Ezra Lewis



Name  (full name)|| Ezra Adam Lewis

Nickname(s) ||

Age (16-18) || 17

Nationality || Italian American

DOB || November 7th

Birthplace || Overhaven

Likes (4+) || People who sign, extremely heavy, loud music, too much redbull, terrible movies, an unreasonable amount of attention, art

Dislikes (4+) || cochlear implants, lip reading, most people, being ignored 

Hobbies || filming, drawing

Fears || big crowds

Any disorders? (if so, tell me about it) || He's deaf, although that's not really a disorder

Medication (if needed) ||


Appearance: He has green eyes, a lot of freckles, and a fairly girly,  pretty face with huge fuzzy caterpillar eyebrows and long dark eyelashes. His hair is dark brown, curly and soft, and he leaves it just long enough to drive his mother insane. He stands at 6'1 and is pretty well proportioned without being noticeably pudgy or toned. His fingers are long enough and his hands big enough to look just slightly weird, people tell him that he should play piano all the time, and he rolls his eyes at them. He paints his nails occasionally, partially because it looks nice and partially to see if his parents will notice and yell at him for it. They never do.

When it comes to style, he's either really trendy, or wearing a horrorifically ugly sweater, that he probably loves from the bottom of his heart. One day, someone asked if he was going to an ugly sweater party and he was so offended that he ceaselessly made fun of them in sign to anyone who would listen for two months. Otherwise, he wears whatever is in fashion, and only the most stylish ripped jeans, and generally looks like he could be in an urban outfitters ad.

Bio|| may or may not need to roleplay it out

Personality traits|| he's a sarcastic little shit. Ezra is snarky but mostly in a way that's funny rather than mean. He takes full advantage when one of his friends nearby knows sign language to secretly roast everyone else in the room though. He has a bit of a chip on his shoulder and tends to be a bit brood-y sometimes, being deaf in a 'perfect' town sucks, and almost everyone expects him to use his implant to "get over it." Despite the brood-y vibe he's really not as bad as he seems, and perks up almost immediately if you even try to communicate with him in any way that isn't making him read your lips, and will be 300% happier to talk to you. Once you do this, he's basically impossible to get rid of. Ezra also has no sense of spatial boundaries unless you very firmly set them. 

Occupation || floor guard at the roller rink

Grade || 11

Pets/Family Members ||

Anything else you want to tell me or if I forgot it || He's deaf, if you didn't catch that


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