think it'll happen again." Reed noticed her blush and smiled. "You're pretty cute you know that."
Taylor blushed even more. "Come on in, ya dummy!" she replied, as she grabbed Reed by the shoulder and pushed him along.
loyalwolf said:
Vix took small sips of his tea feeling himself regain a good amount of energy. He transformed back into his normal humanoid form feel better, but still being very tired. He looked towards the man. "Thank you my friend, it's not often someone comes to the aid of a fox" he said with a grin. He looked towards melchio and frowned, whatever happened took a lot out of him he thought. He smiled at the man and said " this city is a very strange place, with very strange people, but there no where else that most of us can fit in so you get use to it " he said with a grin. He checks melchio vitals and came to the conclusion that it wouldn't take much to heal him. He looks toward the man and said "excuse, sir but I need to help my sleeping beauty over here." he said while laughing. He chants a small healing spell and pressed his palms into melchio chest. He won't take long for him to wake up and then they can regroup. He would offer his house as a place to plan their next move, plus it will be easy to track two distinct scents. He softly whispers to melchio " alright hands on no more beauty sleep, we have a job to do now." @Halohbottech
temporalSorceress said:
Nyr yelped as she slammed into the concrete and she groaned, sitting up and rubbing her head. She huffed a little, glaring at him as he stood and tried to remove is tail. At that, she actually giggled a little and pulled herself to her feet, stretching a bit before approaching him cautiously. Not because she was scared, but because she didn't want to threaten him any more.
"Never heard anybody call him 'Bubble' before. Than again, most people can't talk to him. Don't get mad at him though, I was the one who got curious. I guess I should listen when they say curiosity killed the cat." She giggled a bit before running her fingers through her matted hair. She'd kill for a shower right now, that's for damn sure. She looked at his tail and puffed her cheeks out before turning her attention back to him.

"I can get that out for you...if you want me to, that is. I'd hate to leave you stuck there but I wont approach you unless you give me permission to do so. Thanks for saving me, I think? Or, at least, not eating me." She grinned before leaning down, scooping up Aquios and placing him inside the pocket of the coat that seemed ridiculously big on her.

"It's a shame that my clothes didn't make it through that. That was my only set, such a damn shame." She tsked, shaking her head. "I spent months working the leather to the proper stiffness and then cutting and stitching it until it covered what was important and left room to connect to the elements as much as possible." She pouted a bit, seeming entirely un-phased that she almost was just killed by this person.

"Unfortunately, however, I don't have money. So you're either gonna have to steal somethin for me, or you're gonna have to wait until I meet up with someone who can buy me new clothes." She honestly seemed more upset that her clothes were destroyed over the fact that she almost just died. Not the first time she's kissed death though, she supposed.

||The Streets > Abandoned Building - Faereach City||


The man smiled broadly, almost as if he were... proud of the kitsune. "Help a fox? Why, all I did was give you a little tea! It's your own strength that brought you back to this form, young one!" His smile stayed for only a moment, before he gazed over Melchio's unconscious form. Then, it was replaced with a similar, yet sadder grin that could tell a tale by itself. It was obvious he'd met this lad before, somewhere, and this scenario had played out before. Despite all the technology around, the exact same issue happened many years ago, and that last confrontation...

Suddenly, the man grabbed Vix's shoulders, a desperate look in his sad jade eyes. "Vix... I need you to promise this old man something. Melchio... he's strong. I'm sure you understand that now. But... every time I look at him, I see too much Angel in him and not enough human. He's too strong for his own good. And I'm afraid he's overestimating his abilities at this point. He's never had a person rival his true power besides the man he tried to kill just before- Falcon, his surrogate brother." He trained those desperate jade eyes on Melchio's sleeping form, though the slightest signs of him waking up could be seen- a winking eyelid here, a twitching finger there. "Please, as the only one Melchio sees as... more than just a simple friend, I ask that you take care of him. Even if he wishes to hunt down Falcon, you cannot let him! He'll end up getting himself killed... Please... take care of my boy in my place. I wish... I wish I could be here for him- be here to guide him-" He didn't even bother to stop the silver tears from slipping from his eyes and plopping wetly to the ground. "-but I cannot. Too many rules, too many boundaries exist for me to help him as Falcon's father's helped him."

His eyes again looked to Vix, pleading that he listen to him. "Find ways to distract him... This is a big city, I'm sure you can do it... His favourite food is salmon, I remember that much." A somber grin came to the man's lips as he fondly remembered times long past. "I remember those days on that cold beach with his mother- he was just a babe yet he could catch salmon twice his size like they were nothing! I'd never seen anything like it before, and I felt a deep love for him then, just as deep as I do now when I look upon him." He returned his gaze to Vix once more. "So... please... grant this old man a favour. Please, Vix the Kitsune... Protect him."

>- - - - -<


"...Anyone ever tell you that you ramble a lot...?" He muttered, now putting his back into trying to remove his tail. Damnit. It didn't even budge an inch. It was stuck fast. He knew one way to get it loose, but he had enough pain for one day, and he had the scars at this point to prove it. Sighing, he turned from the wall, grabbing some white cloth that was once a shirt, and he wrapped it around his head, over where his ear once was. Maybe he'd grow out his hair a little- use it to cover his new head-hole. Again, he attempted one last half-hearted tug on his tail before giving up, and plopping down as close to the fire as he could. He couldn't reach any meat from here- he'd already devoured that woman, leaving behind only her skeleton, and the three other bodies he had to eat were sealed up tight in the black bag that was just out of reach.

"...Maybe you should include a bra in your next design." He joked, halfheartedly, unhappy with his current arrangements. "After all, if I were more of a man, I wouldn't complain, it gets tiring constantly being slapped in the back by a woman's tits." He grinned, more than pleased with himself. He was off his adrenaline rush now, and couldn't care less if Nyr was offended by his comments. All the better if she hated him anyways. Everyone else did, well- he looked off to Aquios, or, where he was being stored- ...almost everyone hated him. Better for her to be part of the crowd than part of the loser brigade. "I think a little support'd do you good."

He then glared at her, as if she'd said something completely out of the question and ludicrous after he was finished processing what she'd said. "Woah woah, hold up miss. I don't know who you think I am, but just because I'm some bum living in an abandoned building in one of the worst parts of town, doesn't mean I condone stealing. I only condone killing, cannibalism, and-" he cut himself off. No need to talk about people's no-no squares anymore today. Some topics were better left for later. Tomorrow is another day, after all. "...ahem. Anyways, if you get me out of here, we can, uh..." He stopped himself, once again, and found himself trying to think of the right words to use. He couldn't blush across his face, but his ears always lit up whenever he embarrassed himself substantially. And right now, his remaining ear was burning quite the shade of hot pink. "We can... go buy you some clothes. Don't misunderstand. I'm not doing this because you're important, or anything. I just feel... obligated. Yeah." He glanced off too the side, averting his eyes from the woman hogging his trench coat. "Obligated. Could you get me free now please..."
Shiro Majima

Shiro nodded knowingly. A quest to slay a floating island was... nothing new, actually. As part of their training, all members of The Order of the Surprising Fist were required to join up with a traveling party of adventurers. Genuine martial artists were a coveted resource in the world of adventuring, and martial artists trained in the Way of the Surprising Fist were worth their weight in gold. Shiro shuddered internally at dim memories of questing across the country in search of the legendary Moon Gates and the Eight Virtues, but betrayed no emotions outwardly.

"You want a dead island, master, you got it. Point me at the ladder, and I'll be back 'fore you know it! You're lookin' at the guy who killed the Kerrick, ya know!"

Shiro jabbed his thumb at himself and smirked. However, his confidence briefly wavered.

"So, master... I'm gonna guess there's some big golem or a glowy monster in the middle of the island, right?" Shiro asked, a slight tinge of hopefulness staining his voice. "I stomp it an' the island explodes, jus' like how it goes back east. Izzat how you want this to go down?"

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Halohbottech said:

||The Streets > Abandoned Building - Faereach City||


The man smiled broadly, almost as if he were... proud of the kitsune. "Help a fox? Why, all I did was give you a little tea! It's your own strength that brought you back to this form, young one!" His smile stayed for only a moment, before he gazed over Melchio's unconscious form. Then, it was replaced with a similar, yet sadder grin that could tell a tale by itself. It was obvious he'd met this lad before, somewhere, and this scenario had played out before. Despite all the technology around, the exact same issue happened many years ago, and that last confrontation...

Suddenly, the man grabbed Vix's shoulders, a desperate look in his sad jade eyes. "Vix... I need you to promise this old man something. Melchio... he's strong. I'm sure you understand that now. But... every time I look at him, I see too much Angel in him and not enough human. He's too strong for his own good. And I'm afraid he's overestimating his abilities at this point. He's never had a person rival his true power besides the man he tried to kill just before- Falcon, his surrogate brother." He trained those desperate jade eyes on Melchio's sleeping form, though the slightest signs of him waking up could be seen- a winking eyelid here, a twitching finger there. "Please, as the only one Melchio sees as... more than just a simple friend, I ask that you take care of him. Even if he wishes to hunt down Falcon, you cannot let him! He'll end up getting himself killed... Please... take care of my boy in my place. I wish... I wish I could be here for him- be here to guide him-" He didn't even bother to stop the silver tears from slipping from his eyes and plopping wetly to the ground. "-but I cannot. Too many rules, too many boundaries exist for me to help him as Falcon's father's helped him."

His eyes again looked to Vix, pleading that he listen to him. "Find ways to distract him... This is a big city, I'm sure you can do it... His favourite food is salmon, I remember that much." A somber grin came to the man's lips as he fondly remembered times long past. "I remember those days on that cold beach with his mother- he was just a babe yet he could catch salmon twice his size like they were nothing! I'd never seen anything like it before, and I felt a deep love for him then, just as deep as I do now when I look upon him." He returned his gaze to Vix once more. "So... please... grant this old man a favour. Please, Vix the Kitsune... Protect him."

>- - - - -<


"...Anyone ever tell you that you ramble a lot...?" He muttered, now putting his back into trying to remove his tail. Damnit. It didn't even budge an inch. It was stuck fast. He knew one way to get it loose, but he had enough pain for one day, and he had the scars at this point to prove it. Sighing, he turned from the wall, grabbing some white cloth that was once a shirt, and he wrapped it around his head, over where his ear once was. Maybe he'd grow out his hair a little- use it to cover his new head-hole. Again, he attempted one last half-hearted tug on his tail before giving up, and plopping down as close to the fire as he could. He couldn't reach any meat from here- he'd already devoured that woman, leaving behind only her skeleton, and the three other bodies he had to eat were sealed up tight in the black bag that was just out of reach.

"...Maybe you should include a bra in your next design." He joked, halfheartedly, unhappy with his current arrangements. "After all, if I were more of a man, I wouldn't complain, it gets tiring constantly being slapped in the back by a woman's tits." He grinned, more than pleased with himself. He was off his adrenaline rush now, and couldn't care less if Nyr was offended by his comments. All the better if she hated him anyways. Everyone else did, well- he looked off to Aquios, or, where he was being stored- ...almost everyone hated him. Better for her to be part of the crowd than part of the loser brigade. "I think a little support'd do you good."

He then glared at her, as if she'd said something completely out of the question and ludicrous after he was finished processing what she'd said. "Woah woah, hold up miss. I don't know who you think I am, but just because I'm some bum living in an abandoned building in one of the worst parts of town, doesn't mean I condone stealing. I only condone killing, cannibalism, and-" he cut himself off. No need to talk about people's no-no squares anymore today. Some topics were better left for later. Tomorrow is another day, after all. "...ahem. Anyways, if you get me out of here, we can, uh..." He stopped himself, once again, and found himself trying to think of the right words to use. He couldn't blush across his face, but his ears always lit up whenever he embarrassed himself substantially. And right now, his remaining ear was burning quite the shade of hot pink. "We can... go buy you some clothes. Don't misunderstand. I'm not doing this because you're important, or anything. I just feel... obligated. Yeah." He glanced off too the side, averting his eyes from the woman hogging his trench coat. "Obligated. Could you get me free now please..."
Nyr snorts a bit at the fact that she rambles. Yes, she talked a lot, but she didn't think she spoke that much. Her thoughts quickly turned tail and a blush quickly coated her almond skin at his next few comments. She huffed and moved until she was crouched next to his tail.

"You're lucky I even had any clothes on to begin with. Where I come from, nudity is not uncommon." She poked her tongue out at him before turning her attention to his tail. She hadn't failed to notice the blush, but she couldn't say anything since her own skin practically matched. She rested her hands on either side of his tail, closing her eyes and exhaling a little before she pushed her hands apart, the concrete groaning before widening a little under her touch which freed his tail. After she was done, she stood up and realized just how close they were. Instead of stepping away, she just stared.

"Has anyone ever told you-" She cuts herself off quickly and changes subject just as quickly. "While I'm in your bubble, do you want me to fix that as well?" She tilts her head, motioning to his missing ear. She didn't doubt that she could heal it, she just wasn't sure if he'd let her or not.
Halohbottech said:

||The Streets > Abandoned Building - Faereach City||


The man smiled broadly, almost as if he were... proud of the kitsune. "Help a fox? Why, all I did was give you a little tea! It's your own strength that brought you back to this form, young one!" His smile stayed for only a moment, before he gazed over Melchio's unconscious form. Then, it was replaced with a similar, yet sadder grin that could tell a tale by itself. It was obvious he'd met this lad before, somewhere, and this scenario had played out before. Despite all the technology around, the exact same issue happened many years ago, and that last confrontation...

Suddenly, the man grabbed Vix's shoulders, a desperate look in his sad jade eyes. "Vix... I need you to promise this old man something. Melchio... he's strong. I'm sure you understand that now. But... every time I look at him, I see too much Angel in him and not enough human. He's too strong for his own good. And I'm afraid he's overestimating his abilities at this point. He's never had a person rival his true power besides the man he tried to kill just before- Falcon, his surrogate brother." He trained those desperate jade eyes on Melchio's sleeping form, though the slightest signs of him waking up could be seen- a winking eyelid here, a twitching finger there. "Please, as the only one Melchio sees as... more than just a simple friend, I ask that you take care of him. Even if he wishes to hunt down Falcon, you cannot let him! He'll end up getting himself killed... Please... take care of my boy in my place. I wish... I wish I could be here for him- be here to guide him-" He didn't even bother to stop the silver tears from slipping from his eyes and plopping wetly to the ground. "-but I cannot. Too many rules, too many boundaries exist for me to help him as Falcon's father's helped him."

His eyes again looked to Vix, pleading that he listen to him. "Find ways to distract him... This is a big city, I'm sure you can do it... His favourite food is salmon, I remember that much." A somber grin came to the man's lips as he fondly remembered times long past. "I remember those days on that cold beach with his mother- he was just a babe yet he could catch salmon twice his size like they were nothing! I'd never seen anything like it before, and I felt a deep love for him then, just as deep as I do now when I look upon him." He returned his gaze to Vix once more. "So... please... grant this old man a favour. Please, Vix the Kitsune... Protect him."

>- - - - -<


"...Anyone ever tell you that you ramble a lot...?" He muttered, now putting his back into trying to remove his tail. Damnit. It didn't even budge an inch. It was stuck fast. He knew one way to get it loose, but he had enough pain for one day, and he had the scars at this point to prove it. Sighing, he turned from the wall, grabbing some white cloth that was once a shirt, and he wrapped it around his head, over where his ear once was. Maybe he'd grow out his hair a little- use it to cover his new head-hole. Again, he attempted one last half-hearted tug on his tail before giving up, and plopping down as close to the fire as he could. He couldn't reach any meat from here- he'd already devoured that woman, leaving behind only her skeleton, and the three other bodies he had to eat were sealed up tight in the black bag that was just out of reach.

"...Maybe you should include a bra in your next design." He joked, halfheartedly, unhappy with his current arrangements. "After all, if I were more of a man, I wouldn't complain, it gets tiring constantly being slapped in the back by a woman's tits." He grinned, more than pleased with himself. He was off his adrenaline rush now, and couldn't care less if Nyr was offended by his comments. All the better if she hated him anyways. Everyone else did, well- he looked off to Aquios, or, where he was being stored- ...almost everyone hated him. Better for her to be part of the crowd than part of the loser brigade. "I think a little support'd do you good."

He then glared at her, as if she'd said something completely out of the question and ludicrous after he was finished processing what she'd said. "Woah woah, hold up miss. I don't know who you think I am, but just because I'm some bum living in an abandoned building in one of the worst parts of town, doesn't mean I condone stealing. I only condone killing, cannibalism, and-" he cut himself off. No need to talk about people's no-no squares anymore today. Some topics were better left for later. Tomorrow is another day, after all. "...ahem. Anyways, if you get me out of here, we can, uh..." He stopped himself, once again, and found himself trying to think of the right words to use. He couldn't blush across his face, but his ears always lit up whenever he embarrassed himself substantially. And right now, his remaining ear was burning quite the shade of hot pink. "We can... go buy you some clothes. Don't misunderstand. I'm not doing this because you're important, or anything. I just feel... obligated. Yeah." He glanced off too the side, averting his eyes from the woman hogging his trench coat. "Obligated. Could you get me free now please..."

Vix had taken in every word the man said and nod understandingly. He gave a small “seems all I’ve been doing is protecting people, doing favors for people or healing them. I don’t know if I can protect everyone, I'm lucky enough I can protect myself, but I guess I can try my best, sir. I’m no hero and I don’t think I will ever be but I can at least pretend for your son’s sake.” Vix sighed the love a parent had for their children is something beautiful to witness but it also is very painful for him to look at. Even with rule and boundaries this man can still find a way to look after his son, something that his own parent never did. He let the thought pass and look back at the man, “ I'll take care of him the best I can for sure, but I need my own favor to ask, sir, when the time comes I am going to need your help so I hope you're prepared to repay in full” he said with his fox grin. Even all powerful beings can't escape a debate, especially if it's to a fox. He looked toward melchio and spoke out loud “ill let your son know you said Hi and that you love him. I'll make sure he distracted while I try to find a way to hunt down this falcon guy and kill him myself. Plus, I don’t want melchio to have to go through the pain of killing his own family or having his own family kill him, that's something no should have to go through.” He gave the man a reassuring tap on the shoulder, looks like he even has to comfort angel now what has his life become he thought to himself. He checks on melchio to make everything was healing properly and his spell was still doing its job. He then thought looks like I'm having salmon for dinner, then with a smile.


Ikari just got down ransacking a shopping to fill himself up with food and Liquir. He was walking though the park when smells the familiar scent of a kitsune. His lips twitched into a smirk. He began to walk toward the direction it was coming from until he reached the park. He looked around and said “well, looks like there some hope for baby brother after all.” He continued walking as a slow pace, he was in no rush. He would get what he wanted in due time. After all the hunt is 40% of the fun, the torture is 50% of the fun and then there begging right before death make up the last 10%, so he’ll just let this drag on to increase his amusement. @Halohbottech
Kandra Bal Magna - Dracolich Castle's Throne Room

Kandra was alerted when someone had taken down a few creatures in the Emerald Enclave. "Hm..." He mumbled as the mirror zoomed in on Hitsuguya. "Why hello there, let's play a game shall we?" He said before he leaned back into his throne and let his magic loose. Down where his plaything was, several trees started to burn with a sickly green flame. The charred remain warped and fused together to form a towering monstrosity of undeath and nature. @Veyd Sahvoz



Faereach State Building - Ruined Plaza Crater Slash Impromptu Dragon Grave

"A stomp... and then an explosion?!" El Ruidoso cried out, with bombastic aplomb and the back of his hand to his forehead! "Nonononononono! Explosive, but suicidal, and lacking in DRAMA! Lacking in EXCITEMENT! Should you truly wish to learn the wonderful Marad arts and the ways of the lucha, then you must learn to be MAGNIFICENT! You must learn FIERY PASSION!"

The Crowd was listening in intently, eager for all forms of wisdom from the luchador. However, his time in the spotlight had passed, and now he had a more noble goal ahead of him! This man must learn the ways of the dramatic! And to do that, he did NOT need an audience! Witnessing the student's rise to power would cheapen the reveal of his new skills on the eve of his dramatic reveal! A simple training montage would suffice! But later, after the student's first orbital Hurricanrana or other amazing feat of might and maniless!


Such power! Such ferocity! Such FIERY PASSION! The Crowd had no choice to obey, and with reluctance they returned to their daily activities, their lives permanently enriched by the presence of the mighty El Ruidoso de Marad! It was truly a magnificent day!

"Now follow me, mi estudiante!" he thus declared, walking away dramatically and with purpose! Of course, the mighty luchador fully expected his new acolyte to follow him to his destination, as was the role of student to teacher! "We must reach the Ladder of Might, and there will be your first test!"

Residential District - Shonky Ladder To The Emerald Enclave (Helpfully Prepared Earlier)

El Ruidoso de Marad, Mighty Lucha Wrestler, led Shiro Majima (or at least he hoped Shiro was following) towards a quiet part of town, weaving through the denizens with politeness and grace, signing an autograph here, kissing a baby's head there, and all the while taking down the phone numbers of the attractive ladies who for some strange reason were throwing themselves at the masked maestro. Still, it took little time for the pair of them to arrive at where a simple rope ladder was fastened to the ground, leading up into the clouds. Oddly, the citizens here were apathetic, only taking care to ensure they did not run into it. The ladder had likely been here for a while.

"TEN KILOMETRES!" boomed El Ruidoso de Marad. "Buffeted by the wind! With no safety net! This is how I first reached my destination, and how I was able to find and battle Sleghan, Lord of the Depths! Your first task is to ascend this ladder to..." another dramatic pause for effect, "THE EMERALD ENCLAVE!"

The gasp from all of the surrounding citizens did not rob the air of its precious oxygen this time, so few they were, but there were hushed whispers, doors being closed and barred, windows being locked, and people running for cover. Meanwhile, El Ruidoso had no time for such cowards! A true man with with SHEER BRASS BALLS does not run from fear! He CONQUERS his fear and leaves it quivering and trembling on the ground like a man who has run headfirst into a wall! He had already started on the ladder, and his mighty climbing skills put his earlier ascent up the Faereach State Building to SHAME. SHAME, I say!
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@Drumonkey @Mitchs98 "Ah sorry! That's one of my random doodles, I've got quiet good at them over the centuries." He said before flicking through a few more pages and revealing a picture of Dru in Egyptian garb. "Is this you?" Asked Ralzanoth.
CHIMNY said:
"We could go around robbing everyone but it would take too long,I suggest finding an abandoned building or breaking into an apartment." Just then Varkov saw smoke coming from the Faereach State Building, "Elsabeth did you notice that?...... Its probably not our problem yet."
Elsabeth followed Varkov's glance and saw the smoke. "Hmm...It's probably not our problem-" She paused, "But it looks interesting." She started walking towards the Faereach State Building to see what was happening.
"We might aswell check it out." Said Varkov as he began to fly towards it, full speed. He didnt really want to go, it could be a nuisance, he didnt really care about safety.

CHIMNY said:
"We might aswell check it out." Said Varkov as he began to fly towards it, full speed. He didnt really want to go, it could be a nuisance, he didnt really care about safety.
Elsabeth watched as he rushed off and huffed. She turned into her crow form and flew after him. She thought whatever this smoke was could be pretty exciting - she hoped.
Domxx said:
Elsabeth watched as he rushed off and huffed. She turned into her crow form and flew after him. She thought whatever this smoke was could be pretty exciting - she hoped.
Varkov shortly arrived and found a gigantic crater in the ground. "I wish I could have seen this, hehe." Varkov told Spark as he was laughing. He then looked behind him and found Elsabeth in crow form a long distance away from him, he quickly pulled her towards, just to make things fast. "Could you believe this!? Its almost like a Winterborne explosive dragon egg hatching! Only bigger!"
CHIMNY said:
Varkov shortly arrived and found a gigantic crater in the ground. "I wish I could have seen this, hehe." Varkov told Spark as he was laughing. He then looked behind him and found Elsabeth in crow form a long distance away from him, he quickly pulled her towards, just to make things fast. "Could you believe this!? Its almost like a Winterborne explosive dragon egg hatching! Only bigger!"
Elsabeth turned back into her human form and looked at the crater, she took a long pause before speaking, "What?"

She wasn't really thinking about any aspect of danger as she walked towards the crater, she wanted to go inside of it.

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